,--ii'wnKmimiWfWWfii tJUMMWMiawiaiiWMfcAfcit. irltkAaKmiWXmMmritz &jss&namt M6 I M w 1. 1 6 e- fct i l : H &; ' ifw !j? I a rii r STUPENDOUS SACRIFICE U. S. ARMY GOODS You have daily use for the things the army needs. At times the army has more than it really needs. -That is where you profit through us. Never Before Have Such Bargains Been Offered-Probably Never Will be Again Uncle Sam is a liberal buyer. Sometimes he buys more for his army than its actual needs require. At such times the government holds a Sacrifice Army Sale in order to dispose of the over-supply. Recently we were so fortunate as to secure a large quantity of Army Supplies at one of these sales at a price that does not cover the cost of manufac ture, and we now offer them to you at prices which represent our cost with a very small profit added for our trouble, to dispose of them at once and get quick action. $25.oo Cadet Springfield . Rifles $2 Every riflo mndo under the supervision of U.S. Government inspectors and guaranteed to be in perfect working order. Cost tlio Government J! 18.00 to manufacture, Shoots 45-70 calibre cartridges. Can also be used as a shot gun You can load tlio empty shells with shot of any size and use the gun for birds and small game. Every rifle has a long range adjustable sight with wind gungo attachment, and is equipped with bayonet and cleaning rod. We supply shells for this gun at Coc, for n box containing 20 shells. KHAKI CANVAS COVERED CORK ARMY HELMETS Knapsacks 50c Made of heavy drab canvas to repel water; large body bag with cover; bridle leather shoulder straps with brass hooks for quick adjustment. Farmers, campers, hunters any one requiring A good substantial knapsack this is your opportunity Yatagan Sword Bayonet 75c jvr ww "BWWHiWWIIW p elp Army ONLY 50c EACH These HclmetB are brand new, never been worn. Made of long, light cork covered with khaki colored canvas. Just the thing for hot weather. Cost tlio government $1.25 to manufacture. Canteens 50c Drab colored heavy can vas cowved, inside wool covered to keep contents cool; bridle leather car rying, strap with . brass hooks, can be adjusted any length. Just the thing to carry water or coffee into the field. A fine article for den decoration. Blades bright and polished; length of blade 22i incheV. length including handle 2j inches; sword shaped with a slight curve. KCorse DHEoToToles 50c Made of finest oak tanned leather with forged chain; cost government Si. 50, only slightly used, aud we offer them to you at one-third of original cost. N O R T O IN 'S 1 WAGES Protection of No Benefit to the American Worker FALLACIOUS IDEA EXPLODED. High Protection and Low Wages Pre vail In the Cotton Industry Manu facturers Make 10 Per Cent and Pay Employees $7.50 a Week. Many good people think that It Is 'be protectionist policy that keeps American wages high. Tlio workman himself generally thinks so. lie votes -for a high tariff to enable lib employ er to make high- profits so that bis employer can pay him high wages. Ho knows as a consumer he will havo to pay high prices, but he thinks bis high wages will more than offset that Be should do n little thinking. It Is sot the tariff that keeps the American wages high, assuming that they are high. It Is America's boundless nat ural opportunities that havo kept them high, and this was true when there was no tariff or only a low tariff. Where there nre most natural re sources of potential wealth nnd where acn are relatively scarce wages will go up. Supply and demand settle that. Instead of tho tariff keeping Amer ican wages high, It is the American standard of wages fixed by natural conditions that compels the tariff pro- tected Industries to pay high wages. The protects Industries havo to com pete with the nonprotected Industries, and the latter employ many times more men than the former, so that it is the wages paid In the larger group that determines tho wages paid In tho cmallcr group. Wide and farrciichlng s Is our tariff system. It will be found that tho number of people employed In our protected Industries after all bears a small proportion to those em ployed In tho industries that are not protected. Professor J. Laurence Inugblin many years ago put the ra tio as not more than one to sixteen, and It Is not likely to be more today. In La Toilette's Weekly, a true .friend of the workers, though some times misguided, we recently read tho - statement that the tariff "Is a tax to which thp people have consented In order to maintain In this country high -wages and a high standard of living." Another st moment was that the tar-Jff-onbanced prices charged by the manufacturer wore "a trust fund for the benefit of American labor." Else where In the paper It Is forcibly shown how shamefully the trustees havo abused this "trust." For In stance, according to the census of manufactures for 1003. Slft-tftS cot ton mill fluratlves were paid $ t.37- 00(1 In wanes, uti iiviTiuc f S30I for each I'lnplnyee, r i-h than $0 per week, tullctlu till uf the eejisus of fice shown that nt tl:t eennus for 1005 tho wages of UO'i.Ull cotton taltl opera tives nvemgert only S7.71 per week for men. $(I.o:t for women. "In tho great cotton mills of New England," says La Follottp's. "the average earnings of nil operatives was less than $7.50 per week." Now. before going nny further let us ask this question: Is It the CO per cent protection which cotton goods enjoy that enables the cotton manufacturers to pay these magnificent wages? Let I the reader think of the wages paid In inuusiries inni nave uo pruicciiou ni all nnd compare them with these wages and then ask himself If It can be true that It Is the high tnrlff that keeps up tho rate of wages In this country He will see that it Is not true. It Is u monstrous delusion. Tho tnrlff protected manufacturers pay tho wages which competition deformities, aud this competition comes from tho nonprotected Industries, which, after all. are the great majority. Tho man. nfneturers pay no more than they can help, tariff or no tariff. Of course, there is no doubt of tho ability of thb cotton spinners to pny much higher wages than they do. La Folletto's states on excellent authority that "Tho nverago annual dividend paid by the mills of this group (of eighteen New England cotton mills) for the previous eight years, through good times and bad times, was nearly 10 per cent Thirty mills of Fall Itlvcr, Mass.. paid for fourteen years dividends that aver aged 8.20 per cent annually nnd In ad dition accumulated a surplus equal to 22 per cent of their total capital." If there were no tariff at nil or ouly a low tariff the cotto'n manufacturers would bo forced by competition to pay about the same wages they are pay lug now. The tnrlff ou goods Is no protection to labor. A. tariff on Im ported labor might be. How the workman can still think that he Is protected by ndmlttlng foreign Inbor free nnd keeping out foreign goods Is In mystery. THOMAS SCANLON. terlnl to tho man who. by eating It, la enabled to sell the strength of his mus cles In the Inbor market Raw mato rial. then. Is what we hnvo to Tmy, and tho manufactured article Is what we havo to sell. And ns our whole in dustrial life is uothing but a system of reciprocal buying and selling it fol lows that there Is nothing tnndo but whnt Is raw mnterlal In the proper sense. Therefore "ireo raw material" fully and consistently carried out means free trado. thTdyIngTobo. MEMORIAL DAY, By JOEL BENTON. in the apple bloom and Maytime, close con fronting maimer's door, There's a flood of brilliant blottomt on the rir ulet't emerald shore. While the sanguinariVs snowdrift whitens thick the meadowy knoll Where fierce conflict once was raging with the cannon's awful toll. ' No reverberating thunder startles now the fra grant air. All the (legs wear peaceful emblems and are starred with tokens fair, For the dreadful war is over waged to keep the people one Whose sad memories and triumphs swept the .circuit of the sun, Which gave to crushed and hoping nations cour age for the coming time When to be a human being brings a legacy sub lime. When the shackles of past customs cannot plunge the world in strife And the obstacles o( ages no more menace home and life. So today we pause from labor with the purple breaking dawn To repicture in remembrance our brave heroes whb have gone, To recount their faithful struggles on the land and on the sea, Which were suffered uncomplaining and' were wrought to make men free. From the woods and flowering wayri !si i): - wet wreaths and flowers shall cane For the patriots whore rjkriss hictory never will leave dumb. As they dared end died for duty, let each sol dier's honored grave Once more glow with tear touched blossoms in the land they died to save.' Strike the drums, then; march in order to the music's stirring beat; Fling out banners on the buildings and make thoughtful house and street; Let the pathos of the speaker and his touching tale and true Move the people while the flags wave to the welkin clear and blue I Stop and Think. Speaking In defense of th6 tnrlff bill at Providence, R. I., the home state of Senator Aldrlch, President Tnft said: "It has Introduced free trado be tween this country nnd tho Philippines. And that was a measure df Justice which was. long dclnycd nnd ought to have been given ns far back as 1000." Very good. But the Philippines arc many thousands of miles away, and Canada Is on our very borders, nnd our total trade with the Philippines Inst year was $20,000,000. whereas our to tal trade with Canada In spite of the high duties was $242,000,000. And we offer the Philippines free trade, while we offer Cnnndn 25 per cent on tho top of the Payne-Aldrlch tariff. Such is tho logic of protectionism. BSJBHSJBHIHRajHa4L HBHH ftrWmFVyQ- .1 if 3SIB72'- R HByHBErSj $kL&-WidllKmBEflBl ?,' I ; vQmk3s AMERICAN HORSE Heel Clotiu i chief lieatennnt. iOi WSL Boards of all descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber &Coal Co. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. 4 i J.J.VANCE Cement Contractor THE LEADER Estimates on Cement Sidewalks, Hollow Blocks, Foundations and Cement Work of all kinds $Ww8j .. ..7 V: Phone 551 716 W. Alliance, Nebraska Dakota St: lieside a Western wter-tank One cold November day Inside an empty box car, A dying hobo lay. His pardoer stood beside him, With low and drooping head, Listening to the last words The dying hobo said. 'I'm going to a better land) Where everything is bright, Where handouts grow on bushes, And you can sleep out every nieht. Where you do not have to work at all, Or even change your socks And little streams of whisky Come trickling down the rocks." "Tell my sweetheart back in Denver That her face no more I'll view, Tell her that I've jumped the fast freight jnd that I'm going through; Tell her not to weep for me No tears her eyes must lurk For I am going to a land Where I'll not have to work." "Hark! I hear her whistling! I must catch her on the fly I Farewell, pardner, I must leave you It ain't so hard to die." The hobo stopped. His head fell back; He'd sung his last refrain; His pardner swiped his hat aud shoes, And jumped the east-bound train. ' The Hurly-Burly Free Raw Material Means Free Trade. You say you would be Inclined to vote for free raw material, but would contluue the duty on manufactured articles. Follow that Idea out and see where It will lead you. Everything that you have to buy tn order to have something to sell Is raw material to you, and everything that your neigh bor buys from you In order to sell la raw material to him, although It may be a manufactured product to you. It you manufacture watches the watch you sell Is raw material to the man who has to buy it In order to be punc tual at his Job. Tho Unlfo a butcher uses In order to cut meat Is as much raw material to blm as are the cattle he Ul'is. Jr. 1 :m r.f.t Itself Is raw nut The Big Sale Continued To WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1st Due to the appreciation shown by the purchasing- public which proves that we are doing just as we advertise, and also to the fact that we have sold such a large a'mount of merchandise, we have decided to continue this sale until Wednesday, June ist. "O say, have you seen by the dawn's early light, the backbone of winter that hung in the well?" Emporia Gazette. The old oaken bucket, the. gem of the ocean thus warbled a Peri beneath the dark sea. Chicago Tribune. Tis the backbone of winter left bloom ing alone, as it stands in the stable yard under the eaves. New York Mail, There comes to the beach a poor back bone of winter, that sang the old anthem of "Erin Go Draghi" Emporia Gazette. The ironbound backbone, above the green elms, tho born of the hunter is heard on the hill. Chicago Tribune. The backbone of winter that cried with delight when you gave her a smile as the sun went down. Nashville Tennesse'an. Backbone, turn backbone, the cypress and myrtle I sprang to the stirrup, the young Chevalier. New York Mail. 1 he snow-covered backbone, 'tis melted, acushlal Sic semper tyrannis! in the land of the free! Lincoln Star. When my boat puts out to sea, distance lends enchantment to the backbone of ) winter, for I'm to bf oun o' the May. i Mother, but dun t give ut (be ;hip. "MODERN CLOTHES" Bf nc4ttKJVi f Ca Men's Suits In this department we are offer ing some extraordinary values in these lots. Lot 1. A suit good enough for a king to wear; this embraces a line of up-to-date, finely 'tailored gar! ments worth up to $27.00, in blue black serges and fine cassimeres and worsteds. COft Hfi Specially priced at. . . . ;. U.UU Lot 2. Men's Suits, strictly up-to-date styles in a large assortment of weaves, first-class tail oring, worth up to CIO AR Lot 3. Large line Men's Suits and dependable garments, $10.00 and $12.50 values in 17 Efi cassimeres and worsteds.... t'" Men's Pants Dne lot Men's Pants, worth up to $4.00, spe- (t AA cially priced at. . 0JJ One lot Men's Pants, worth up to $2.25,' spe- d (i cially priced at. . P vU One lot Men's Corduroy Pants, worth $3.00 and S3; 50. priced specially at $2.50 175 Pairs Hen's and Boys' Shoes Broken lines and odd pairs, all good styles and good leathers, go in this sale at a dis- 'T) cQv count of &&JU CARPET DEPARTMENT. Everything in this department, consisting of Carpets, Rugs, Portiers, Carpet Fillings and Floor Oil Cloths, in this 20 sale at a discount of . . , - n NORTON'S Boy's Suits One lot Boys' Suits, 4 to 12 Cell Of One lot Boys' Suits, small sizes ages $2.48 $1.95 $1.00 Dress Shirts, 2 for. $ ! .25 UNDERWEAR Men's Balbriggan and Porous Knit Underwear 25c Men's Balbriggan Underwear standard quality 50c Boys' Derby ribbed Under wear 25c Bring your money with you and see what wonders it will perform VI Ay I . 35ai3F?yrypyEwnBy i