0-rS- pHBjfaW Published Every Thursday by Thf Herald Publishing Company. P, A. I'lEiicox. I'fs. I.tOYD ('. Thomas, Bee. Joiut W. Thomas. Mur JOHN W. THOMAS Editor J. B. KNIEST Associate Editor Entered at the postoffice at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the malls, as second-class matter. Subscription, i.so per year In advance. THURSDAY, MAY t, 1910- STANDING OF CONTESTANTS Following is the standing of contestants for The Herald Pin no, up to and including May 11 j Attlo Snow, Alliance 16375 Ella Moravek, Canton 14100 Gladys Boon, Alliance 18425 Nell Acheson, Alliance .... 11875 Alma Rosenberger,Hcming ford 0555 Jessie Geiger, Hemingford.,8585 AnnaDainton, Alliance. . 0050 Theresa Morgan, Lakeside.. 5900 Jennie Sandoz, Strasburger.5225 Mrs. Mary A. Morrow, Ros- enroll, Canada 5150 Mrs. Emma O'Bannon, Al liance 5150 NEW CONTESTANTS Wo wish to secure immediately the name of every lady who might wish to enter the contest now if she thought she could win. There is plenty of time yet to win a valuable prize, with a possibility of securing tho 800 piano. Musicals at High School Tho Delphian and Pallndian societies of tho high school are preparing a musical program to bo rendered at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow afternoon. There will bo piano, violin, trombone and vocal solos, ducts, and many other musical numbers, Tho friends and patrons of the. high school ar,o extended a cordial invitation to attend these exercises. Death of Child Albert, tho four year old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Schlrk died May 11, after an Illness of about two weeks. Funeral was conducted privately from tho house at 8 o'clock a. m. today, In terment being made in Calvary ceme tery. Tho bereaved parents and rela tives have our sympathy In their affliction. Tho beautiful floral tribute from the Daughters of Isabella was highly ap preciated by the friends. Card of Thanks To all those who assisted inc In se curing the special April prize, I wish to express my sincere thanks, as well as to those giving mo their renewal for The Herald. Gladys Hook. Millinery and Dressmaking Jacobs & Sturm, millinery and dressmaking, across street from Post office, Alliance, Nobraska. 22-at Expert Window Trimmer. No doubt many ot our readers have ob served Geo. A. Mollring's show window since moving into his new location. As a matter of news we wish to mention that tho artist who has charge of this window Ss W. A. Mollrtng, an expert window trim mer, formerly in the employ of Seigle Cooper Co., Chicago, as window trimmer. He Is a brother of George D.. the proprie tor, who is fortunate in having his services as salesman and window trimmer. Jehn Brennan Buys $1,400 Piano W. M, Robinson of Omaha, general manager of the Bennett Piano Co., was in Alliance yesterday and while here delivered a Kurtztnan Louis XVI grand piano to John Brennan. The price of this instrument is 1,400. It is, we suppose, the finest instrument in Alliance and northwestern Nebraska, and this is no reflection on the many other fine pianos in this city. Mr. Brennan purchased the piano as a present to his six-year-old daughter, Margaret. ,wwwwww. School Notes ,Miss Fanny McCoy's school in Dist No. 1, six miles west of Alliance, closed last Friday 1 he event uas celebrated with a picnic dinner, and a general Rood time had by teacher and pupils, their eojoy ment being greatly increased by the pres ence during the day of County Supt. Delia M. Reed. Miss Prudence Parrott closed a success ful term at the Davig school, Dist. No to, last Saturday. Parents and others as friends of the school were invited to. be present, and an interesting program was rendered. On account of that being the cbuuty superintendent's office day, she could not be present. Arbor Day was observed at the Zobel school, Dist. No 12, seven miles north of Alliance, in a manner that we wish every school in the county would emulate Miss Sadie Haecker is teacher. An appropriate program was rendered and a good number of trees planted, one for the teacher, one for each of the school distiict officers, and one for every pupil io the district- Miss Reed, county superintendent, left Monday for a trip to the west part of the county to visit the Canton and other schools in that section, expecting to return to Alliance last evening (Wednesday). She was accompanied by Miss Fannie McCov, whose school in Dist. No- I closed! last Friday. iWTiOii M in.miriiiin.iftl riiti i i rtiiliiiil pSaH1 News Snapshots Of the Week and W. R. Hearst are In midst of sensational war of words. P. Augustus Helnzo, copper king, continues light to keep out of .prison on charge of manipulat ing bank funds. Tag Day Juno 18th has 'been designated as "tag day" by the sisters who have charge of Mercy Hospital. On that day three ladles, Miss Mary O'Keefe, Mrs. W. D. Rumor and Mrs. John Brennan, each assisted by six girls, all of whom will be supplied with suitable tags, will solicit donations to bo used in furnishing the new hospital buildtug when it opens July ist Lvery person making a donation will bo given a tag to wear during the balance of the day. As this will be something new for tins city, and as the donations will be to help a work of mercy and charity, it is expected that the public will respond liberally on tag day. Dairy Farm Cheap If any reader of this paper wishes to secure a good, cheap dairy farm, near railroad town, write the editor, John W. Thom as, Alliance, Nebr. County Treasurer's Notice Alliance, May io, xqio. Box Butte county warrants to regis ter No. 177 are called for payment. Interest will stop after the above date. Fred H. Molliung, 224t County Treasurer. Tabernacle Meeting The Seventh Day Adventists of west ern Nebraska, northeast Colorado and the Black Hills will hold a ten days tabernacle or camp meeting on the fair grounds, beginning June 16th. One hundred or more families are expected to camp on the grounds. For Sale Wind, mill, steel tower, pump and storage tank. Can be seen at my residence in Alliance 2I-2t J. R. PltELAN. Carriage and Harness for Sale Carriage and single harness for sale, G04 Big Horn. Phone 694 turned State Evidence Emmet White, John liayes and P. Davis, the trio of strangers who were arrested last week for robbing another stranger In Campboll's saloon by snatching money from his hands, and afterwards slugging him in tho railroad yards and going through his pockets last month, had their preliminary hear ing before County Judge Berry last Monday. One of tho men decided that it would be better for him to turn state's evidence and did so to the con sternation of the other two, whereupon one of them followed suit. We under stand the other will also plead guilty, A part of tho money taken was found in the clothes of two of them, and there seems to bo no doubt whatever that all three wouldjhnve been convicted of the crime it they had stood trial. I ANNOUNCEMENTS, i j..v.jjjj..xj--;";";,,m-,"J"I"1'--,,jm-"!. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. CHURCH Morniug topic, "The Hallowed Name." This morniug service begins a series of sermons on the Lord's prayer. Evening topic, "Opportunity measuring responsibility-" ST. MATTIHW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services for veek commencing Sun day May 15, (Whit Sunda): Sunday, Holy Communion at 8 n. m. Morning Praer and sermon at u a- m. Eveuiug Prayer and Sermon 8 p.m. Sunday School at to a.m. Choir practice on Friday at 8 p.m. FIRST PRESUVTERIAN CHURCH Services morning aud eveniug usual, Morniug topic, "God refuge." as our UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Regular mornine and evening serv ices, buuject tor the Shepherd Psalm." evening, The BAPTIST CHURCH. Regular services both morning and evening to which all are invited. HOLY RQSARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Orderfif Services: Sunday Masses, 7:00. 9100, and 10:30 a. m., except on' the third Sunday of every month when the order is 9:00 and 10:30 a. rn. Evening service every Sunday even ing at-7-3Q. -Usy'. W.L.-McNamara.Pas-tor mjJKA rmiJ WirfiK JGMZffl m m tmSm. mJIB HhBk v aPI .. ptSsTSpwrd bSSISHIH !BHbmy Charges made by Chicago papor that election Senator Lorhner was secured by bribing state legislature. Itooscvclt family continued strenuous tour of Europe. Tollceman Morley, Pittsburg double of President Tnft, won fame by refusing to be pres ident's guest at banquet. The entiro world was shocked by the unexpected news that King Edward of England was dead. Gossip revived engagement Miss Katherino Elklus to Duke of the Abruzzl because ho sent her valuabln dosr. Mnvnr Hnvnnr LOCAL PARAGRAPHS Janeway's wall paper at Holsten's. F. E. Holsten is transacting business in Lincoln this week. Wanted at once, teams to break land, S3. 00 per acre. Nebraska Land Co. Mrs. C. S. Owens has gone to Craw ford to visit with Mrs. G- F. Betts. Wanted at once, teams to break land, 33.00 pef acre- Nebraska Land Co. Mrs. Pool of Strasburgerwas in Alli ance Monday and Tuesday, Attorney Simonson of Denver had business in this baliwick this week. Mr- and Mrs. Glen Miller visited near Antioch the first of the week. Wanted at once. teams to break land, $3.00 per acre. Nebraska Land Co- J. C. Foster and daughter of Lake side were in Alliance the first of tbc week. Mrs. John Wiker reports the sale of two pianos during her stay in Dead- wood. Wanted-Stock to pasture. Have pastures different parts of the county, and in Sher idan Co. Nebraska Land Co. Wanted-Stock to pasture. Have pas tures different parts of the county, and in Sheridan Co. Nebraska Land Co Hilton is the name of a new post office in Sheridan county. Mrs. F. C. Smith is postmistress- Mrs. Robert Birney has been very sick for several days. At this writing she still is in a dangerous condition. Holsten'3 for up-to-date wall paper. Mrs. A- L. Godfrey left Monday noon for a month's visit with her par ents in Iowa. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Bap tist church met yesterday afternoon in the church parlors. Drs. Copsey, Weber and Bellwood attended the meeting of the State Med ical Association at Omaha this week. Wanted at once, teams to break laud, ?3-oo per acre. Nebraska Land Co- Miss Wilma Wood is substituting for Miss Ida Johnson, teacher of English in the high school, who is quite ill. The first story of the new Mercy hospital is completed and work on the second story will begin tomorrow. George Behner and Fred Nikont, two of The Herald's many Hemingford subscribers, are in Alliance today. Watch for our new carload of auto mobiles. Comeandletus demonstrate to you. Nebraska Land and Auto Co. ' Lost or strayed A bob-tail, brindle bull dog, answers to name "Ginger." Reward. Mrs. D. B- McLaughlin. John Hagerty is reported as slightly improved from the effect of his fall a few days since, which caused serious injuries. Wanted-Stock to pasture, Have pastures different parts of the county, and in Sher idan Co. Nebraska Land Co. Have vou put on that new wall paper yet? If not, go to Holsten's and in spect his large stock of latest pro ductions. D J. Rhodes of a Kansas City wholesale dry goods house was showing a fine line at the Burlington sample rooms this week. M. O. New, who is now traveling sales-nan for flouring mills in the east ern part of the pne, was in Alliance the last of last ioi. Now is the timj ' buy land and mak q show you what we I.. ' home investors to U money. Let us .1.. Nebraska Land Co. A babv girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. C H. Cowman, 323 Toluca Ave., last Friday. The mother continues dangerously ill. A beautiful peacock owned by Dick Waters is attracting a great deal of attention- Very few people have seen as fine a bird as this. Watch for our new carload of auto mobiles Come and letus demonstrate to you. Nebraska Land and Auto Co. J. F. Swain, a prominent veal estate man of Harrison, and C. G. Barkus of Reliance. S. D.. were in Alliance to, gether yesterday on business. Simon Spry of Pasadena, Cal., ar lived in Alliance Suuday.l Mrs. Spry accompanied bim as far as Colorado where she stopped to visit friends. Watch for our new carload of auto mobiles Come and let us demonstrate to you. Nebraska Land and Auto Co. H. T. Burch of Madison, who is associated with Mr. McCorkle in the land business, came in Wednesday and will remain here several days. C. A, Newberry left yesterday on an eastern business trip. He went to Omaha and from there may go to Arkansas before his return, which will bo in about a week. Now is the time for home investors to buy land and make quick money. Let us show you what we have. Nebraska Land Co. Mrsr D. A. Cheney aud daughter of Portage, Washington, who have been visiting the former's sister, Mrs. B. F Gilman, left Wednesday noon for their Flotilla Reeder of Grand Island is in Alliance. She expects to invest in land and perhaps town lots. No better investment could be made either for speculation or a home- See The Herald's contest piano in the window of the Bennett piano store, opposite the postoffice. The ladies' gold watch may be seen at Holsten's and the Free sewing machine at Darling's. Mrs. S. A. Smith entertained eight lady friends at the Burlington hotel Sunday. The dinner was given in hon or of her sister and niece, Mrs. and Miss Nelson who left for their new home in Texas Monday, Wanted-Stock to pasture. Have pastures different parts of the county, and in Sher idan Co. Nebraska Land Co. J. R. Johnson of Mitchell passed through Alliance Monday on his way to Omaha to buy new goods. Mr. John son at one time had a dry goods store here and his many friends will be glad to learn that he is doing a flourishing business in Mitchell. A. B. Harmau, the hotel man of Hyannis, was an incoming passenger on No. 43 Tuesday. Among other bus iness matters, he wished to look over the extensive improvements being made in the Burlington hotel, with a view to enlarging his Hyannis house. The O. E. S. is holding its state con vention in Omaha this week. The delegate from Alliance chapter is Mrs. Roy Beckwith. She with her son Blaine left for Omaha on 44 Monday. Mrs. Beckwith will return by way of Chadron and visit friends there. Jack Baker, tank foreman at the Newberry factory, and his sister, Mis3 Hattie Baker, stenographer at the Newberry store, spent Suuday at Nel son, Nebr., where they had the pleas ure of meeting a brother whom they had not seen for eight years. This brother is in the navy and is visiting Nebraska on a furlough. Now is the time for home investors to buy land and make quick money. Let us show you what we have. Nebraska Land Co. Theatre patrons will be interested in the advertisement in this issue of The Herald of the Metropolitan Company that presents St. Elmo at the Phelau opera house next Wednesday night. This play is a dramatization of Augus ta J, Evans' popular book, and the com pauy presenting it here has the repu tation of being one of the best on the road. . Alliance friends aud relatives regret very much to lose Mrs. Nelson aud her daughter who have made their home here the past year. Miss Nelson was for some time bookkeeper at the Alli ance Grocery and later was a clerk in McCluer's dry goods store- They go from here to Tyro, Texas, wfiere Miss Nelson will be assistant cashier in a bank of which her brother is president. J, J. Buttery of Lincoln, adminis trator ef tho estate of Addie E. Thomp son, deceased, was iu Alliance the first of the week on business. Mr, Buttery is a railroad engtueer, having been iu the employ of the C, B. & Q. the last twenty ears. He was one of tlm pioneer settlers of Box Butte county, having had a homestead claim near Berea in the 8os. Pete Watson of Curley, the popular ranchman, who needs no introduction to our readers, came in on the Guern sey esterday noon to transact business iu this city and have a little visit with his many friends. He will be here during the celebration, of course, and will do his part in helpfue to make it a success. Now is the time for home investors to buy land and make quick money. Let us show you what we have. Nebraska Land Co. W. H- Thomas left this morning for Denver where he goes to inspect some lots which his son Carl W. con templates purchasing. Mr. and'Mrs. Hooper of Jess, Nebr-, and daughter, Miss Donnie, are in the city this week. Mr. Hoopor is one of Box Butte county's leading stockmen, Everett Cook left on No. 44 Thursday to attend the Elmore funeral in Mis souri. Mrs- John Elmore and daught er, Miss Agnes, left for the same desti nation. The Ladies' Aid society of the First Presbyterian church will be entertained in the church parlors bv Mrs. Bignell, Wednesday afternoon, May 18, at 2:00 o'clock. Harry Zarnoskie, one 'of our well known travelling salesmen, left for Denver Wednesday. While there he will boost for Alliance and our big cel ebration Julv 4th. He will make ar rangements to have his sister come on for the big event. J. D. Horton of Grand Island, of the Bennett Piano Co., takes Mr. English's place as manager for this part of Nebraska. He arrived yester day and is engaged in looking after the company's business here. Mrs. C. E. Slagle's mother, Mrs. Shoop, who has been making an ex tended visit at the home of her daugh ter, left last week for her home at Abingdon, III. She was accompanied by Mrs. Slagle who will spend a month visiting in that city. Invitations are out for two parties to be given by Mrs. Dick Waters in honor of Mrs. Chas. Mathews of Mars land. The ladies are invited for Thursday afternoon, and ladies and gentlemen Thursday evening. Five hundred will be played. Lou J. Traynorof Omaha is in Al liance today, having come here on bus iness connected with a land deal. About three years ago he assisted in putting on "Pinafore" in this city and formed many acquaintances who are pleased to meet him again. Barney Pitts, who resides seveu miles north of Hemingford, has decided to retire from the farm and remove to Alliance where he and his wife will make their home. He is in the city trying to make arrangements for a residence. A. J acobson, traveling salesman for Groneweg & Shoentgen Co., wholesale grocers of Council Bluffs, was in Al liance Tuesday trying to secure a dwelling house. He now resides at Hastings but wishes to remove to this city and make his headquarters here. Watch for our new carload of auto mobiles. Come and let us demonstrate to vou. Nebraska Land and Auto Co. Thomas Gillespie of Angora was in Alliance on Tuesday and made The Herald office a business call. In part nership with G- H- Robinson he has commenced business in a store building which was recently constructed. Mr. Gillespie and his wile have charge of the business as Mr- Robinson has other work that demands his time and atten tion. Thev handle groceiies and hard ware and also run a lunch counter and give meals. A telephone switchboard is being installed in their place of busiuess which will be "central" for several lines. Mr- Gillespie was trying to tectire a young lady to work in the store and assist Mrs. Gillespie in her work. If nnv of our readers know of a voung lady who might wish such a po sition they can confer a favor by calling her atteution to this item, or writing to Mr. Gillespie. Cha. C, Jameson, secretary-treasurer of the Nebraska Land & Feeding Co., of Ellsworth, was transacting business in Alliance Monday. He in formed The Herald scribe thut cattle had been doing well since the latter part of February, although during the extreme cold weather of tho first part of the winter they lost a good many southern cattle which they had shipped in. We wish to take occasion to make a remark in regard to Mr. Jameson and his company which we have felt like making for some time past There is a common impression that there is in variably a spirit of antagonism be tueen the pioneer ranchman of this ! country and settlers who came in later to occupy land as farmers. We be Heve from what we can learn that this company is an exception to that rule, if that is the rule. As nearly as we can learn from persons who are in a position to know, the Nebraska Latld & Feeding Co- has not only refrained from antagonizing homesteaders, but has in fact been a help to them by giving employment to, and otherwise encouraging, those who have come in as homesteaders in the vicinity of the "Spade" ranch. S Hagerty of Bridgeport yas in Alliance Monday. The Woman's Club will meet with Mrs. Sam Albro tomorrow afternoon. J., F. Ringler of Lincoln, who form erly resided in Alliance, has been visit ing here this week. Geo. D. Darling left the first of tho week on a business trip to South Da kota expecting to return tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs- J. T. Whitehead of Mitchell stopped off between trains Monday on their way to an eastern trip. Landlord Barrett and wife of Hotel' Drake were the recipients of a Sunday visit from E. S. Bush, an old acquaintance-Mr. and Mrs, Thiele visited friends at Hyannis over Sunday. Mr. Thiele went from there to Lincoln on busi ness. C. B. Gibson received word the first of the week from Mrs. Gibson, wbo is visiting at Denver, that their little boy is quite sick, and left on the next train for that city. Dr. H. H. Bellwood is in attendance at the meeting of the Satato Medical Association at Omaha this week. He is councilman from the twelfth district, there being twelve districts in the state. He will return tomorrow. The bucking steer will be one of the many attractions of the great celebra tion. A. F. Ankenv of the Crescent ranch will furnish the animal and we understand will wager any amount that he can get takers for that it can not be ridden. The great demand there is tor auto mobiles at the present time is indicated by the delay in filling an order for a car load of Jackson autos, sent in three weeks ago or more by F. J. Betzold, agent for Alliance. Orders must take their turn in being filled, and as there were others in ahead of this, it has been considerably delayed. L. D. George who recently.-removed to this country from eastern Kansas, taking a homestead near Long Lake, called at The Herald office last Friday in company with T. J. Lawrence. Mr. George seems to be very well 'pleased with this county and has no regrets for having decided to make his homo in northwestern Nebraska. Landlord E. A- Bellinger of the Torrington hotel was in Alliance last Saturday trying to secure, help and visiting his daughter, Mrs. Mina Gay lor. He reports business good in his town- He has found it necessary to build a large addition tp his hostelry in order to accommodate the travelin g public. The rooms on the second floor of the First National Bank building occupied by County Attorney Burton have been remodeled and now make one of the most convenient and commodious offices in the city. Mr. Burton has al so added furniture, including a large flat-top desk, which will add much to the convenience of the office. Mrs. Katie Gutberlet will leave this week or next for a visit among friends in Germany, amid the scenes of her younger days. She left that country for America twenty years ago. Her father and mother are both living yet and of course will be delighted to re ceive a visit from their daughter, who expects to be gone from Alliance about six months. Mrs. Gutberlet is mother-in-law to Dr. W. Coyle who with his wife will occupy her house during her absence. Farm Bargain The editor of The Herald has been requested by a subscriber to secure a purchaser for a good Box Butte county farm. Address Jno. W. Thomas, Alliance, Nebr. Notice Notice is hereby given that at two o'clock p. in- on Saturday, May 14, 1910. I will sell at public auction in the front room of my store house in Alliance. Nebraska, the following des cribed goods, to pay storage charges on the same: Stoves, beds, bureaus, tables, chairs and other household goods, the same having been stored by F. L. Forbes. 21-21 C, A. Anderson. Stallion for Sale or Trade Stallion for sale or trade for horses or cattle. Good disposition, range broke. Weight 1800, seven years old, dapple gray. James Potmesil. ' ai-tf Long Lake, Nebr. Engraved and Embossed Cards and Stationery We have completed arrangements with a firm of the best engravers in the west by which we can supply on short notice, engraved cards, embossed stationery, engraved wedding invita ions, or anv thing else that may be de sired in fine engraved or embossed work. Readers of The Herald who are thinking of securing anything of this kind should call at this office and see samples. V Ai y i-