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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1910)
MiiiwnMPWwii.nii ii mammmmmm P Ufwinsr ; TELEPHONES IN NATIONAL FOREST T HH telephone In the national forest Is not ly of ttic great est assistance In the manage tnent of the forest, but Its Taluo'ls Inestimable when used to re port or Bunnnou help for n fire. In n single case of forest (Ire It may be worth the entire cost of Its construc tion. No other work of Improving the forests has been more ncceptnblo to the residents In their vicinity In tho summer of 1005 Secretnry Wilson and United States Forester Gilford IMnchot, nfter going over largo nrcas of little developed and almost unexplored national forest land, decid ed that systems of telephones, with proper connection, would be Invnlu able in the forests of tho west. It was not until some time later, however, when congress mado a spe cific appropriation for the Improve ment of tho national forests, that funds were avnllnblo for this purpose. In 1008 3,200 miles of telephono lines woro constructed In the 14S national forests In the west, and wire to build about 400 miles of additional line was snipped to the various forests, but with the funds On hand the work of construction could not be completed. A town In southern Utah with about 1,000 Inhabitants was Isolated four days ride from the nearest railroad station until a telephone line was built by tho fdrost service across tho moun tainous country for forty miles, thus TEiajPHOKR CONSTRUCTION IN MONTANA NATIONAL I'OUUST. connecting the town, the headquarters of the forest nnd several, ranger cabins with tho telegraph station. From two to live ranger stations are now .connected with the supervisor's of fice in many of the national forests, and by the use of phones In the homes of settlors centrally located other points In tho forest are reached The marked saving In time otherwise required for a trtji of from twenty to forty miles Is uvmyau , in jsomo forests "lookout stations" nave., been established, to which a wire Is run and a man stationed In the vi cinity, so that he can climb the point of vantage several times each day and with his glass sweep over the land scape In every direction, quickly bcuu nlug an area of '.200.000 or 300.000 acres. It Is by such plans that (Ire patrol and lire control have been established In the national forests with an exceed ingly small protective force and dam uge from (Ire has been reduced to u minimum. Tho Rewards of Forestry. Tho professional forester cannot hope for big fees and certain pleas ant surroundings of life which crown distinguished success lu many of the other professions. The llrst prizes which are bestowed npou the great lawyer, tli. eminent physician, are not yet open to him. He must be content without much luxury. lie will have to spend u good deal of time out of reach of the ordinary comforts. Ho must be nble and willing to rough it without complaint, to sleep on hard beds, eat homely fare, endure pro longed exertion and get along well with plain people. On the other hand. If he Is at nil fitted for his profession and a few weeks of actual forest work or good summer school work will tell him whether ho Is or uot there Is open to htm a very rich reward-life In the open, In the midst of beautiful, healthful und congenial surroundings, creative work of unmatched useful ness In n uy materia! field, a place of large lesponslbllity and dignity and with It nil n fair living. If the forester's-temperament Is sci entific he will have the Joy of the dis coverer mid organiser of knowledge in a rhh and almost vlrglu field, while if Jt ?e practical he will have the chur.w of sharing lu a national "work' of prime importance to our people. FASTURING SHEEP IN Lbbbbbbbbbbbbb9BLbb1bbbbbbbbv1& w- . UftffiPw bbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbwbbbbbbbk6!? ''m&y- t'ftkwKMiJij. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiiaBBBMBBBBBBBBBBCtf V .w UBBBmrh BBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBSmiBBRlBBB.jr9B 'SrafciniBBBBBBBK BB Pi HwiMKhW iM?ILLfijT.'' j-wtY-QSHpSKBEBlBBflBBBBj JOHNNY APPLESEED. By GERALD PRIME Copyright, 1210. by American Prea Amo elation.) (John Chapman, known as Johnny Ap plexrcd, was born (n Springfield. Mass., In 1775 About tho year 1803 ha removed to 'lie vicinity of Pittsburg and began bis iift work railing appto trees for tho bone lit of other. Keeping- In advance of civ ilization, he passed into Ohio and worked westward until the northern and central parts of that state were dotted with his apple plantations. It was his custom to clear a place In the forest, fence In the patch and plant It with apple seed. Al though he went unarmed, he was nevor molested by the Indians, who regarded him ns a great medlclno man. He died at Fort Wayne, Ind., In IB 17. I take my hero from the land. No foreign soil hath bred him. No alien force hath moved his hand Nor on to fame hath led him. Yet 'gainst the doer and the deed 1 match my Johnny Applesecd. He never heard the loud huzza Rise at his name's mete mention, He did not startle nature's taw Wilh marvel or invention, But what he did, so it's agreed, Immortalized John Apple3ccd. What did he, then, this modest man, To win, his fellows' gratitude ? He was .the humblest in the van Of those whose noble attitude - Toward brother man fulfilled a need He civilized with apple seed. For up and down the midland wide He passed in annual pilgrimage, And as he fared on every side , He gave the land its heritage. A generous soul, from error freed, His gospel was ihe apple seed. His was the true philanthropy ; No taint ol self was in it. His largess was the apple tree, And he who would might win it. So let no churl withhold the meed Due noble Johnny Applesecd, Transplanting Trees at Night." Some remarkable uud highly jjuc-ccs-sful experiments lu transplanting irecM a: ulglit have been made by u leading Freuch forester, M. KouuaulU M. ltouuault was called upon to trans plant 'i large tract of trees toward the close of May. lie had observed that late plantings (when the trees hud comuieuced to bud) were much more successful wneu inuue ut uigut tuau when .made, lu the daytime and de cided, therefore, to do the work at night. Itut to make sure he Crst transplanted In bli own establishment at 10 o'clock nt night a lluden live yeurs old. The ll'.ulen was carefully watered nud did not seem to suffer nt all from the transplanting. It contin ued to grow In the normal manner With this proof of the truth of his theory, M. Houuault went ou with the work of moving the big trait of trees, doiug It nil at, night. Only two of the J trees died, and they had not been ex pected to survive, owing to the bad condition of their roots. SI. Itouuault says that the trans planting should uot be done when tli.' buds nre too tender nud should nl ways take place between the hurra of 10 p. m. uud 2 a. m. He also ad vises the recovering of the roots with i earth from the surface which has been exposed to the wind and suirfor sev I eral days. This earth should be set tied by copious waterlug, which forces the dirt between the roots. Instead of being stamped down with the feet, Great Demand For Foresters. A young man can becoim a forester Just as he can become a doctor or lawyer, except that ho may have to go farther from homo to attend n profes slonal school. Many more trained men are needed than the schools nre turn ' lng out lhe nntlonnl government with Its 150.000.000 acres of forest uu der administration an area rnr than five times . big as New York state employs about 100 tro'ued fo-iwtcr and ueeds n much larger ferce Tim ber land owners, lumber comparies. educational institutions uud stite which nre beginning to take up fcr- estry for r theiseives aro all seeking' gwd men' NATIONAL FOREST. rHE BRIGHT GIRLS OF ELMHURST. By ROBERT OONNELL. Copyright, 1910, by American I'lei Am ciallun E I.MQUttST academy, coedm-a tlonal. N not a rciiownel .it of learning, nor Is the i-lnirc.i lug village which hold it a university town. T.he institution however. Is of excellent reputation among secondary schools, uud the vtl lage Is known widely for Its culture and advanced social condition. Hut the feature which has given It almost a national reputation Is Its re markable endowment of shade. It lies embowered In au overarching canopy of greenery so dense and symmetrical In its outline that the fortunate village has been transformed Into a veritable beauty spot, the theme of poets and singers, the Inspiration of the urtlsi uud the delight of the casual tourist who steps aside from the broader high ways io visit this charming New Eng land by way. How Elmhurst academy acquired Its embowcrmeut of shade was told to a tourist who remained a few days In the village last summer by an elderly resident. "Fifty years ago," she said, "1 was u student at Elmhurst academy. Then, as now. both boys and girls attended. Itut In some respects the academy was vastly different from Its present as pect. For Instance. Instead of hiivlug plenty of shade trees the grounds were absolutely bare of trees. It was u desolate looking campus, I cau assure you. That was long before Arbor day be came an Institution In this country but nevertheless some of us girls con celved u plan whereby our beloved school became a shady bower For &&& niuMfWWfS- ; j twmifcmi -: iffifflMTSfc1 sr., tdfif'AldrfnSr OfJbsAWQoo A- CHEERY THEES THUS rASS THE FOUESTS. ffHmHpKfi NwHbHbbbLbIb'bI PH HIBPijHtEtV? vEibLIjHbdb&bnbhLW HLHRSLbbbbbbbbbbbbbLbH lflBBBHBBBBBBBBBBllBBBBBHIHBBlBHL' wR , . . . ii ii i i i i - ...'-- several sessions there had been mors or less talk of setting out trees or planting them, but nothing came of It We girls it was Just fifty years ago last April tried to Induce the young men to get to work at odd times and plant trees about the grounds. They were too lazy apparently. "Finally the girls called a caucus In one of the academy class rooms one afternoon. It was a secret session. A few nights afterward sixty-five of us met on the grounds at 10 o'clock, car rying spades and mattocks. We also carried a stock of elm seedlings und those of other varieties of trees. Since our caucus we had been reading up ou tree culture. We set to work planting tho little trees. Wc had our plan all carefully mapped out The rows and groups its you see them now were laid out on a diagram, from which we worked at the direction of our chosen leader, who, 1 am a little proud to say, was myself. "After we had been at work an hour or so the hoys discovered us, though we were trying hard not to be visible or audible About a buudrrd of them gathered about the academy grounds and tnnile the night lively with catcalls and laughter at our expense. The boys offered various suggestions, all of which we rejected with scorn. We told them they should be ashamed of themselves for not having taken the Initiative, and since we were amply prepared to do the work, and do It right, we wanted none of their tardy co-operation. "We even refused to let them see us home. They predicted that none of the trees would come up. but our planting was n grand success, as you see. Of course It took years and years for the trees to grow large enough, to makoTho 'sc, ecc of forcst lncude3 h good shade, hut the result of our night's ... , - ., , ... . . . work now speaks for 'Itself." "iUUjr "' ohb "" ui io uo . with the growth nnd utilization of for- A Ranger's Qualifications. ' ests- s!,ll;e ""ture produces forests, A foresierV examination Includes011 m side forestry is u branch of nat- tests of tils physical powers, of his ural. science. The forester must study nWIIty to ride, shoot, handle pack tho hiws of natim- which mivprn th horM's nnd take care of himself In ttaeKruwtb of trees slnglv and In mass' woods and UNO of his knowledge of m. ,, unll.mand the life activities! BurYt-,YiuK. M-iiiiu limner nun oruer subjects Incidental to the proper dls charge of his duties. OF OLD JAPAK yTZaERvooo y THE FOREST LOVER'S PLAINT. By LESLIE BROWNE. The groves were God's fint temples." From Bryant I quote it Those groves have passed away. Like the man who wrote it "Woodman, spare that tree!" Once gentle Moms pleaded. The woodman kept right on; Ne'er the poet heeded. 'Too happy, happy tree!" Runs Keats' limpid song. That happiness, alas, f Was not for long I 4 , "Come to the sunsel tree, Mrs. Hemans calleth. But go and you'll perceive How the forest falleth. ;.; I t. "The leal is on the tree," Piped Jeffenes long ago. Too soon, alas, there'll be No trees for leaves to growl w What a Forester Must Know. Just what la tlm work of n forester? - ? ,Lt' t-ow it produces and sows lts awM,K- wnat ,l DlM'ds lu 0,tpr t0 thrive nnd how It feeds Itself and builds up Its structure All of ibis may be called tree botany He tnusti also Uuow the laws which govern tho life of the forest itseir a society of trees. This Is sylvlcs, the science of the forest as a product or uuture. But the science of forestry has to do also with the use of forests, it is a very practical science, like the science of agriculture. Forest mensuration, for example, Is an Important branch of forestry. If a man thinks of buy lug or selling n piece of woodland be naturally wunts to know how much wood Is on It how uiauy board feet of lumber, how many telegraph poles or feucepnsts. how much cordwood the standing trees will make. Again, if a muu things of Investing in a young forest he wants to kuow bow long it will take the trees to grow up and how big a hurvest he can couut on when they are grown. And when the har vest Is ready a host of questions arise. Where is the next generation of trees to come from? Which trees will It pay to cut now? How Is the timber to be got out of the woods most cheap ly and with least harm to the future forest? What steps should be tuken to prevent loss by tire, that great curse which so commonly follows lumbering ni1 1 which ha? turned millions upon minimis of acres of good timberlaud luto barren wastes? The whole sub. Ject of lumbering forms one of the largest divisions of the field of for estry. The Ai of Forestry. The art of forestry Is simply the art of making forests useful A few years ngo In this country forestry was com monly thought to be merely a branch of landscape gardening. This Is a profound mistake. Forestry creates beauty, but uot as Its chief aim. The fleld of forestry la economic Forests nre one of the great sources of na tional wealth. The forests of the United States each year produce more than f J. nw.000.000 worth of wood pn ilurt.s. as much as If not more than the yle'd of all the mines in thf coun try. gr.Jd. silver, copper Iron, coal n- 1 nil the rest. The ircuUo Is that wc are gathering till enormou" nnd m st c-inahle prcduct three times , fa 'it than the fnreMs are trriv. lng I in d vn Inrgelv by nii'fhnds which de- : tiVo;,- ?'! fnrnsts iIumocIvpa This I p:or . ;!' not prosper!!,' . hut lm- . w if' '-inert ni.d If' llif ut distant Tt" I li "iit v. i if e'c.ipe Ileal t'w ub'j the general prarf e of for- BEGINNING OF OUR FORESTRY. w HEN did the United States begin the practice of for estry? Few persons can an swer this question correctly. Most people are of the opinion that the beginning of forestry In tills couutry was of very recent origin nnd that tho first step In that direction was taken among the mountains of the far west Neither fact Is correct While Washington was serving hla flrst term as president of the United States u recommendation came to him that the government ought to buy live oak Islands on tho coast of Georgia to make sure-of a supply -of ship-timber for war vessels. The Idea appears to have originated, with Joshua Hum phreys, whose official title was "con structor of the United States uavy," although about the only navy then ex isting was made up of six ships on pa per, and not one stick of timber to build thorn bad yet been cut The ves sels were designed to tight the north African pirates. Five years after the recommendation was made congress appropriated mon ey to buy live oak land. (Jrover and Blackboard Islands, on the coast ot Georgia, were bought for $22,000, They contained 1.050 acres Louisiana was bought soon after, and in 1817 the six islands, of 19.000 acres and containing 37.000 live oak trees, were withdrawn from sale and sot apart as a reserve. In 1825 con- FORnST RANOBR PJUUTINa'FIBH. press appropriated $10,000 to buy addi tional live oak land ou Santa itosa sound, western Florida, und subse quently other Florida tlmberlands. ag gregating 2HS.224 acres, were rwerved. Up to that time nothing more bud been doue than to buy or reserve land for the timber growing uaturully upon It. but the work was to be enroled fur ther upon the Snutn Rosa purchase. The plan Included planting, protecting from tire, cultivating uud cutting live oak for the navy. That timber was then considered indispensable In build ing war vessels. Much had been said and written of the danger of exhaus tion of supply. Settlers destroyed tho timber to clear land, and European na tions were buying large quantities for their navies. In response to repeated warnings the government finally took steps to grow timber for Its own use. Youug oaks w.ere planted on the San ta Itosa lands. Dlttlculty was experi enced In Inducing you;!: trees to grow. The successful transplanting of tho oak Is not easy unless done ut the proper time nnd In the right wny The plantations nt Santa. Itosa were gen erally unsuccessful, but large quanti ties of acorns were planted, and a fair proportion of them grew But the chlef-elTons were dlreeted to pruulng, training and en ring for the wild trees. Thickets about them were cut away to let lu air and light. What the ultimate success of tho forestry work would have been cannot bo told. The civil war brought a com plete change In war vessels by subi stltutlng Iron for wood Forestry work stopped. The timber reserves were neglected. Squatters occupied the land After a number of years all the reserves except some of the Flori tn land were opeued to settlement Our Water Supply. Wp ore beginning to see that water U one of the great natural blessings which we must conserve by care und forethought. If we do not it will viiu. Isli or turn Into a eure The health of our eastern cities and towns de pends on pure crnrur The prosperity of our manufactures, the development of our commerce and the Increase of enr western farms are alt eloseU con reefed with water coucrvurhm Tha un'st powerful tool for isiutrolllng our r-ster supply Is the forest From hli i nit ie seen thai forest conservn t: ii if vital importance. 77 "fBjBjBjBT 4 Jxic'-.y.jy ffffslffffffffffllBl "s&.rr.&m LlB-- BBBBB X V " BBBBBB 5'x-JIbH Hfe K t:C ''V'BBBBBWJLliJiBBBl BHkv BBBV ' "" v'9BBBBBBBrrft4v3'BK iy c&fS A-s'.wH&& - p-V feist t4-t j4 ?& .BBB!''BBBBBBBBk4j3Sct'347? (-t?4viv&&? aj?xv-3 rfo i Sy ' BBBWHBBBBrlnr ffi$P&x'f 4 lBBBBBBBBr- !BBiB mHV X-s-'-:w jmaiHBBBBBBBl 1 h