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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1910)
n "wjgyywnyw .-i. ',1 J '5 s 1 '!f. ft it v Hemingford Happenings. Mrs. WrrJ. Curr'U greatly improved at this writing. The Hemjngford Telephone Co. held a meeting Friday. ' ' Mr. A. M. Miller was a passenger to Alliance Friday. Mr. 13. E. Johnson returned from his trip to Omaha Friday Mrs. Uert Mart's father came tram Iowa Tuesday for an extended visit. Ora Phillips and a couple of land seekers came up from Alliance Thursday. Rev. Waterman went to Marsland Sun day on 43 returning Monday on 44. K. L. Pierce, wife and Miss Jean Hustin autoed to Alliance Tuesday. Prof, 'and Mrs. Deaver went to Alliance Friday to attend the county contest. Miss Dollie Pierce has been sort of under the weather for the past week. Dr. Andrews went to his home in Scottsbluff Friday, returning Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Carr went up to Alliance Saturday returning Sunday. 1 Kev. and Mrs. Rozak were passengers' to Alliance Saturday returning Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. CJeo. Hedgccock and Missi Nora Drown autoed to Alliance Saturday. Don't forget "The Prince of Sweden" at the Opera Mouse Monday night, April 25- Mr. Ray Woods hatf purchased himself a new Ford car, It, is certainly a hurh- mer. . Carl Powell weut to Omaha Friday. He has accepted his old position as night ,, operator. Mr. and Mrs.- Mike Tsacher were in from Sioux county doing some traditfg Saturday. ,., Miss Lizzie Phillips went to Alliance to spend Sunday with home folks and to at tend the contest. Mrs. K. L. Pierce is taking Dollie Pierce's place in the First State Bank, while Dollie is sick. Col. Wm. Fosket went to Chadron, Nebr.,- Tuesday, for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olds. Mrs. A. H. Pierce was taken suddenly and seriously ill Sunday, but is some better at this writing. Mr. C. A. Burlew will open up his new "place of business soon nq.w, as most of the merchandise has arrived. Mr. Isaac Rockey and son Emi! has bought out the C. J. Wildy store. They took possession Saturday. Mr. B. H. Henderson returned to Chicago Friday where he has a position as engineer on the Chicago & North West ern. Campbell Bros, are cleaning out Mr. Partridge's well this .week. 1 hey have for Bradly just finished digging Fenner. well Miss Nora Brown and Mr. A. E. Clark were united in marriage Saturday, April 16, by Rev. Burleigh at the Drake liotel in Alliance. A good many Hemingfordites attended the Industral Contest held at Alliance Saturday Everyone reports the exhibit as being fine. ,- .Mrs. Hedgecock, Sr., returned to her ll&rriD in Sioux County ' th first of last weSk, after a few days visit wiih Mr, and a platter 22 Tnches long- with i. u BBBMBBJ" i, njflHflBESSBXMHBBlBBBV. -. vvIbRBBK BJBJBjBjBjBJvJVfrj ZjJBaEI)BBlBBHBB9BnKt3BBBSrai' ''tsftlijBJlIIlBj at BBBBBBHl&, . rPSBPfl&fr'H'r.Sjjfvl? 'j.r&ZZmmBUmmmm BjBJJBBBjJJJM2?3s.rfi J;" - . fBBKjBBjBjBBlJBB A. --H. jp g v SiiXmmmmmmvm iMjMmkitrjymmmBmfiifirBmmmmJaCnUSml WtrlimMmMttLmW?? IBK JHBP iSfflfcH, i3IBk'' ' ll -- me i j fm- :SS OUR OFFER: We ar(e going to give away Absolutely Free, a number of Colonial Qrneand, Fjsh $ets purely asJn advertisement fpr jdSir business. These 5 ; g are some of the most beithtftul sets of ware, manufactured. They are vtorli JjioVoo per set at retajj Wgi .lljegoihgtp g'lve.them rtivjjy free to familiesgVho buy $80.00 worth of g f3 goods at out store. Thqs are msterpieges. ; J Just the thing to t!(eur:eyf in in fine styled Jqft what every' ladyvan for;he dining rorarn$FheTMsh et consistis of J; OUR nuiivb: i otfuoupietuur Business in iviuk vve nave been looking- jrito things. We want to double the number .ofKour f " t ' At1 ' ' ''V'-'' -' " "' ' - iv ffiv--"vara, 2 on cretin wnu wuiuu iav -u l,," muuwiiiciu ncic ucito. iuti a wwy vyc n c jjymy ciwv; I'lviic. tins uciiiuiiui nne OI qnilHUVavCSf' n 1 2J you a bigger valuq than we could cftye bv any other method of advertising, and at a-jowerj price. '- 1 m OUR PLAN: Your choice of either Game Fish Set FREE with $80.00 amounts we will allow such a one to procure a set pVjpresentation of $40.00 in coupons of these beautiful plates for $ 10 in coupons or a. platter (or $20. . - ,. . sal $ Be Among the Lucky solutely free. A coupon You will alwavs get sixteen S thev cost us. Prices as low PHONE 32 1 II9 W. Wyoming Ave., Second Store West of P. Jason Sheldon returned from Scotts bluff Monday. Mr. Sheldon has been down there taking treatment for the past month. He seems greatly improved. Mrs. Ham "Hall, who has been very sick for the past week is some improved at this writing. Mr. Ed Stigele's mother, from the east ern part of the state, arrived Thursday morning on 35 for a visit. Mr. Geo. Carrell's new barn wilt soon be ready for use and work will soon be begun on his new residence. The new Post Office is going up just south of Postmaster Walker's house. So it will be quite handy for Mr, Walker. Mr. H. H. Pierce and Ray Brown came up front Alliance the last of the week. The roads were so they couldn't grade with the engine. The Commercial Club held a banquet in the Odd Fellow's Hall Tuesday evening. There were quite a. number present and 1 the evening was enjoyed by all, HubbVs Flat. , Arthur Hubble is visiting in Hope. A. Ross visited A. Lore's Saturday. Joe Neured is hunting for some stray cattle. Roy Denton was a Sunday caller at V. B. Hubble's. Edwin Dunlapp is visiting his father, W1B. punlapp. ' iFjne weather we are having. OhI yes for Sioux county people Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Durr visited John Durr and family Sunday. . Ethel Tallada and Helen Lore visited at Geo. Denton's Sunday. Miss Helen Lore and Howard Lore are vis iting their brother, A. Lore. Joe Neured jr., has been visiting in ScottsbluQfor the past few days. Geo. Sieverson was a Friday visitor at Miss Sheperd's school, Durr district. W. B. Hubble has returned from his work near Alliance for a few days only. Mrs. A. Lore and cousin, Miss E. Tal lada, visited at J. A. Lore's at Alliance last week, Miss Mabel Sheperd's school closed with a successsul term and they celebrated the event by having a field day. STRASBURGER Mr.. Green was trading at Deal store Wednesday. Warren Hooper, son of J. the Square L. Hooper, spent Wednesday night with Julius Eckerler. Jolra A. Cox, a banker from Alabama, has come into the sandhills in quest of fresh air, with which he will, no doubt, be liberally supplied. Mr. Hardison hauled a big load of wire from Lakeside Saturday and had a good deal of trouble getting home with it as the roads are in a worse condition than usual. Mr. McMillan, who recently took the Ingerston claim, has moved his dwelling house down to his west line so that he would be nearer the school and postoffice. Jeff Orr will sow fifty acres in alfalfa this spring. He already has in twenty acres and realized between j four and- five hundred dollars profit ,pn his, last year's crop. J f Jl O3tsjsbeinj5owed in 6 plates. They fa re simply -. Ones. Commence to save' coupons. Give us your whole bill with every purchase. A beautiful Game or Fish Set worth $10.00 FREE as an appreciation SEE US .GROW & - rl ounces to every" pound whether you tiuy avr the phone',, in person pr' whether, you send Willie. Goods of absolutely best 7 as is consistent with goods of quality ppurteous.anclx)bliging sals-peoplfe'to show you what you want. Errors (if any) this part of the county this year by the settlers, influenced pror4p)'bji the large yield on the land of All Spear and others last season News came to us today of an accident which befell Miss Lena Sandoz yesterday. She was thrown from her horse. As yet we have been unable to learn of the ex tent of the injury Mr. Philpot of Tecumseh, Neb., who recentlyjoined the ranks of the Kinkaiders, is putting considerable improvements on his place. Mr. Philpot is a practical farmer and we predict a successful future for him. Irby Hall purchased three fine brood mares from J. L. Hooper Wednesday and says he intends to put fifteen more on his place as soon as he completes his fencing. He also purchased a pair of nice driving mares in Alliance last week. We understand that there will be an ef fort made by some of the larger ranchers to run a straight line of fence from Green's to the Modisett range. Their plan, it is reported, is to rt all of their cattle within this fence, forcing them to range on the unprotected claims of the settlers who are not in position to fence. These settlers east of this proposed should get to gether and formulate plans to keep the stock off their grass by fencing or otherwise, BROADWATER C. F, Dunlavey of Bridgeport was In our burg Saturday. M, H Hagerty is breaking up his farm ana wilt sow It to altalta. We have had several days of wind and aisagreeaDie weatner. 4 Nels Lindberg and Wenzl Schmidt were' over from Silverthorn Saturday. George Beerline is building a new barn on his place which fills a long felt want. We notice the smiling countenance of Adam D Waggy in our town Saturday. Steve Howley has disposed of his land interests here and has moyed to Gerlng. J. Johnson made a trip to Broadwater Monday which was his first visit to our thriving town. M, M. Ilraodt, our worthy blacksmith, went to Alliance Saturday evening to spend Sunday. Mrs. L. M. Meyer came up from Lisco Friday evening to visit her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. J, Johnson D. W. Lee has been adding some im provements to his hotel building. Wesley Snyder did the work. Lark Thurman and Sam Dunn returned Friday from Alliance where they had bus iness at the land office. George Beerline lost one of his work horses Monday. It was a. valuable animal and is a heavy loss to hlrri'.' "" Mrs. J, Johnson went to Lisco Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. L. M. Meyer, and family for a few days. Rev. J. T. Ellis went to Lisco Sunday morning to assist in the dedication of the Presbyterian church at that place. Thomas Haiston was showing a number of eastern buyers over the country Friday and Saturday. There is quito a demand for land in this locality. The census enumerator is abroad in ihe lqn4 tolrtnfv ,I.A nHtna nf ITnnl Qn' chilsrerian'd' J The assessor is also raakibg Ihe xbuh'ds. on gaiucciuK inner siBiisucs. Miss Elsie Johnson., went to Bridgeport 8iJLJLjS J .. Ail- vifKsy ..We are goi ng 'W & GAME and beautiful. The opportunity of ; . ..'T Wf 1 JS ; r ' -J X W. Ladies! f Ladies! FREE last Friday to tako a teacher's examination before the county superintendent. She began a three month's term of school near Cleman last Monday. CANTON Miss Bertha Carter of Hemingford vis ited with Miss Agnes Moravek Monday, Jim Meek worked for G, N, Clayton one day last week. Herbert Brown was in Hemingford one day last week. Frank Caha and family went to Hem ingford Saturday. Miss Nellie Carter carried the mail to Hemingford Saturday. School has commenced in Dltt. No. 3t. Miss Fisher is the teacher. The Wlriten Steamer has started thresh again after a long rest. to Misses Agnes and Ella Moravek took dinner with Mrs. John Currin Tuesday. Chas, Lockwood has a fine stock of jack knives and razors. "Call and see them," Take youf butter and eggs to Canton. The prices are the same as In Hemingford. Chas. and Will Moravek were grinding grain at W. A. Randall's last Wednesday. The mail did not go Thursday on ac count of the bad storm, but it went Fri day. ' The farmers are waiting patiently for the wind to stop blowing so as to get back to the Holds. Byron Fosket had the misfortune of getting a fine horse cut on the wire ono day last week, BEREA A Huelle called on J. T. Nabb last Sun day. Ed Anding went to Alliance last Satur day. J T. Nabb and son, Walter, made a trip to Alliance Saturday. Mr. Panwitz has just finished his new house and is ready to movo into it. Elsie, Joe, Guy, and Walter Nabb wire visiting at P. ,1, Knapp's last Sunday. Ed Anding ind family were visiting Charley Rceve3 near Alliance last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wells attended the dance at Mr. Lelshman's Thursday evening. P. J. Knapp and son Fred and Vernon Nabb made a business trip to Alliance Saturday. John and Fred Weinel are putting up a fine new house. Look out now, for a new housekeeper. Nearly all the peoplo in the Berea neighborhood turned out and went to town 'last Saturday. Sunday school will be held at the Berea church, April 24th at 2:30 p. m. and preaching at 3:30 p. m. The dance at N. G. Leishman's last Thursday evening was not very well at tended on account of the storm but we are all living in hopes that they will give (mother one in the near future. Bonner Items Avery Wood spept Sunday with home- tones, ft. if Thomas .was. a passenger to Al- liance Tuesday 4 14 9 9 -vt'.tiivii -i. 'I'M to giveaway 'I FISH SETS a lifetime to every lady in this in coupons. For the benefit and a cash payment of $3.00. , '4, , . . " ha f w. each" week and see for'yourself A. SPRINGER Asa Briggs and wife visited at Frank Boon's Monday Mr. and Mrs. Mills came home from Alliance Tuesday. ' Glen Gentle Is having a new well down en his place. put Carl Babbitt left last Sunday for points in the eastern pari of the state. Verna Fentonand Chris Anderson spent Sunday at the home of Fred Wood. Mrs. Dick Lisco came up from Scotts bluff Friday to visit a few days with home folks. Martin Anderson and Mell Denison drove to Alliance Tuesday, returning home Wednesday through the rain and snow, The dance nt Mr. Colorick's Monday night was well attended and everyone re ports having a fine time. There were several young people out from Alliance. Hashman Notes Fred Nichols was planing potatoes one il last week. Mrs. Nichols spent Tuesday qtlast week at Mrs.. Skinner's. Mr. and Mrs. Gaghagen took dinner at Fred Turner's last Monday. Alfred Gaghagen purchased a cow of Mr. Smice one day last week, Carl Hashman and family and .Mildred Parkins spent Saturday at Cal Hashman's. Fred Nichols and his sons, Royce and Ernest, were callers at Mr. Skinner's Monday. Attendance at Unity church last Sunday was 24. Itwas announced that there will be services the, first and third Sunday of every month, Lizzie Wismitler returned home lam Saturday from Cherry county where sho spent a couple of weeks with her teacher, Olsie Calame FAIRVIEW There will be church at Fairview Sun day, April 24. Grandpa Hadly is expected home from Hot Springs soon. , The assessor and census taker wore in these parts the last week. Fred Hadley has been quito sick the last week but is some betterat this time. Everyone is quite hard at work putting in crops whilo the sun shines and the wind blows. There was not a very good crowd at Sunday school Sunday, it being such a bad day. ,wwwwvw. Wedded in South Dakota It affords us pleasure to record the marriage of a lady who is well known in Box Butto codnty and highly es teemed by her many acquaintances. Mrs. Lottie Richards, formerly telegraph- operator at Hemingford and a sister of Mrs. J X Carey, was married on Tuesday,- April 5, 1910 to Mr. C H. Preston,. C, B. & Q. operat or at 'Edgerriont. The wedding took vicinity. See them today. y givingiinis 1 - Mdr SsmmmmV fVA 4i JmwtmmmmmJm9 vW tmW y z&mmK . T ll eHkBM- && BHHbV '-WfWr ABiLU s of the smaller buyer whose purchases do hot run into large This gives to all an equal chance. Or, we will give? one , .. r'lfc l fc- 'M.$r how soon you can obtain one of your patronage. WATCH OURmfPRICES W Yours for business. i)ucd al the homn ur tliu In idea imrejit, Mr. tin I Mm. Chas. Hatha ivajSUt WhitrJw.ood; S. D. Wo glntflvjolli their irtanv friends hi congrntuliitlotis and best wishes to Mr. and Mr. Pi union They will make their ' homo in Edgemont, and the Herald will keep them posted on Box Butte county news daring the next en suing year. I RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS,? f-!"5":"l-J""';-4"!4"!"M'-S"4"5'5"5"H"i- A, R. Freeman is on the Denver line. a new brakeman Fireman Raymond has been sent to Crawford hill for a few days. ' Brakcmnn Ray Meeker has gone to work after a few days vacation. Conductor Hoskin with his car and crow made n trip to Euglcwood Friday A. F. Tuesday business. Morton spent Monday and in Edgcmont on company Engineers Geo. Hicks and John Mc Donald of Ravenna were in Alliance Monday, Civil Engineer's Jackson and Mc Qandliss spent all of last week in and near Edgctnout. T. M. Burchell, who is now fireing on the caBt end local, rnado a short visit in Alliance Tuesday. Drakcnian D. 13. Carpenter has gone to Ravenna to make arrangements to move his family to Alliance. Fireman Turner, who has been herding the helper engine at Marsland returned to Alliance Monday. G. F. Dill went to Seneca Sunday morning where he took Switchman Mclntiro s place in the yards. Engineer Sam Burchell and Boiler maker Brady wore among the K. C, crowd who went to Chadron Sunday. When bringing engine No. 3125 out of the house Wednesday morning Engineer Ludwig had the misfortune to tear off the cab, The engine can be repaired here. Brakemau C, J, Taylor' returned frpm Oklahoma last Friday. Very much to the surprise of his friends here he was accompanied by a little lady whom he introduced as Mrs, Taylor. Mr, Taylor has resigned from the service. He expects to make his future home on a claim near Bingham. About 4:30 a. m. Wednesday a freight train with a double header, ran into a burned bridge near Englewood and both engines went down. The train was 203 with Guy, Allen on Engine G45 and Engineer Ve'uderschnik on engine 3116. It was a' bridge 1 Ho feet long and 24 feet high That there was no one hurt is certainly an act of ' tMX tMJLLSJVtMJtiMJtt&XJltX. customr5;besidesMmany people buy jit &. -. as aiiinuucemeiu we give . i of these beautiful setsj ab- P I 4. quality refgarll corrected without ; regardless of what a ,-i ithout objection. -s -3 F"F" TWA1 Vnn nc-r rmionMc