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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1910)
Wp1 mn i n ni)i fl,.vl0 Historic) SooMy 1 The Alliance Herald. i Largest Circulation of any 'Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Box Butte county. i. ! l... ... ! .. ,.,. .1. i ii -mn f ! i. f ..ii . , i ,,. . . .., ..,-.. --,- .- - . , ,.,.,! k ii m r.i - i 4 - --1 --"- -..-.. , - y i i , ii ii n i ill. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY?' NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1U10 VOLUME XVII, NUMBER 19 IGZdftbSI '4 , ill: p i & I If &i ?-' W9P V fe'-v ml- . THE Fist National Bank ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Statement March 29, 1910 Resources Loans and Discounts $ 482, 833 95 Overdrafts '. ." 279.78 U. S. Bonds 51,000.00 Banking House : 10,000.00 Cash and Sight Exchange. . 131 ,949.08 $ 676,062.81 Liabilities Capital Stock $ 50,000.00 Surplus ' 50,000.00 Undivided Profits 10,564.02 Circulation 50,000.0b Deposits 515,498.79 $ 676,062.81 United States Exchange sold payable in any country in the world. We solicit your banking business Ln . vm m ' ' ' '' ' .-- Wl We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. OUR DRUGS are all ofjbe highest quality we can get and are all examined crit ically after we receive them in stock here before a single one is placed on sale we do everything in our power to be on the safe side. A good thing for you to remember- UcdeUrtlovv . ytUHQO ( .mm':wM":"J-':x:'H"X - ? KENNEDY BROTHERS DENTISTS. J-Office in Alliance National Bank Blk "' r V Over Postoflice, ' 'Phoue 391. Y GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. FOR SALE! S. W. quarter 24-26-50. N. W. quarter 23-26-51. If not sold would rent for season. Would exchange for property in Lincoln, Neb. D. P. Miller,. Cumberland, Md. til I Ht 1 Ji j J9 Depository- I BUSINESS LOCALS. l If the party who took the hose from the yard of Rev. J. L. Vallaw tyiH. re-, turn the same there will beno ques tions asked K 10W I 'am' prepared to do. all kinds of garden work, replantinjr trees and odd jobs. Phone 58 or call at Phillips Land office. Will Goodenough. tf For Sale Cheap Percheron stallion, seven years old, nne disposition and good breeder, color black, weight 1S00 lbs. J. A- Kl-egaH. i8-2t For Sale, all my dwelling houses, I. A. Holdredge, 219 Sweetwater, 17-tf Wanted Sewing by day or piece. 117 Sweetwater avenue. 8-tf For rent Furnished room, modern. Breakfast if desired. 405 Toluca Ave. Phone 175. i3tf Relinquishment tor Sale 640 acres unusually good land, plenty hay land; 12 miles from railroad station; mail route by place; cheap if taken soon Call on James Potmesil, Long Lake, Neb. ' - . :otf For Rent A new 5 room house with electric lights and city water, newly furnished for housekeeping in two sets. j blocks east of bank corner. Mike Bayer, 219 Yellowstone, phone 529. For Sale 320 or 160 acres good bottom land, seven miles 111 a westerly direction from Alliance, Nebr. For further in formation address H. J Gresser, n-i4t Thermopolis, Wyo Girl help wanted at Alliance Steam Laundry at once. 18-4 Noice. Parties having dogs they do not wish to pay city tax on will save expense to city by bringing the dogs to city hall and I will have them disposed of. Dog taxes are due May ist. D. Landrigan. 17 8t Chief of Police. Steam Outfit for Sale. For sale The best steam outfit in Chey enne county, consisting of one new Cae separator, one steam (32 h p.) engine and eleven fourteen-inch plows. Address OREN GRISWOLD. D7-io A7-10 Dalton, Neb. Ice Business for Sale I am offering for Bale my ice business with or without my residence. Will sell cheap if taken soon. ig-4t D. W. Hughes, S. C, Buff Orpington good winter layers. I?ggs for batchiug from a selected pen, until May 15, ft. 00 per IS Mrs. J. C. Keegan. 2 miles east of Alliance. r . -. : ig-3t Contest Progressing The contest continues to pro gress nicely, although the idea that it might not close till late in the summer has caused some of the contestants and their friends to "rest on their oars." Now that a date has been defini tely decided upon, and that date earlier than at first intended, wo shall expect to see the contest boom from now till the close, 8 o'clock p. m., July 7th. Nearly all the candidates have made some progress during the past week, some more than others, but the relative positions remain the same. Miss Geiger has made the largest gain during the week, Miss Snow the second largest and Miss Boon third. A new candidate appears this week. Miss Jennie Sandoz of Stras burger. Her name is at the bottom of the list as published today, but we miss our guess if It is not near the top soon. "We hope to add a number more to the list during the coming week. STANDING OF CONTESTANTS Following is the standing of contestants for The Herald Pia no, up to and including April 20: Attie Snow, Alliance 13350 Ella Moravek, Canton 11925 Nell Acheson, Alliance 10925 Gladys Boon, Alliance 10800 Jessie Geiger, Hemingford.,7875 Alma Rosenberger..." 6475 Anna Dainton, Alliance .... 0050 Theresa Morgan, Lakeside.. 5750 Mrs. Mary A. Morrow, Ros- enroll, Canada 5150 Mrs. Emma O'Bannon, Al liance 51S0 Jennie Sandoz, Strasburger.5160 Stf ClAnWHL H0ZE The special prize to the can didate receiving 'the most votes on new subscriptions from April .4strt the evening of May 4th is creatine some interest1. This prize consists of a ten 'dollarduei bill on any store selected from the advertising columns of The Herald during the month of April. Votes counted in the contest for this special April prize are also counted in the main contest just the same as though the special prize were not offered. Following is the standing of the candidates in the contest for the special prize, the same being the number of votes received by each on new sub scriptions since April 1st: Miss Boon 1275 Miss Snow 900 Miss Moravek 750 Miss Acheson . . . .' 750 Miss Geiger.., 300 Miss Rosenberger 150 Miss Morgan 150 Miss Sandoz 150 Closing Date Decided The contest is going so nicely, we have decided on a closing date somewhat earlier than we first expected. At 8 oo o'clock, Thursday evening, July 7th, 1910, the contest will close. Although it is only a little more than two months yet, there is still sufficient time for new candidates to get into the contest and forge to the front, if thev will act immediately. We want to see a dozen more enter the race within the next week. Esther, the Beautiful Queen The first rendition of the oratorio, Queen Esther, by home talent under dhectlon of Mr. A. G. Jtixler, was. given at the I'helan opera house, Tuesday evening, und will bo given uguin this evening, with change uf cast. If we were to express ourselves fully in regard to this euteituimnent asm leady given, it would be necessary to isMie u supplement to this issue of The Heiukl Tills ih no fulsome praise; it in just the way we feel about it. It was tine Ann we believe this was the universa' verdict of the large audience thnt heard it We cannot do the subject justice in this issue, but will try to do so in the next Music Committee Thankful The music committee of the Methodist Church under whose auspices the cantata, Queen Esther, is given, wishes to make this public acknowledgement of their gratitude to all who have assisted in the preparation and rendition of the same The success that has been attained is due in a very great measure to the hearty co operation of the same. D, W, Hayes MRS.I.L.ACHK80N. , Mrs. C. C. Smith. Wauled Work by day or take wash ing home. Phone 485 blue. tf Spring Spring- is in the air. Spring1 everywhere. Spring time is clothes time; the one season when the. whole world is fresh and the young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughtsof dress. Spring is not complete, nor will your happiness be so until you are garbed in a charming fresh Spring style. It is one thing to think about smart clothes, but another thing to have them, but don't you c if, just come and see ours. And come now, don't w ,it until every man you know is wearing1 "College because these particular garments are very popular with brisk dressers and 'tis better to be among the first than among the last to make your selection. Come and see us. We 4. NORTON'S SupWP ate Heads A Alliance City, Schools When it was learned that Supt. D. W. Hayes had been elected president of the Peru State Normal, the question immediately arose as to who would tal;e his place as superintendent of the Alliance city schools. Without con sultation with others, our mind in tutivelv. as it seemed, turned to Supt. Pate of the Sidney city schools, and it was with much pleasure that wo learned Saturday evening that ho wns the unanimous choice of the school board for the position. Mr. Pate is the logical successor to Supt. Hayes, as we might say. He is well qualified for the position by native talent, education and experi ence. Having ussisted in the Alliance SUT W. It. PATH. Stute Junior Normal a number of years he is already ucquuinted with a ijood many of our citizens, particularly the teachers und others most interested in school work. The Sidney school board desiied to retain him as superintendent und had already offered hitn a considerable In crease In salary for next year, but as his election to the superintendency of the Alliance city schools was in the line of promotion, they kindly, al though reluctantly, consented to re lease him. It is a foregone conclusion that he will make u success here us he has in Sidney. Prof. G. II Williams was re-elected principal of the High school, but has not yet fully decided whether he will accept the posit!6n for another year. We sincerely hope that he w(H see his way ' clear to do so. Other teachers were elected, us follows: High school building: Lnla E Wirt, assistant principal; Ida II. .Johnson, normal training and English; Earl L. Meyer, at present principal of a ward school at Fairbury, Nebr., history, civics and athletics; Maine J. White, eighth grade:AnnaFeidler,eighthgrade with High school work. Central school- Elda F. Uacon, prin cipal and seventh grade; Lena Rlddell, usslstant principal and seventh grade; Dora Phelan, fifth grade; Anna Nerud, Clothes Chap Clothes' will be pleased to show you Kf 3 " "4' fourth srrnde: Nunraret Peterson. third grade; Kdih Joaes, second grade; jinuue usrouu, cuuunu gr&uc, ousie Frazlen first ffrade: Carrie Nlederssver. flrst'gradetsd ele;tl6yrt'.arytVi.t! unti turn aixtn combined, and third anu fourth combined grades. Emerson school: Agnes MncHugh, principal add fifth and sixth grades; Edith J. Snodgrnss, fourth grade; Ruby Ashmore, second und third grade; N. Kathryne Alexander, first und second grades. Teacher for domestic science and I manual training, and supervisor of music and drawing Have not been elected. We understand that Miss Llchty, the present supervisor of musio and drawing, would have been re elected had she not informed the board that her acceptance for another year would be doubtful, hence the matter wns deferred Wo consider it fortuuute for the public schools of this city that nearly all of the present teachers have been secured for another year, and we doubt not that those who have been engaged for their first years work here will render satisfactory service. We are glad to welcome thorn on behalf of the patrons of the schools. Woman's Club Elects Officers At the regular meeting of the Woman's Club, held last Friday after noon at the home of Mrs 1). W Hayc, tile annual election of otllcers was held The following were elected for the en suing year: Mis. S. K. Warrick, prqvl dent; Mrs. W. W, Johnson, 1st vice pres.; Mrs. II, M. Hampton. 2nd vice pres ; Mrs, 1J, Mewhirter, secretary treasurer. County Fair Premium List An order for printing the 10ln pre mium list for the Hon lltitto County Fair has been given to The Herald job department In order to relieve the secretary of tho Fair Association of a small part of his work, the advertise ments for the same will be solicited and arranged for from this ollice. We wish to make this the finest premium list ever issued in north-western Neb raska, und request the co-operation of all persons interested. The booklet will bo ready for distribution within a few weeks. Time to Plant Seeds Fresh garden and flower seeds from the old reliable D. M. Ferry Seed House at the Fair sto re, Ghost Social The Ghost social held at the home of Chas. liauer, northeast of town, lust Friday evening was very successful considering the weather, $25(0 were secured for tho repair of Fairvlew church and a pleasant evening re ported. Arbor Day Page It affords ns great pleasure to give our readers this week one of the best Arbor day pages that It has ever been our privilege to 6ee. We are sure The Herald's many readers will be as pleased with it as we are. in ' 111 1 HK mi Bw$JIJfifg5C these clever garments. Box Butte Court, House Ifr'a aaldiwyiujf, WLjia.Hq now a over, that "What is; everybody's business, Is nobody's business," nd the sumo scorns to be us applicable to court house construction as to anything else. Quito a number of other western counties are cither building, or haro recently pi ovlded for the construction of, now court houses, Includiug tho two counties south of 11s, Morrill and Cheyenne; but Hox Ilutte county con ceded to be the leading county in com mercial importance in this part of the stute, still makes use of tho old frame shell for county officers or a part of them, us there Is not room sulllcicnt in it for all the officers The object of this article is to stir up interest in the mutter of construct ing n new court houso that will ac commodate till of the officers, properly protect tho records, and bo a credit tr the city of Alliance nnd Hox Butte county. Same Old Tricks The Herald dislikes very much to call down a contemporaty, but it has fallen to this paper repeatedly to stand up for Alliance by cnirectiiig published liiisBtutemetitF, and however disagree able the task, we shall continue to do so to the extent thut wo believe is right and for the good of the town. Recent! the Madison, Nebraska, Post mqdu a i-currilous altuck on a leading busiiHss iniiti of Alliance. In regard to the law suit Inch was the occasion foi makiuc the attack we have nothing to say at this titno, in view of the fact the cast is nnt vt (dgcided b the coin t li which it was iiicu; um wo iienevo it is our duty to de-tionnco the Post's slurs as uncalled fur and unjust. Qui detiunciatiou would be the s.ime had tho diatribe been directed against the other party to the ftiit. As not manv uf our readers would see the at tide nbovo referred to in the paper in which it-was first published, we probably would have paid no at tention to it had not the editor of the other Alliance paper, in keeping with his policy of slurring those who hnppen to incur his displeasure, last week published the Post's at tide. PUBLIC SALE The'Hoard of Trustees of the Public Library of the city of Alliance, Nebr., wlM offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, on April 23, 1010, ut 2 o'clock, p m. at the First National bank corner in Alliance, Neb., the one story frame building situated on lot (1, block 8 of the orlginul town of Alliance. Neb. Also at the same time and place two small buildings situated on rear end of said lot. The purchaser of said buildings will be allowed a reasonable time to remove them from said lot. Secy. Alliance Library Hoard. Money,to loan on real estate. F E. Reddish, 3 tf M . 1 I I .