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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1910)
"mPC1J, VB -ip -mr"?" t-y W? wnwiiBHf ",JH9Jlwr ""TpPW lXBKUgi w cvvMvsyvvv,vvw' WEV TfE P?CE WOULD APPEAR ATTRACTIVE THE QUALITY, HIZKnAfS, HAS OCiZiy SALsKlrlLsCtU There is no risk taken when you buy a CHICKERING SON (Boston), IVERS & POND, PACKARD, KURTZMANN, STERLING, KOHLER & CAMPBELL, HARVARD, HUNTINGTON, besides a number of less expensive Pianos that may be seen on our floors and are regarded as leader? in their respective grades. YEARS FROM NOW you would regard the price of the Piano you purchased now as small if then you FOUND that you had in your home a Piano that had proven satisfactory. Time alone will demonstrate the musical value of a good Piano and the honor of the house that sells Our aim has always been to sell the class of Pianos that would secure for us the confidence and esteem of the public. No Piano concern can produce a better asset than a satisfied community of buyers, and we are in Alliance to stay. Call and see us in our new quarters, -Brennan's old drug store, opposite postoffice PIANOS SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS IF DESIRED "'HftM t-WIW?'' "WSjW H'1" & -: . HOLSTEN'S Headquarters for School upplies TABLETS NOTE BOOKS COMPOSITION BOOKS NOTE PAPER PENCILS ' PENS, INKS CHALK CRAYONS COLORED CRAYONS ERASERS and PAIN1S RULERS GIVEN AWAY AT HOLSTEN S Finding a Leak is sometimes a dangerous and dirty job unless you are a Practical Plumber. If there is any trouble in the bath room or heating apparatus Send for Us and we will fix it promptly and at reason able charge. We do good work and guar antee it. Fred Brennan House phone, 356. Shop phone, 744 Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ..WOOD ;. ; , 'Phone Alliance, Nebraska. NO., a. FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER PttOftC IIW l0"i UWTW.JKA wwimi-w. FAIR PRICE WE PRINT SALE BILLS AND PRINT TMEM RIGHT win M ILla Sffli I I J - T"""5 I r IS A MAGNESIA. I I . fives' uusr I r I I THAT IS INDEED , CAME. f O I F'T I V J&Sk WHT'c - !y cheaVmess SX k I Cffeli I l " aTslcht tiJ) i&p, I p M Pror1MY MsfrS" l spL.K I CrtWrHCR L OH1 CMOLLY WOtI I ft 1 r jl U ll jltl4lll II 1 I fl I WHY' CHOLLY, HOW YOUR NEW TJtNTu A Z jtogSftiSXSta 1IH JV ffiMiun, I TrMjLONDON, suit has shrunk V AafeCT upcnc tffmw JSfflWfek ,," v Jr4 I vLj ' PAzAiNnV- Ml) Mn iBaffi couldiJt think or come , xlxSSclSr IlU". 1 eST Mr1 IMU MlLMm " with you, && DUmwwi ,'Jj f nllilS i . s&SZr il . WsfiTP five ct ntsj co anq buy a nice MAKES COTTOHCOKTifACT Jg tfM L 1 If (A,. I I fJ llMlfT W BEREA Vernon Nabbis working for P. J. Knapp. Fred Iluelle went back to Madison last Wednesday. Will Mainer is visiting with his cousin, Amol Huelle. Elmer Essex lost a horse last Thursday from heart trouble. J. T. Nabb has in 75 acres of wheat, part of which is already coming up. We had a nice snow last week which will start the grain to growing nicely. Charley Weaver and Will Mabin took a load of potatoes to Alliance last Saturday. Miss Rosa Knapp and mother spent the afternoon with Mrs. A. Gaghagen Monday. Vernon Nabb and Rosa Knapp spen the afternoon with J. T. Nabb and family last Sunday The box. social Friday evening was at tended by a large crowd and all reported a fine time. When the boxes were sold, the money was counted and fopnd to be $27.20 A few new neighbors are coming into this neighborhood, among whom are Mr. Miller from Hampton. Nebr,, Will and Elmer Essex from Iowa and Mr. Anding from Newman Grove, Nebr. George Knapp had a little accident last Saturday morning. His team got fright ened at a dog and started to run, breaking the disc badly and bouncing Georgie off his perch but did not hurt him much, only gave him the blues for awhile. CANTON Frank Caha lost a valuable mare Friday. Mrs. Shetlar is very sick at this writing. March came in like a lamb and went out like a lion. Mrs Louis Barta was in Hemingford one day last week. Mr. Haufman is working for John Mo ravek at present, Edith Broshar is back at the office again after a week's rest. Trank Hanna took Easter dinner with John Moravek and family, Bert Langford lost four head of cattle and one horse in the big storm, G, H. Clayton was in Alliance on busi ness a couple of days last week. j Joe Sindlar and. family were the guests I of Louis Barta and family Sunday. THE BENNETT CO. W. C. ENGLISH, Mgr. Several G-ood Second-Hand Organs from $10 uwgL$ COPYfglCHT, I9Q9 PV I HTEg NATION I'M. PKtSS BURCmj Omar Scribner was seen autoing in the Canton vicinity one day last week. Bert Langford and family were the guests of the Moravek family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Langford made a trip to Hemingford Monday, returning Tuesday, Mrs. Martin Posvar is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Caha, and other relatives. The dance a John Henderson's Friday night is said to have been a grand success Geo. Severson furnished the music. A good many of the stockmen are out of cattle which they have not found, being drifted away by the Tuesday storm. Many have reported a large loss. M. A. Hood returned Saturday from Omaha where he has been the past week with his wife whom he left much improv ed at the St. Joseph's hospital. Mrs. J. B. Hurlburt, who has been sick for some time, died Friday, and was buried Sunday in the Hemingford cemetery. She leaves a husband and one. son to mourn their loss. Bonner Items Bronco riding is the order of the day in this vicinity. Rufus Thomas is reported quite sick at this writing. Fred Wood and family spent Sunday at Hampton's ranch. Mrs Glen Gentle and Mrs. Carl Babbitt were Alliance visitors Friday. Fred Wood and daughter Avery were passengers to Alliance Saturday. A telephone man from Alliance took dinner at the Bonner hotel Thursday, John Muntz was on the sick list the first of the week but is able to be about his work again. Dick Sisco, who is working at Scotts bluff, came up Wednesday to visit home folks, returning Thursday, Fred Shaffer and wife of Prosser, Neb., and Mrs. Frank Moore of Juniata visited at Frank Gillespie's Wednesday and Thursday. Reno Notes H. Hier lost four head of cattle and J. B. Berry lost two head during the last snow storm. Henrv Hier made a flying trip to Alli ance last Friday, going there and back the !i sfiMi; mimmm same day He brought a new Eclipse wind mill with him to replace the ono re cently destroyed by trie heavy wind. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leisiritz went to Alliance last Thursday to do shopping, re turning Friday. ' Mrs. Jos. Bills returned from Illinois last Sunday, where she had been making a three-months' visit with relatives. John Strong, Jesse Nelson and C. E. McFall have been hauling telephone poles from Lakeside to the new Lakeside tele phone line. I.KGAI. NOTICE In O.o District Court of Ilox Hutte County. Mebraskit. In thu mutter f the Guardianship )rikr to of Adella liumsdull, an limine Hliow Person. J Cause The cunse cumo 011 for hearing upm th petition of 1'iniik II, Kfimsdull, guanliau of the person and estate of Adolla Kumsdell. an Insane pernon. pruylng for a license to m.11 tliu south half of the. southeast quarter (Sl-2 8E 1-4) south Ji.ilf southwest qunrter(8l-2 -Wl-4) of Miction Five (5), In Tow nMilp Thirty (30). N Itanuu Twelve ir) West. In Holt County, Ne- hrasku. or a sulllclent amount of the narno to Jay the sum of twelve hundred eighty dollars UbOO0) fortlio payment of expenses Incurred n tliu support, treatment, cure and mainten ance of sal 1 ward, there not being any per honul property and tllo Income of s.ild ward being lnsulllefent to pay the said debts and expenses, and maintain the said ward. jtiHinercioreorarreu iiiuitno ucxt or kin and all persons Interested In said estate 11 pear befure me at Chambers at Kuthvlll 1: near befure me at Chamber at ltui-bvll Nelrska. on the 30th dav of Anril. iflln. Nelrsk. on the 30th day of April. 1910. at nlno o'clock A. M. to show caiim. vhv 11 11 cense should not lie granted to said iiuardlim to sell so much of the abovo described real estate of said ward as shall bo necessary to pay said debts and expenses. I specify that this order be published In the Alliance Her ald, a weekly newspaper, published at Al liance in said county for three weeks prior to thu date f said hearing. Dated March 21th, 1010. , . W. H. WtrtTOvrn fp-'Uh-3t Judge District Court, Notice To Mury and J. E. Quann and E. F. Ward. You ure hereby notified that I, the under signed, did on the 23rd day of July A. D. IC08 purchase at private tt sale of the Treasurer of Uox Hutte county, Nebrasku, the following described land-lot situated in llox llutto county, Nebraska, towlt: -J South half of the northeast quarter of sec 1 tlon three, Township twenty-four and Kange I forty-eluht for tho taxes of the yearn 1005 and 1(00, and that I have since, and after the same became delinquent, paid as subsequent tax, tho taxes of the years 1007 and IMS: That said land-lot wus taxed for tho years U05, IMtlmid lli7 In tho name of Mary mid J. E. Quann and for the year llW in the name of K. V. Ward and you are further notified that after tho expiration of three months from date of the service of this notice, I will apply to said treasurer for a tax deed of said UuiMot. You will Kuvern yourself accordingly. Dated tlds lPth day of March A. D. IPIO, H-3t A G. 11KICE. up LI.GAL, NOTICE. In the District Court of llox llutto County, Nebraska. in the matter of the application of Surah A. Glllerau. Guardian of the persons and es tates of Mary Frances lilllerun, Francis Gll leran, and LeoGilleran, for license to sell reul estate, On reading and tiling the petition, duly ver ified of harah A. Gillerun, Guardian of the persons and estates of Mary Frances Gilier an, Francis Gillerun and LeoGlllornn, for li cense to sell the following real cutatu of said minors, lo-wlt: The North West Quarter of Section Twenty-four Town 25, Ilatigo , in llox llutto County, Nebraska, or a part there of for the purpose of raising funds, for the ed ucation, support nud maintenance, and the cotufoit of said minors, and It uppeurlng from said petition that said real estate con sists of unimproved laud with the exception that samo Is surrounded by a fence, nnd very little If any Income is derived therefrom. It ! therefore ordered that the ucxt of kin of said minors, and all persons Interested In said real estate, appear before me ut Cham hers In tho City 0 ltushvllle, Sheridan Coun ty, rtebruska, on the 10th day or May. 11)10, at II o'clock a. 111 to show cause, If any thoie. be. w. y license should not be granted to said Guardlau to sell said real estate. And It is further ordered that a copy of this order ho served peiwiually on all persons Interested In said estate at least fourteen days before the day set for the hearinif, nud lie published once each week for four succes sive weeks In the Alliance Herald, a news paper printed and published In said county. Dated at t hambers In the City of Alliance Uox Hutte County, this 2nd day of April, 1110 Wm. H Wr.RTOVKii, Judge or the District Court of f pApr 7-tt Uox llutto County, NcbrusKu E. C. Whisman Practical Painter and Paper Hanger Full hue wall paper samples PHONE 700 ALLIANCE, NEBR. Brown Leghorn Eggs 1 per 15 i-year-old hens, $1.50 eith S24 Box Butte Ave. Alliince, Neb FOR SALE! S. V. quarter 24-26-50. N. W. quarter 23-26-51. ' If not sold would rent for season. Would exchange for property in Lincoln, Neb. D. P. Miller, Cumberland, Md. Iranian's More 1 Patronized by careful and discriminating buyers The one place in town where you can buy really go o d chocolates The Alliance Racket Store 210 Box Butte Ave. Big Stock of New Goods at Prices Lower than Elsewhere See Our Bargain Table! Shoe Repairing PROHPTLY DONE All Work Strictly First-Class fl. D. Nichols BOX BUTTE AVENUE AT ALLIANCE SHOE STORE Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured (be services of a prac tical mechanic and can guarantee ail work done by him. Don't trust your work to travelling repair men, This man will be here permanently. Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling. BREAD EAT MB-. LOOK FOR LABEL None genuine without it The Bee Hive UOME-MADE