tnrtij; -yar .y: -TJJWmew '4 -WJTWfl " a. si-uTcr: jf j nmw "Tsar" ..""SCSJi M s-' v V h AS. Groces piwatMaiit G-roceries, Fresh and Cured Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Candies, and every thing else good to eat Phone 50 N. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Montana St. SPECIAL RATES SPEI1TG &5 STTE3ivd:EK lQlO Homeseekers' Excursion Rates 'first and third Tuesdays of each month to your locality; advise your eastern friends of land and industrial chances in your country. Low One-Way Rates, March ist to April 15th, to Cali fornia and the far Northwest. To the East. The usual summer excursion fares will be announced later, for those planning- a vacation tour of the East. Pacific Coast Summer Tours. Attractive excursion fares, embracing- a tour of the Coast, will be in effect during the coming summer. Consult the nearest ticket agent of the Burlington. He is currently supplied with special rate sheets and descriptive publications for all kinds of tours, or write the General Pas senger Agent, giving as definite an idea as possible of the trip you have in mind. It will Club Together and Save Money All orders amounting to $15.00 for Mechanics' Tools, accompanied by cash, we will discount 10 per cent Inspect each too before buying ILTot one but what's guaranteed "Ts7"ariety and assortment large iElach tool marked in plain figures Save time Tell your friends T&ewWvyixjQ. Co. . GRAHAM'S T T ( !)! !A i. ' & t It f Hi be a pleasure to advise you fully. F. L. SKALINDER, AGENT Alliance L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha Boards of ail descriptions for any part of a house or barn. DierksLumber &Coal Co. Phone 22 0. Waters, Mgr. NEBRASKA NEWS Demand That All Parlies In dorse County Cptlon. WAHT PIANK IN ALL PLATFORMS Stale Meeting at Lincoln Adopts Res olution to That Effect C. B. AndoN con of Crete Presides and Stveral Speakers Are Heard In Behalf of County Option Ex-Qovernor Hanly Delivers Address. Lincoln, March 16. Tho stato meet ing of county option ndvocatoa adopt ed n resolution demanding that nil political parties In Nebraska Indorse county option and Insert u plank to that effect in their platforms. Jnspor L. McDr,lon called the meet ing to order and Introduced T. M. Wlmuerly, head of tho Temperance union of Nebraska, who In turn Intro duced C. D. Anderson of Crcto, who presided. Lyslo Abbott of Omaha was tho flrBt speaker and he said he had teen se lected ns tho "pace maker" for tho other speakers to follow, because he had come from Omaha and' "anyone from Douglas county, who has any thing to do with temperance, has to go soma." Mr. Abbott explained that ho was for county option because the county is the unit for taxation and tho county has to pay tho costs In the prosecution of cases growing out of the sale of liquor. For these reasons nnd others, he Bald, the ent,lro county should decide whether there should be any saloons In n county. V. B. Price said tho "liquor trust" was the biggest trust of them all and for that reason all Democrats should be for county option. Senator Aldrlch followed In behalf of county option and told how David City, his hdhne, had prospered finan cially under tho dry town system. Then camo E. P. Brown, Mayor Mc Conaughy of Holdrege, who brought down a delegation of fifteen men; a. O. Wolfenberger, Superintendent El liott, Proressor Carson, Mrs. Claflln and the Rev. Mr. Shepherd. Ex-Governor Hanly of Indiana was tho principal speaker. NO MORE FLOUR SEIZURES Injunction Issued by McPherson Against Government in Updike Case. Omaha, March 15. No more of, the flour of the Updike Milling company will be seized for the time being by the government officials on pain of.1 ; "' ",,! " "" i L iTi.. contamnt of court. .T,.d:e McPhfirRonh.nd fl?ht' supposed o have been contempt of court. Judge McPherson was presented a petition for a re straining order by an attorney1 for the Updlke8. The ordec was slgned-and made returnable April 4, when a hear ing on a temporary injunction will be nrgued at Creston, la. The order follows the dismissal by the government of Its suit against tho Updike company based on the seizure of n shipment of bleached flour The restraining order Is directed against Colonel M. L. Temple as United States district attorney, R S. Clark ai mar snal and A. Brown ns a food and drug Inspector of the department of agri culture. EDITOR W. L. PALMER DEAD Pioneer Newspaper Man of Nebraska Stricken Suddenly. Clay Center, Neb., Marcn 15. W. L. Palmer died here of apoplexy, aged sixty-seven. He was the owner of the Clay Center Sun. which he founded lu this city In 1SS-I, and has continuous ly been Its publisher, except for about six months in 189G, when he went to Hastings and helped found the Hast ings News, a dally publication. Ho leaves a widow and two children. Burlington Changes Rate. Lincoln, March 13. -Attorney Gen eral Thompson has been Instructed by the railway commission to proceed" against the Burlington for changing a rate without permission of the com mission, It Is charged that the Bur lington changed Its rule governing the milling In transit. Under the old rules millers had a milling in transit rate gooa ror six montns. Tins was changed by the ral'road. It Is charged, so that a joint agent could Inspect the amount of the proposed shipments. Thjs forced the miller to ship the fin ished product nt the local rates. Expert on Water Sent to Omaha. Washington, March 15. Responsive to the requests of the governor of Ne braska. Assistant Secretary of the T-oi-Hury Mills directed Assistant , Ssrgeon Lunsden of the public health j and marine hospital service, to pro ceed to Omaha to confer with the city authorities and make an jnvestlgatloL regarding contamination of the watei supply there, and to advise as to tho proper means for preventing further spread of typhoid. More Capital Talk at York. York, Nob., March 15. York wants tho state canltal and at the next meet ing of the York Commercial club a resolution will be offered that If the capltnl be romovod from Lincoln every effort bo mado by York's commercial organization to have the capital lo cated at York. $50,000 In Securities Sell for $275. Corning, t March IS. Tho re maining assets of the defunot Coming State Savings batik were sold at pub lic auction by the rocelver, a F. An drw8, on order or the court. About SW.000 in not-s. Judgment 3, bond's, stocks, etc., were sold for $275. IOWA RATE8 MUCH LOWER Attorney General Sets Forth Why Ns braska Rates Are Good. Lincoln, March 14. In hlH nnswor to tho complaint of the Chicago,. Min neapolis, St. Paul nnd OuttUrn rail road. Wtych alleged In ht fadsral coutt that the rates provided In the leg, Nation euacled In P'7 were ecti flsratory, Attorney O nnrnl Thomp ton shows In figures a comy-artson of the earning In 1907 nlid' 1909 and alno a comparison of the rate now rbnrEPt in Nebraska and In other states, The suit has to do with 0'? 2-rcnJ far law and the Aldrlch freight rate law, which decreased freight ratea U per cent. rtlarnsMlnit fre.Inht rctca. the nnsc tny-: "The Mtra proved for ha transportation ,of lumber In carload lots in Nobracka Is 11.0 cents per inn pounds per 100 miles; In lown tho rale Is G 3. The rate on whoal In Nebrns kn Is 11.1S cents; In lown It Is 8 1 cents. Tho rate on corn In NohraBkn Is 10 2 cents, while In Iowa It .Is (1.8 cents. On cattlo In Nebraska tho rate Is 13.G conts. while In Town It Is 10 cents. The rate on hogs In NcbraBkn is 17 cents, while In lown tho rnto Is 11 cents. The rato on npples In Nebras ka is 13.0 cents, while In lown tho rate Is 8.4 cents. Tho rate on potatoes In Nebraska Is 11.0 cents, while In Iowa tho rate Is 7.2 cents. HOOKER COUNTY MAN IN PERIL O. R. Hamilton Suffers for Helping Unearth Land Frauds. Lincoln, March 14. Governor Shal lenberger rocelved n letter from Mul len, Hooker county, Baying tho belief is prevalent there that O, R. Hamilton has been killed by a mob or 1b held a prisoner by men who resented his ac tivity in assisting secret service men engaged Jn land fraud Investigations, Hamilton conducted n law and renl es tate olllce nnd disappeared soon after ho' had traveled over tho country with tho secrot service men. Tho letter, which nBks the governor to tnko ac tion, says Hamilton's property was de stroyed nnd ho was warned to ceaso his ncthity. Tho date of his disap pearance Is not given. WOMAN KILLS HERSELF Grabs Revolver From Man With Whom Husband Is Quarreling. Lyons, Neb., March 14. Mrs. Ed ward Sabin shot and killed herself cast of hero at the home of John Cooney, whero she nnd her husbnnd were working. It nppears tha John Crawford and Mr. Sabin were In n quarrel at the Cooney home. Craw ford drew a revolver, when Mrs. Sa .bhi snatched the gun from his hands and shot herself, dying Instantly. The trouble started a few days agf when Crawford nnd John Montgomery RDout Mrs. Sabin. The case was taken Into court and the trial set for April 8. ,The coroner and sheriff have "gone to the scene. FOOT CAUGHT BETWEEN TIE8 Ed Dunbar Run Down and Killed by Train at Falrbu'y. Falrbury, Neb., March 14. Ed Dun bnr was run over en the railroad bridge Just south of the city by a freight trajn and' Instantly killed. From indications the man had got his fost tween the ties nnd broken both bones In his leg just abovo Ihe nnklo. Th's engineer applied the nlr, but was un able to stop the train until the onglne had passed over him, completely sev ering tho body at tho hips. At the coroner's inquent a verdict o; acci dental denth was brought Jn nnd tho railroad men exonerated from blamo. Jury Finds Against Negro. Lexington, Neb., March 14. In n case tried here In the county court beforo Judge Moulds, where Oporgo AVashlngton, a negro, brougM s-It agnlnst Dunn, owner of a hotel nt Overton, the latter was acquitted by tho jury. The trouble occurred on March 3, when Mr. Dunn refused to lqt the negro eat nt a certain table. The negro charged Dunn with dlB crimination. Fine for Hallowe'en Prank. Broken Bow, Neb., March 14. Roy Parker, who was under bonds for dis tributing n quantity of shot lit the back of Ralph Bishop by means or a shotgun last Hallpwe'en, was taken before Judge Hostetler In the district court nnd, wjth the concurrence ol Prosecutor Gadd, was allowed to plead guilty of assault. The court fined him $25 and costs. Robbers Now In Clear. Beatrice, Nob.. March 15. The sec tjnn foreman at Tate, Neb. notified Sheriff Schniek that ho found tho rail road velocipede used by the Virginia robbers In making their escape near that place. It Is now beiloved the robbers had" some kind of a convey ance near where they deserted the velocipede, which aided them In get ting nwny. Normal Site at Chadron, Lincoln, March 14. The state nor mnl board will meet at Chadron April 4, nt which time tho Blto for the new norinnl school wlU be selected. George A. Uerljnghof has prepared an out lino of the plans for the new building nnd It Is possible by the time the board moets he will have the plans nil remdy for their adoption. Dr. A. D. Stowitts Is Dead. Omahn. March It. Dr. A. D. Stow Itls of Sidney, Nob., assistant sugeon or tho Union Pacific railroad, died S-ndoy evonlug In the Methodist hos pftal following an operation for oar tnnjlil, contracted while visiting pa tients during n bllzxurd In the oarly prr tJie winter. He hnd boon In the hospital n week. THE COMING OF SAIHTJAIHICK ny BRYAN CONWAY. Copvrlfilit. IfM. l? Amerlosn Preiw Attn elation ' HTTP AS Canal, tit lord ', trvtc whili with yeirs. Chanted Ibis fay tn 0-arf-n, If'hile Itani.ti; around en tbetr sparkling sfnart Listened tbt thitfteim of Alt th: : Lei tWIi's lisrrcl pahy my licarjr liewl And naze the poise f tr liotit witrttnt Ie seen llie pcoplo thai ent wtrc dead Retuigtnt riss from tk: tomb oi tin. MV HEART HAH BIO II ED. For tummcu fivejeoro by Cara'i wave My heart hai sighed lor the purer creed. Death beckons me to the pass green grave. I go, for my clan from the curie is (reed. The forest oft as the wind sang through Whispered ths name of the bearer of faitti; The spectral mist in the mountains blue Showed crozier and cope in the shadowy wraith. The founts that flowed and the foaming rills Of Patrick lisped as they Hashed and fell; The voice of the tempest emonj the hills Shouted his name in the thunder's swell. And oft it haunted the twilight hush In tones melodious murmured soft. The blackbird warbled it to tits thrush; The skylark caroled it forth aloft. with mtstio. nitr. 1 stocd en Pen EcVr ctd sew llse east Kindle nnd fiejas villi mystic Grr, And ut ol the cbry God's hih priest Vnlked on the ecle'ea sur;c of ihf Eire. The lilies were wroth in the council hall t Oa Tara's hill, but the stran-er spoVe, And I Letrd the idols cf Erin (J.I Ar.d u waiiisg wild in the Druid's oa';. And the sword was stayed in the warrior' rasp, Peace held l!ic ular.d from shore to there. And dins embattled, in (r.erdthip's cfotp, Bowed 'nest! i the cross the stranger Lore. To God be glory 1 Mine eyes have seen The dream and hope ol my life fulfilled. Christ bless forever mine isle of green I His home in the hearts of my brethren build I BOWED 'SEATI! TUB C1I0S8. On Patrick the blest be benison Who brought the gospel to Erin's shore I To Mary mild and her Saviour Son Br honor end praie (or evermore! Thus Conal, the lard, in Cru-ati-an, Whose brain ivai nebite auilb the snow of years. Chanted r.'ts lay nuliile tie listening elan Leaned around on their soarklins tan. 3r r$saw t Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 324 West Idaho. Phone 205 Edith M. Swan TUAOimU OP PIANO, HARMONY and Musical History Studio 421 Laramie Avenue l'hon i '-1 JO WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT HW, ALLlANCEi NEBRASKA EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Office in rooms formerly occupied by R, C. Noleman, First Nal'l Bank blk Phono t8o. ALLIANCE, NEB, H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, A-r-LiAJNOia, Nuns. WILCOX & BROOME LAW AM) LAND ATTORNEYS. Long experience in state and federal courts and a3 Register and Receiver U, S. Land ODico is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office In Land Offlco IlUlldlng. ALLIANCE - NIUUlASKA. Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS (Successors to Drs. Frey & DiUfe) Over Norton's Store Office Phone 43, Residence 20 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Successor to Dr. J. K. Moure) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Offlco hours H-t2a. in. 2-4 p.m. 7;3tf-0 p, m. Office Phono 62 Res. Phone, 85 H. A. COPSEY, ML D. Physlelun and Surgeon Phone 300 Culls answered promptly day and night from ollllci-. OrUcPHt Alliance Nutlonal lliinb Iliilldltik'OvnrtlK) PoslOllk-ii. DR. CHAS. E. SLAGLE wi rn DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Ec Work Drs. Bowman & Wcbvr PHYSICIANS A.D SURC.RONs Firht Nii.' Mank HMjt. ! 4 i Ollxv Iionrs, to ti it it i-.i . t:jo to 4. 7 to 8 1 in. Offico Phono 65 Re. nt;tf MM. H Dr. M. Id. Belvilic 2" "Tv ' """r"c 1 i 1 J'lHi.M' 1O7 Opem Uoif- It'tw t Vi-u.-ie. Ni-lir. T. .1. TllREl.KI'LP, Undertaker and Embalmer nKPICK IMMiM-: .pS !ES. piuim; 2117 ALLIANCK. NKBR. THE GADSBY STORE Fuiier til Directors dnd Embiilmers rUNERALSUPPtltS OFFICE P-IONK & RESIDEMOK (MJN'KS 207 and 51 FRANK RE1STLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER mOM 1114 I420-Z4 UMMIIU DCNVOt COLO illiMi!ll FAIR PRICE