.& ..'a Mswa'i At&ri&iw.ftiFWT&iamaBmL. r '? 3T Booo lHlot :ou fll The Alliance Herald. I Official Publication of Box Butte county. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska, VOLUME XVII, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA I THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1910 NUMBER 22 -ZmakiZ2Xf"lr'' T'liSSWffMTiS.'gHIBaiD m 4 n - : i THE FIRST thing- to consider in depositing money in a bank is s e curity. The capital and surplus are the depositors protection fund. Our capital is $50,000.00. Our surplus is $50,000.00. This makes a depositors guarantee fund of $100,000.00. The NATIONAL government superintends and examines this bank. Our stockholders and directors are responsible, well-to-do business men. This i BANK t .has been established over 20 years, during which time it has served the banking public faithfully and built up a large and prosperous business. The best service possible is none too good for our country customers and the people of ALLIANCE m'i We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. OUR DRUGS are all of the highest quality we can get and are all examined crit ically after we receive them in stock here before a single one is placed on sale we do everything in our power to be on the safe side. A good thing for you to remember. )Uuzu4 4,HH5"XX-X::HX"tJ. t KENNEDY BROTHERS V DENTISTS. S f I Office in Alliance National Bank Blk V Over Postoffice, a 'Phoue 301. t tH"M-X-X"WW-!H!H-!- GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. FOR SALE! S. W. quarter 24-26-50. N. W. quarter 23-26-51. If not sold would rent for season. Would exchange fpr property in Lincoln, Neb. D. P. Miller, Cumberland, Md. .'W''W'Vi'W-4 BUSINESS LOCALS. wwww C Board and room, modern, hot and cold bath. Call 713 Laramie Ave-, or phone 394. ,wwvwwww. 21.4! The C. V. Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. igtf I am prepared to do all kinds of garden work, replanting trees and odd jobs. Phone 58 or call at Phillips Land office. Will Goodenough. tf For Sale, all my dwelling houses, I. A. Holdredge, 219 Sweetwater, i7-tf Wanted Sewing by day or piece. 1x7 Sweetwater avenue. 8-tf Wanted Work by day or take wash ing home. Phone 485 blue. tf Two room bouse for rent. Horse and buggy for sale. Mrs. Moran. Plain sewing wanted. Prices reason, able. Children's clothes a speciality. Phone 166 blue. ' 2i-Gt Ice Business for Sale I am offering for sale my ice business with or without my residence. Will sell cheap if taken soon. :9-4t D. W. Hughes. For Sale 320 or 160 acres good bottom land, seven miles in a westerly direction from Alliance, Nebr. For further in formation address H, J. Gresser, :i-i4t Thermopolis, Wyo. House and Three Lots for Sale I will sell my six-room house and three lots in Hill's addition to Alliance at a bargain. Good cellar, good well and pump, chicken house and fences, etc, H. C. Avev. so-st Notice to Lawn Owners Black dirt and rotted manure for dressing lawns and for trees and gar dens. Phone,i54 Red. 2t-tf Fred Countryman. Pasture fofcattie Wanted 300 head of cattle to past ure 'for the season. Good water and plenty of range. 2i-3w' F. E. Reddish. Home to Exchange for Land Six room brick house, city water, furnace, cisterns, barn, three lots, in Norfolk, Nebr., to exchange for land in Box Butte or adjoining counties, Enquire at Herald office. 2i-3t FamiijTnrseToTsale Family horse, harness and phaeton for sale. Horse is gentle and not afraid of automobiles. D. B. McLaughlin 2X-3t 802 Missouri Ave. I BUSINESS LOCALS. A Death of Mike Elmore "Mltke Elmore is dead.' This is the sad message received in Alliance yesterday morning. Details were meagre, the telegram simply stated that he died of hemorhago at his temporary home at Jamaica, New York, Tuesday evening, May 10, and that interment would take place next Sun- . " day at Marshall' Mo, The news cast a gloom over Alliance, his former home, where he was respected, admired and loved, by those who knew him according to the degree of intimacy and knowledge of the noble traits of char acter which he possessed. He was born at Plattsburg, Mo., Dec. 25, 1851, and was in his 59th year. At the age of eighteen he commenced with one team the work of railroad grading, and from that small be ginning developed into one of the most ex tensive railroad contractors in the west. He had in recent years transferred his ac tive operations 10 the east, having com pleted heavy contracts in Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York and North Carolina. .Having followed the line of the North western railway westward in the early eighties, to its completion at Rapid City, S. D., his attention was called to the "Box Butte country," now Box Butte county, into which settlers were then coming. He took a government home stead eight miles southwest of where Hemingford now is, in 1885, thus becom ming one of the first settlers of the countv. He built a comfortable home and resided there until 1892, when he moved to Alli ance and made his home until about 1903. While quite a young man Mr. Elmore was united in marriage to Miss Lydia Cook, who survives him. To this union were born seven children, six of whom are living. They are: Kathryn, now Mrs. D, A. Foley; Maeguerite, now Mrs. Offutt; Lucile, now Mrs. J. Will Reed, add Marie, now Mrs. Clark; John A. and Michael, Mike Elmore was au unusually strong, unique and lovable character, His pre dominating traits were indomitable en ergy, absolute honesty, noble generosity, and unswerving loyalty to his friends; He was one of nature's true noblemen. Extremely democratic in conduct and .habits; he was always the friend of the' lowliest of earth. Generous to a fault, he was always ready to relieve distress and want, and the widow and orphan never appealed to him in vain. He was a de vout member of the Catholic church, a faithful follower of its teachings, and died in its faith. His aged parents only pre ceded him to that better land a few years ago. To them for whom he tenderly cared and provjded all through their declining years, he was a dutiful son, to his wife a kind and considerate husband, to his children an indulgent and loving father, and to a host of others scattered from the Atlantic (o the Pacinc coast he was es teemed as a true and loyal friend. 1 ---------l ' Bi!3'm -sa----! CARPET DEPT. SPECIAL 10 DAY SALE JUST AT HOUSE-CLEANING TIME Beginning- Saturday morning we place on sale our entire line of CARPETS, RUGS, PGRTIERS, flATTINGS, CARPET FILLINGS and OIL CLOTHS at the low price of 20 Discount This will make a 9x12 Smith Axmin ster Rug cost you only $20.00. This discount sale will appeal to you all the more forcibly when you take in to consideration the fact that every, item in our CARPET DEPART MENT is priced very low in the first place, from which we are now giving . you ONE-FIFTH OFF Come and make your selections early Norton's Good Showing of City's Finances Statement Showing the Financial Condition of the City of Alliance, for fiscal year ending May 1, 1910. RECEIPTS Balance on hand May i. 1909,.$ 1277 2a City's portion Saloon Tax. ..... 5400 '00 Miscellaneous License. 603 90 County Treasurer (taxes) .... , 6177 91 Jfire insurance Agency tax... . 40000 Marshal Fees 1:13 00 Dog Tax 13000 Water Commissioner.,....,... 8533 10 Miscl. rents, etc .... 323 36 Total . . . , 824180 49 DISBURSEMENTS Warrants unpaid May i, 1909, paid during year I 3438 25 General Fund..,.,,... ...... 123518 Streets & Alleys 7718 97 Fire & Water 7036 53 Officers Salaries....... 2122 23 Street Lighting 174883 Fire Dept. tax collected. 400 00 Balance on hand May 1, 1910. . .jpo 48 t Total $24180 49 All outstanding warrants paid. SEWER FUND Received from sale of Bonds (re maining $10000.00 voted to be retired.) ....$35000 00 Disbursements by warrants.... 29657 80 Bal. on hand May 1, 1910, in Sewer Fund 5342 20 Through the courtesy of F. W. HarriB, we are able to give our readers the abeve statement, a little fetudy ot which will reveal some points that will be quite interesting to tax payers and others who are interested in the city's growth. We have not a statement of the pre ceding years for comparison, but under stand that the amount collected by the water commissioner ($8,533.10) is nearly three times the amount collected from the same source the preceding year. This does not mean that there was that much of an increase in the amount of pity water consumed, but that the water commissioner went after delinquents and made them come through on rentals. This was a great Ijelp to the city's finances. ''The expenditures for streets and alleys cover the construction of about fifty cement crossings, which are very much appreciated by pedestrians, es pecially in wet weather About Si, 200 dollars of the amount reported under "Fire and Water" was expended for equipment for the fire de partment. Although the amount of bonds voted for sewer construction was $45,000, we are pleased to note that $35,000 was ample for that purpose and Sio.ooo of the bonds are retired, One of the most interesting items is Nebraska Land Company has sold in the past sixty days, land as follows: E. A. Plummer . ...,.,. ......... 160 ncres Thompson Bros 320 M Kisberg 160 " Ghb Abcrhampson 320 " Olaf Snndcrman- ......,.. ,320 " John Hansen ........ '320' " Lewis Witt ,..,. 3ao " Lenartl Wiers .,,. 640 " J, H. Morrison .; 160 ". Ola Pederson 160 " B. WiUon , .... 720 " ' Andrew Eikerson ... 320 ' " ' W. E. McCorkle 160 " ' Barger (For Nursery) .. ... .. 193 " 1', T. C Bradely .' 3,080 " Mapps, J. ...............,.,.,.,. 640 " Huffland...... . ....,...........,,. 320 " Gillan Land Co. (Option),v.,i.,,,...' 4,800 " Bellamy, F. M. . ... .J ....;, .. 4 1,280 " 14.393 an average of 240 acrs a day, for sixty days, counting Sunday in. LOOK AT THIS, Home Investors, and see if you had not better come let us show you some of our bargains, as the prospects never were better for a $5. 00 raise than right now. We will sell you land with small payments down, re-list it for you and make you plenty of money. GET IN WHILE THE SIGN IS RIGHT. This land has been sold without solicit ing trade, in fact we we were trying to keep from do ing business and settle our last years' business during this time. NEBRASKA LAND CO. Have You Been Counted? We are very much interested in the census enumeration of Alliance which is now being made, as are other residents of the city. The two enumerators for Alliance are doing their york faithfully, but to secure the name of every person who should be counted is a big proposition and they should have the co operation of every citizen. We wish to do our part in this matter and take this means of trying to locate those that have been overlooked, if any. The time allowed for making the count will end Saturday, May 14, and it will be necessary to get your name on the list inv mediately, if it is not already there, if you are to be counted, If the census enumerator has not yet taken your name, or if you know of persons residing in Alliance who have not yet been counted, will you kindly write the same on the blank lines below and return to The Herald office on or before Satur day of this week; and we will see to it that the names reach the proper enumerators in time to be counted: NAMES STREET NUMBER -..,-.. 1 - ------m-------m---m-rm ,'' ' . 4j ' that in regard to street lighting. As will be seen by the above report, this has been a heavy expense, upwards of two thousand dollars the past fiscal year. It is claimed that under muni cipal ownership of the lighting plant, which we are soon to have in Alliance, rates fo private consumers will be lowered, the number of street tights in creased, and the expense to the citv fur street lights will be entirely eliminated, the same being covered by the profit on the lights sold. Although we have mndo no investi gation into the details of the city's business, the above appears to us to be a very creditable showing and one of which the city administration, may be justly proud. Alumni Banquet The date of the alumni banquet has been changed from Ftidav, Varch 20. to Wednesday evening. Miy 18, eigl t o'clock, on account of the postpone ment of the track meet and the de bating contest at Lincoln, which will be May 20, tqog. EntTii M. Swan, Pres. Janeway's Wallpaper We now have on disposal, the latest Eroduct of Janeway's wall paper, the est paper ami most up-to-date styles ut prices ranging- from 3Jo. to 50e per roll. No trouble to show paper at iiolsten's. High School Commencement Th Alliance oity fohools will qjose May7. Next week The Herald will giro the program of the commence ment exercises. Strayed or Stolen From my farm nine miles north of Alliance on May 2nd, one Miioky'gray mare four yeun old. with wire marks on both front feet. Suitable reward for information. W. F. Pattxhsov. AUlunce. Phono -1 on 13. country 11 ie. 22'lt For Sale A htl'letlv moiHril S.v-,n rnnm I.Aiicu loatedut mi u 5utte avenue. Hood terms rnnr u D W. Hayrs. I 1f In Front of the Palace Livery StaWe you can nearly always see a rig gettioR ready to start out- We will send one any distance, for any purpose, at any time. We answer all calls promptly and will be glad to serve you in any way in which a rig is required. H. ,PV COURSEY. Prop. HONE V2 v