The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 17, 1910, Image 5

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te "
ny a
.t' .
H, A. Hamilton's children have the
Delightful weather this. Spring has
come early.
Mrs. F. E. Holsten will entertain
the Guild this week.
Master Frank Mounts is recovering
from an attack of the measles.
G. J, Burke left on No. 44 -Siinday
for a visit with his parents and friends
in Lincoln
W. C. Phillips of Canton was attend'
Ing to husincss in Alliance Tuesday and
Yeslerdav the Prescott Music Co.
sold a beautiful Hobart M. Cable piano
to J. N. Johnston.
Frank Garret has purchased an H.
P. Nelson cabinet grand piano of the
Prescott Music Co.
H. Rennau is one of the many Alii
anceites who have been hunting ducks
' during the last week.
Attorney F. S. Baird of Wayside,
Dawes county, was transacting busi
ness iu Alliance last Friday.
Mrs- Watson, nee Lee Rustin, pass
ed through Allianco from Hemiugford
on her way to York Monday.
Harry Troupe, lately ot Newcastle,
Wyo., is a new employe in the Wal
lace & Swanson grocery store.
Bargain week rate on The Daily
State Journal S3 for the whole of
igio. Call and see us about it.
The Woman's Society of the Baptist
church will meet next Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Laing.
Mr, and Mrs. John Btennan and
daughter, Margaret, returned Tuesday
from a very delightful trip to Denver.
R. A. Cook of Lakeside was making
final proof in Alliance Tuesday with
F. S. McClain and C. . Crowther as
Mrs. C. W. Miller returned Tuesday
from a visit with home folks at Albion,
Neb. Clarence went as far as Raven
na to meet her.
The State Journal has cut out whis
key and beer advertising and dirty
medicine ads. See us for a special
rate on that paper.
Mrs. George Van Vorhees, who has
been making Mr. and Mrs, A. Nel
son a visit, will return to her home in
Crawford Saturday.
Miss Delia Reed, county superintend
ent, returned last Thursday from a
trips' into the country where she had
pcen Visiting schools".
The Ladies Aid Society of the First
Presbyterian church will be entertained
in the church parlors Wednesday,
March 23, by four ladies.
Arthur Bass and Dr. Randall of
Canton had busiucss iu Alliance Satur
day. They drove to Hemiugford and
came from there on the train.
Enoch Boyer returned to town Mon
day from the ranch where he had spent
a few weeks in boring a well, moving a
windmill and making other improve
ments. The name of F. S- McClaiu, who is
engaged in mercantile and real estate
business at Lakeside, is one of a num
ber added to the Herald's subscription
list within the last week.
H. P. Coursey has sufficiently re
covered from the effects of his recent
accident to hobble around on crutches
and is again looking after business at
the Palace Livery Barn.
Lewis P. Coumaus of Bay City,
Mich., is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Brennan. He has
been spending the winter in the south
and is on his way home.
Frank Stearns went to Alliance Fri
day where he was initiated into the
Elk lodge. He spent Sunday with bis
family, returning to the Bluffs Mon
day. Bayard Transcript.
Eugene Sights came down yesterday
from Toluca for a few days' stay in
Alliance. He is doing well in business
and looks as though he is satisfied with
the way the world is treating him.
The Crystal theatre was held in the
opera house a few nights last week,
but returned to the Pardev building on
account of the opera house having been
engaged for other entertainments.
Hon. W. H. Thompson of Giand
Island came up on 43 yesterday to at
tend to some legal business. The
Herald was favored with a short call,
which we appreciated very much.
B. F. Ankeny of the Crescent ranch
was in toivn Tuesday with a six horse
tally-ho to take out a party of English
friends. Monroe Wagner handled the
ribbons iu driving the six horse team.
Whether one is proud of his name
or not, he likes to see it spelled correct
ly when in print. In mentioning the
name of L. F. McCarthy in the Herald
recently the printer dropped out the
h making a change in name and prob
ably indicating; a change in nationality,
to which '"Mac" would not consent.
Conway F. Williams, one of the effi.
cient stenographers in the Division
Superintendent's office, appreciating
The Alliance Herald as do most of the
railroad boys, has ordered his name
placed on our subscription list.
Mrs. Guy Lockwood apd two child
ren arrived on No. 43 Monday from
Omaha. Tho business of the Burling
ton Hotel was so heavy that it was
necessary for Guy to come here to as
sist his father in the management.
C. A. Bouck, who resides on his
homestead ten miles west of Marslaud,
came down to the metropolis Tuesday,
remaining iu town until yesterday.
Before leaving, ho called at Tho Herald
office to order this paper sent to him.
Mrs. M. E. Combs arrived iu Alli
anco last Friday from Brush, Colo.,
with her three girls. She desires to
secure employment here and send her
daughters to school, having been at
tracted to this city by the reputation
of our schools,
Axel Ericson went to Alliance Thurs
day to complete the arrangements with
contractors for the building of the two
story brick structure that will erected
by the Ericson Drug Co., on tho lot
adjoining their present place of busi
ness. Bayard Transcript.
Mrs. Robert Birney left for Omaha
on No. 42 Sunday morning. She ac
companied Mrs, Hood, who is being
takeu to the St. Joseph Hospital, where
she expects to undergo an operation.
Mrs. Birney will return as- soon as
Mis. Hood is out of danger.
The great growth of the city of
Lincoln comes from removal of Ne
braskans to the capital city. That is
one thing that makes The State Jour
nal such iutcrestiug reading to state
folks- We can save you a dollar on
the price of The Journal if you call on
J. B. Turner of Grand Island, Depu
ty Grand Master A. O. U. W., arrived
in Alliance Monday and will remain
here about ten days or two weeks,
working in the interests of the order.
The Workman have quite an active
lodge here and good prospects of an
increase in membership.
Joe Orchowski, the tailor, left Fri
day morning for Omaha and Chicago
expecting to be gone about a week. In
Chicago he will meet hid parents who
are coming back to America after a few
years stay in their native land in
Europe. They will 'prbbably arrive-fri
Alliance within a day or two
Mr. Martin, formerly clerk iu the
Alliance Grocery, then of the ranch
country near Hemiugford, was in Alli
ance Monday and Tuesday. He is
now on his way to Ocala, Florida,
where he has bought land. If he re
ports favorably there ate a number
from near Hemiugford who expect to
follow him.
Owing to the illness of her mother,
Miss Gladys Eoon has resigned her
position at the Bee Hive store. Her
mother is uot seriously ill, but not be
ing iu good health, needed her assist
ance at home. Miss Gladys left yes
terday for a few days' visit among
friends in the neighborhood of their
ranch near Bonner.
Messrs. C. W. and A. S. Gillin of
Gillin's Land Agency, Sioux City, were
in Alliance a few days this week. They
with Charles Schmidt of Avoca, la.,
are interested in Berea townsite. The
Messrs. Gillin also deal in f Box Butte
farm land and while in Alliance called
at the Herald office to leave an order
for a large amount of real estate print
ing, and also ordered the Herald tb
keep them posted on this part of Ne
braska. J. T. Carey has accepted tho agency
for the celebrated Northern Wyoming
Lower Vein Monarch coal, which is
mined exclusively and shipped by the
Wyoming Coal Mining Co. He will
sell at wholesale and retail, having his
office at 210 Box Butte avenue. He
will put in a part of his time on the
road taking orders from dealers on the
main line east and west from Alliance
and on the Denver and Guernsey
Robt. Graham, Sr., came down to
Alliance from his farm last Friday to
do a little trading aud brought with him
seventy-two dozen eggs. Mr. Graham
is hale and hearty, although getting
somewhat advanced in years. While
he does not try to do heavy farm
work as in former times, he delights to
keep busy with little work. While in
Alliance last week he called at The
Heiald office aud informed us that he
has eighty liens and received not less
than three dozen eggs per day during
the mouth of February. He remarked
that during the wintor he was kept
busy shovoliug snow, feeding chiokeus
and earning iu eggs,
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Order of Services:
Sunday Masses, 7.00, 9.00, and 10:30 a.
m , except on the third Sunday of every
month when the order is 9:00 and 10:30 a.
m. Evening service every Sunday even
ing at 7:30. Rev, V, L. McNamara, Pas
Services as usual morning and even
ing. Young people's meeting at 6:30
Services as usual next Sunday morn
ing and evening. Subject of morning
sermon, "The Significance of the
Death of Christ."
Morning topic, "Growth Defined and
Distinguished;" evening, "No Other
Sabbath school at to a.m.; preach'
ing at 11 and 7:3b p.m, Special'
music morning and evening, B. Y. P.
U. at 6:30 p.m. ,
. ; . .. 1. - 1 !
. Regular services will be held ats Yal
ley next Sunday at 10 a.m. O.n Easter
Sunday there will be an all day service
at Fairview. An Easter program will
be given in the morning aud after a
basket dinner there will be an Easter
sermon followed by baptismal service.
Persous who have children they wish
to have baptised should bring them at
that time. There will be no services
at Berea Easter Sunday.
Next Sunday, being Palm Sunday,
there will be an administration of the
Holy Communion at the n o'clock ser
vice. Special music has been prepared
by the choir. The following will be
the program:
Processional Hymn, No. 90.
Gloria Tibi.
, Hvmu. No. oi.
Sermon; subject, "Christ's
into Jerusalem."
Offertory solo, '-Jerusalem,"
Sursum Cords aud Sanctus,
Benedictus qui vcuit.
Agnus Dei.
Communion Hymn, No. 227.
Nunc Dimittis.
Recessional Hvmu, No. 92.
There will be no evening service.
The choir has worked very hard and
faithfully to prepare an elaborate musi
cal service for Easter day and the rec
tor hopes the members of the church
will show their appreciation by all be
in,: present. The program will be
published next week.
Services Easter Sunday at 10:30
a.m. Everybody invited. On morn
ing following Easter there will be a
meeting of trustees to decide whether
regular services will be held.
Baby Boy Called Home.
Sometimes in tho April-hissed (spring
time, the little tlower wo welcome as
the snowdrop, droops nnd dies, but its
delicate fuee iius inspired us to hope,
and porfumed our life with thoughts of
purity. It was even so with "our baby"
the tiny blossom of humanity that for
four months brought joy to tho home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Boon of Bon
ner. The little one was taken siek and
wub brought to Alliance for medical
treatment, but all the assistance that
loving care and medical skill Could
render did not avail to savo tho little
one's life. It passed away at the homo
of Its grandmother In Alliance last
Tuesday morning. The funeral was
hold yesterday from the residence of
Mrs. Julia T. Boon, conducted by Rev.
Huston,interment bein in Greenwood
Returned From California.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Norton returned
yesterday from the west after having
been gono for about two months, They
came by way of Phoenix, El Paso and
Denver. At Phoenix they visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Thomas who
took them for an automobile drive, the
visit being a delightful one for all of
them. They saw many beautiful sights
in t)io vicinity of Phoenix, one of which
was a flock of 4OO ostriches. On another
ranch near that city there arc 3800 os
trjehes, but the party did uot get to see
them, Ward remains at Los Angeles
where he Is taking a course in account-
Amthir Ptoasztit Card Party.
uMvira. u. ti. Hosmns entertained in
f h6nor of Mrs. Belle Brennan and Mra.
.Vetfrge Vflfo Vorhees ,of Crawfbrdr
Saturday evening and passed the time
playing. "500." Six of the ladies played
with red score cards and six with pink.
On the reds Mrs, G. J. Beck won first
prize and Mrs. Cora, Lewis second.
The pink side, Mrs. Lindley Ellis won
first prize and Mrs. Cole second, Mrs.
Belle Brennan and Mrs. Mort Johnson
won the consolation prizes. They were
little brushes, on the back of each was
a dainty little pen and ink sketch and
the motto, "Brush up on 500." Lunch
was served at 11:30 p. in. nnd so ended
a pleasant evening.
County School Notes
Miss Nellie Carter is teaching a
spring term iu Dist. No. 33.
A teachers' examination will be held
March 18 19 nt the court house.
Miss Jessie Clayton closed her first
term of school in Dist. No. 27 March
Miss Bonnie Loraucc closed a very
successful term of school iu Dist. No.
51 March 11,
Mrs. F. Shanklin'8 pupils in Dist.
124 are working hard to win prizes in
(he Industrial contest.
Certificates of award were issued
March 5th to Thelma and Malvory
Zobel from Dist. 12.
Certificates of award were issued
this week to Delia, Ray, Theodore and
William Ball of Dist. 28.
Miss Delia Strong began a spring
term in Dist, 16 March 7. The school
has a good library to help them in
their work.
Dist. 9 has an enrollment of 24.
Miss Hagamau has a live school and
we will expect some good work for the
contest from the pupils.
Arrangements are being made for a
special train to Bridgeport, leaving
Alliance at 5:30 Thursday evening,
March 24, for the Declamatory con
test, to stop at intervening points.
School closed in Dist. No. 4, March
4. Miss Eda Mastrude reports no
tardics for the term. Certificates of
award were issued to the following
pupils: Lee Wright, Leo Fronapfel
and Joseph Fronapfel. Miss Mastrude
has accepted u spring term iu Dawes
Oil cooking stove for sale. M. J.
Baumgardner, 319 Big Horn Ave. it
At the ofllco of tho county judge in
Alliance, 00 Toesday afternoon Of this
week. two highly respectable young
people; residing near ltcnitngford wore
ttnttftl In the holy bonds of matri
mony. Mr. Lee A Roland nnd Miss
Lucy Feliller were the contracting
parties. They were accompanied by
Mr. Fred Strong nnd Miss Hontilo
Rolnndr Judge Barry pronounced the
words that made them hublmml and
wife. The Herald joins their many
friends in extending till thu good wishes
imaglnablo'.for their future happiness
and prospurlty.
Retires From U. S Navy
E. II. Warrick, brother of Cashier
Warrick, is spending n few days in
Al'iance. Ho teceii'.o cecured n dis
utargo from the navy, niter an lionora
hie service of two years as a member
of the Pacific Squadron. He spent n
few days visiting at Holdrege, where
has a brother, Dr. Warrick. From
here he goes to Meadow Grove for a visit
with two brothers, and from there to
Idaho, where ho expects' to locate.
Examination at Alliance High Schsol
Just 0110 8lh grade examination will
be held in tho county for March 24-25
at tho High School building in Alliance:
Thursday a.m., 9:00 to 10:30
Grammar. 10:30 to 12:00 U. S,
Thursday p.m., 1:00 to 2:30 Or.
thography, Writing. 2:30 to 4:00
Friday a,m,, 9:00 to 10:30 -Arithmetic.
10:30 to 12:00 Reading.
Friday p.m., i,:ooito2:oo Mental
Arithmetic. 2:00 to 3:30 Geography
and Agriculture.
Woman's Club
Mrs. English will entertain the Wo
man's Club Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. E. B. tfurris, 601 Big
Horn avenue. , .,,,
A program suggestive of the season
will be given as follows:
Roll Call An Irish Story
Piano Solo, "Come Back to Erin"..
Mra. Ponath
"Legend of StKPatrick".Mr8. Warrick
Piano Solo, Seldcd'"! ...Mrs. Birney
"Story of the Blarney Stone"
. ......,, ,., ....Mrs. Wilson,
Vocal Solo, .Selected Mrs. Burris
Reading, ' An Irish Delect" .... .
.-rM", n . f,.Hff 4i. ...Mrs, Rowan
" ft Il-.Vt,i V ' i" l 'S v ' I1
Song, Irish Melody". ,., Club
See the 'Victoria enam
eled child's plate, cup and
saucer for 23 cts. at the
FAIR, Saturday only.
Hashman Notes
Arthur Loer spent Tuesday night at
his father's.
t '
Co. Supt. ll'eed visited the school In
this district lut-tVi-iday.
Elsie Culamqaud Ethel llembry hud
busings iu Alliance Saturday.
Miss Elsie Culame was u culler ut
Mrs. WlMiiallura hist Friday night,
Arthur Loer's b.iby bus btvn on the
siek liM. for a few days but is better at
Leo llushmim and ,his sisters Amy
and Ada spent Sunday ;it their brother
Carl's home. " ,
The Misses Elsie Ciilaine, Ethel and
Fay Heinbry were callers ut Mrs. John
Loer's last Tuesday evening.
Mr. Street agent for Wjitkins reme
dies was in this neighborhood last week
and spent Sunday ut Skinner's.
Hunday Suhool at 2 o'clock next Sun
day at Unity church. Lesson found in
St. Matt. 0-1-13 Golden Text Matt. Ji-0.
Everybody Invited. .
A crowd of young people from this
neighborhood went to a dance ut Mr.
Stoffer's last Thursday evening in' an
automobile accompanied by Mr. Phil
lips who was ehiiffenr. While going
up a hill the automobile refused to run,
and was assisted by tho ludles getting
out and pushing from behind, while
the ehuffeur enjoyed the ride.
Miss Emma Groff returned from
Scotts Bluffs last Saturday.
A fine girl arrived nt the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dueker on Tuesday.
Both mother aud daughter doing nicely.
Chas. Green gave a dance iu his new
house Friday night. A large crowd was
present and everyone enjoyed them,
Axel Eriokson was in Alliuncu two
dayblust week.
Wright & Wright of Suottsblutl were
in town Monday.
Bayard bugebull funs nre organising
their team for the coining season. No
iloubt that It will be One of the
teams of the valley.
Fred Benton's new house is now
under construction.
MIhsH.-sMu O'Nell of Bridgeport Is
visiting her parents this week.
Mr. Lynch of Bridgeport Is painting
Mrs. Johnston's new house this week.
Axel Erlckson spent Monday nigh
in Hcottbluir llgurlng with a oontrautor
for his new building.
Hew Cooper was down In Fairview
neighborhood this week looking after
the organizing of 11 Sunday School.
Claimant to Alaskan Coal Lands Undei
Clovoland,. 0., March 15. For the
bo co ml time during tho Inquiry Into
tho Alaska coal claims, whjch has
boon conducted hero, Clarenco Cun
nlnghnni, by whoso nnme tho claims
arc known, was forced by tho fodoral
attorneys' to ndml a hat ho had made
Incorrect statements In document?
which he had signed.
Tin flrut occasion occurred early In
tho hearing whon Mr. Cunnlnghnm ad
mitted that an affidavit which ho had
Bworn to in regard to tho interest of
tho Quggonhoims in tho clajms was
Incorrect. At that tlmo ho claimed
that tho affidavit had been drawn tfp
by Louis It QlnvlB and that he had
taken tho word of tho former gov
ernment land ngont for the statements
contained In It.
At the final session of tho hearing
ho was shown a copy of a letter writ
ten by him to tho United States land
ngont nt Juneau, Alaska, asking for
maps of, tho district Jn which tho coal
clnlniB lny and which wore required
boforo patents would be Issued In
tho letter Mr. Cunningham stated that
ho had seen tho land commissioner for
tho district and that everything in
connection with tho claims was Id or
dor nnd correct Under crosa-exnmln.
ntlon he admitted that tlda was not an
exact statement of tho facts nnd nt
that time he did not know tho oxact
status of tho situation.
II said that tho language was "tin
fortunato," but that ho had no Inten
tion of misleading.
Legend of St. Patrick.
Bt Patrick was a holy man
And mlnetrel, too, of old
And bore on alt Ills wandering
A harp with st lings of gold.
When Erln'a heroes went to war
With sword and lance and shield
In early times they lacked a fl
To follow on the field.
Bo good St. Patrick took the Imtm
Upon tho willow tree
And stitched the emerald strip to mclM
A banner broad and free.
But ere hi task wns done Its hear
The trurapet'e wild refrain
And nailed It to his golden harp
And joined the march again.
The banner of the willow leave
Grew dry and fell to dust;
The string! that rang to battle eofita !
Were eoon devoured hi' ruat. I
But atlll on Erln'a ancient flag
The willow' tint ia seen, '
And still the legendary harp
Adorna Its folde ot green. ,
St. Patrick. ,
St. Patrick cleaned the auld sod up.
Tho dlvll had to give in.
He made Krnhd oM Hlbornlo. '
A bully placo to live In. ,
, Bo let uh pluck a ' .imroclc green
In honor of his way
And plant the prathiei for Koud luck
Upon St. Patrick's day.
To All 1'iopeity Cutlets or Occupants:
Your attention is called t. Ordinan
ces Nim. 7 hiuI 108. of the Citv of Alli
ance, piohihitiug the accuiiiui.itiou of
rubbish, etc., orobsliucting uuy streets
or nlleK in any manner,
All ullejs must be clc.un-d uithm
ten d.i)s or action will be taken as
pi escribed b oidiiiuuccs
Signed this March 15. 1910
D, Land Kir, an. J. H. Caklsos
Chief of Police. Stteet Loin-
Dr. Birnes. the Ee Specialist of
Omit tin. will he 111 Alliance again ou
Molidut the 4th, at the Drake Hotel
one d.iv 011U Kcmt-mher regular visits
have been ninde over this for 10
or 12 veart". Nnch;iges for examina
tion and remember the date.
Family Horss for Sale.
Family horse, harness and phaeton
for sale. Horse is gentle and not afraid
of automobiles.
D. B. McLaughlin,
802 Missouri ave, i4-3t
I have 300 tons of good hay and
1C00 bushels of seed potatoes for sale.
J, D. Hagerty, Bridgepart, Nebr.
I4 tf
Steam Outfit for Sale.
For sale The best steam outfit in Chey
enne county, consisting of one new Cae
separator, one steam (32 h p.) engine and
eleven fourtten-inch plows. Address
D7-io A7-io Dalton. Neb.
Garden Plowing, Etc.
Harden plowing a specialty. Will also
do hauling, lawn and garden workj
etc , on short notice. Phone 100 blue,
33T. IF'exr-s
Brown Leghorn Eggs
1 per 15
1 -) ear-old hens, $1.50 each
924 Box Butte Ave. AlllaiKs, M
v , '.,;