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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1910)
III I - NL mW If IMW Sit 0V M H - H . s9K&A I OH 1 1 ! H Hi I Hi H ! .fl. L ! 2 ,. We now have on Display the Latest Productions of m Janeways k. A w A. vl WALL PAPERS The best paper and up-to-date styles of any manufacturers Prices from 3liC to 50c per Roll NO TROUBLE TO SHOW PAPER AT Holste n ' m m i w- V Set Mu .... & , SS&- igfcSfc 5? N ."?' m McCluer's We are showing a fine line of White Goods consisting of India Linens, Per sian Lawns, French Lawns, Organdies, Batistes in light and heavy weights, plain and figured. Silk and cotton tis sue Susane Silks. The yard lOc to 75c These goods" are now ready for your inspection ran an i )rug Store Patronized by careful and discriminating buyers The one place in town where you can buy really good chocolates J0.6J& Finding a Leak Washington Letter. I1Y TAVENNEK. Washington, April :8. "I am now fast getting to be au old man. 1 have seen the great corporations and the trusts and combinations grow in this country at a rapid and well nigh ir resistible pace, and they will grow faster until we shall be absolutely help less unless we adhere faithfully to the provisions of the anti-trust law. The pending railroad regulation bill will give the railroad companies immunity from the anti-trust law and will confer them unlimited power to effect mergers- 1 for one can never consent to such legislation." In what was probably the most remarkable speech in bis career; United States Senator Knute Nelson of Minnesota thus spoke of the Taft-Wickersham railroad reg ulation bill. That such an attack would be made by a Republican senator upon a bill which the President has de clared to represent true Republican policy and doctrine, and support ot which Attorney General Wickersbam and all the reactionaries have declared is a test of true Republicanism, in dicates, how far apart the stalwarts and progressives really are. "Mr. President, I am very much obliged to senators for listening to me without interrupting me. My opinion of this bill as it came here from the committee in the first instance is that in essence its chief aim was to protect the railroads against the anti-ttust law. I can come to no other conclusion, and being a plain, blunt man, I can not help expressing- this opinion in this chamber and before this body- ' Blind to the past, the staudpat faction of the Republican party-which is by far the hiuKem half of it-has .....41 decided to stand t on these propositions: is a good thing for thing for That Aldrichism the country. That Cannoaism is a good the country. That the Payne-Aldrich tariff law is a God-send to the common people of the Unied States. That any Republican member of Congress who votes against legislation recommended by the President thereby reads himself out of the party. Right or wrong; win, lose or draw, the Republican regulars have resolved on a desperate attempt to bluff the American people on these propositions. There is but one thing that will make a better impression on a campaign audience than a bluff, and that is a stupendous bluff. The Cannouitcs and the Aldrichitcs, master politicians that they are, will play this trump card. Political gamblers they see a chance that the people ma'y not have the courage to call their hand. Our Lincoln Letter Lincoln, Nebr., April 20 (Spec ial Correspondence.) On May 2 the democrats of Emerson will will hold a rally and enjoy a banquet, and on May 3, the democrats of Tecumseb will follow suit. Governor Shallenberger will be the principal speaker at both places- On April 14 the governor officially proclaimed Arbor day, April 22. J. Sterling Morton's birthday comes a little late for tree planting, even under normal conditions, but this year it is unusually late, owing to the forward spring. The election in Lincoln on April 11 was even more exciting than a presi dential election, and the total vote was larger by almost 2,000 than ever before cast in the city, reaching above 9,600. Unly one question was up tor con sideration, "saloons or no saloons," and the ' dry" element won by a ma jority of 936. Beatrice "went wet" at the recent election, But now comes the mayor elect with the announcement that he is going to rigidly enforce the anti treating law. If he succeeds in doing this he will make the saloon business very unprofitable in Beatrice. Writing of Sheridan's sweep down the Shenandoah valley during the "late unpleasantness," one historian remarked that 'a crow flying over the valley in the rear of Sheridan's troopers would have to carry its provisions with it." The same thing is true in a dif ferent way of the territory between Superior and McCook, a distance of 137 miles. In all that stretch of territory along the Republican valley there is only one drinking spot, Bloom-ington. Ift45d& gMMBtJ'JHrAt"r C, B. & Q. Watch Inspector . aaanam Boards of all descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber &Cdal Co, 0. Waters, Mgr. Phone 22 is sometimes a daogerous and dirty job unless you are a Practical Plumber. If there is any trouble in the bath room or heating apparatus t Send for Us and we will fix it promptly and at reason able charge. Ve do good work and guar antee it. Useful Household Article GIVEN AWAY We have just received some of the newest of household Articles and desire to put one in every home in this vicinity. We are not go ing"' to sell them but are going to give one with your next purchase of a pair of shoes. feEE OUR NICE LINE OF Bpys' Suits 4 JUST RECEIVED AT Colburn's Cash Store MtMMMMM M -" j-- 'Mt-ifc jfc a - ifc- . -ittfc jm m-mWW W mWFW WW W W wf -m W W W J4P -J -W W W W -m W 'mf I s m m : : JAS. GRAHAM'S Gmee ryan lalar let : : : Groceries, Fresh and Cured Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Candies, and every- 1 thing else good to eat ' Phone 50 N. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Montana St. AAAAXAA.A.AA.A..AAAtAAAAAAAAftAH,, ie Bee Hive The Alliance Racket Store J.J.VANCE Cement Contractor THE LEADER Estimates on Cement Sidewalks, Hollow Blocks, Foundations and Cement Work of all kinds Phone 551 " 76 W. Dakota St, Alliance, Nebraska OTIS Sc BUSH CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS 210 Box Butte Ave. FedBi'r eri n a n House phone, 350- Shop phone. 744 Big Stock of New Goods at Prices Lower mn Elsewhere m Our Bargain Table! CEHENT WORK A SPECIALTY Twelve Years' Experience AH Work Guaranteed 307 Toluca Ave. . Phone 613 ALLIANCE, NEBR. Wallace's Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work pfflijjfo solicited. Phone 4 xit!!ff8M&& Frank Vallace, Prop'r. flUfeKyjit im - na v .mr- u rH ir .' 1 4 i tfi K.'e, j r A - f . $I 'f t"W , ' . tia-a - liHA vVvt - VIM 1 i 1 )