The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 07, 1910, Image 4

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Publlilied Kvery Thursday by
The Herald Publishing Company.
K. A. PlEHSON. IT- H. IiM)YD C. TltOMAB, 8Cf.
.torn W. Thomas. Mr.
J, B. KNIEST Associate Editor
Entered at the postofiicc at Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through the
mails, as second-class matter.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance.
Our Lincoln Letter
Lincoln, Nebr., April 4. The at
tention given by tho legislature of 1909
to the needs of tho agricultural popu
lation of Nebraska wns evidenced in
many ways, ono specific instance being
the legalization of the Nebraska Corn
Improvers' association and making it a
state institution. Under the law it is
the duty of tho association to hold an
nually a corn show, for tho purpose of
consulting and deliberating on the con
dition and furthering the methods of
improving corn and breeding and cul
tivating the same in this state- The
sum of $3,000 was appropriated for the
expenses of this investigation. If,
through the efforts of .this association,
it is possible to produce a breed of
corn that will average a half-dozen
more grains per ear than is now se
cured, that seemingly small increase
will add more than a million dollars a
year to the corn value of the state
The legislature of 1909 was com
pelled to take care of over $77,000 of
deficiencies bequeathed to it by the
Sheldon administration. The legis
lature of 1907 boasted of its record for
economy a record very easy to make
by simply refucing to make necessary
appropriations and leaving a subse
quent legislature to make up the de
ficiencies. After taking care of this
republican deficit; after making more
liberal appropriations for education
than ever before made, and after mak
ing building appropriations that should
have been made two, four or six years
ago, the democratic legislature of 1910
appropriated less money per capita
than the republican legislatures of
1907, or almost any other republican
legislature in the state's history.
The republican managers arc saying
less and less about opposing the "Ore
gon plan" of electing United States
senators, The legislatute of 1910
made it possible for the people to take
the election of senators into their own
hands, instead of delegating that power
to the combined corporate interests of
the state. The "Oregon plan" is too
familiar to need explanation here. For
a time the republican managers, fore
seeing that the plan would deprive
them of their usual donations from
favor-seeking corporations, threatened
to contest the validity of the law. Then
they declared they would ignore it be
cause a misplaced comma made the
law unintelligible. Later they dis
covered that the latter claim was an
insult to the intelligence of Nebraskans
and they back-tracked on that. Hav
k ing heard from the tank and file the
managers are not now saying a word
against the "Oregon plan."
Gen. Charles F. Manderson, one of
Nebraska's foremost citizens, is chair
man of u committee of well-luiqwu men
formed for the purpose of providing for
a history of the Truns-Mississippi ex
position of 1898. The cost of publi
cation was provided for in advance.
The book is piofusely illustrated with
splendid views, of the' grounds, nnd fine
photographs of the gieat structures. Iu
one seiibe the history is sm ulbum of
beautiful pictures, well worthy bf pre
servation. The exposition did much
to advertise the advantages of Ne
braska, and the history of the achieve
ment is at this late day a big advertis
ing card, descriptive of Nebraska's
The growing business of Miller Bros,
has made necessary an increase in room
space for their carpet, furniture and
china store, consequently they have
had the partitions removed on the
second floor of their building, chauging
the same into a room 25 by Go feet iu
dimensions, and have had this room
connected with the store below by a
stairwav which makes it convenient for
use in showing their carpets, linoleums
and some other goods that are kept on
this floor
Closing out prices on
trimmed hats, at Regan's.
I have 300 tons of good hay and
1C00 bushels of seed potatoes for sale.
J. D Hagerty, Bridgepart, Nebr.
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News Snapshots
Of the Week
Buckley continued IiIh testimony as
der of Ruth Wheeler, n sixteen-year-old
Miss Nelson is a new employe in the
McClucr store.
Miss Minelle Highland has been very
sick the past week.
Clark Brunell went to Bridgeport on
a business trip today.
Alex Muirhead and wife of Homing
ford were Alliance visitors several days
last week.
F. O. Roe's baby has been quite ill
the past week but is much better at
this writing.
A. F. Baldridge has been laid up
since Saturday evening with a severe
attack of tousilifis.
Mrs. Anne Robinson was the lucky
one at the five dollar drawing at the
Famous last Saturday.
Frank O'Connor is one of the num
ber who have recently been afflicted
with grip and tonsilitis.
Geo. Reid was very ill several days
last week but is much improved and
able to be around again.
Postmaster Tash and friend L. R.
Corbin autoed to Hemingford Satur
day returning on 44 Sunday.
One of W. R. Drake's children, a
little girl, has been kept out of school
several days by an attack of tonsilitis.
M. H. Huff of Fullerton who has
visited his daughter Mrs. Hal Pardey
the past three days left yesterday for
his home.
Mrs. J- C. McCorkle left today for
Chariton, la., to be present at the bed
side of Mr. McCorkle's mother, who is
seriously ill.
J. W. Guthrie went to Ardmore yes
terday, expecting to spend four or five
days in southwestern South Dakota on
insurance business.
Hal Pardey and wife have enjoyed a
visit from tho latters brother, John
Huff, for a couple of weeks. He de
parted yesterday for Seattle.
After spending a very pleasant Easter
vacation in Alliance Miss Inez Beck
left Saturday for Valley, Nebr., where
she is principal of the school.
Hon. Grant Shumway had business
in Alliance a few days since. He has
many friends here and always receives
a cordial welcome in this city.
The time for gardeuing is near at
hand and the festive business man can
soon hurry home to do n day's work
after 0 p. m., spading and raking.
On Monday of last week, Baldridge
& Drake, proprietors of the "Western
Land Headquarters," sold a section of
land to a tnau from Presho, S. D.
Andy Sherman a machinist, wjio
formerly resided in Alliance and now
located at Seneca, spent Sunday here.
He will move back to this city in about
a month
Mrs. Holliday and Miss McDaniels
returned to their home in Denver the
first of the week. While here Mrs.
Holliday was the guest of honor at
several card parties,
E- C. McCleur left last Saturday for
Pax ton, III., to attend the wedding of
a brother. Mr. McCleur will spend a
few days in Chicago and return some
time this week or next,
Miss Katheryn Pletl has resigned
her position as saleslady at tut Model
Candy Kitchen. She leaves on the
Guernsey today for a visit at Mitchell,
after which she plans to go to Denver.
Miss Lula Hadden of the Inter
national Harvesting Co. iu Crawford
spent several days this week in Alliance.
She left Wednesday on 44 for a visit , ton, holding the position formerly oc
to the home of her parents in the east. . cupicd by Mr. Berryhill. Wenre pleased
Alliance Hospital has been closed to enro11 ll'8 natne 'his week as one of
for a few days awaiting the arrival of J 'e Herald's subscribers.
the Sisters of Mercy, who are expected
tomorrow. No doubt many of the
Herald readers will be pleased to learn
. f
-w 1 : 1 -- r 1 r ' rr n m
Senator AllUn was found gnllty of the Conger bribery charge. Senator Percy of Mississippi Is being Investigated by Gov
ernor Noel on charge of paying for his senate sent. Justice Brewer of the United Stntes supreme court died. Sir Ernest Shnc
kleton, tho south pole explorer, Is being honored in this country. Catherine Mauz, sixteen years old, Is under arrest at Massllloii,
n fnr h mnr.ior nf hor ttatpr KHznhctk. Tom L. Lewis and "Mother" .Tones are heading the striking coal miners. W. H.
the king of lobbyists in the flro Insurance graft scandal of New York. Albert
that Mrs. Lois Riley, the trained nurse
who has had charge, has decided to
remain in this city and do private nurs
ing. Wc wish to call attention to her
card in the Herald-
We regret to learn this morning that
Grandma Cavin, Mrs. Ella HawkiuV
mother, is still seriously ill. Another
daughter, Mrs. Crane of Creston, la-,
has been sent for and is expected here
tomorrow. '
, Mrs. Jerry Rowan, Mrs. Lindley
Ellis and a number of other members
of the Woman's club left for Scotts
bluff Wednesday noon to attend a
district convention there. Mrs. Rowan
goes as adelegate.
We have word from Miss Laura
Miller that her mother continues ' to
improve slowly but that it will prob
ably be a month yet before Miss Miller'
can return from Albion to take her
place in The Herald office.
W. B. Parker of the Bee Hive claims
to have now the finest decorated
in western Nebraska. M S. Gerrish
of Chicago, an expert decorator, has
been at work for several days, and he
is sure a peach in his line.
Mrs. Mary- R. Shave of Elysian,
Minn., a sister of Geo. Douglas, arriv
ed today for tin all summer's visit in
this county. She has been here before,
and it is almost needless to sav is well
pleased with this country.
Road Master Byrne of Seneca was
iu Alliance Sunday. He formerly re
sided iu this city and has many friends
hero that are always pleased to meet
him and who would be glad to have
him take up his residence in Alliance
L. M. E. Anderson had the misfor
tune to injure one of his hands with a
splinter a few days ago. At first the in
jury seemed to be slight, but it has de
veloped into a serious condition, mak
ing the carrying of his hand in a sling
Miss Susie Avery, a sister of Mrs.
Mrs. Don B. Wagner, arrived last
Friday from Kewanee, III., and has
taken a position ns saleslady in the
Model Candy Kitchen. She is receiv
ing a cordial welcome from the youug
people of this city.
J. P. Stedman, general agent for the
Success oil burner, advertised in this
issue of the Herald, returned Tuesday
from a trip up the line. He disposed
of the right of sale for Crawford and
also Marsland. He informs us that
there are good prospects for the agents
to do a good business at those places.
Irvin Myers, who was formerly in
the employ of D- W. Hughes, the ice
man, and who is now holding, down a
Kitikaid fifteen miles north of Oshkosh,
drove up to the city today. He favor
ed The Herald with a call and left
thre "wagon wheels" on subscription,
which sets him more than a year ahead.
H.W. and J-S. Barrett of Skidmore,
Mo., arrived in Alliance yesterday
morning in search of a suitable loca
tion in this part ft the west. One of
these men has lw driver on a rural
route and the otlt "is been etmaced
in clerical woik. li u.oy find suitable
employment here tl"- ill make this
city their home. One of 1 them being a
married man will briug his family later.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hill and young
son are comfortably domiciled at 412
Cheyenne ave They formerly resided
in this city and taking up their resi
dence here agaiti seems to them much
like returning home. Mr. Hill is head
storekeeper at Alliance for the Burling.
. National Banks are required by
to publish periodical statements ot the
condition of their business. The two
banks in Alliance not only publish
these statements as required by law,
but are so well satisfied with the show
ing that they make, that they make
use of means to give publicity to these
statements. The Alliance National has
had a quantity of enameled blotters
printed containing a statement which
appears in this issue of the Herald, the
same to be used for advertising pur
poses; while the First National has its
statement printed in their regular dis
play ad on first page.
Mrs. W. M- Weidenhamer and
daughter Alma are spending a few days
in Denver.
Dr. Eikner left Sunday morning for
Los Angeles. He will stop at Phoenix
where he expects to invest in real
Born, to Mr. and Mrs.E- H. Zur
cher, March 29, a daughter, Muriel
Elizabeth, grandchild to Rev. and Mrs.
C. H. Burleigh.
The second recital of the pupils of
Miss Swan will be given at the First
Presbyterian church next Friday even
ing at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. F. W. Adams who formerly re
sided here, but who has been living
recently at Lead, S. D., is stopping
off for a few days visit at the home of
Mrs. Wills and with other friends on
her way to Connecticut.
E. C- McCleur and wife left last Sat
urday for Paxton, III., where they
went to attend the wedding of Mrs.
McCluer's brother, Chester Bnffield
wbich happy event took place last evening-
Mr. McCleur will visit some of
the wholesale houses in Chicago and
order goods for his Alliance store be
fore returning.
A case of child abandonment bv its
mother, a married woman, created
some excitement and a good deal of
fun for the boys Tuesday. There is a
difference of opinion as to whether it
wasacaseof attempted blackmail or
not, but in any event tne details are
not such that we care to publish them.
Geo. Willoughby has returned to
Madison as mentioned in the Herald
in a former issue. Before leaving he
called at our office to order his address
for the paper changed. From what he
said, we judge that he would have been
glad have to remained in Box Butte
county if he could have made suitable
arrangements iu time to rent a farm
this year.
The way of the transgressor is hard,
or at least he thinks so when pulled up
before Judge Zurn. A couple of young
men filled up on booze and went into
one of the qity 'restaurants about eight
o'clock Monday evening and proceeded
to make a nuisance of themselves to
such an extent that the marshal was
called. When taken befoie the jude
for tiial they plead guilty to the chaige
of "drunk and disorderly and insulting
ladies," and his honor assessed them
each S25 and trimmings. As they were
financially embarrassed their fines will
be worked out on the streets.
Frank Brown who has been carrying
the mail between Alliance aud Long
Lake for Chas. Keeler, lias taken the
contract for the same from the govern
ment for the four years beginning July
1st. He will make the trip on Tuesdays
aud Fridays, leaving Long Lake in the
morning aud arriving at Alliance at
11:30 a. m., and on his return leaving
Alliance at 1:30 p. 111. and arriving at
at Long Lake in the evening. There
are 110 postoffices along the route of 22
miles but he will carry mail for quite
a number of tanners and ranchmen.
As the country between Alliance and
Long Lake is thickly settled, we would
think that an intei veiling postoffice or
two would be well patronized.
Closing out prices on
trimmed hats, at Regan's.
W. Wolter is charged with the map
Cosily Conflagration in Eleva
tor District at Omaha.
Sweep Away Maney Mill Plant, Nye
Schneider.Fowler Elevator, the Cady
Wooden Package Plant and All Their
Contents Many Box Cars Also
Omaha, April 5. The total loss oc
casioned by the spectacular tire in the
elevator district Monday is now esti
mated to be $1,000,00(1. It was one of
the most spectacular flres ever seen
here. The Are started at the Nye-Schneider-Fowler
elevator, near the
boiler room. The blaze at the eleva
tor was discovered about 11 o'clock
by tho watchman at the Maney mill.
The northwest corner ofjthe building
was then ablaze. The gale which was
sweeping across tho open terminal
yards at this point soon fanned this
into a roaring mass of flames and be
gan carrying huge burning brands far
to the north.
These falling on the property of the
Maney Milling company had that
plant roaring with flames in an in
credibly short time.
Thousands of people were attracted
to the fire, the flames lighting up tho
sky so that the city was lllunijnated
for miles around.
Tho Nyo Schneider-Fowler elevator
hnd n capacity of 750,000 bushels and
was valued at about $400,000. It wr.3
said to have been pretty well filled
with corn.
The Maney mill plant consisted of
a mill building, engine nouse and 100,
000 bushel elevator which was filled
to Its capacity with No. 1 wheat for
milling purposes. The loss to the
mjll property has been estimated at
?200,000. Fifteen freight cars loaded
with grain and thirty-five empty
freight cars were destroyed with loss
of JCO.000.
Farmers of Phelps County Are Buying
It to Feed to Their Stock.
Holdrege, Neb., April 4. The ruins
of last week s fire have been almost
all cleared away and tlie'insurance ad
justers have completed their work
preparatory to payment of losses. The
grain, wrlch was partially destroyed,
is still burning iu several places, but
n considerable amount of It wjll be
gotten out and bold regardless of the
damage to It from Are and water.
B. Powell, representing Powell &
Nelson, the large cattlo and stock
raisers of Marlon, was in the city nnd
contracted for thirty carloads of the
salvage at 20 icents per bushel. He
will ship it to the company's ranch,
where it will be used to feed hogs.
Greek Letter Men of University of Ne -
braska Will Have Novel Banquet.
Lincoln, April 4. Governor Shalleu
4borger has accepted an invitation to
be present at the first annual banquet
to be given by the fraternities of the
Uiiherslty of Nebraska, April 13.
Tho Greek letter men or thi stato
school are giving this animal banquet
In honor of Chancellor Samuel Avery.
Mayor Love of this city will preside
ui nastmaster. A long program In the
nati:re of the Url'diion banquet given
each yoar by tho newspaper men of
Washington will be tarried cut.
Masked Men at Randolph Tie Marshal
and Wreck Vault With Dynamite.
Randolph, Neb., April 5. The First
National bank was dycam'ted aud
robbed of $10,000 iu soil und cur
rency between 2 and 3 a. m. Town
Marshal Can oil was hc'.tl up on tho
street ami hound and gauged aud re
lieved of his gun and placed Iu a bank
room, while seven explosions, requir
ing forty-five minutes, wrecked the
Vault. Three masked men did the
Job. They escaped.
Meats Increase 100 Per Cent.
Lincoln, Aprjl 5. Land Commission-
The Alliance National Bank
CUARTEIl NO. 5657.
Alliance, In tli Stato of NulmiskH, at
tliu close of business, March 2P. 1910.
Loan and discounts ,
.$250,701 54
Overdrafts, secured aud unaecuri'd IWW
I). 8. bouds to secure circulation.... M.OW 00
Hanklnic liousi-. furniture nnd ll.x-
tures.. 20.00000
Other Itcul Estate owned 1.2S0O0
Due from national lfuilts .
(not reservo ncents) l ,157 5(1
Due from State aud I'rt-
rato Hanks and Hankers,
Trust Uomuanles, and
Havlnjfn Hanks W0 37
Due from approved rusurre
agents 85,147 71
Checks and othercasli Items 1,770 PS
Notes of other national
banks 10000
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents 39 83
Lawful Money Heseiivk in
Hank, viz:
8pecle ?8,(OT4S
Leital.tendernotes. 1,27000 U,3""S 15
Redemption fund with V.
S. treasurer (5 per cent of
circulation) 2500 00 101,093 05
Total 123,88 47
Capital stock paid In $30,00000
Surplus fund 32,50000
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid 2,43907
National back note!) outstanding. . . 50,000 00
Duo to State and Private
Hanks und Hankers 8,054 77
Individual deposits sub
ject to check 174,88005
Demand certificates ot de
posit 23.07010
Time certificates of deposit 82,013 83 SWOT 40
Total 1423,860 47
I, P. V. Harris, cashier of tho above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true to tho best ot my
knowledge and belief.
P. V. Haiihis, Cashier.
Corhect Attest:
V. M. Knioht, I
F. E. Holstbn. Directors.
Subscribed aud sVorn to before mo this 1st
day of April, 1910.
seaiI n. P. Oilman,
Notary Public.
My Commission Expires Decembers?, 1911.
er Cowles has compiled a table showing
what the state paid for provisions for
the state institutions for a period of
ten years. The comparison shows
that meats have increased In that
time 100 per cent, while dry goods
and groceries have increased about 3
per cent. As1 all. the meat used In the
stato Institutions Is of Nebraska pro
duction, the Increase has been to the
benefit of the cnttle raisers and farm
ers of tho state.
Brewery Licenses Held Valid.
Omaha. April 5. Liquor licenses
granted Omaha breweries and brewery
a&cnts by ihe board of fire and police
rommiosiipcrs will stand valid
through .it- year by virtue of a de-
ialoti ir Jhe district court handed
('own li,' Jrdge Troup. Judge Day,
who sat 1th Jrdge Troup In n test
hearing, concurs in the finding.
Sheldon Buy 'Bay State Ranch.
Cohimhuuv Neb., April 2. A deal
was closed hpre by which C. II. Shel
don & Son became the owners of tho
old Bay State footling station, located
near North Bend. This ranch com
prises 773 nrres, nnd brought $70,000,
or nearly $100 per aero. The ranch
has about 300 acres under cultivation
and the remainder Is hay and pasture
Hurd Makes Showing of Some of Work
Done Under New Law.
Lincoln, April 5. E. C. Hurd, chief
engineer in charge ot the work of plac
ing a value upon the railway pioperty
of the state under the provisions of
the physical valuation law enacted last
winter, has filed a report with the
state railway commission covering a
per.'od fioai Lu.niber to April. The
report shows that iour of the railroads
have filed complete statements as re
quired ami four more have made par
tial leports. In nddition to hese re
ports, nlruMy 3lx plntu ot structure
have been received which, with the
number repotted previously, makes a
total of -143. Construction profiles of
883 miles have been received, making
a total of 1,5ns miles of roadway, in
cluding term,!nnls, have bean received.
Thoro has been inspected l,27
miles of roadway, which added to that
reported previously mukes a total ot
2,707 miles, Including five large ter
minals. Sixteen mechanical plants
have been Investigated, covering
about 90 per cent of this class of prop
erty In" the state.
Right of way has been Investigated
to the extent of 1,582 miles, located In
1 fatty two of the more important towns
auu cuics 01 1110 state. The mileage
when ta,eu with the 1,870 previously
reported makes 11 total of 3,452 miles
The total expenses to date, accord
ing to the report, has been $13,028.01,
out of nn appropriation of $40,000.
Two Debating Teams Will Contest
on April 18.
Plattsmouth, Neb., April 5. The
schedule of debates In this eastern dis
trlct In the first series of contests in
tho eleven districts among the sixty
schools which are members of the Ne
braska High School Debating league
have all taken place except two. The
Blair team will visit this city on Fri
day evening, April 18, and debate
with thB Plattsmouth team. The sub
ject will be, "Resolved, That Labor
Unions on tho Whole Are Beneficial."
The Wahoo and David City teams
will show their ability about the same
time and the two winning teams will
lock horns for the honor or represent
ing this district, composed of tho
schools in South Omaha. Blair, Fre
mont, Wnlioo, Weeping Vntrr and
City. In the coming contest in Lincoln
on May 13 for the stato chnmn'onshlp.