The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 26, 1910, MEMORIAL DAY SECTION, Image 11

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How Alliance Has Grown
The Herald man in talking wih F.
M- Broome, agent for the Lincoln
Land Company, is enabled to give its
readers an idea of bow Alliance has
grown during the past ten years The
following table of the lots sold is taken
from the company record:
Year Lots sold
inn! neats of the panic 155
wj 1
1906 J
1908 1
1909 ) " 53
1910 to date 79
All of these lots were sold to actual
residents and not to speculators. Most
of them now have dwellings and busi
ness houses upon them, occupied by
owners of the property, a small per
cent being occupied by renters. In
1899, about the fartherest house out
north was J. R. Phelan's and the one
of Albert Johnson being about the
only one on Big Horn avenue. Since
that time the company has platted the
following additions: County addition;
First County Addition; Second County
Addition; Wyoming Addition; Sheri
dan Addition and Nebraska Addition:
and out of these additions the bulk of
lots above enumerated were sold.
Many lots sold thus far this year have
been sold by metes and bounds and
will be given lot and block numbers
as soon as the company surveys out a
new addition and files the new plat
with the county records, which will
be in a few weeks and will embrace
territory on the north and east of the
new high school building and also a
new street west of County road.
In addition to sales enumerated,
there have also been sold tracts of land
outside the corporate limits. The forty
acre tract for fair ground; twenty acre
tract to Drake, and the blocks for the
various schools. .Mr. Broome informs
us that with the opening of each of the
new additions, pessimists and croakers
without number have predicted that the
town had reached its limit, in fact there
has not been a year that this prediction
has not been made and yet like a land
slide on the mountain side, each suc
ceeding year has witnessed develop
ments gathering in greater and stronger
force until now there is no influence
powerful enough to stay the rapid
growth of the city. Alliance has just
begun taking on its mature growth.
W. C. T. U. NOTES.
Mrs. Francis B. Heald, State Pr esl
dent V. C. T. U., has the following to
say in explanation of the initiative and
referendum and some reasons for the
1. "By initiative we mean the pro
posal of a law by a petition of the peo
ple. The proposal, when backed by
a petition bearing the signature of a
certain per cent of the people of the
state, must be enacted by the legisla
ture into law and submitted to the
whole body of electors of the state for
their approval. Thus, when the legis
lature refuses to give the people what
they want in legislation, this initiative
petition compels them to pass the bill
and submit it to the vote of the elect
ors. The difference between the in
itiative and the present form of peti
tion is that the initiative is compulsory
while the present form of petition is
simply advisory.
3. "Referendum gives the voters of
the state the right to approve or reject
all the laws passed by the legislature,
except emergency measures, such as
are necessary for the maintenance of
public health, peace and safety. This
power to be granted on a petition of a
certain per cent of the people of the
Some reasons for initiative and refer
endum law:
1. "The people, and not the repre
sentatives, elected to serve for a cer
tain time, should rule. The govern
ment over the people should be a 'gov
ernment of the people, by the people,
and for the people.
2. ''Under the system known as the
delegate or finul-vote system, now in
operation in the'state, the people have
little to do with legislative enactment.
They are limited to power of the bal
lot and the right of petition both of
which may be ignored by the so-called
representative. When once In oilice
this representative may ignore all pe
titions and vote as he pleases. The in
itiative compels the representatives of
the people to enact the bill asked for in
the petition.
3. "Without this initiative and ref
erendum pawer it will be seen that In
stead of passing laws that people want,
the so-called representatives can and
do make laws the people do not want,
and they can and do refuse to make
laws the people do want.
Following is a timely talk, also by
Mrs. Heald:
"The commission form of govern
ment for cities, which has proved such
a" success in Des Moines, la., and many
other cities, is fast spreading all over
'this country. Its essentials are based
uporf the general principles of the initi
ative and referendum. There are many
reasons why we women should make a
careful study of Political Economy and
the Science of Government. One or
two will be sufficient he-e. 'Let the
people rule' is- in the air and means wa
are soon to have franchise for vomen.
If we are posted on these questions we
can talk them over In the home, and
husbands and sons that have no time
to study can become Informed and
helped to cast a vote for the home rath
er than the saloon or other special in
terests. And to those who are posted
it will make an added tic of fellowship
In tho home which might mean moro
pleasaut evenings together.
"If you live In a city that Is 'rum
ruled' or politically corrupt, send to
the city clerk of Des Moines for Infor
mation on the Commission plan.
"Slnco the papers all over the coun
try are startling and awakening us to
the 'whiteslave traffic and tho work
of the 'Juvenile Court' In saving child
criminals, it behooves us mothers of
the W. C. T. U. to carefully investigate
local conditions that bring such results.
Institute curfew, investigate the cheap
entertainments, picture shows, etc.,
and you will dud in most cases they
are as bad or worse than the 'yellow
backed novels,' To see tho horrible
deeds of crime and vice acted for
amusement even though It may end
with what is advertised as a 'good
moral lesson,' is debasing and demoral
izing to anyone and much more effect
ive on young minds and hearts. Not all
moving picture shows are bad but tho
time has come for legislation that will
close out the portrayal of bloodcurdling
scenes of crime and soul poisoning
sins. We have laws to protect our fish
and birds, let us Investigate and tako
stops to protect the children."
It Doesn't Pay.
"It doesn't pay to have one citizen
in the county jail because another citi
zen sold him liquor.
"It doesn't pay to have fifty work
ingmen poor and ragged in order to
have one saloonkeeper dressed In broad
cloth and flush of money.
"It doesn't pay to have these fifty
working men live on bone soup and
half rations in order that the saloon
keeper may llourish on roast turkey
and champagne.
"It doesen't pay to havo ten smart,
active and Intelligent boys transformed
Into hoodlums and thieves to enable
one to lead an easy life by selling them
"It doesn't pay to have one thousand
homes blasted, ruined and turned into
hells of disorder and misery in order
that one wholesale liquor dealer may
amass a larger fortune." Clarion Call.
Miss Lura Vance took third place In
the State Oratorical contest, and dem
onstrated that her subject, a phabe of
Prohibition, appealed strongly to the
people as she had more applause than
the others. Lura rejoices especially
that she had the opportunity to make
her appeal to so many Nebraska voters.
Union Worker.
E. B. Wood is farming for G. W. Horn.
Mrs. Jack Hitter was in Minatare Mon
day. Miss Iva Coger is stopping with Mrs. J.
Beverly Cogar is trying his hand at
Ernest Thompson is plowing on his
O. J. Moorehead and son Ralph called
at hope Sunday. i
Miss Effie Wilson called on Mrs. Ella
Nicola Tuesday.
Earl Mowry spent Wednesday , evening
at P. P. Wilcox's.
Harry Derr of Malinda passed through
Nine Miie Monday.
Miss Eva Styles is helping Mrs. Haines
cook for the ditchers.
Mrs. W. G. Crismond called on Mrs. L.
D. Hewitt Saturday. ,
A. Z. Nicola was in Minatare Thursday
for a load of posts.
Mrs. Frank Beeson called on Mrs.
George Horn Thursday.
George Denton was in Minatare Tues
day for a load of coal.
Nine Mile is having plenty of rain now
a days, also some hail and snow.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Long visited Satur
day with Mrs. Lewis in Banner county.
Misses Vira, Iva, Edna and Elsie Horn
spent Sunday with Miss Ermina Knight.
Mr. Dern, agent for the Alliance cream
ery, was in this neighborhood selling sep
arators. Quite a few neighbors bought
separators and are well pleased.
Harry Long while riding a colt Tuesday
had the misfortune to have a conple of
front teeth loosened by the animal throw
ing its head backwards, bitting Harry in
the mouth.
Con Hofmann is helping Wintens'
Louis Barta was trading in Hemingford
Orvis Brown made a trip to Hemingford
G. H. Clayton was trading in Heming
ford Friday.
Frank Caha made a trip to Alliance on
business Monday.
Frank Caha.and wife were the guests of
Mrs. W. A. Hood Sunday.
Ben Curtis and wife visited with Bert
Langford and family Sunday.
The comtt has disappeared in the east
and can be seen in the west now.
John Caha and Frank Hanna were in
Hemingford after lumber last week.
Mrs. John Moravek and daughters visit
ed with Bert Langford and family Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. C. Hall of Snake Creek
visited with Frapk Caha and family Fri
day. Mrs. W. A. Hood who has been sick for
some time was reported to be some better
Grandma Langford came down from
Crawford Saturday. She will make her
home with her son, Bert Langford.
During one of the lightning storms last
week Mrs. Thompson was disconnecting
the telephone when the lightning struck
and knocked her down. She was not hurt
but don't you think that it would be better
to get a lightning arrester, Mrs. Thomp
son? It would take less time and prevent
Helen Lore is making a short stay with
Mrs. B. Lore.
Mr. Lean is around getting signers for a
new post office.
Mr. Wagnoer attended church at Hub
ble's Flat Sunday.
Arthur Lore's family visited A, Ross at
Wind Spring Sunday. ,
Edd Sweezy stopped at Hubble on his
way to Minatare Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nearud attended
church Sunday at Hubbie's Flat.
Geo. Denton and family made a short
call at Roy Denton's yesterday.
A Box Supper at Wicker's school house
Friday evening, May 27, to help to get
new seats. Every one welcome We
hope to see a large crowd.
A few in this neighborhood believe in
having beef cattle to sell. Rollen Ross
and Edgar Barger sold a few to butchers
in Scottsbluff and drove them there this
Willie Vantress is no better.
Dr. Churchill was in these parts
Leo and Murle Haworth went to
Reno Monday.
Sunday school and church next Sun
day at Mr. Shoffner'B. . "
Mrs. Eastgate did not make her in
tended visit to New York.
Mr. Blair and family were Sunday
visitors at James Jamison's.
Frank Johnson and family have
moved back on their claim.
The farmers are about through plant
ing their corn in this part of the country.
The freeze Saturday night did con
siderable damage to early potatoes and
tomato vines.
Little Edwin Orven fell upon a disc
and cut his face and bruised himself
considerable but is getting along all
right at this writing.
Mrs. Mastrude visited at C E. Mo
Falls last Wednesday.
Miss Gladys Hier quit school last
Friday on account of sickness.
Chas Leistritz and sons are moving
a fence for Henry Hier this week.
Mrs. E A. McFall went to Alliance
Wednesday to attend the banquet
Elmer McFall has been helping Mr
Elmore plant potatoes for the last few
C. E. McFall, Jesse Nelson and
wife were some of the ranchers that
went to Alliance last week,
Everyone in this vicinity is busy
planting spuds and oats and are getting
their ground ready for corn.
Henry Hier went to Alliance Friday
to get some seed corn. He intends
putting in about fifteen acres.
Miss Lula Nelson and her cousins,
who are making her a visit, 'went about
ten miles south of here last Thursday
for a few days visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. B, E. Betebenner,
Mancbe Berry, Mrs. Switzer and a
number of others from this vicinity
went to Alliance last Wednesday to
see the play, St. Elmo.
Quite a number from Reno and near
by went to Bingham last Thursday to
attend the Sunday school convention
at that place. They returned home
Saturday and reported a fine time.
J522 U aving- opened a new
SI r.pnrupv 1
store on west side of track at
Angora, Nebr,, we "have a
fine line of fresh groceries
and new hardware which we
are selling at bed-rock prices.
You are invited to call at our
store and get prices.
Gillespie &
Scottsbluff Flour, High
Patent $1.60 per sack;
White Loaf, $1.45.
Mr. Thorpe returned from Colorado
Ben Johnson hn purchased him a
new Brush runabout.
Miss Agnes Muirhoad took dinner
with Pearl Petrio Sunday,
Miss Ruby Wildv returned to her
home in Scottsbluff Sunday.
Floyd McClusky and Clarence Mar
shall were Alliance visitors Saturday.
Miss O'Lera from Bridgeport is
spending a few days with Grace Wad
dell. Mrs. F. E, Harris of Lincoln came
Monday for a few days visit with Mrs.
K. L. Pierce.
Mrs. Joel Sheldon and children spent
a few days of last week with Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Wildy.
Tho Ardmore base ball team will
cross bats with the Hemingford nine
Monday, May 30
J. C McCorklo came up from Alli
ance Monday, bringing up Isaac
Rockey a new Ford car.
Mrs. Frank Cainc, a sister of B. L.
Fenncr, came over from Chadron Tues
day for a few days visit.
Mrs. C. J. Wildy and children, and
Miss Lena Wildy spent the day Mon
day with Jake Osborne's.
Mrs. B. E. Johnson and Mrs. Wais
ner and children took dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. O. Kidwell Sunday.
Dr. McEuen has purchased him a
new Ford runabout. Tho doctor is
getting to be quite a fast driver.
Tom Beeson was up from Alliance
Sunday on 35, He repaired tho
switchboard and put in new batteries.
Mrs. Griffith, a sister of B. L. Fen
ner, went over to Chadron Monday for
a visit with her sister, Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. W. Spencer, Rupert
Walker and Norbert Frohnapfel autoed
to Alliance Wednesday to attend the
opera, St. Elmo.
The Hemingford base ball nine
crossed bats with the Fine Ridge nine
Sunday. The score was 13 to 4 in
favor of Hemingford.
Mr. Barge, from the eastern part of
the state, was in town the latter part
of the week. Mr. Barge was one of
our merchants for quite a time.
Mayme Miller, A. M. Thompson,
Delia Hicks, Clark Mclntyre and Ray
Woods autoed to Alliance Wednesday
to attend the opera, St. Elmo.
Mtb. Dick Kenner came up from
Alliance Thursday to spend a few days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat
Beaumont, returning Saturday.
Messrs. Root and Carrell have their
new real estate office located in the
building just north of the West &
Shindler Hardware and Implement
Miss Lottie Irey from Chicago came
Monday for an extended visit with her
uncle, I. Rockey, and sisters, Mes
dames R. C Wright, B. B. Henderson,
Mrs. Leora Rustin left Thursday
morning on 36 for a visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Clyde Watson. From
there she will go to Lincoln and spend
some time before going to Geneva
where she will teach in the Normal
this summer.
Mrs. James Blundell had the misfor
tune to break her shoulder blade Sun
day evening in a runaway while return
ing home from a base ball game. Dr.
McEuen was called at once and the
shoulder blade was set. She is getting
along nicely at this writing.
Miss Agnes Muirhead and Lena
Wildy left Tuesday for their homes.
Miss Wildy goes to New Athens, 111.,
and Miss Muirhead to Toronto, Canada,
Miss Muirhead will spend a few days
in Omaha and from there she will be
joined by Dr. Muirhead and wife who
are on their way to Europe and are
going by way of Quebec.
Headquarters for
Infernal Machine Planted at His
Home In Omaha.
Little Daughter at Play Finds and
Tells Father of Package Man Who
Threatened Former Gambler's Life
Held by Police What Detectives
Omahn, May 23. Tho discovery of
nn infernal mnchino charged with
twenty-four half-pound sticks of dynn
mjto on tho side porch of the rest
denco of Tom Dennlson, and the sub
sequent arrest of Frank Erdman, who
clnlms to bo an ngent of Attorney El
mer Thomas, wero features of Sunday
ovcnlng. Tho nrrest of Erdman fol
lowed n statement by Dennlson thnt
Erdman had said somo timo ago that
ho would murder him.
Erdman has figured in tho nnti-sa-loon
crusado throughout tho state, and
was concerned In tho recent upheaval
at Crnford. Dennlson Jb a former gam
bler, once known ns the "policy king."
The mnchino was found by Dennlson
when ho arrived homo for supper. It
had been noticed on tho porch three
hours previously by his little da tsh
tor, Frances, who was playing c 'Kind
with n Bchool companion. T! 0 In
st, jment of destruction was colc led
In n new brown leather suit v ie.
When tho children came upo.i It ' .oy
tried to lift It, hut failed. Una' ...oy
been successful neither wou'd 1 a
been living to tell tho tnle. In tr, -jg
to raise tho grip the chlldron had tilt
ed it over and it was this fact thnt
enabled Dennlson to see thnt tho suit
case was attached by a string to tho
porch. This nrouscd his suspicions
and he notified tho pollco station. De
tectives Mitchell and Hell hurried to
tho place.
Tho first thing Detective Mitchell
did was to cut the string attached to
tho bng, which wns connected with n
screw eye driven Into the porch. Tho
hag wns then carried to a vacant lot.
Up to this there was n feeling thnt
some ono might bo perpetrating n
Joke, but when the strnps were un
clasped and the bag opened a rovolver
was seen with hnmmer raised' pre
pared for action. When tho lid of tho
box wns unscrewed by Officer Hell It
was found to contain dynamite packed
In sawdust,,
Nebraska Knights of Grip Meet Next
at Grand Island.
. Omaha, May 23. Charles W, Hlnzle
of Omaha will head the grand council
of Nobraska, United Commercial Trav
elers, for the coming year. Grand
Island was given the next convention.
This was tho result of the contest
of votes In the grand council meet
ing. The following men complete tho
list of officers chosen: Grand junior
counselor, Paul B. Truehlood, Grand
Island; past counselor, Samuel F. Er
8kIno, Norfolk; secretary, Frank E.
Coolsworth, Omaha; treasurer, Henry
E. Moss, Hastings; page, William H.
Boney, Lincoln; sentinel, Andrew
Randklev, Norfolk.
The new executive committee is
composed of: E. A. Plumber, Hold
rege; E. E. Abbott, Beatrice; Rudolph
W. Bock, Grand Island; Pearl H. Pat
terson, Chadron,
Representatives to the supremo
council, to bo held at Columbus, O.:
Charles E. Hlnzle, Omaha; Walter E.
Sain, Beatrice; Samuel F. Erskine,
Norfolk; Fred W. Hawkins, Fremont;
D. C. Hewitt, Hastings; Charles J.
Lyon, Omaha; John A. Traphagen,
Lincoln; Colonel E. W. Gettln, Omaha.
State Superintendent Certifies Num
ber of Pupils.
Lincoln, May 23. State Superin
tendent Bishop has certified to State
Auditor Barton the amount of the
semi-annual school apportionment and
the amount due each county In the
state. The county of Garden is not
Included In the list for the reason
that the state superintendent has no
official knowledge of the school census
in that county. So tho amount due
the school districts In the new county
has been accredited to Deuel county,
and when the school census is taken
for Garden the amount due will be
paid It by Deuel county.
The total amount apportioned Is
$324,206.89, against a total of $293,
192.49 for Inst year. For this year
each school district will receive .87297
per child of school age, against 79
cents a year ago. The total number of
school children enumerated this year
Is 371,452, against a total of 309,855
a year ago.
Editors Cannot Ride on Mileage.
Lincoln, May 24. It has been held
Illegal by the Bupreme court for a
rajlroad to issue mileage to newspa
pers In exchange for advertising. This
is the welcome the supreme court ex
tends to the Nebraska State Press as
sociation at the opening of its annual
Omaha to Have Aviation Meet.
Omaha, May 24. Announcement Is
made that th's city Js to have an avia
tion meet of five days, beginning July
9. A telegram from Glenn H. Cur
tiss, the aviator. Indicates that the
terms offered by the Aero club of Ne
braska have been accepted.
Missouri River Towns Begin Fight for
Better Rates.
Omnha, May 24. When tho shlppora
of tho Missouri river valloy met at
tho Omahn Commercial club today!
thoy found that tho rallroadB havo1
been on tho Job slnco tho rato meet
ing In Chicago last week. Evidence
Df tho efforts of tho railroads to In-'
duco shippers to individually nullify
their notion tnkon In resolutions
passed at tho Chicago meeting will
bo shown at tho meeting. This evi
dence has m vo .Into tho possession oC
tho loaders ' tho prosont movement
it tho shlpi v. s In tho form of corre
espendenco Irom a rallwny purchasing:
agent. In this correspondence the rnll
fond organs have appeared with long
argumentative nrtlclcB placing om-
phasls on the snmo statements.
Father Is Only One of Family to Dls
Natural Death.
AUInnco, Neb., May 24. Word wna
received hero of tho death of F. M.
WatBon at Kansas City. Mr. Watson
bad boon a resident of this city for a
numbor of years, and IiIb denth Is tho
fourth and tho only natural ono in his
family that has occurred In tho past
threo years. Tho first, a son, who was
ft brakoman, was killed out on tho
road. This was followed by tho In
touso Buffering nnd death of tho moth
er, which was caused by an explosion
of kerosene while sho was making a
fire. The seccn'1 son, who wna also a
brakoman on this division, wns killed;
about eight months ago in almost a
similar manner ns the first. Thrco
children Bitrvlic who live horo.
power and Railroad Projects May Re
sult From Work Now In Progress. ,
Burwoll, Neb., May 24. Moro than
ordinary interest has been manifested!
In Burwoll this week. A party of Bur
lington Burvoyors camo In and started
up tho old grade, setting stakes, and
tho gcnoral Impression Is that this
branch of tho road will bo extended
into tho Black Hill country. Another
outfit of surveyors 1b horo rcsurvoyingp
tho old Burwcll irrigation .ditch, with
tho evident Intention of converting
It Into ft water power. There seems
to bo two schomos on to make a power
plant horo, nnd' Jit is reasonably certain
that tho power will be developed, for
there 1b a natural fall and plenty oC
Newspaper Men Gather at Lincoln for
Annual Holiday.
Lincoln, May 24. 'The editors of
many Nebraska papers are hero in tho
annual meeting of their association.
Some of tho editors are long and lean
and others ars Bhort and round and
all look woll fed. Somo of them aro
taking their first day off for a year
and others aro working harder at on
joying life than they do at homo.
Somo are sure to profit by tho visit
and others are sure to go homo with,
less money than they came, but prep
arations have been made so that every
one will get his money's worth. Tho
meeting of the association began thin
Morton Apple Crop Killed. I
Nebraska City, May 24. C. E. Dwy
cr, horticulturist and manager of the
holdings of the Morton brothers, la
tho way of farms and orchards and
Arbor Lodge, has been making a close
Inspection of tho apple crop at Arbor
Lodge and says that his big orchard
will not yield seventy-flve bushelB ot
apples thjs season, where last year tho
crop from this estate alone was 10,500
bushels. He Is confident that many
of the other orchards In this vicinity
nrc in the same condition. When
asked for an estimate of the crop, he
says he is confident there will not bo
a sufficient amount to supply the local
demand. The peach and plum crops
are also gone and there will be few
Boosters Get Town a Depot.
Long Pine, Neb., May 24. As a re
sult of the visit of the Omaha boosters
to Wayside the people of that new Ne
braska town will get a depot. Cen
tral Manager Walters of the North
western says so, and the visit will bo
long remembered by the citizens. Way
side gave the trade excursionists tho
welcome into Nebraska and it was
such an enthusiastic one, so many peo
ple coming in from the surroundiug
country, that the railroad officials
were convinced the town needed a
Farmer Severely Hurt.
Sidney, Neb., Mny 24. -While David
T. Hall, a farmer living a few miles
south, was unloading cream at tho
Burlington depot, a delayed passenger
from Billings came rushing Into the
yards nnd scared his team, which ran
away, throwing him under the wheels,,
irncturlng his collarbone and Injuring:
his spine so badly that he was taken
to the hospjtal at Cheyenne for treat
ment Three Thousand for Two Ear Drums.
Omaha, May 24. Fred Niece was
given a verdict of ?3,000 against the
Farmetu' Cooperative Creamery com
pany by a jury in the district court.
Niece sued for the loss of his ear
drums, which were destroyed by an
explosion in a trap at the plant of the
Stonecutter Crushed to Death.
Omaha, May 24. John Rhine,
stonecutter, wns crushed to death by
being caught , under a 3,600-pounft
stone be was lifting with a derrick.