The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 19, 1910, Image 5

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Special Offerings
At Mollring's
r -
At Mo II ring's
Ladies' Rest
V 1 if .i1. tf O l JX. . i J III i
has tried to outdo the other in effective productions, and as a result, cottons compete with silks
for highest honors!
Colors were never so perfectly woven into fabric, mercerizing1 never so cleverly accomplished,
in fact, looms never created such idealstic materials as are now here, awaiting your criticism
and ultimate choosing. , - '
This week we give additional zest to the, display by offering at special prices,someiof the .most
popular weaves. v "
i0 Discount on all Wash Goods during this Sale
SALE beginning
Monday Morning, May 16, 8 o'clock
Lasting all. Week
Juliub Eckerle is liaulin for Fred
J. U. Strasburger spent Saturday
with Irby Hall.
Mr. Jeff. Orr is out looking up his
cattle this week.
Mr. and Mrs Sam Spear drove to the
Spade store Tuesday.
The oat and wheat crop in this sec
tion is showing up well
Mr. Uyers stopped at EcUerle's Thurs
day to grain his horses.
Fred llerndt is hauling posts and
wire from Hays Springs this week.
Workmen are busily engaged in fin
ishing Mrs. Pool's house on her claim
north of Strasburger.
We have had an abundance of rain
during the past several days and the
grass is growing beautifully.
Mr. Tallou, who has a claim several
miles north of Strasburger, was a vis
itor at J. U. Strasburger's last week.
John Coy Is developing Into a flrst
class fence builder. Digging "post holes
and putting In "dead men" are his
Mr. Hardlson hauled a big load from
Ellsworth Saturday, . but had some
trouble finding the gates going through
Hall's claim.
Mr. Green and Mrs. Pool made a
business trip to Alliance last week.
Mr. Green brought back a big load of
groceries for the Square Deal store.
We notice in this week's Rushville
Standard that Floyd Counts' is ,movlrg
to his claTm near Walter's Lake. We
regret to lose Mr. Counts from this vi
cinity, Mr. Forney as hauling wire and
posts last week from Ruslivllle. This
material will be used to fence the Pink
ham claim, which Mr. Forney has
Mrs. John Strasburger was bitten
by a savage dog belonging to Mr. Fred
McMillan a few days ago but we are
glad to say she has almost entirely re
covered. The dog, by the way, has
gone to the happy hunting grounds, in
fluenced by a wejl directed shot from
Mr. McMillan's gun.
Willie Vantress is not so well again.
This 6eems rather cold for the middle
of May.
Mrs. Owen has some, fine Rhode Is
land Red chickens.
- Robert Shoffner and family came
home from Indiana last Saturday.
Edwin Owen bought three milch
cows of Mr, Sturgeon one day lust
Mrs. Farley, of Ackworth, Iowa, ar
rived at Reno, Wednesday, and Is now
living in her new home.
Sunday school and church at Allen
Jamison's next Sunday. Would like to
see everybody there that can come.
Rex Haworth and Miss Lulu Jones
of Indlanola, Iowa, were, married May
10, at Alliance, Nebraska. They Im
mediately went to housekeeping on
their claim iu Quaker Valley. May
prosperity and happiness follow this
worthy young couple.
Ruy Woods autoed to Sioux county
Miss Delia Hicks came up from Mul
len, Nebr., Tuesday on 43.
Mr. Ira Scrlbner Is suffering from
blood poison in his right hand.
K. L. Pierce, Isaac Rockey and Dent
Piper autoed to Alliance Friday.
Postmaster Walker moved Into the
new postotllee the first of the week.
The eighth grade took their second
county examination Thursday and Fri
day of last week.
Messrs. Thompson, Spencer and jEv
erett autoed to Alliance Tuesday in
Ray Wood's car.
George Carrell spent a few days the
latter part of the week on his ranch
over on the river.
Miss Dollie and Mrs. Anna Pierce
came home from their recent visit to
Omaha, Sunday.
Mrs. Alex Muirhead went to Alliance
Tuesday on 44 and returned the same
evening In an auto.
Mrs. Wm. Iodence came up from Al
liance .Tuesday, on 43, to attend the
dlnqer at C. J. Wlldy's.
lto Vaughn, Waddell,"Hud"Thomp
son and Ira Scrlbner autoed to Alliance
Saturday, returning Sunday.
Dr. Little was called out to J no. Sul
livan's over on the north tu'ble Sunday
to see Mr. Sullivan, who is sick.
Mrs. W. Spencer, Miss Delia Hicks,
Clark Mclntyre and Mr. Frohnapfel
autoed to Alliance Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Sarah Iverson returned from
Denver, Monday, where she has been
spending some time with her mother
and sisters.
Miss Ruby Wildy. u niece of C. .1
Wlldy's, came Tuesday from Council
Bluffs, Iowa, for a few day's visit with
Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
John Anderson came down from
Edgemont Wednesday morning on 30,
to look after some business affairs, re
turning the latter part of the week.
Miss Alice Potmesil came home from
her long visit iu Seattle, Wash., Mon
day. She stopped off at Powell, Idaho,
for a few days' visit with iter brother,
Mr. Chas. Hucke had the misfortune
of breaking his arm just below the
btioumer blade, Monday, while loading
a car of potatoes. He fell off the wag
on backwards.
Jklr. and Mrs. Harry Hartlett and Mr.
and Mrs, Frank Cain came from Chi
cago Sunday for a few days visit with
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Fenner. Mrs. Hart
lett and Mrs. Cain are sisters of li, L,
Wanted at once.teatns to break land,
fa. 00 per acre. Nebraska Land Co.
It is really a pleasure to invite
our customers to view this su
perb showing of wash fabrics.
So comprehensive in its scope
and variety so ' unusual in
It seems that each manufacturer
Martin Anderson drove to Alliance
Mrs. Frank Boon visited with Mrs.
Qriggs Thursday afternoon.
Asa Briggs is on the sick list, but is
much better at this writing.
Asa Uriggs and Frank Boon were in
Alliance Thursday and Friday.
R. M. Hampton returned tQ -Alliance
last Friday, after nearly a week's stay
on the ranch.
Mrs. Carl Babbitt and children left
Thursday for an extended visit in the
eastern part of the state.
Roy Mosher came down from Whit
ney Saturday and spent Sunday with
his father-in-law, F. W. Wood. He re
turned Monday.
Miss Vernu Fenton, who has been
visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Ralls, left
Saturday afternoon -for Morrill, where
she will visit with relatives. Miss Fen
ton made many friends during her stay
here and her smiling face will be great
ly missed by thetn. 4
. j Little Richard Denton is on the
JoeUeard is building av few miles of
fence. !
Rollin Ross went
'to Wind
We would like to know
the area, of
Nine Mile canyon.
Mr. aud Mrs. Joe Kcard,
at Hubble'e Friday.
Jr., called
A. Ross took a fine milch, cow home
Tuesday from Alliance.
J, A. Lore came to Miller's on a busi
ness trip one day last week.
Hubble's Flat was quite well repre
sented Saturday at Minatare.
Ia'sIo Lore is making a short stay
will 1 his brother, Arthur, this week.
Preaching services by Mrs. Reek next
Sunday, May 21. Everyone welcome.
Miss Mabel Shipard and George Sev
er.son made a 6hort call at Dean's Sun
duy. U. It, Hubble Is on the sick list this
week. He has. been forced to quit
Mr and Mrs. Frank Weard's little
sou visited in Minatare Thursday- and
Friday, ' .
Roy Denton is digging stimo for a ce
ment house; we are glad to see new
There is some talk of observing
Children's Day here. We hope that it
may not be just talk only.
Farm Bargain
The editor of The Herald has
been requested by a subscriber
to secure a purchaser for a good
Box Butte county farm. Address
Jno. W. Thomas, Alliance, Nebr.
at '
.i .. ' i
;;- New Haystacker.
There is no end to new inventions,
some of them useful and, bqitic destined
to .soon fall into disuse and to be for
gotten. Judge H. M. Bullock and
Ottp P. Kaldal are the inventors and
patentees of a hay stacker that prom
isqs to be a bonanza for them. Dem
onstrations made with the first ma
chine manufactured proves that it will
do the work right, and already about
eighty advance orders for it have been
received. It will be manufactured for
Bullock & Kaldal by the Forest Lumber
Co., at Alliance.
Uncalled For Letters
Following is a list of letters remain
ing uncalled for In the postoffice at
Alliance, Nebraska, for the week end
ing May 16, 1910; if not called for
on or before Alay 30, 1910, will be
sent to the Dead Letter Office at
Washington, D, C.
Dougherty Miss Roreuco
Llcburrmwi Mr. Herman
CulTjn Mr. Luther
Johnson Miss i.ulu
Hanson Mr. Henry
Hide Mr. J. 0,t.
March Mr. J. .
I'ttezer Mr. O. fl
Anderson A, K
linker A. J.
Human I'red
Caddy Mr. John
Daubs Tom
Johnson Art
MpKull Mr. T N.
Powell Mr. In
Smith MUs Nellie
, Wtson Geo
Ilemen Fred
Mention advertised when calling for
letters on this list. .1,
Ira E. TXsii, Postmaster.
aving opened a new
store on west side of track at
Angora, Nebr., we have a
fine line of fresh groceries
and new hardware which we
are selling at bed-rock prices.
You are invited to call at our
store and get prices.
Gillespie &
Scottsbluff Flour, High
Patent $1.60 per sack;
White Loaf, 57.45.
The Mollring Method
is to make a friend of every purohaser.
We want you to oall and see us. Once
acquainted wifh the superior quality
of our goods, our reasonable prices and
fair and courteous treatment you be
come a real good and regular customer
Special Offerings
This week we are offering special Inducements
with 10 per cent off In
Bedware and Linens
The Box Butte show window will illustrate to you
the splendid values in this Sale
A. Mollring
- -
A Farm, Mansion.
Mrs. Fred H, Kauffold drove to Alli
ance Monday, bringing Mrs. Ida M,
Ross, who had spent Sunday with her.
While in town Airs. Kauffold called at
The Herald office to renew her subscrip
tion, 11 nd informed us that she and Mr,
Kauffold had moved into their new
house, the Interior of which is com
pleted, nlthough there is still some
work to be done on the outside.
This residence, we are Informed, Is u
veritable mansion. It is eleven miles
northwest of Alliance, ami Is indeed an
ornament to that part of the country.
It contains sixteen rooms, modern
throughout, and is furnished with
52.000 worth of furniture. This was suf
ficient to thoroughly equip the renl
dence, except a pian'i. and to supply
this deficiency Mrs. Kahffvld ou Mon
day ordered u magnificent 8550 Haynes
Hros. upright mahogany piano of Mrs.
Ross, the Alliance representative of
the Crancer Piano Co,
Storing Moisture in the Soil
The Nebraska Experiment Station
Has just issued Bulletin No. 114 with
the 'above-named titje. The bulletin
may be had free of cost by residents of
Nebraska on application to the Agricul
tural Experiment Station, Lincoln,
Iu the District Uuurt Ho Ilntte county,
Nebraska. '
Id the mutter of the aimllratlun of II. I'.
Oilman, guardian of ttaeptrnon unci eitate ot
vv, Murio nan, Mitn u, Han.- iieieo L. u-4D,
Special Map t 1910 Term
The cause cutuu tin fur lieurinK upon the
pettuon ot it. r. uiitnuo. KUuruuin or me e
tute of W. Marie Hull, l-dltli U. Itall and
Helen ('. Hall, minors, uniylng fur license to
sell their luterukt In northwest jimrter .'
tlitn lli tow nihlu"5 north lliiiitro 4t wnit in
Itox Butte County Nelinsku, or u buillcluiil
amount oi umjatno ror mo t-aucauun muiu
tenunce itnd suonort of Mild minors, unci Hum
ueiirlnir from mid petition tlmt siild ututu of
suiu minors, jsmriiuuiviiim luienmi in hum
lands unit uiiliuiirovel wild nrtilf lu mud, and
no iiiconut Dtoiuuintti increirom. u is tiiortv
for ordered lliut all persons intm-Med in bald
cm lit e appear Iteforo me lit cliaMlwr ut my
oBlce in Hushvlllu. blierldiin Uuunty, No
uraskti, ou the lHtli duy uf June, MUO.ito show
cause why u license should not be ((runted to
said II. V Oilman to sell said reul estate ut
guitrdluns mi e for the purjxea uiuntloued,
and that a copy of tlilx order bo pubtUued for
three successive weeks In the Alllunco HnUd,
a weekly nuwipaper published at Alliance,
Dated tilts 17th day uf Mav, 1910.
. 11, WcttTOVEIt,
fp Mity 1IMI Judge ot the District Court.
In the County Court of Hox Hutte County,
etCrKllhr? (ffiforhearlnoa
Marlor. deceased. ) Hnul u--0UI"-
Now on tilts 18th duy of May, 1910. caroo 1'.
M. KnlKht, administrator with will annexed
of said estate, and prays for leave to render
account as such administrator It la therefor
ordered that the ard. day of June, 1P10, ul ten
o'clock a. in., ut my office lu Alliance, In said
county be nxed as the time and place for ex
amining and allowing such account. And the
helm ofsuld deceased, aud ttll persons inter
ested lu said estute, are required to appear at
the time und place so designated aud show
cause, if such exist, why said account should
not be ullowcd. It is further ordered that
notice lie given to ull persous interested In
said estute by causing a copy of tbU order to
be published m the Alliance Herald, a news
paper published and in general circulation lu
said County, three successive Issues, prior to
the day set for said heurlug.
ISKAl.) L A. IlKllltV.
fp May 19 31. County Judge.
h ..
In Ida ltltikttt u...i tt a . M-.
Nebraska. vp "ouo U0UDl'
In Uiu inutter of the application of A.B.
Heed, iidnilnlstrutor of tfu. estatoof Morris
l-stiiteT "" " """
Notion Is huroby itlvou tlmt, Iu pursuance of
uu order of tUo Hon. XV. H. Westover. Judire
V.n'10 P'strlct Court of ilox Jlutte County,
iuU"?Hl "'"l10 ". ",e "' lty of April,
liHO. fur thOHuloof tlm real ostuto hereinafter
described, there will bo hold at imbllc vendue
.v. j..!,. iiiHi,vi. uiuuur lor cuHii, or one-oaic
caMi. balance on not moro than two years time,
tt M 111.," i t llltll.lwl b..A.I..1 1... .
on the laud, ni thu front door of
the Court Housu In tlm Ultv of Alliance.
iiiMliiiviiiuy.on tlio itth duy of Juue. 1910,
ut two i, dock p. m., the following
duscrllieil premlsen. the tioutli half o the
North U-t yuuiter, uud the Nortli halt of
(III) hiilltil 11'au (f.......,.SU,...l .1 .
NliIpaiItuUKtt,47Uox U in to co inty.
b it Id muIo will remain open one hour.
i' ' i'-oi, n. d. ukeu. AuminiHtrator.
In thu District Court of Box Untie county
Nubrusku. "
In the matter of the application of SarsJi A.
(illlcraii. Buurdlan of Hie pemom. and estate
of Mary l ances Ullleran, FraucU Uillerdu.
undl.eo Olllerau, lur license to sell real es
tate. (otlco Is hereby Wen that by virtue of n
oraeroftho Hoi). U.ll. Westover. .ludjre of
the District Court otUox liutte county. Ne
braska, nmae ou the ITtn day uf May, lui", for
the sale of the real estate bereluuftur de-
scribed, there will be Hold at public auction to
the highest bidder, for ull of purchuse price
except ono tlioilsuud dollars, cash, the balance
of one tliuu.ii ud dollars may ou at the option
Of the puruhuMT ou uu hot to exceed two
years time, ut7 per cent Interest, secured by
note and mortyaxe ou the laud, at the front
uoornf jhu Uour llousuiu the city of AilU
auce, lu Mild county, uli the tnli day of Juue,
lino. )tt 3 o clock p, iu., the foliowiuir descrloei
prenilscit. lo-wltt Thu Worth-west Quarter of
becttohsi. Town. 23, lUue m, (MV. owe 24,
lown. l,l. 4) In Wox Hutiecounty. Nebraska.
Bind sale will remain open one uour.
&-l-3t ' diBAh A. OlLLfcitsy, Uuardlitn.
Slute of Nebraska ?.
Uox fluiltf count)' j"
In thu matter of the estate of Annie Mc
C.ui Hi , oeceused. t
I.LmA. Kerry, Couuty Judo of Hox liutto
county,'. Hereby notiry ull persons
liavuiK claims undiemuudsuintnsi the estate
of Annie Alcwartny iiiul i nave et and up
pointed tne 17 Uay ut Octobir. inln ...t ,n
o'ciot'k lu tne forenoon, ut the uuuty Court
roouuu Alllaiici), lor tne xuinltiutioii uf all
claims axaiust the e.iulo of wtiu decedent
with a view to thvtr altuwaucu und payment.
All persons luteresU-u us creditors of the
sum estate will present their claim to me at
said time, or show cauu Soruotaodolni;, and
in case any claims are uot Mi presented by
said time they shall be foiever barred.
This notice shall be served by publication
(hereof for four cousecutlve weeks Jo, the
Alliance Herald, a newspaper published lu
Alliance, prior to the day of nearliut. l -
O I veil unuer my tiuiju und the seal of said
court this 17 day of Muy, laio.
X-4w UA. liKitiiv. County judge.
Stali of Nebraska f..
Uox ItutteUouuty f"
In the matter ottheestate of Florence Mc
Carthy, deceased.
1, U A. ilorry, County Judge of Box Uutte '
county, Nebraska, hereby notify all persons
of tloreuce Mct'artliy thut I have set and ud-
Li, I MI...I flu, 17 ,lw if . f,.ml.A nun-. ... K
r . 7 """""'wi pjui uo clock
vi. .-Mwj., ., .uv wuiitj iuun room ID.
Alliance, tor the examination of ull claims
uguiusv nio raiuve ui saiu aeceoent with a
view ;to their allowance and payment.
sad estate will present their claims to mo at
ou.v. ..iuc, , ouun tnun lor not, m aoing. and.
in case any claims uro nut so presenteti br
said time they shall be f. rever barred.
This notice shall be served by publication
thereof for four consecutive weeks in the
Allluuce Herald, a newspaper published in
Alliance, prior lo thu duy of heating.
Olven under my hand and the seal of said
conn this 17 day ot May. 1M.
S iw U a, Htuur, County Judge.