m 1 8 t t 3 w w : s s s t t m m I : s t Tin ,htmifn 5 .AS tKAHAMK t bmmdlkMAi I Via. VVVI i W J l V- i.lA v w vxix vv ji v v Groceries, Fresh and Cured Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Candies, and every thing else good to eat' Phone 50 N. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Montana St. w w s t DR, HYDE ON STAND Accused Physician Testifies In His Own Defense. 9 W W 'II' W W W W W W W W W w W W w W w W W W W W W OTIS 8c BUSH CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS CEflENT WORK A SPECIALTY Twelve Years' Experience All Work Guaranteed 307 Toluca Ave. Phone 613 ALLIANCE, NEBR. QUESTIONS BOTHER DOGTOH. Wrangling of Attorneys Plainly Dis concerts Him ana His Face Is Flushed Mrs. Hyde Contradicts Statements of Nurses Regarding Husband's Treatment of Patients. Kansas City, May 10. Dr. Eonnett Clark Hyde, on trial charged with poi soning Colonel Thomas H. Swope, took tho witness stand in his own defense. Using one of Dr. Twyman's Jnsiru ments, said Dr. Hyde, ho bled James Moss Hunton. "Did Dr. Twyman say anything about bringing the bleeding to a close?" Interrogated Mr, Walsh. Dr. Hyde tried to answer the ques tion by giving the substance of the conversation between hjm and Dr. Twyman, and tho lawyers wrangled over the responses. The witness was plainly disconcerted and seemed to bo confused by the objections of the at torneys. His face flushed ana he mopped the perspiration from his brow with a handkerchief. Finally tho squabbling closed, and he answered: "Dr. Twyman said something about enough blood having been removed. He never said, however, that we had. as much blood ns should have been re moved from any man. We took, in all, about two or three "pints of blood. Dr. Twyman stopped the flow " with a str,lng." He denied' that this was too much to take from him and declared that Hunton died from apoplexy. Mrs. Hyde Also Witness. From the lips of Mrs. Hyde tho Jur ors also heard the story of the Swops tragedy. The salient features of her testi mony were her declarations that: Dr. Twyman adjusted the string which stopped the flow of blood from Mr. Hunton's body. She did not re quest her husband to stop the bleeding. Colonel Tbomas H. Swope never cried out on his death bed that he wished he had never taken the men Iclne Dr. Hyde gave h.lm. The mil lionaire's symptoms were entirely dif ferent from those described by the nurses who testified for the state. She ate of the candy which Dr. Hyde gave the Swope children and it did not make her ill. She ordered the filtered water taken to the Swope house, and that tho fam ily is now using it. Dr. Hyde was pot at the Swope home the day it is al !Ked he infected the drinking, water. WINTER WHEAT IMPROVING . Government Crop Report Shows Gain of 1.3 Per Cent In April Condition. Washington, May 10. The average condition of winter wheat on May 1, according to the crop reporting board of the department of agriculture, was 82.1, compared with 80.S on April 1; 8S.5 on May 1 1009. and 86.7 the aver age for the past ten years on- May 1. The avcrajfb condition of rye was 9J.3, compared with 93.3 on April l; 88 1 on May 1, 1909, and 89.4 the aver age for the past ten years on May 1. The area of winter wheat to be har rv.ed was about 29.011,000 acres, or 714,000 n res (2 5 per cent) mora than ttj area hanestcd in 1909, and 4,439, i 0 acres (13.3 icr cent) less thnn the ar-vi show'i lat fall (31.013,000 acres). FATAL RIOT AT COAL MINES One Man Killed and Score Wounded in Clash at Yukon, Pa. Pittsburg, May 10. In a riot at tho Westmoreland Coal company's mines at Yukon, about thjrty miles from here, one man was killed, two others fatally hurt and more than a score wounded. A squad of thirty guards men employed by the company clashed with the miners and revolvers and shotguns were freely used for fully twenty minutes. Paul Koenen, a min er about thirty-five years old and mai ried, was shot through the heart and instantly killed. An unknown woman and child standing in a doorway re ceived bullet Wounds. Three guards men bear bullets in legs and arms. Taft Tells Concresc to K:n C-t. Washington, May x ?..sident Taft sent a src.r1 --r-jage to tho house of reprr-'Tit h to tell why he conslde: ..... -lesslonal investi gation of the- sugar frauds In the cus tom service inexpedient. It Is believed "a congressional in vestigation at this time would embar rass the executive department In the continuance and completion of the in vestigation of the appraisers and other officers of the customs service." Will Cremate Admiral's Body. Santa Barbara, Cal., May 9. It was announced that the ashes of Rear Ad miral Bowman H. McCalla, retired, will rest in Arlington cemetery at Washington. The body was taken to Los Angeles today for cremation. Four Men Lose Lives. Philadelphia, May 9. Four men lost their lives and four others were In jured by the explosion of a top valve Jn tho boiler room of the tug Cape Charles nt Camden, N. J. Thousand Dead Taken From Ruins. San Jose, Costa Rica, May 10. More than 1,000 dead have been taken from tho ruins of Cartage Money to loan on real estate. F. . Reddish. 3-tf. McCiuer's Ladies' Muslin Night Robes in the slip over and high neck styles, long and short sleeves, plain and fancy trimmed with lace and in sertion. Muslin and nainsook. Prices 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.5 Of $3.75 Leiv Mowers It will pay you to come in and see our line of lawn mowers, as we have the largest and best line ever carried in Alliance. Garden Hose Full line of Garden Hose from 8c to i8c per foot XevaWrxCiroo. Co. Insure in the Old Reliable Farmers and Merchants BECAUSE It has a record of twenty-five years of honorable dealing fci"ft!CE3ZS3K BECAUSE It pays its losses in 4 cash without discount as soon as adjusted BECAUSE It never "quibbles" over an honest claim WFVJWI9 BHunra -mr Wmmmmrr & BECAUSE Gray & Guthrie, Gen'I Agents, write its farm policies at their office in Alliance without hav- 1 ing to refer applications to the company SffiflUEGO tftfeww mmsfmL GRAY UTHRI E 0-EJ3rE35L.ZL, .A-GKSaS-XS, -X-JILlIi.nsrOE3, ZfcTEB. Oldest Nebraska Stock Fire Insurance Company Cash Capital, $200,000 Surplus to Policy Holders. Dec. 31st, 1909, $321,192.99 Losses Paid Since Organization Nearly $2,000,000 BECAUSE Losses are adjusted by Gray & Guthrie, Gen'I Agents, instead of a .strange adjuster Cash Paid as Soon as Adjusted BECAUSE There is no live stock. average clause ' in its policy Fire, Lightning, Windstrom and Tornado Insurance v J f fTEESBEJ' rjr". ZE52V?trttt'SZ22S&KL I