Useful Household Article OIVEIN AWAY Wc have just received some of the newest of household Articles and desire to put one in every home in this vicinity. We are not go ing to sell them but are going to give one with your next purchase of a pair of shoes. SEE OUR NICE LINE OF JUST RECEIVED AT Colburn's Cash Store OTIS Sc BUSH CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS l CEHENT WORK A SPECIALTY Twelve Years' Experience All Work Guaranteed 307 Toluca Ave. Phone 613 ALLIANCE, NEBR. IHBBIIHr "u" V.;i' ..fLVJin BgBPBPWfttWLtJ tj.ti mm jjJLlfilit JlIv-' uAUJM Wallaces Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work f solicited. Phone 4 Frank Wallase, Prop'r. yj3 Y'W4MhWjQfK MMgMgMHpVVW'WHJWHpP'v C, B. & Q. Watch Inspector Boards of all descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber &Coal Co. Phono 22 D. Waters, Mgr. NELSON JFLICXCXHSTt FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY REPRESENTS THE FOLIOWINQ INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. North American ot Philadelphia. Phoenix of Ulooklyn. New York. Continental ot Now York City. Niagara Flro Insurance Company. uonnecticuit riro Liverpool. London and Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., New York. New Hampshire Columbia Flro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Dnderwrlters. I'heonlx ins. Jo.. Hartford, Conn Commercial Union Assurance Co., LondonPlrumans Fund Insurance Co. ucrniania lire ins. Co. uoencster uerman ins. 10. Statu of Omaha Office t'p.Stalrs.FIetcherlllock. CONDENSED NEWS A. W. Hoffman, a fanner, was killed near Burrton, Kan., when a tornado destroyed' his homo. A Japanese spy caught sketching a fort at the entrance tp Hong Kong har bor was sentenced to Imprisonment. Fire at Albany, Mo., destroyed four stores there on one side of the public square. Loss, $100,000; partly Insured. The National Aerial league haa awarded Its grand gold medal to Louis Paulhan for his flight from London to Manchester. Answering a hypothetical question in the Hyde murder trial at Kansas City, Dr. Hektoen said Colonel Swopo and nephew died of poison. Mny day was celebrated by a demon stration of 2,000 worklngmen In Hyde park, London. One hundred unions and socialist societies were represented. A rate readjustment, which will af fect the railroads between the Missis sippi river nnd the Atlantic seaboard, Is understood to be under prepara tion. Ten persons were burned to death nnd several Injured In a fire at Corn wall. Ont. The Rossmore hotel and a number of stores were destrdyed. Losb, $250,000. A fine bronze monument to the mem ory of 2,000 Confederate soldiers who died on Johnson's Island, Lake Erie, while Union prisoners, will be un veiled June 8. The BrltlBh budget, which has kept politics In n turmoil during the last year, received the royal nssont, thus becoming a law on the anniversary of Its Introduction. Thomns Bailey, said by the police to have boon one of three safebloweis who robbed the Nntlonal bank of Chntsworth, 111., of $9,000, Feb. 15, was arrested at Chicago. A bhnft to the memory ot Daniel Boone nnd a replica of the log cabin In which Boone nnd his family lived wore dedlcnted with elaborate services at Holman's Ford, N. C. Mnrgaret Emerson McKltn, society leader of New York, Newport and Bal timore nnd the wife or Smith Hollins McKlm, filed a suit for divorce In the district court at Reno, New Prosperity has been so-good In Kan sas that poorhouses havo been aban doned at charitable Institutions and converted Into experiment stations to add to the wealth of tho farmers. A typical figure of the Vatican passed with the denth of MonBlgnor Gugllcmo Plfferl, who had been the sacrlsta or parish priest of the apostolic palace since the time of Plus IX. News of the death of the Rev. Henry H. Jessup, a widely known mission ary and author, at Beirut, Syria, is contained in a cablegrnm to the Pres byterian board of foreign missions. Dispatching trains by telephone on the Lehigh Valley railroad has proved, nccording to a report Just submitted to the general manager of the com pany, "a thorough and positive suc cess in every sense of the word." Dr. George E. MacLean, president of tho University of lowa, has been en gaged to deliver the baccalaureate ser mon to the senior cities of 'Macalester college In the Westminster Presby terlnn church, Minneapolis, June 5. S. R. Nelson, vice president of a bank at Chllllcothe, Mo., and former president of the Missouri State Bank ers' association, committed suicide at his home by drlnkftig carbolic acid It is said his accounts are correct. Justice of the Peace William A. Pur cell of Jersey City is advertising in a newspaper there that he will give 1,000 trading stamps to each couple he mar ries between now and July 1. On that date the new marriage license law goes Into effect. President Taft sent to congress In formation regarding the necessity for Immediately beginning the fortification of the Panama canal In order to have It completed by 1915, the date set for opening the canal. New York Is to have a domestic re lations court, the first of the kind ever outntiHuhed, where matrimonial mat ters and domestic troubles will be dealt with exclusively and where they will receive calm and earnest consld eration. A bet of $2,000 in cash was paid at the Meadowbrook Hunt club at Hemp stead, L. I., to Edward Matthews, New York banker, who succeeded In walk Ing fifty miles In less than twenty four hours. Ho accomplished the feat in nineteen hours. Sylva Grimes and Mary Newmann, who disappeared In Milwaukee ten days ngo, were located at International Falls, Minn., where they were held as prisoners by a man and a woman, nl leged to be whtte slave operators, who were taking the two girls Into Canada. Profits very near $320,000 were shown by careful calculation of the work of James A. Patten of Chicago and his associates In the great bull clique, which haB manipulated May cotton, and is turning its attention to buying all of the July cotton that is offered. THE DinTM CATTLE Why Free Hides Have Not Made Shoes Cheaper PUT MEAT ON FREE LIST All Threo Industries Aro Related, and Reductions Should Be Made on All The Reason Why English Footwerr Is Being Imported. Now that the remofti of the dutj on hides has nm in 4m the expected relief to tin ni.unier, since the price of shoes Is ilsing and not falling, the' protectionists aro gleefully shouting, "I told you so!" Senntor Lodge, the man who Is to make an Impartial in vcstlgatlon of the high cost of living, argued Jauntily the other day In the senate that because the removal of the duty on hides has not made hides any cheaper the removal of the duty on beef would not make beef any cheaper. On tho contrary, it would seem that the failure of free hides to afford re lief Is one of the very best rensous for taking tho duty off meat and oft cnttle too. The removal of the 15 per cent duty on hides was accompanied by a large Increase in the Importation of that article, but prices did not com down because of the Increasing de mand for leather for automobiles nnd other uses besides shoes and because of the Influence of the packers, who control the supply of bides as well as of meat, and also because of tho grow ing scarcity of cattle, both actually and relatively to population. These jiuuili;uv.i;i uuiv. u, ku IUL nuuii been suincient to onset the advantage conferred by tnklng off this duty. But how does the tariff on cattle and meat affect the price of hides? Just this way: Cattle are reared for their meat, and there never will be more American hides in the market than there are cnttle which were reared for their meat. This country Is and has been n great exporter of meat, but It may be that, owing to tho exhaustion of the cheaper lands out west on which our cattle are mainly raised, we shall be compelled to rely upon Can ada. .Mexico and the Argeutlne for a portion of our meat supply. There Is n duty of 27 per cent upon live cnttle Take off that duty, and cattle would be Imported when necessary and meat would be cheaper and hides would nec essarily become cheaper too. The reduction of the duty has, how ever, brought oue curious result. Some kinds of shoes are beginning to be Im ported here from Euglnnd to relieve the present blgh prices. The duty on shoes, which had been '25 per cent, was reduced to 10 per cent when the duty on bides wan taken off. It Is strange. Indeed, to think t but England should be sending shoes here when we are such large exporters of shoes. But by encour.iging luternntloual trade we al ways tnne 11 safeguard aglnst domes tic srnrnry. whether natural or artl-( I. L. ACH ESPN Hardware Farm Wagons Buggies Everything in Harvesting Machinery Harness and Saddlery I 319 Box Butte Ave. Phelan Opera House Block I E. I. Gregg & Son's Big Premium Offer We will give a special premium of Ten Dollars ($10.00) to the winner of first premium on best loaf of bread at the Box Butte county fair this year, if the bread was made from flour bought of us. To the winner of second premium on loaf of bread we will give a special premium of Five Dollars ($5.00) on the same conditions. Now is the time to commence practicing with this flour. We handle both the Curtis High Patent and the American High Patent B. I.Gregg Sc Son vfcr Es)&hh Palace Livery Barn H. P. COURSEY, Prop. (Successor to C. C. Smith) Good turnouts. Courteous treatment to all. Give us a trial; we will treat you right. vm A Broad Choice of Vacation Tours 1 Very low round trip rates this summer to the Pacific Coast Chicago and the Lake Region Atlantic Seaboard and Eastern Cities and Resorts Colorado and Utah Resorts Space does not permit giving them all in detail, but now is the time to get in touch with your nearest ticket agent or write me regarding fares, etc., and let me help you make your sum mer vacation plans. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS the first and third Tuesdays of each month from the East to your locality. Write your eastern friends, and also mention the excellent opportunities open to business men and investors in the new towns springing up along the Burlington's new main line through Central Wyoming. . . Alliance L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha WHEN THE PRICE WOULD APPEAR ATTRACTIVE THE QUALITY, PERHAPS, HAS BEEN SACRIFICED There is no risk taken when you buy a CHICKERING SON (Boston), IVERS & POND, PACKARD, KURTZMANN, STERLING, KOHLER & CAMPBELL, HARVARD, HUNTINGTON, besides a number of less expensive Pianos that may be seen on our floors and are regarded as leaders in their respective grades. YEARS FROM NOW you would regard the price of the Piano you purchased now as small if then you FOUND that you had in your home a Piano that had proven satisfactory. Time alone will demonstrate the musical value of a good Piano and the honor of the house that sells ,Our aim has always been to sell the class of Pianos that would secure for us the confidence and esteem of the public. No Piano concern can produce a better asset than a satisfied community of buyers, and we are in Alliance, to stay. Call and see us in our new quarters, Brennan's old drug store, opposite postoffice PIANOS SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS IF DESIRED THE BENNETT CO. W. C. ENGLISH, Mgr. Sev.eral Good Second-Hand Organs from $10 up Viv l 1 J m it. - fx 4). 5 '"'m xv - a . v WvA