iamjjak .vaWS. 1 H ' I I : 1 LEASE - Al ISnCC 03.Sll ShOC StOr5 ; RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS, !!4.:..HM-'K,v':"M"W,-5H-t:"!-,X- Engineer Jacoby and fireman of the oast end were ih Alliance Wednesday We are sorry to learn of tlie very serious illness of Mrs. M E. Johnson East end Conductor Conn and En gineer Hicks brought in an extra bun day. Conductor Hoskins and Engineer Cole made a trip to Ravenna on a stock train. .Walter Metz's little son, Sidney, has been very sick with pneumonia. He is now out of danger. Mrs. I- U. Hagar went to Guernsey Tuesday to assist in the care of her friend, Mrs. D. C, Taylor. Express Messenger Myrt Oldt has resigned from the service. He will try farming on his father-in-law's ranch near Hemingford. A few friends were entertained at the home of Mrs. A. E. Nelson Tues day afternoon. A dainty dinner was served at 5:30 p. m. Con. Rad Randall is still in Chadron where he was called by the sickness of bis father. Con. Arthur Pickett has charge of the west-end local. Engineer D. C. Taylor came over from Guernsey Tuesday. He returned the same day on account of the very dangerous illness of Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Reed and daughters, Miss Ray and Miss Ruth, went to Sidney Sun day. They will visit there a few days with Conductor Robert Reed of the Denver division. Word comes from Mrs. '.Geo. Davis, wife of machinist DaviB, that bIio is now at the home of her parents in Havelock. She will visit in Iowa with a sister before she returns to Alliance. Passenger Con. Zollinger was taken very sick in Ravenna Friday. Con ductor Gaddis was called to bring his train to Alliance. Mr. Gaddis was ac companied by his wife and daughter who have relatives here. A head-on collision occurred on the long bridge just west of Edgemont Sunday afternoon between two freights. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt and no damage was done to the track. Trains from the west were delayed about six hours. Passenger brakeman R. E. McKen zie has been transferred to the freight service. He bought a new two-piece blue suit, not exactly the same cut as a passenger uniform. He was called Wednesday morning to make his first trip with Con, Clyde Miller. The resignation of Joe Mifke came as a great surprise- Only a few years ago Mr. Mifke entered the employ of the compauy as call boy- t By his studious habits and well directed ability he has worked up to the position as train dis patcher, During his time of service he has made many friends among the officials and also among the road men whom he had in charge. He expects to make an extensive trip to the west ern coast before he decides to locate permanently. That this young man has a bright future was clearly demon strated by his work here Jn Alliance, State Sunday School Convention Probably very many readers do not need to be told of the Nebraska Stute Sunday School Convention which is to meet this year in Beatrice, June 7, 8, 9. In number of delegates attending and in number of speakers of .national and world-wide reputation appeuriiiK on the program this promises to be the best convention the state has ever had. Every Sunday School in the Mate should have delegates at this conven tion, for the meeting will mark a tre .nendous forward movement in the Sunday Schools over the whole state. Beatrice is confidently preparing to en tertain 1,200 delegates but if more come they will be cared for gladly. The state workers and the local com mittees at Beatrice have the work of preparation well in hand and every) possible thing will be doue to make 1 the convention entirely successful. ' W. C. T. U. Notes The union held ils regular meeting Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Biynell. A committee with Mrs, Uignell as chair man was appointed to arrange for Rest Rooms during the 4th of July celebrati WEP sBbbbbbbbbbbbV on and Stockmen's convention. ! The subject of Sabbath observance , was discussed, Mrs. Geo- Fernald hav iog charge of that department. It was , voted by the union to petition the city council to close the business houses of ' the city on Sundays. The union meets May 24th with I It's No Trouble to show you here we'll show you our entire stock and if you don't see just what you want (which is highly improbable) you are under no obligation im plied or otherwise to buy. An inspection of our stock of E. P. Reed and Queen Quality makes of feminine footwear will reveal to you an assortment that is certain to contain the footwear the most critical lady could wish. Miss Mabel Young. At this meeting a Thank Offering is to be received from each member, she telling in verse, if possible, how the money wag acquired. WirfdinBills The write-up of the Kauffman-John- son wedding, an account of which was published in the Herald last week was handed us last publication day, but too late to be inserted in that issue of the paper: At the home of the bride's parents in Havelock, Nebr,, on April 28, oc curred one of the most elaborate and beautiful weddings that little city ever witnessed. At eight p. m. Leslie David Kauff man and Sigrid Victoria Johnson were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev. Erickson of Lincoln. Nebr. The whole house was beautifully decorated in cut flowers, the predom inating colors being white and green. The arch under which the minister s'tood was a mass of white and pink carnations and smilax. The piano was in the wide hall, Here Guy King rendered a beautiful tenor solo To the beautiful strains of the wedding march played by Miss Esther Bong, the bridal party came down the stairway and through the hall and took their places in the parlor where the ring ceremony was used in uniting these two for life. The bride's dress was a white satin princess. A crown of white flowers held the veil which fell to the bottom of her dress. She carried a boquet ot bride's roses. Miss Bertha Anderson of Alliance was the bridesmaid. Her dress was a fine, white embroidery. She carried boquet of pale pink carnations. Alban Johnson, brother of the bride, acted as best man. The home was filled with over fifty invited guests, the most of whom had known the bride since childhood. The large number of expensive, useful and i ammHBBBBaB ' " rarae ras awasHaBiPff TV J v SP? y - MLhvt ?l 17r9nDBMamlaulaBh'waBmmmaBaBBH BBBB& l1Stiia M ' c ' j ' j'Bft. BaBM) TjMHaV T .fl: jfe BjGBPJPACHKSB8Mjrc i3! BBHBBSBBaMSaawHafBSttaBlEMa "'''(fy'"""- $ fwSmBBM- . 1 1 m!w aaaBBBBBhVklln) skalsr'Srl BHkVkBHaBBBBflaBBBalaBHBBBaBBBBaBIBBbaaS tSb v J H t iVmBBKulB B 4 T BBBBBBaaBBaBBBBV 3aBBBWaBaR31yaW Tk. laaaBBBVaTaBBBBBBBBHaBBBBBaBBBBV r ti aaBBamaBaBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBafeaBBlaBWaBBBBBBBBBBaBmmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBVaft ' BBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBwtkt- BfeSaBBBHHaBBBBBnBBBBBB 4 BK X SBb BBRH(HKIU ' aBBBBBBHBBBBBBBL' BBBaBBBBBBBBBBSBBaBHBBHaBBBBVBaBn. BBBBbCbBB&BBBV BbBBIbBBBBBbI !)' 1 f BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaliBBBlBBBBBBBBBaBBBBflHBWB aHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaT 4BLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUBBBBflaaBBBlBBBMBBBBBB3BBBBBBHl V iSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBK9bbBLbB i Mm H i f V HBflHHVfllHtfBM- -O aallVilBiHBBiaHBBlHaBBBBiftlB W t V BaBHaBHIaDaHflaiBBBBBBBBHBiBlBHBaHE'-' -," .BIIDBbI HwBRMBaHHHalaflBl 9 & - VSlX BHHHflHgftHHft . LHHaaaiaBBLBBBBBB Hn AaHHBHHBaiBBlHBiBHBBB m I '' JH HflBERHHHlHflRBBn H3t t- "A " itffcr tW K, .aHBBaVflaBBBBHalHHaSflBBpBSw bHbbHHHbHi jR M HHHhHBB M K, Y atiLaBaiBMBBBHaBBHlBBHflHaW 1 E 1 bbbHBHIbBbbbbbbbbbIbMbV r fW aaBlaBBBBBBHRalaBBaliSK JbbIbbbHbKbIb " 1 iBBBHDfljvBBaBBBBaBHalBHBBBBBBBH bV vt BBBBBBHBBBaBBBBBaBbHaBBBBBBBKflBhCrMrr , wSWSPiiSV i. WkHPbBbI BBiBjiBHHMBBIBjBBBBiBHHBJBBBBJBBBk 7 .i mfl - J 5S BHBslBLBBBaHBHBHMHBBaBBBHS?KSa2 ityi EAjtSsSMX k r2SlaHI BBaBHaaaaHaBaBaaBaaaW f Tfet V ! 17 HaaBaLaaaaaaaHaaaiaaHaaVliaMllilaW IwinWaBaH BBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBPBBBBBr K 'ft ? BjBfcBMBLffr ' 31 .AuHBarararaBBrarBBrBBrararBBrarararaVbA; A fl X f-AT3Lf "r il JilBMaBraM aBBBBBBBBBBBa . W jir? V kW aJflBHtfMFiwS0iK HlLTffHHWHaBaaaaBfial?SPaWHJ8afr .HBk beautiful presents testified in what high esteem these young people were held. Among the out of town guests wero Miss Bertha Anderson of Alliance, Miss Pearl Copsey of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Nester and family of Omaha. Mrs, Kauffman was for two years connected with the clerical force in the Master Mechanic's office and won many friends while here. Dave Kauffman is well known here and needs no words from us ns his sterling qualities are known by all. He has for years been connected with the Famous Clothing Co. Mr. and Mrs. Kauffman returned to Alliance on No. 4T Monday morning and will be at home lo their friends after June ist, 1910. For Rent Two famished rooms, modern, first floor; could be used for light housekeeping. Phone 824 or 209. Order a Case of Pop Manufactured by the Golden Rod Bottling Works with your grocery order The following firms will deliver 24 bottles, any flavor, 75c: Mallery Grocery Co. Alliance Grocery Co. James Graham A. D. Rodgers S. H. Desch & Co. Geo. W. Duncan Son Phillips Grocery Co. Watson d? Watson i NOTICE OF SALE In tho District Court ot Box Butto County. Nebraska. In tho mutter of tho application of A.B. Heed, administrator of tub estate ot Morris KelloRtf, deceased, for license to bell real ettate. Notice, is hereby given that, in pursuance of an order of tho Hon. W, H. Westover, Judge of tho District Court of Box itutte County, Nebraska, made on tho 8th day ot April, 1010. fur the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold ut nubile veucluc to the highest bidder for cash, or one-halt cash, balance on not more than t wo years time, at 7 per cent interest secured by mortgage on the land, ut the front door of the Court House in the Cltv of Alliance In Bald county, on the 10th dav of Mav, 1010. at two o'clock p. m , the following described premises, the South half o' tho North Went Quarter, and the North half of the M"Uth West Onarter of Section One, Town ship 18 Han go 47 Box Butte co ant v. Said Hale will remain open one hur. fpAprJ$3t A S. Heed Administrator. lnfnfiitiinfiifiif.fi.tnt..i.1ftifntnTiltnfiltil1ll1..fiitiiyt I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ncronTED r X A. V nALOMlKJK, Bonded Abstracter Hamilton Hall to John OMcCorltlc wnf 13-2s-M $ 100 j w uimcrtoJH ucaaiy. nnd n hf sw qr sw qr 23-ne bt nwqr 24-27- no eir k: Alben J Petzold to Fred l Smith, l,S,3,4,8eciO-2e-4T 100 Its 2100 00 John A Hanson to Martha C Duskln ' It 1, blkS6, Alliance 1200 00 Hurry K .Tone to Omnr Scrlbner Jt 21 blk 20. HemlnRford VVIIltnm H Kust to ltobort U Lognn shfiO-20-IR WUIInni H Hunt to Henry X Ho,uklium w hf im ir tind w lit sw qr 34-M-4S.. Francis T Harvey to Sang O Hock Its 6 nnd 0. blk 0. Hitchcock, Hilts nnd Bnulekers wld SO 00 0100 00 3WOO0 300 00 2900 00 WllliHtn J Ontbbert to Barbara Willi ltl.blkl, seotidd to Alliance Albert 9 Etiveart to Oconto L Tavlor ne qr 10-28-60 100' Lewis II Mai-key to Nellie M Mackey i 10t4 It. 1&. OIKS, MIICIICOCK IIUO.1 j oo Charles K I'nlenon 16 William Weg. tier and Jacob Suck so nr 18-25-JS..,. 4100 00 .1 II Morrison to William Weitner and .lacobSuckltsSand 4 nnd o hf sw rjr 18-25-48. .. , 3000 00 John C McCorklo to Virgil Smith no ir 1-24-51 1000 00 Jnmes W Xracey to Ole T Itoen sw or 1-24-4S COOOOO Ernest A Herbert to Guy I) Lockwood It4,blk7, Wyondd,, 1700 00 Elmoro D Currier to Frank ltoscn- broughnwqr 15-25-49 3000 00 Peter N Peterson to Olo T Roen s hf nwqrand Its 3 and 4 of sec 1-24-48.. COOOOO W Tnrner Elkner to John O McCorklo sw or 13-28-50 1840O0 Herman E Smith to Ida M Smith It 11 blklKlr.tadd 1500 00 Calvin J Wlldy to Isaac Hockey its 0, 7, 8,9, blk 10 Hemingford 10000 00 John O McCorklo to Thomas. Tobln no qr 25-28-47 3200 00 William M Fosket to Alice A Curtis It 14, 15, 16, blk 17 Hemingford 2000 00 Florence Angelina Ward to Thomas Jj Hopkins se qr 1528-49 1500 00 Thomas J Beal to Henry A Bchafer its 10 and 12 Hills udd .... 150 03 Frank Moore to Albert C KoyiioldM w hf sw qr 10-28-52 ulsos hf he qr 24.-28- 53 00000 Uncalled For Letters Following is a list of letters remain ing uncalled for in the postofficc at Alliance, Nebraska, for the week end nig May 2, 1910; if on or before May 16, not called for iqio, will be sent to the Dead Letter Office at Washington, D. C. Ash Mr John HurnetteMrCarl(2) Brown William ltowmnn Mr 11 A Freeman Guy Harinton Mr W D Meyers Mr Jack Pryor Mr iairenZa Dennett Mr Dwlcht r. 8hy Mr L E (2) -uoriy iiicnnrution List of letters remaining uncalled for .for the week ending May gth, 1910, If not called for on or before May 23rd., they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office at Washington, D. C, Anderson Mr Curl Ash MUs llattie Borry Miss Bertha Cleveland Mr A.I 1 armlchpul Carrie Calame Mr James llolt.lR Hamilton Mrs Jennie Klrchman J Kaplan Mr J A MuKlnney Mr Jess Otis H W ! Dunn Mrs Harry (2) Hedher W J jjunn Airs itertna Davis Mr Charles (2) Reynolds &Co CF u (oioquires Air uee ou Uolton Mr Mna Schroder Henrv Frederick Mrs Carl Uoodeuough MrAStn -Dwell Mrs WlnnlO F Vaughn Mr Fred Mention advertised when calling for letters on this list. Ira E. Tasii, Postmaster. When Are We hope you will have a real good tlmeyou surely will If you will buy your Traveling at THE Leather Suit Cases, $5 1 STRAPS each $7.50 Buys a Trunk that looks like $15. Will the world Our Suit Cases, Traveling Bags and Trunks embraces all the new ideas We guarantee to save you money The Famous A STORE -A.llieuaa.oe Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can guarantee all work done by him. Don't trust your work to travelling repair men. This man will be here permanently. Re Phelan Opera House One Night The only authorized dramatization of Augusta J. Evans' great book ST. Dramatised by Grace Hay ward-, who also dramatised Graustark rietropolitan Complete Prices, 50c, You Going? Equipment FAMOUS go around Line of FOR MEV - HSTeTor. pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling. S- SFerxsr's Brown Leghorn Eggs $1 per 15 i-year-old hens, $1.50 each 924 Bex Butts Ave. Alliance, Neb. ELMO Company Scenic Equipment 75c and $1 r H v 1 1 , x ?Jf 3 if- 1 . V v -0 y i- -xjssrt -