The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 05, 1910, Image 5

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maa. i r r i ftnWi Tm.jPBaj
i tyF.. '
at Mollring's
at Mollring's
Meet Me at
Ladies' Rest
. &
When you inspect
extensive showing
Capes and
see how attractive the
styles are and whatlex
ceptional values are
offered, you will better
understand why we do
such an enormous bus
iness in our Ladies'
Ready - to - Wear Department
Hemingford Happenings.
Mrs. Bert Carr returned from Alliance
Tuesday on 43.
Mrs. Wm. Curry is improving slowly
from her recent sickness.
Wm. Fosket returned to his home in
Chadron, Nebr , Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. Little returned from their
visit to Rushville Thursday.
' Mrs. Flod Duff came up from Berea
Wednesday returning Thursday.
Mr. Martin, the oil man, made his
regular trip to Hemingford Fiiday.
Mrs. Rollie Johnson was a passenger to
Alliance Wednesday returning Thursday.
Ora Phillips and a party of land-seekers
autoed up from Alliance Wednesday.
W. Walker returned from his vacation,
where he has been visiting in Havanna,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison were in
from Sioux County Monday going home
Col. Fosket returned from Chadron
Friday, he having a sale for Rev. Klevjord
Mr. Standley Civish was a passenger to
Alliance Wednesday on 44, returning
Thursday on 43.
Mrs. Octavie Kinsley and son Harold
have been visiting with Mrs. Pete Swan
son for a few days.
Mrs. Thad Warren and son returned
from their visit to Missouei and the east
ern part of the state
Mrs. Waterman left on 44 for York,
Neb., where she intends spending three
weeks with her sister.
Mrs. W. A. Ward is able to be up
around the house again. She has been
1 av ng an attack of la grippe.
Mrs. G. W. Baker, mother of Mrs.
Chas. Davison, came Friday from Madi
son, Wis., for a visit with them.
Miss Delia Reed returned to Alliance
Thursday on 44. Miss Reed was a visitor
at the Charley Ball school Wednesday.
Mrs. Jane Waisner and two sons ar--:..a
i,nn citmrMan Wvomine. Sundav
for a visit with their mother, Mrs. Ben
Mr. Ray Sloan came from Kansas City,
Tki.., u.-hr tin went to take his
mother, Mrs. Middlecroft, for medical
Miss Hazel Hickey spent a few days
last week with her folks in Sioux County,
going out Friday and returning Monday
to finish up school.
H. H. Pierce and Ray Brown came up
from Alliance Saturday. They are haying
some repair work done on the engine so
they couldn't work.
Mr. Chas. Lockwood came in from Can
ton Tuesday, taking home a wagon-load of
supplies. We hear that Mr, Lockwood
has his new store building under construe-
' Mariorie and Schuyler Gilraan and
cousin. Cleo Chancy, came up from Alii
ance Saturday for a short visit with Miss
Susie Davison, returning Monday.
Peter Anderson's mother passed awa)
Wednesday evening about 5 p. m. She
was stricken with a stroke of paralysis
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about a week before her death. The
funeral services were conducted by Rev.
Waterman. The body was laid to rest in
th Hemingford cemetery.
D. II. Rouse and wife came from Iowa
Friday for a visit with Oscar Rouse and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pierce. Mr. Rouse
is a son-in-law of Mrs. Alice Curtis.
Mr and Mrs. Geo. Andre and son re
turned from Flag Staff, Colorado, where
Mrs. Andre and son were called by a' w!e
gram some time ago by the sudden Illness
of Mr. Andre. They brought him home
with them for treatment.
Tom Vantress's little son. Willie, is sick
at this writing.
Sunday school and church next Sundav
at James Jamison's.
This kind of weather is hard on Ifttle
chickens and gardens.
Isaac Shoffner and Allen and James
Jamison are fencing their claims.
No church or Sunday School last Sun
day on account of the stormy weather.
Mr. Peterson has been trying to work up
a new telephone line from here to Alliance.
Mr. and Mrs. Shoffner and Rex Ha
worth were Alliance visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Baccus aud daughter
Anna called at the home of Dr. Haworth
Friday afternoon.
Messrs. Owen, Marshal, Le Beck, Far
ley and Peterson are having some survey
ing done. Mr. Wilson is doing the work.
Thomas Vantress started for Alliance
Saturday by the way of Reno, but the
train arrived at Reno before he did and as
usual it did not wait for him, so there was
nothing for him to do but to walk back
home again. rwwwwww
Bonner Items
Miss Fickell is visiting at Hampton'
Bonus Liehtner was an Alliance visitor
1 Saturday, '
R. K. Thomas and Asa Briggs butchered
j a hog Tuesday,
Lee Marsh and Mr. Barnica were pas
sengers to Alliance Friday.
Msises Verna Fenton and Avery Wood
were Alliance callers Tuesday.
Verna Fenton and Avery Wood visited
at the latter's home Tuesday afternoon.
R. M. Hampton came down from Alli
ance Monday to spend a few days on his
John Colerick came up from Seneca Fri
day to attend the dance at M, L. Ander
son's. ,
R. M, Hampton and brother came down
from Alliance Thursday returning home
Mrs. Henry Sutton and children ar
rived Tuesday from Kansas to make their
future home near here. '
The dance at Martin Anderson's Friday
night was a grand success and everyone
seemed to enjoy themselves fine.
A. Z. Nicola was in Alliance Wednes
day. Mrs. Ed Mowry called on Mrs. George
V. Horn Thursday.
Beverly Cogar and Roy Meek called on
Boston Meek Sunday.
Mrs,. W. B. Hubble and son, Arthur,
were in Minatare Tuesday.
Jack Ritter's father from Ohio is here
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ritter.
Dan Morrison and Everett Horn were
seen in Nine Mile Wednesday.
Misses Ermina Knight aud Vira Horn
were shopping in Minatare Tuesday.
Miss Annette Crismond visited with
Misses Sadie and Vira Horn Thursday.
George Vance of Hacker Valley W. Va.,
is here on a visit to J. W. Cogar and fam
ily. Last Saturday Little Dick Friend had
the misfortune to run a nail through his
Z. Nicola, who has been in College
View for some time is living on his home
stead now
A large crowd gathered at the Hope
school house last Sunday evening to hear
Mrs. Beck preach.
Mrs. W. H. Hubbell, Mrs. John Derr
and daughter. little Miss Bulah visited at
Mrs. Horn's Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lore, Miss Tallada
& Company were seen driving through the
streets ol Hope Sunday,
Glen Sharp, Everett Horn and Ben
Nicola drove about 50 head of horses to
Hubbell's pasture Sunday,
Mrs. A. D, May and daughter June left
Wednesday for Ashland, Neb , where
they will visit relatives and friends.
G, W Horn has a large contract on the
government ditch 4 miles west of Hope
P. O. Mr. Horn is having fine success.
The dance at Mr. Ellengart's last Satur
ds evening was well attended. It was a
lute hour when the merry crowd left for
ilifir homes, after spending many pleasant
Lester Crismond and Bert Horn called
to see Ormie Corey Sunday. Ormie was
taken from Minatare Saturday, where he
had been so that the doctor could attend to
his broken leg. He stood the ride fine.
Misses Laura and Agnes Thompson
from Kansas City, Mo , are here visiting
their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Thompson, They expect to leave Mon
day for Lakeside, Neb., to visit their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Nelson.
Jerry Wells was a Sunday caller on A.
J. Gaghagan.
Mrs. Jerry Wells of Berea has been on
the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Noble went to Al
liance last Friday.
P. J. Knapp and wife made a flying trip
to Alliance last Thursday.
P. J. Knapp and J. T. Nabb are loading
a car of potatoes for shipment.
We are glad to know that Joseph Bark
hurst has come home from Lincoln.
The spring flowers and spring showers
have begun td make their appearance.
Sunday School was not held at Berea
last Suuday on account of bad weather.
Mr. Miller just returned from the east
ern part of the state and says he likes the
west the best of all.
Amanda Nabb spent Saturday and Sun
day with the folks at home and went back
to town on 44 on Sunday.
Ira Lore was a caller Sunday at Lore's,
The Durr boys were callers at A. Hub
bib's Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs Guoff visited at W. H.
Ilubble's Sunday.
Vv. B. Hubble has returned for a stay
over Sunday with family.
Miss Bertha Huston and Rollin Ross
visited Archer Lore Sunday.
Margueritte Lore and Ethel Tallada
called at George Denton's Friday.
A. Lore and family were the guests of
A. Lore of Wind Spring Monday.
The preaching service at Lore's school
house was well attended Sunday.
Rollin Ross went to Hope, Minatare
and bcotts Blutt on a business trip 1 burs
day. Mr. and Mrs. ene Halstead of Red
Bird. Nebr., is visiting at the home oi A.
Roy Denton has his well finished and
has taken a drove of cattle to pasture for
Fine rain storm followed by a large hail
storm visited here Saturday but no damage
was done.
G. Chapman is around calling on all of
his neighbors andaskincas manvnuestions
as he can think of,
Mr. Creen make a business trip to Alli
ance Monday,
Mr. Jeff Orr was out looking up his
cattle Saturday.
John McNeil is breaking a large tract of
land to-put in cane, John is a hustler.
Floyd Counts was trading at the Square
Deal Store Friday, We are always glad
to see Mr. Counts.
Chas. Wall has suspended work on his
dwelling and returned to Chicago on ac
count of the death of his wife's father.
Mr. Williams, the popular tax assessor
for this district, was around finding out
how much taxable property we had in
John Odon has purchased a pair of
young mares and he and Julius Eckesle
are teaching them the ways of the wagon
this week.
frby Hall shot that chicken-killing bull
dog Monday afternoon, which information
will be received with delight by Mrs.
Strasburger whose flock suffered from this
vicious animal.
James Anderson and Irby Hall made a
on all
Lace Curtains, and Colonial
Drapery Fabrics
Monday, the 2nd, at8'cick'-"'-
Saturday, the 7th
Light, airy hangings for the summer home such are those
concerned in the present sale. Lace curtains of the sturdy, worthy
character in the latest summery patterns and draperies and up
holstery goods calculated to give a cooling, attractive appearance
to the interior.
In the matter of selection we claim distinction. In price, a
superiority of values obtainable nowhere else in the city.
AI! at io discount during this sale
business trip to Alliance last week, Mr.
Anderson has been working at the joy
ranch for the past year but has decided to
remain in this vicinity for a while.
Fred Berndt, who has been working up
on the flat near Hay Springs for several
months has returned to Strasburger and is
preparing to fence his entire section. Ho
brought some good horses with him,
Mr. Weibling, a recent arrival, has pur
chased four horses from The Star Ranch.
We understand that he will work them
with Mr Hardison's freighting team in
order to have them well broken. Mr
llardison is n fine horseman and will no
doubt see to it that they have lost consider
able ambition when he gets through with
Three Good Papers
Persons who are interested in pro
gressive legislutiou, whether republican
or democratic in party affiliations,
ought to keep themselves abreast of the
times by reading one or more of the
leading progressive political papers,
A local paper such as The Herald can
publish only a limited amount ou the
subject of politics; but there are weekly
publications that contain a larger
amount of information on current
political subjects that should be read
extensively. There are some publica
tions that are always on the side of
the trusts; there are some that trv to
curry favor with both sides of the live
issues of the present dav; aud there arc
some that can be relied upon to be al
ways on the side of the people hs
agaitifct the trust and special interests
that are trying to dominate the politics
of the country.
In the last named class there ate
three weekly publications in particular
that we wish to mention: Ln Follette's
Weekly Magazine, republican; The
Commoner, democratic, edited hv W
J. Bryan; and Collier's, independent
We have clubbing arrangements with
La Follette's and The Commoner, and
shall be pleased to receive subscrip
tions for either of these papers, The
price of each is Si.oo per year. If
taken in connection with The Herald
we will make a reduction of 25 cents
on the price of either of them. We
have no clubbing arrangements with
Collier's but will receive subscriptions
for it and forward the same at the
regular subscription price if requested
so to do.
County Option League
To the People of the State of Neb.
raska: The officers ot the Nebraska
County Option League deem it advis
able to give a plain and concise state
ment to the public concerning the pur
poses and plans of the League.
The central purpose of this organiza
tion is to secure the nomination and
election of a governor and legislature
favorable to the principle of County
The plan by which this can best be
"accomplished is thought to be that of
organizing a local committee in each
county and precinct, to be composed
of men of all partieB and creeds favor
able to County Option; these commit
tees to he charged with tho duty and
responsibility of securing the nomina
tion and election of li-gislators pledged
to the enactment of such a law.
We believe that the committees in
each county rhuuld carrv on the com
paigu in their own wav. with onl biicli
guidance anil asbiittiuiee fiom the State
organization as tliev may voluntarily
reqilent. We ask the local committees
to repuit full details, including the
names and addresses of their officers
and members, "to Secretary Frank A.
Harrison, at Lincoln.
We wih this letter to be courftiiied
as the official request of the Nebraska
Cottntv Option League fur the inniiedi-
ate organization of the Countv Oution
worker Hi each county and 1 recinct.
It will be the purpose piuI aim of
the State urbanization to m nnifv nun
direct (hopffints of the lo1.! committees
as to best luiim nluuit tlm pasHace by
the next legislature and the signature
hv the nixt Kovemor of Nehru a. of a
rational and teapimahle Conntx dption
hill I le . Abbot t Pu-v.
Frank A. Huntson, Sev.
of our cleaning and pressing suvici:
ing is such that'vou can exam
ine the garment with a micro
scope and be unable to find any
traces of stains or dirt;
QUICKNESS Our service is
the most prompt possible can
sistent yith GOOD work;
DESPATCH Qur delivery
service is as quick as good equip
ment and excellent help can
make it.
Send your suit next time to
408 10X 1UTIE AVE.