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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1910)
1 r i sri" l a ONE-THIRD OFF ON Millinery Including all Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, Flowers and Veiling Our Goods are New and Latest Styles. Ladies are invited to call and inspect the same during this Special Sale SIMMONS A.D. Groceries and Provisions A full line of fresh goods to order from Our prices are right Telephone orders filled promptly r Phorie 55 S. W. Cor: Box Butte Ave. and Dakota St. ; one block north of Burlington station, on west side of street Club Together I and Save Money! iMMmMmmmmmmMmmmmmmwmmmmM All orders amounting to $15.00 for Mechanics' Tools, accompanied by cash, we will discount 10 per cent Inspect each too before buying IkTot one but what's guaranteed "7"ariety and assortment large 33ach tool marked in plain figures Save time Tell your friends XeWv&. Co. NKLSON FLICTt'HER FIRE INSURANCE A G-E NO Y REPHEBENT8 THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. tUnford Fire Insurance Company. . North American of Philadelphia, Phoenix of Ulooklyo. New York. Continental of New York Qity. 1 Niagara Fire Insurance Company. uonnecucuu rire Commercial Union Assurance Co., London fSertnnnlu Fire Ins. Co. ;tute of Omaha J RODGER S Palace Livery Barn H. P. COURSEY. Prop. (Successor to C. C. Smith) Good turnouts. Courteous treatment to all. Give us a trial; we will treat you right. Liverpool. Loudon und Globe lus. Ca German AmrJuan Ins. ('oM New Yorlf. Now Hampshire Columbia Fire Insurance Company Philadelphia Underwriters. Plioenix ins o.. iiurtrord, ono llremuns Fund Insurance Co Hoehester Gorman Ins. Co. Office t'D-Stalrs.Flctchcrlllock. Engraved and Embossed Cards and Stationery Wo have completed arrangements with a firm of the best engravers in the west bv which we can supply on short notice, engraved cards, embossed stationery, engraved wedding invita' ions, or any thing else that may be de sired in fine engraved or embossed work. Headers of The Herald who are thinking of securing anything of this kind should call at this office and see samples. wwr. Card of Thanks To the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted during the sickness andat the time of the death of our beloved wife and daughter and who have since her death given expression to what were words of sincere sympathy, we wish to tender our heartfelt thanks. May the Comforter be their comforter when clouds of sorrow hover over them. Wm. Rewick. Mrs. Heath. Uncailii Fir Letters Following is a list of letters remain ing uncalled for in the postoffico at Alliance, Nebraska, for the week end ing April nth, 1910; if not called for on or before April 25th, 1910, will be sent to the Dead Letter Office at Washington, D. C. Bennct Mr. A, F. Colter Miss Testa Fleming Jerome Gimmell Mr. G. M. Grinder Mr. W. H. Gillespie Mr. C. F. Nelson Mr. Harry (2) Hoffiler Mrs. Lane Mr. Virgin Mich am Mr. Guy Wilburn Mr. A. Parker Mr. Charles Scott Mr. Wallace Trefny Mr. J. A. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. A. Ira E. Tash, Postmaster. Home raised Short Horn bulls for sale. lames B. Leith, Box 106G, Alii ance. Nebr. 12-tf LEGAL. NOTICE. In tho District Court of Ilox llutte County, Nebraska. Jn the matter of the Application of Sarah A. Gllleran. Guardian of the persons and es tates of Mary Frances Ollleran, Francla Gll leran, and Leoftlllcran, for license to sell real estate. On reudlnf and filing the petition, duly ver ified of Sarah A. Glllcrun, Guardian of the persons and estates of Mary Frances Glller an, Francis Gllleran and Leo GUlcran, for li cense to sell the following real estate of said minors, to-wlt: The North West Quarter of Bection Twenty-four Town !2, Ranee 48. In Uox llutte County, Nebraska, or a part there of far the purpose of raising fund, for the ed ucation, support and maintenance, and the comfort of said minors, and It appearing from eald petition that ald real estate con sists of unimproved land with the exception that'eame is surrounded by a fence, and very little if any Income is derived therefrom. It is therefore ordered that the next of kin of said minors, and all persons Interested in Maid real estate, appear before me at Cham bers in the City of Uushvllle, Sheridan Coun ty. Nebraska, on the 10th day of May. 1P10, at 8 o'clock a. tn. to show canse, if any there be. w(y license should not bo granted to wild Guardian to sell said real estate. And It ia further ordered that a copy of this order he served personally on all persons Interested tn said estate at least fourteen Uajs before the day et for the hearing, and be published once each week for four succes sive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a news paper printed and published In said county. Jjatcd at Chambers In the City of Alliance. Box Unite County, this 2nd day of April, 1P10. Wm. H, WE8T0VEU, Judge of the District Court of fpApr 7 t Itox llutte County, Nebraska. NOTICE TO KON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS The American Investment Company of Kra metsbnrg, Iawu, defendant, will take notice that on the H th day of April 1010, Jacob O. Os born, plaintiff herein filed his petition in the District Court of Box llutte County. Nebras ka, against said defendant the object and prayer of which are to have satisfied and can celled of record a mortgage In the sum of W3-30 dated Sept. 1, 188tJ anil upon the (South east Ouurter of Section 34. in townshln "S north of llange 49 west in Ilox Butte County iieurroKa, vjecuieu uy .iuiuuh r. Pimpson to American Investment Co, and recorded in book J page 89 of the mortgage records of said County; to have the title to said premises quieted in the plaintiff and to exclude all. and each and any one of suld defendants from any right, title or Interest therein as owners of said property or otherwise and for a decree quieting and confirming the title to said prem ises in the plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 23d day of May, 1910. Dated April 14, 1010, Jacob O. Osbobne. Plaintiff, lb- Uy B. F. Oilman, his attorney. NOTICE TO NON-RESIOENT DEFENDANTS Kiibn Bchoenburn k Co.. M. E. Smith A C.n.. W. W. Kendall Boot & boe Co.. Kemper HnndlevJc McDonald Dry Goods Co., J, II. itruuy a uo.. iiurnuum iianua Plunger ts, to., American Hand Sewed rhue Co., Clement Bane & Co., Friend Brothers Clothing Co.. Kobt. Krauso Co.. Uentley & Olmsted, David Adier & 80ns Clothing a., Hirsh Elson & Ca, Joseph Belfeid &. Co.. Herman Bros.. Strom berg Kraus & Co., Gles:cke & Co., OUego Glove Co., Abel Buch Trunk Co, Iiedpath Bros , Ihe ltockfoid Suspendiir Co., defend ants, will tHke notice that on the Hth day of April, 10:0, Martha E. It ss and Ar.zor Boss, pialntltl herein tiled their petition In the Dis trict Court of Box nntte Couuty, Nebraska, against said defendants the object and prayor of which are to have satisfied and cancelled of record u mortuage In the sum of $11,6052, dated May 2ti, JKW, and upon the Norlheust Quarter INK1,) of section twenty (20) lu town ship twenty-tivu t''j north of Ittuige forty nine (49) west in ox Bntle County. Mubraska, executed by V. V. Norton and his wlfo Emmu II, Norton to Uie said defendants und others, mid recorded u hook IB pngo 4' of the real estate mortgugu records of said Box llutte Counts-; on the irround that same bus paid, to have he title to s ild premises quiet ed lu the pliiluiiir, und to exclude all and each and any one of said defendants from any right title or Interest therein as owners of snld property or otherwlMj and for a decree quiet ing and confirming the title to said premises In thcphilntitr. Ynu nrtt rtqulred to answer said petition on or bufot-u the i3rd day of May, 1010. Dated April 14, 1910. Mahtua E. Boss, Ajzoh Boss. LLGAI. NOTICi: in the District Court of the United Htates for the Dlstrlelof Nebraska. Norfolk .Division. In the mutter of Blon I., (irlswold, -In Ilankruptuy Bankrupt I To the Creditors of theubove named Bank rupt: Notice is hereby gien that on the 14th du of Ai.rll. A. D. 1U10. the said Itiou L. Url wold was duly aiijuilged Hunkruut, and tlmt the first meeting of Creditors will btt held ut NOTfiklk in suld District on tho Mil, Uy of :nt w Irish tlmtUeMiideredltON irKy WJnd. pitiveDieJriiltilms. appoint atrwitmi. examine the Bankrupt ami tranit!t qoh other inil ms a may properly cbmo before suld meet ing. Dated April Nth. 1910 k , , .. K. V WkatheiAiy. '-l Befereein BaukrupUy. CONDENSED NEWS $ i HWHM'MMtvW'I'-H-M William A, llttbloe, United Statoj consul general at Hongkong, died oi peritonitis. Midshipman Earl Wilson died of a broken nock, received In n football gamo on Oct. 16. A tornado which Rtruck Columbia, Tenn., cost ono llfo and destroyed property worth $2G,000. Tho methods of the juvenile court nt Denver, presided over by Judge Den B. Llnflsny, are to he Investigated. Notice of the third nnnunl reunion of Spanish War VeternnR in Nebraska has been Bent out. The reunion will be held' April 26 at Columbus. James Chllders, a wealthy ranch man of Faulkner, Okln., was shot and killed nenr his ranch by Albert Hub sell, a farmer, the result of a quarrei. Twenty thousand pounds of goat meat Is consumed In Brooklyn weekly now because of the high prices de manded for beef, lamb, mutton and pork. Henry Mnrhoefer, the alleged oleo margarine "moonshiner," was held to the federal grand Jury by United States Commissioner Foote at Chi cago. Bight of the alleged night riders oi Grant county, Kentucky, on trial In Covington, were found guilty. Fines ranging from $100 to $1,000 were aB sessccY. Farm labor Is scarce in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and' Montana, whoro larger areas will go into wheat and other grains and fruit thjs spring than ever before. Margaret Brennnn, a nurse, wns drowned In two feet of wnter In Muck creek, near Tncoma, being pinioned under an automobile which toppled from a bridge. In a tight between drunken Indians on the Island ncrofs the river from T-aCrosse, eight Indjans were seriously wounded and one, John White Boy, it not expected to recover. A third member of the Mnhray gang of nlleged swindlers, Edward Leach, was hnlled out of the federal prison at Leavenworth pending the hearing of his appeal. His bond Is $10,000. Mme. lna Cavalleri, the grand opera singer, announced by cable to friends In America that sho had ac cepted Robert W. Chanler, tho New York millionaire, and would . marry him next fall A cut of 2 cents a gallon In the price of whisky by the independent distill ers wob followed by a further reduc tion of 3 cents by the whisky trust The cause of the price war Is said to be overproduction. Showing fear In every movement, Earl B. Hill, convicted of the murder ... ---on ,Aug. 26, 1808, of Eldredge Davis, a 8Z4 BK w ' faijjxer of Balnbrldge, N. Y was put to death In the electric chair In Au burn prison. One thousand employees of the Pressed Sleel Car company at Schoen - vjlle, Pa struck and In a riot which followed one man was shot In the arm and Captain Smith of the company's police was badly beaten. The seventh annual convention oi the International Brotherhood of Rail way Clerks wiib opened at New Or leans, with delegates Jn attendance from every section of the United States and from Canada and Mexico. In court In Sully county, South pakota, Robert Evans was giv en a sentence of five and one-half yenrs on a conviction of incendiarism. He was accused of burning a barn, stacks and a team in Sully county last fall. George A. Hebb, a manufacturer of Newark, N. J., has been held in $500 bail to await the action of the grand Jury on a charge of using a fac simile of the American (tag for advertising purposes. It is printed on his busi ness envelopes. The young Englishman known as "John Carter," who has served half of a ten-year sentence for burglary and whose case has attracted wide at tention because of his poetic genius, was given b,ls freedom by. the Minne sota pardon board. War on the house fly is to be re sumed w.ith vigor In a continent-wide campaign. Edward Hatch, Jr., of New York, chairman of the fly fighting com mittee of the American Civic associa tion, began a literary and pictorial at tack upon the pest. The building trades lockout In Ger many, wrdch already has made a quar ter of a million of workmen idle, ap pears to be the beginning of a long struggle. The employers have locked out the men in an effort to put an end to what they regard as the intolerable demands of the latter. At u conference of railroad officials the Burlington railrdad and tho Den ver apd RJo Grande and Western Pa tlfio lines concluded traffic agreements wlieieby those ' systems will Inter chnnft business In Denver and the f!oul( linos will become the outlet to California for the Hill roads. Information has been received that Senator Aldrl6h of Rhode. iBland not only has decided definitely to retire from the senate at the expiration of his nresent term on March 4 next. hnt!i In preparation for that evont soon will retire from all his committees ex cept possibly that on finance. Tie government has taken a hand ;n the Kansas good roads movement and evary patron of a rural mail routo In .thajjtatls lleipg nptlfled that tho roiirl UlOii their property must 'no put Into 'good condition tlds summer and kypt (hat way. Otherwise thorn will be no mall deliveries next winter. v HOLSTEN'S Headquarters for School Supplies TABLETS NOTE BOOKS COMPOSITION BOOKS NOTE PAPER PENCILS PENS, INKS CHALK CRAYONS COLORED CRAYONS ERASERS and PAINTS RULERS GIVEN AWAY AT HOLSTEN'S Shoe Repairing PROHPTLY DONE All Work Strictly First-Class fl. D. Nichols BOX BUTTE AVENUE AT ALLIANCE SHOE STOKE BREAD EAT- - LOOK FOR LABEL None genuine without it IPexlrsr'B Brown Leghorn Eggs &1 pex 15 i-year-old hens, $1.30 K l AHlMCt, Ntb W. F. ROSENKRANZ ' practical BlaCkSrflJthJn M& WirflH ... . u.-Lt . c. .:.!.. num. nviacdiiBGiiig opwiaiij Stop an DkU St, bttwHn Box Butti mi lutmk Arems,AHItet, Hts. E. C. Whisman Practical Painter and Paper Hanger Full line wall paper samples PHONE 700 ALLIANCE, NEBR. Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can guarantee all work done by him. Don't trust your work to travelling repair men, This man will be here permanently. Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 139. Geo, D. Darling. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ...WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. NOTICE OF SALE lutlio District Court of Itox llutte County. NfluraHku. In tho muttur of tin; application of J. J. Ilkiltitry. mlniliiUtrutorof llib ttatoof Addle 1, rmmiptim, ut-cuuheu, iur ieuv 10 hun rwu - iate IUU1. Nutlro Ik linrohv iilvon tlmt. In iiurunnetof iiuonk-rof tho Hon. H. Wuxtotcr. JudKO ..ftljo DUtrtt't Court of Ilox iliuti- Coutnr. Nebraska, mudt) on lht Utti day of Muri-h. 1WI0. fur ilio K.ili- of the rvul tiitat licrohmflor iksc-rllx'tl, tht-rt' will ho -Id nt public vunduo to tliB lilKhtfet blililcr fur at least one-linlf rabh. balance on not t exiTinl tw eurs' time. hot-uretl by inortct'i- on tho luuil, with not lif,s tlmn 7 1-Hr i-cnt interi-st, nt tho front door Of tho Court Huuku In tho Cllv of Alliance. In hbl coiinlv. on tho 10th ilur of Mav. 1810. Ml th hour o' twoo'aluxlk l. in-, tho fntlowlnu tlUMirllHHt ruui oktuto. Mil nuiiilKir m, in lllock 0, l(i Kirn Addition to Alliance. Said nulu will tuniuln upon u hour. J, .1. Hurrnnr, AdmluUtrutor of lliu ostate f fpAirI40t Addle R. tThooipMin, dtveused HOME-MADE Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO , r 324 West Idaho. Phone 205 Edith M, Swan TI3AOI1HII OI PIANO, HARMONY and Musical History Stadie 424 iaramVe Avenue ijhono aao Pwe fcfc ik' WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNtr AT LtW, -, ' ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Office in rooms formerly occupied by R. C. Noleman, First Nal'I Bank blk Phone 180. ALLIANCE, NEB, ' H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, WILCOX & BROOME LAW AND LAND ATTORNEY. Long experience in state and federal courts and as Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Office is a guarantee for prompt aad efficient service. Office in Land Office Building. ALLIANCE NEBRASKA. - Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS (Succcasors to Drs. Frcy it Balfe) Over Norton's Store v Office Phone 43, Residence 30 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND SL'RQEON (Successor to Dr. J. E. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Omcc hours 11-lSa, m.2- p.m. 7;80-0 p, m. Office Phone 62 , .Res. Phone, 85 H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon I'Iiohc 300 Call answered promptly day and night frosa offltce. Offices: Alliance National Bank Unlldlnc over the Post Ortlce, - - DR. CHAS. E. SLAGLE WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work Drs. Bowman & Weber PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS First National Bank Bldg. Rooms 4-5-6 Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 1:30 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Office Phone 65 Res. Phone 16 & 184 Dr. H. R. Belville PHONE 167 Opera House Block Alliance, Nebr. T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer OFFICE rilONE 498 v HES. rilONE 207 ALLIANCE, NEBR. THE GADSBY STORE Funeral Directors and Embalmers rUNERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE PHONE 498 RESIDENCE PHONES 207 and 510 J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALUANOi:. NKllKASKA Parties out of town should write, as I am oat much of the time Charges will not exceed $5.00 and ex penses per day. MRS. LOIS RILfeV Trained Nurse MIO.NK 510