BtaifciTW "irsmxriKmi ?m-$3ms2m. SyX t 'gfcf ; nmw t-M-tyijigyjii,!,. iimi" imp iupii m rn-rn ( V n. ii. Groceries and Provisions A full line of fresh goods to order from Our prices are right Telephone orders filled promptly Phone 55 S. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Dakota St. ; one block north of Burlington station, on west side of street OTIS Sc BUSH CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS CEflENT WORK Twelve Years' All Work 307 Toluca Ave. Phone 613 ALLIANCE, NEBR. THE LEADER Estimates on Cement Sidewalks, Hollow Blocks, Foundations and Cement Work of all kinds Phone 551 Alliance, $ Plan Early for Your Summer Tour Pacific Coast. From June ist, low round trip excursion rates to the Pacific Coast, and on special dates April to July, still lower Coast Excursion rates. Yellowstone Park. All indications point to a larger num ber of Park Tourists during the summer of 1910 than ever before. The tour rates are very low, and include attractive diverse routes. Homeseekers Excursion Rates first and third Tuesdays of each month to your locality; advise your eastern friends of land and industrial chances in your country. To the East. The usual summer excursion fares will be announced later, for those planning a vacation tour of the East. Consult the nearest ticket agent of the Burlington. He is currently supplied with special rate sheets and) descriptive publications for all kinds of tours, or write the General Pas senger Agent, giving as definite an idea as possible of the trip you have in mind. It will be a pleasure to advise you fully. L. W. ('$?$ fM mmm r-S&Jgjy Good turnouts. Courteous treatment to all. ?Hv Give us a trial; we will treat you right. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY HCPHE8ENT8 THE FOLl OWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Kilts Insurance Oomimny. North Auerli-im of Philadelphia. 1'boenlx of Hlnoklyn. New York. Continental of New York City. Niagara Hre Insurance. Company. Connoetlcutt l'lro Coininri'lui Union Assurance Co., London Sermuniit 1'lre Ins. Co StuUf of Omaha i mm i ( It 14l.i tiMJTir -I"" H MKfciSfSKLIJlLli- -L 11'! wWffali l RODGERS A SPECIALTY Experience Guaranteed J.J.VANCE Cement Contractor 716 W. Dakota St. Nebraska G. L. GRIGGS, AGENT Alliance WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha Palace Livery Barn H. P. COURSEY. Prop. (Successor to C. C. Smith) Liverpool. London and Globe Jus. Co. Gorman American Ins. Co., Now York. New llumpHliIre Columbia Flro Insurance Compnny Philadelphia Underwriters. I'hoenl.x Ins "o.. Hartford. Conn l'lremuns I'tind Insurance Co. Kochester Uurman Ine. Co. Office I ntnlrh.l-letchcrlllocV, Wallaces Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Phone 4 Frank Wallace, PropV. The Bee Hive The Alliance Wet Store 210 Box Butte Ave. Big Stock of New Goods at Prices Lower than Elsewhere See Our Bargain Table ! HOLSTEN'S Headquarters for School Supplies TABLETS NOTE BOOKS COMPOSITION BOOKS NOTE PAPER PENCILS PENS, INKS CHALK CRAYONS COLORED CRAYONS ERASERS and PAINTS RULERS GIVEN AWAY AT HOLSTEN'S Ierr'e Brown Leghorn Eggs 1 per 15 ' i-year-old hens, $1.50 each 024 Box Butte Ave. Alliance, He E. C. Whisman Practical Painter and Paper Hanger Full line wall paper samples PHONE 700 ALLIANCE, NEBR. FOR SALE! S. W. quarter 24-26-50. N. W. quarter 23-26-51. If not sold would rent for season. Would exchange for property in Lincoln, Neb. D. P. Miller, Cumberland, Md. LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of Box Ilutto County, Nebraska. In the matter of the application of Sarah A. GUlernn. Guardian of the persons and es tates of .Mary Frances Gllleruii, Fronds Gll lerun, and Leu Gllleruii, for license to hull real estate, On reuclliijr and flllnp the petition, duly ver ified of Purnh A. Glllermi, Guardian of the persons and estates of Mary Frances Glller au, Francis Gllleruii and Leo Gllleruii, for II censc to sell the following real estate of said minors, ic-wlt: The North Went Quarter of Hectlon Twenty-four Town 25, ItiuiKO , In IIoz Ilutto County, Nebraska, or a part there of for the purpose of ralslnir funds, for the ed ucation, support and malutennnce. and the comfort of said minors, and it appearing from raid petition ihut mild real estato con sists of unimproved laud with the exception that same. Is surrounded by a fenpe. and very little If any Income is derived therefrom. It Is therefore ordered thai the next of kin of said minors, and all persons Interested in said real estate, appear before me at Cham bers In the City of Itushville, Sheridan t'oun ty. Nebraska, on the 10th day of My. 1010. at 0 o'clock u in. to show caue, If uny tlioro be. wi.y license shuuld not be granted to said Guardian to sell said real eitate. And It is further ordered that a ropy of tills order lie served personally on all persons interested In said estate at least fourteen days before the day set for the hearing, and bo published once eucli week for four buccos sive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a news paper printed and published in said comity. Dated ut i hambersln tbel'lty of AlUunco. Itox Unite County, this 2nd day of April, 11)10. Wm. II WL8TOVEK. . . ' Judge of the District Court of fpApr"- Itox Untie County, Nebraska. Notice To Mary and J. K. Quann and E. P. Ward. You are hureby notified that I, tho under slgutd, did on tho 23rd day of July A. I). HKiH purchase at private tax salo of the Treasurer of Uox Hutt county, Nobiusku, the following described land-lot situated in Ilox Hutto county, Nebraska, tolts South half of the northeast quarter of sec tion three, Townsldp twenty-four and Hango forty-eight for the tuxes of the years lpoo and IPOfl, and that I lime since, and after tho same became delinquent, paid as suostijuent tax. the taxes qf the years li7 and ipo : That said land-lot was taxed for tho years iflos, UVHund 1W7 in the nume of Mary and J. K. Quunn and for the yoorllKMln the name of K. K. Ward and you are further notified that after tho expiration of three mouths from date of tlw service of this notice, I will apply to suld treasurer for a tax deed of saW !atnMot. Vou wlUgovtra yourself accordingly, Dated this 19th duy of March A. D. imp. ,0'3t A a. Uuicr. NEBRASKA NEWS Capital City Decides to Main tain Prohibitory Policy. SALOONS AGAIN VOTED OUT. Good Organization on Part of Antl. Saloon Forces Carried tho Day To. tal Vote Was Over Two Thousand In Excess of That of Last Year Bit ter Campaign Waged. Lincoln, April 12. Lincoln wont dry ngnin. Tho total vote cast was 9,478, of which tho wets cast 4,271 and' tho dryB 6,207. Dry majority, 936. Tho majority for tho drys last year was 346. Tho total voto last year waB 7,000. Good organization 1b tho causo given for tho result. Two of tho best political organiza tions that liavo over been assembled in Lincoln wero pitted against each other. Tho wet forcea wore carefully organized, although the organization had to be built nnow In a largo meas ure, most of tho saloon workers of tho spring of 19r; having spent their winter in other places than Lincoln, The dry organization hnd the ad vantage of its beginning last spring. From fifteen to twenty-live men wero busy In every precinct getting out tho voto. At every polling place stood two men wjth a poll of the voters, check ing off supposed dry voters as they came to tho polls. Late In tho after noon automobiles were sent after the men who wero missing nnd women were stationed at telephones In every precinct calling up voters and getting them to tho polls. Neither side hns been hnmporcd by a lack of money. Women of tho churches served lunches near the poll ing places for tho dry workers and for tho election boards. Every avallablo automobile in town was pressed into service. The city had a w41d celebration last night over the result. With Havelock dry, this will make n decided change in surface conditions for the Nebras ka capital tho coming year. LOOKED LIKE REBATE Railroad Commission Dismisses Com plaint Against Burlington. Lincoln, April 12. The state rail way commission has dismissed the complaint of tho Kendall-Smith com pany against tho Burlington railroad. This was a case wherein tho Kendall Smith compnny hnd' for thirty years a rate from Woodlawn to Lincoln, a dis tance of six miles, of $5 a car, by which it shipped grain from Its mill. In-lOOC the company cnncelled this rate and put in a rate of AVi cents pur lOO.pounds. By renson of this higher rate the complainant set out that it was forced to discontinue the grind ing and marketing of flour and feed stuff. The rate on commodities to flour and feed, Buch an wheat and corn, for the thirty years was 5 cents per 100 pounds, but since July 5, 1907, this rate has been 414 cents. To force the railroad to restore that ?5 rate the commission held to be a very dan geroiiB precedent, as the rate waB in (he nature of a rebate. Fakirs and Beggars Under Ban. Central City, Neb., April 12. Tho campaign being waged by the Com mercial club against traveling beggars and fnke advertising schemes is al ready bearing fruit, and the sight of an itinerant beggar bearing the pla card, "I Am Blind," or carrying papers explaining that he Is deaf and dumb, seems to be almost a thing of the past In Central City. Tho Commercial club has appointed a credentials commit tee, which is to examine the papers of all beggars who come to the town ask ing for aid, and If they convince tho committee that they are worthy they arc authorized to go ahead and ask aid from the citizens. Road Compiles With Order. Lincoln, April 12. The Burlington has notified the state railway commis sion that It will obey the order to con struct a now depot at Holdrege, out It naked until May l to get the plans per fected. This time was granted. Tho order wns Issued by the commission after a hearing had been given on both sides and It was proven to the satisfaction of the commission that Holdrege was entitled to a better depot than it had. State's Meat Bill. Lincoln, April 12. Tho meat bill of the state institutions for the quarter beginning April 1 is $17,259, according to the reqjjsltlons of the various In stitutions on which contracts were lot. The bids show a wide dlvorgonce of opinion among packing houses as to what meat Is worth. Lawrence Has Busy Day. Lincoln, April 12. Ed Lawrence, bond clerk in the office of State Aud itor Barton, filed bonds issued by Phelp3 county to the amount of $100, 000 for a new court house and Jail and tior.ds to the amount of $7,000 for Beaver City for waterworks. Kills Himself on Wife's Grave. Omaha, April 12. Standing beside his wife's grave In Laurel Hill cemo tery, August Shlpporelt, an 'Omnha tailor, shot and Instantly killed him self. Two bullets he fired through the heart and another through the mouth. Furnas pioneer Dead. Boaver Qlty, Nob,, April 12. D, C. Ward, aged eighty-one, the oldest citi zen, died here. OSSENKOP MUST SERVE TERM Supreme Court Affirms Sentence Against Cass County Farmer. Lincoln, April 12. Fred Ossenkop of Cass county must servo ton years In the penitentiary for the death of Charles DyrneR nt Eagle last summer. The supremo court, niter holding the opinion until Ossoiikop could again bo taken into custody, handed down a decision ntilrmlng tho sentence of tho lower court. Tho appeal was mode chiefly on two bases; that Ossenkop was not di rectly responsible for Byrnes' death, und that tho Jury was prejudiced by association with other citizens. Ossenkop and Byrnes met In Eagle and qunrrelcd. They clinched and fell from n sidewalk, raised about three feet above tho ground. Byrnes fell un derneath. Tho testimony shows that Ossenkop struck Byrnes In the fnco threo times, There 1b also testimony to tho effect that Ossenkop afterwards kicked Byrnes In tho head. This Is disputed. Tho supreme court did not consider tho dispute on this point of Bufllcjcnt weight to bear much In Os Bcnkop's favor. Tho trial was delayed for about threo weeks, owing to tho fact that some of Ossenkop'a most Important witnesses woro quarantined for small pox. During thiB delay tho Jury wbb allowed to go free, separating nnd mix ing with tho citizens of the commu nity. Matthew Gcrjng, Ossenkop's at torney, asserted that tho Jury was prejudiced. The court could find noth ing prejudiced In tho outcome, rnw ovor. In view of tho record nr.i ru-i. talned tho Jury'n finding. AT WORK ON CAPITAL REMOVAL Citizens of Grand Island Take Step to Be In Readiness When Fight EcHi.u. Grand Island, Nob., Apral ,w.--A meeting of tho Commercial cau n-a boon called' for thlb evening for uo purposo of discussing the notion o bo taken with reference to securing a voto by tho people of tho Btnto on the capltol' removal proposition beforo any appropriation or levy Is made for a new capltol building. Tho aim Is to co-operate with every city and county in central and western Nebraska Kearney's Commercial club already Iiqb a committeo on publicity and tho fact Is recognized fully that up to tho point of fixing n new location, it it comes to that, tho interests of tho va rious cities nro Identical. License Contests at Hastings, Hastings, Neb., April 11. U., S. Itohrer, who directed the Prohibition campaign hero Jn 1908 and 1909, has announced that ho will resist tho li censing of saloons. He says ho has been collecting evidence relative to tho various applicants for licenses nnd will use It as the basis for remon strances. Following the reorganiza tion tomorrow night tho council will bo unnnjmous Jn favor pi high license, but If appeals are taken on remon strances, as now threatened, the 11 cenpes will bo inoperative until pnssed upon by the district court, whoso next term here will not tako place until late In May. Missing Gold Coln& Found. Hastings, Neb., April 11. A Servian named Jactb Ureck made complaint In the county court thnt ho had been robbed of $1,500 in gold at Konesaw. Ho had about $4,000 in gold coin sewed up in his garments and claimed that some persons In Kenesaw helped themselves to part of It while search ing through his effects for a watch which he was accused of having stol en. Deputy Sheriff NelUs went to Kenesaw and recovered $1,015 of the missing coin. They said they found It where It hnd evidently fallen out of tho Servian's wagon. Killed Duck, Paid Fine. Lincoln, April 12. Frank 'Bates made a mistake and shot a duck in the presence, of Dan Gellus and Joe Boahlcr, game warden and deputy, nnd as a result hnd to pay out $G when taken before Judge Hefferma'n of Da kota county. All this shooting oc curred at Crystal lake, where the two sleuths wont to snare a few poraan3 who were supposod to be fishing Ille gally. Instead of catching the fisher man, they caught the hunter. Interurbsn Extensions. Lincoln, Apr.ll 11. Tho Nebraska Traction and Power company will ex tend Its lino from Ralston to Papllllon and the work on tho extension will b gin In the near future. This intcrur ban lino now runs from Omaha to Ralston. The information was given out by C. J. Chapmen, trefllc manager of the company, who said tho work would be rushed to completion as soon as possible Death of Saunders Pioneer. Ashland, Nob., April 11. After an lllnoss of five days of pneumonia, Pat rick J- Hall died nt his homo, two mllos northwost of Memphis, aged' seventy-one years. He was one of the most prominent plonoor? of the coun ty, ropresentlng it In the legislature one term in the later 80s. Wrecked the Auto. Shubert, Neb, April 11, Dule Jones, the twelv-yenr-old son of Lance Jones, wrecked his father's Overland touring car when scorching alone on tho Shubert Stella road at the rate of forty miles an hour, The machine turned over, but the boy es capod Injury. Federal Officials for Nebraska. Washington, April 12. President Taft sent to tho senate nominations, Including tho following: Receiver of public moneys, Llncojn, Neb., William GIfford; register of the land office, Lincoln, Neb., Charles E. Shedd. Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 324 West Idaho. Phone 205 Edith M. Swan 'riaAonisH 01? PIANO, HARMONY and Musical History Studio 424 Laramie Avenue Phonn QSO' WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTOnNKY AT LfcVV, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Office in rooms formerly occupied by R, C. Noloman, First Nal'l Bank blk 'Phono 8o. ALLIANCE, NEB, H. M. BULLOCK, Attorney at Law, AJlX.IA.IVai3. JNICB. WILCOX & BROOME LAW AND LAM) ATTORNEYS. Long experience in state and federal courts nnd as Register and Receiver U. H. Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Offlco in Land Offlco llulldlng. ALLIANCE - NEMRASKA. Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS (Successors to Drs, Prey & Dalfc) Over Norton's Store Office Phone 43, Residence 20 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN ANOSURQUON Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND SCKOEON (BuQcensur to Dr. J. E. Mouro) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Offlco hours II-1211, m. p.m. 7;30-D p, m. Office Phone 62 Res. Phone, 85 H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 300 Calls answered promptly day ami night from oflllce. Ofllccs: AlUunco Nntlouil Uank Ualldlni; over the Post Olllco. DR. CHAS. E. SLAGLE WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work Drs. Bowman & Weber PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS First National Bank Bldg. Rooms 4-5-6 Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 1:30 to 4, 7 to 8 p, in. Office Phone G5 Res. Phone 16 & 184 Dr. H. R. Belville PHONE 1C7 Opera House Block Alliance, Nebr. T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer OFFICE PHONE 498 RES. PHONE 207 ALLIANCE, NEBR. THE GADSBY STORE funeral Directors and Embalmers FUNERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE PHONE 49S RESIDENCE PHONES 507 and 510 J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Parties out of town should write, as I am out much of the time Charges will not exceed $5.00 and ex penses per day. W. F. ROSENKRANZ Practical Blacksmithing and Wagon Work. Horseshoeing a Specialty Shop on Dakota St. between Box Butt ui Laramie Avenues, Alliance, Neb. I