Spring and Summer weather demand the wear ing of OXFORDS if you wish to escape, hot, per spiring, uncomfortable feet. Good sense demands the wearing of OUR ox fords because they give the maximum of satisfactory wear with perfect comfort. We have a superb stock in all leathers made on lasts full of swing and snap. Alliance Cash Shoe Store 4..i..t..l....n..i4.HH"H"l"Ill'l"l""t"Hl I RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS. I .H..H,.Hfr-M"W'M"M"l"H"M" Geo. Hicks of Ravenna was in Alli ance Monday. A. F. Morton spent Wednesday and Thursday in Seneca. Fred Beavers of the boiler shop has been sent to Edgemont. Brakeman Hack of the Edgemont work train spent Sunday in Alliance Arthur White and Ralph Bishop of Broken Bow are new men in the boiler shop. B. Painter a former fireman has re turned and will work in the round house. Mrs. D. C, Taylor wife of Engineer Taylor of Guernsey was in Alliance last week- Brakeman Carpenter having secured a house has moved bis family from Loup City. A. H- Sharp for a year a brakeman out of here haB been transferred to the engine service. Frank O'Conner has Armour's run on passenger and Clyde Miller has O' Conner's car and crew. , A burned bridge on the Sheridan di vision caused about six hours delay on 44 Monday. The bridge was repaired in time for 42. Brakeman Tyler bas severed his connection with the Burlington and with his wife bas moved to a ranch near Bingham. Frank Conuers came in from Sidney Monday. He will visit his parents here a few days then go to Norfolk where he has secured employment with the Northwestern. George Davis and family left for Lincoln Sunday morning. Sir. Davis received word of the dangerous illness of his father, The message stated that he was in the hospital at University Place. Mrs, Davis expects to visit a sister in Iowa and attend the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star in Omaha, She will be gone about six weeks. The Alliance wrecker in charge of Conductor Hoskins finished picking up the two engines that went through the bridge at Mystic and came into Edge mont Tuesday evening. J. A. Armour has gone to Chicago where be expects to consult a specialist in regard to stomach trouble of long standing. The railroad boys hope that Jim will come home entirely cured. Over 300 feet of the C B. & Q. bridge at Grand Island was burned Sunday, supposed to have been set fire to by sparks from a passenger engine. Passenger trains both east and west bound have to be dctoured on the U. P. by way ot Central City. A forty-passenger electric car passed through Alliance Monday on No- 43. It came from Chicago and was on the way to Hill City to run between Hill City and Mystic. It was in charge of an electrical engineer and was equip ped with all the best electrical appar atus. On the trip out it would run ten hours with its own engine, then be picked up by a passenger train for another ten hours. The B. of R. T. banquet last Thurs day evening was a success in every particular thanks to the good work of the committe in charge. After a very interesting meeting and the initiation of fifteen candidates the boys went to the Cafe Alliance where a bountiful spread was waiting- The evening was heartily enjoyed by all. Such events do much to arouse interest and build up the order. H- Forbes is a new employee of the Newberry Hardware Co- HK--H-M!4W-.rfHW"XH ., REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS X 1IEPOUTED I1T V AF UALDKIOGK, Bonded Abstracter 4. H--H"H--H-r-H-'MMH:--M- II S Bradfleld to Phillip Hnmbsch sw4 12-27-J3 12000 Harm B Post to Elsie V Dlssen sw4-12-a7 52 4j00 Walter S Harlan to J C McCorklo SW4-30-25-47 BC00 John O'Keefe to Clarence L Pow ell v2-13, sc4 a s2 ne4-i4-2ft-48 :50O0 J U Kinkaid to William Davidson SC4-27-25-48 0000 Moritz Muhlbach to John Burry nw4-32-24-S2 .100 J J IJolsten to Mrs A H Holsten Its 1)2 s2 ne Its 3 a 4 s2 nw4 4-28-51 . .1300 II V C Hornburp to ltridgctt Far rell Sw4-i2-25-48 . 5000 E T Kibble to James Flitcher Its 102 a c2n w4-19-2ft-49 2O0O Jdseph Clvlsh to Antonie Civish sw4ll-275t... ) C T Davison to Conrad Androy nw4-33-27-50 2400 E J Swanson to Irwin R Wilcox lot 6, blk 13, Wyo Add 1300 Geo Klampc to L Banks Wilson SW4-23-20-40 2800 John M Truoblood to Addle True blood X int in w2-l 8-24-47 1 Chas F Hinds to Thos L Uopktns nw4-15-28-48 1500 LorenzEnzminper to Samuel Her- den nw4-32-26-40 3200 A. Anderson to A. S. Enyeart se4-5-27-50.. , 1700 Bert Langford to Herbert Part ridge Lot 1C, Blk. 34, Heralng ford COO John E De Grette to William II. Harm & P. A. Tulleys, nv4-35- 28-48 . 1000 Adelbert S. Reed to Daniel It." Elehor. ne4-31, mv4-32, part of se4-3and 82-32-2.1-47 7408 Joseph Young to Ora E, Phillips' ne4-5-2G,40 - 1 Susan J. Uokiridge to Ellen Nason, Lot 18, Blk, 18, Alliance 2500 Charles T. Davison to John J. Weihler, n2 sw4-5-27-51 1200 Anna Lcnora Duncan to Joseph Young, ne4-5-2G-49 10 E. II. Boyd to Thomas J. Heal Lots 8 and iO Blk. 8, Hills Add. i.'.O Charles E. Wiltsey to Bernard Monnefeld, ne4-23-27-49 1 Jacob Bach and Abe Eppstein to John O'Keefe, n2 nw4-fl-20-47.. 1 E. H. Boyd to Thomas J. Real Lot 1, Dlk 2; Lot 3, Hilt. 3: Lots 2-0-8-10, Blk. 5; Lot 8. Blk 0; Lots 0 and iO, Blk. 7, Hills Add 500 Isaac N. McCue to James V. Me dio, Lot iO. Blk. 2, Hitchcock, Hills and Snedeker's Addition, 1000 Peter Rubendall to Albert Heyde nw4-28-28-48 2850 Elsie E. Dissen to Wm.V. Dlssen, sw qr 20-25-47 600 Joseph Clvlsh to D. A. Finch and J. Lu Sutherland, n2 sw4-7-27- CO and ne4-12-27-5l 11.100 F, T. Helpbrlnger to F. C. fctnby Lot 6, Blki 1 Sec. Co. Add .... COO A. B Burkett to Agnes Prichard Lots 1, 2, 3, Blk. 2, Snedtker's Add James W. Mickey to Lewis N. Worley, nw4-i7-24-40 L. Blanche Gaommett to Alice A. Curtis, Lot i3, Blk. t7, Hem ingford ... James N. Clarke Rcc. Neb. Loan & Trust Co. to John O'Keefe c2 se4-i; n2 nc4-i2-24-51 Benjamin Swenson to E. H. Boyd and C. C Barker, ne4-32-26-48. Albert L. Davis to Wlthom Hall Rust,sc4-i2-25-48 . . . . 500 3000 50 800 5120 i ANNOUNCEMENTS. f FIRST PRESnYTEKIAN CHURCH Morning sermon topic for next Sun day, "Without Christ, without hope, without God;" evening, "Christ's con versation with the Samaritan woman." BAPTIST CHURCH. Morning topic, "Christian warfare." Baptismal services and the Lord's sup per in connection with morning serv ices. Evening topic, "The sinner's refuge." Special music. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services throughout the day as usual on Sunday. Subject in the morning, "The church in Sardis." Epworth League at 7 p. in. UNITEO TRESnYTERIAK CHURCH Preaching at the usual hours morn ing and evening. Christian Union at 7 o'clock p. m. HOLY ROSARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Order of Services: Sunday Masses, 7:00. 9:00, and 10:30 a. m., except on the third Sm,dav ot every month when the order i n o and 10:30 a m. Evening servir- evciy Sunday even ing at 7:30. Rev. '. L. McNamara, Pastor st. Matthew's episcopal church Services for week commencing Sun day May 1st: Sunday, Holy Communion at 11 a. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon 8 p.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Choir practice on Friday at 8 p.m. The H. S. Juniors Entertain The high school Juniors gave their annual reception to the Seniors on last Monday evening. A party of forty, in cluding members of the two classes chaperoned by Missus MaymeO'Donnell und Blanche Macdonald, and a part of the faculty, had a merry hay-rack ride to the banks of Broncho lake where a clam-bake (weenie roast) was served by the Juniors. Upon their return to the city a pro gressive luncheon was served at some of the homes of the Juniors, the last coursq being at the home of Ralph Thomas, where Prof. Hanna was toast master and many happy responses were glvBii to tousts offered. The party dispersed at a late hour, nil acknowledging the Juniors to be delightful entertainers. They Paid far the Herald The following named persons have paid for The Herald since our last re port: Arthur Feaglns, Cleman. M. L. Phares, Bridgeport. A. T. Lunn, Alliance. Geo. W, Briggs, Iowa. W. S, Nicholson, Marsland. H. L. Richardson, Alliance. P. J. Sturgeon, Alliance. Prof. G. H. Williams, Alliance. Ham Hall, Hemingford. W. M. Weidenhamer, Alliance. W. F. Patterson, Alliance. L. Snow, Marsland. L. J. Munger, Alliance. Mrs. J. N. Nation, Alliance. Hiram Wilson, Alliance. Wm. F. McCov, Alliance. J. T. Byrne, Seneca. S. C Reck. Alliance. J. E. Ryan, Oshkosh. Frank Brown, Long Lake. Adolph Nikout, Hemingford. Jas, J. Planansky, Hemingford. John Nikout. Hemingford. Frank Hanna, Canton. Ira Scribner, Burns. Dick Henderson), Mud Springs. Byron Fosket, Canton. O. J. Scribner, Hemingford. Anthony Johnson, Broadwater. G. H. Peterson, Alliance. L. C. Cornette, Virginia. E. O. Whisman, Alliance. Irvin Myers, Oshkosh. E. E. Hill, Alliance. Moses Wright, Alliance. Fred Nason, Alliance. S. C. Boon, Alliance. Mrs. W, R. Birnev, Alliance. S. M. Hickman, Moffitt. Roy Austin, Bridgeport. Frank Lamb, " Asbury Whitaker, Alliance. W. A. McLean, J. E. Wilson, " Z. Goodwin, Jr., Mitchell. Collins Bros., Alliance. T. Faye Holmes, York. Milo Myers, Ohio. Frank Dunning, Alliance. Geo. D. Workman, " S. B. Speer, Strasburger. Krauss Bros., Alliance. Walter Tice, Lightner. A. J. Peterson, Alliance. Mrs. C. H. Preston, Edgcmont. Henry Hopkins, Alliance. James Burrow, Iowa. M. S. Trimmer, New Jersey. Mrs. Alexander, Hemingford. C. A. Burlew, " Chas. Dailey, Moomau. E. E. Ford, Marsland. Wm. H. Aspden, Alliance. C. L. Powell, Alliance E. J. Wells, Marsland. J. A. Wells, Hemingford, T. H. Barnes, Alliance. Geo. Carrel), Hemingford. Sam Albright, Kansas. Peter Belgum, Alliance. Peter Kicken. Fred Spencer, Cleman. C. E. North, M. L. Wehn, Broadwater. Mrs. Wm. Bignell, Alliance. C. J. Wildy, Hemingford. F. S, McLain, Lakeside. Levi C. Hood, Canton. J. B. nulburt. Mrs. Ella Hickey, Marsland. C. A. Posvar, Oregon. F. H. Hahn, Marsland. BringYour Tickets Saturday,,! Silk Skirt Special Saturday $4.69 Rugs " City Prices H ORACE B O G U E John Barnstead, Helningford. Wolf Freimuth. Jas. Freimuth, " Ben Price, " Move from Kansas to Northwestern Nebraska Last December J. S. and L. D. George and Bart Baumgardner of Lebo, Kaus., filed on Kinkaids near Long Lake in Sheridan county. J. S- George has been stopping during the winter at the home of T. J. Lawrence in the Fairview neighborhood. Yesterday morning L. D- George and Bart Baum gardner arrived in Alliance with two carloads of stock, farming implements and household furniture and utensils. Mr. Baumgardner's family will arrive within a few weeks. Returning From France Peter Kicken informs us that his brother Frank Kicken is coming back to America and is expected to arrive the last of this week or the first of next. He lived in this country in an early day, but returned to France with his family about eight years ago. It seems that bis children prefer to reside in Box Butte county rather than in sunny France, and as The Herald bas kept Mr. Kicken posted on the progress of this country he has decided to return with his family. BB&BfilMKM Insure in the Old Reliable Farmers and Merchants BECAUSE It has a record of twenty-five years of honorable dealing EKHSHHTKB. US&XSmSSHlSIKXSaasaM BECAUSE It pays its losses in cash without discount as soon as adjusted mmmmirwm mmmjwmmmu BECAUSE Gray & Guthrie, Gen'l Agents, write its farm policies at their office in Alliance without hav ing to refer applications to the company BECAUSE It never 4quibbles" over an honest claim GRAY UTHRI E GKEZLSTIEK.I-j -GtjSHSj-XS, ZLZL-X-lSraiE, ZLTIEB. Oldest Nebraska Stock Fire insurance Company Cash Capital, $200,000 Surplus to Policy Holders, Dec. 31st, 1909, $321,192.99 Losses Paid Since Organization Nearly $2,000,000 wmmmmmmmmmmmmmwMmmmmmmmmmmmmrmmmammmmmmmwmmmBmmmmmmmmmmamKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Cash Paid as Soon as Adjusted BECAUSE Losses are adjusted by Gray & Guthrie, Gen'l Agents, instead of a strange adjuster BECAUSE There is no live stock average clause in its policy Fire, Lightning, Windstorm and Tornado Insurance i t f