The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 24, 1910, Image 7

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W w wlMPMp Wm wWWWWWWmWw'
Groceries, Fresh andCured
Meats, Fruits, Vegetables,
Nuts,. Candies, and every
thing else good to eat
Phone 50
N. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave.
and Montana St.
Wealth in Land
The Big Horn Basin, the Yellowstone Valley and the large Dry Fanning val
leys in Wyoming along the Burlington, offer exceptional opportunities for
tanners, merchants, mechancs and professional men to locate near and in
the new towns now springing up along the
Burlington's Main Lines to the Northwest
All of these rich farming valleys are surrounded by valuable pasture lands
containing timber for the settlers and in most cases, coal and valuable build-!
wg stone.
GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED HOMESTEADS. Homesteads under the Carey Act. Deeded
lands and 320 acre free Homesteads under the Mondell law.
Go with me on one of our personally conducted Land Seekers' excursions
first and third Tuesday of each month.
DON'T PAY RENT, but send for our free folders with maps telling all about these
lands. btate which proposition you are most
interested in. Write today.
D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent,
Land Seekers Information Bureau,
Room 7, "Q" Building, Omaha, Neb.
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Phone 22
iDcr ffiuoa u.
D. Waters, Mgr.
k Palace Livery Barn
C$w (Successor to C. C. Smith)
m .
A ttffi 0" turnouts. Courteous treatment to all."
' Wffi Give us a trial; we will treat you right.
Good Things to Eat
i Phone i - ,, i Phone i
0 tne corner west of P. O. S
we will receive by express a fine line of
7mJC ZE-J 13
Educational Department
The School Library Law
Mis9 Reed, county superintendent,
calls our attention to a very important
matter, namely, the school library law.
The following, republished from the
February number of the Nebraska
School Review, should be read by
every teacher and school district officer
in the county:
"A short time ago a questional wa9
mailed to the county superintendents
of the state asking for definite informa
tion relative to the operation of the
school library law. Answers have been
received from nearly all the counties
and, as a whole, the information given
show very gratifying results. In a few
counties a large number of the school
districts failed to set aside ten cents
per pupil for the purchase of library
books, but in nearly every case the
failure was a matter of neglect, and
compliance with the law is being in
sisted upon by the county superintend
ents of these counties.
Section 9, subdivision 11, school
laws, provides that before a school
district treasurer shall be allowed to
draw the state apportionment from the
county treasurer, he must present a
certificate from the county superin
tendent setting forth that such district
has had the legal number of months'
school, has made the census report
properly, and has made the proper fi
nancial report. Attorney General
Thompson holds that the county super
intendent has a right to require the
director to show in his report the
amount of money set apart each year
for the district library fund, and in case
the school district fails or refuses to
make this report, the school district
treasurer cannot draw the amount of
state apportionment from the county
treasurer. Acting upon this decision;
the December apportionment has been
withheld in a number of school dis
tricts until such time as the district
officers have met the requirements of
the library law. The county superin
tendents are to be commended for the
firm stand they have taken in dealing
with this question. The best results
will be secured only when they are in
hearty sympathy with the spirit and
purpose of the library law.
The data received indicate that iti
many of the school districts there is a
lack of proper records kept of the books
in the school library; also that there
should bo a better system for the charg
ing of books loaned to pupils. One of
the objections urged by school district
officers against the law is that the
books purchased for the library will
not be properly cared for, and every
county superintendent or teacher should
see that such an objection as applied
to his county or his school is entirely
North Platte Valley
Teachers' Association
Box Butte county has heretofore
been in the territory of the Northwest
ern Nebraska Teachers' association,
but this year is changed to the North
Platte Valley Teachers' association.
The following fr6m the state superin
tendent, under date of Feb. 7, relative
to the association meeting at Bridge
port, March 25 and G, will be of inter
est to teachers and school district offi
cers: To School Boards in the North Platto
Tlie teachers of the North Platto
Valley have banded themselves to
gether into the North Platto Vallov
Teachers' Association for the purpose
of inspiration and increase of profes
sional skill in their work. It is a
profit-shaiiug organization teachers
going back to their respective school
districts and sharing with their pupils
and patrons the good things they have
gained from their contact with others
interested, like themselves, in the ad
vancement of the educational interests
of the community in which they live,
and the state in general.
To attend a two days' session of
such an association means considerable
expense- Since the good is shared
with the school district the teacher
serves, it is a matter of justice to the
teacher that the school board give the
teacher leave of absence for at least
one day without loss of pay.
The dates for the association this
year are Friday and Saturday, March
25 and 26. If the teacher is willing to
attend the association at his or her ex
pense, it is an application of a good
business principle for tho school board
to give such permission without lo&s nf
salary. It will be a c.i60 of value le
ceived. The teachers will retu-n with
greater enthusiasm for tho work, with
a fund of new ideas, and with the abil
ity to render greater service to the
I, therefore, recommend that school
boards in the territory of the North
Platte Valley TeacherB' Association
give their teachers leave of absence on
full pay to attend the association, Fri
day, March 25, 1910.
Yours very truly.
(Signed) E. C. Bishop,
The people in this part of the country
are enjoying the fine weather we have
been having and we will not complain if
Old Winter should give us a few more
days before spring comes to stay.
Jamison brothers bought ten head of
cows and heifers of Mr. Boycr.
Mrs Sailor has joined tier husband,
who had come out before her to get their
home ready. We are glad to extend a
welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Sailor, trusting
we shall be helpful one lo another.
Miss Beck it in poor health this winter.
We are in hope when warmer weather
comes she will improve.
Authcr Dix boarded the train at Reno in
order to go to Alliance to meet his cousin,
who has come to pay him a visit.
Mrs. C. Farley and little daughter spent
one day last week with Mrs, Churchill and
On account of the quarantine in Garden
county we have had no church or Sunday
school for two weeks. We hope it will
be so that we may soon meet again.
Howard Beck and family are staying at
his brother's, feeding cattle while Willis is
off in the south part of the connty feeding
another bunch.
Street Commissioner's Notice
n. U.
Groceries and Provisions
A full line of fresh goods to order from
Our prices are right
Telephone orders filled! Ipromptly
Phone 55
S. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Dakota St. ; one block
north"of Burlington station, on west side of street
Club Together
and Save Money
All orders amounting to $15.00 for Mechanics1
Tools, accompanied by cash, we will
discount 10 per cent
Inspect each too before buying
ILTot one but what's guaranteed
"7"ariety and assortment large
23ach tool marked in plain figures
Save time
1I?elI your friends
TtoaWv&Ajo. Go
Graduate Nurses in Attendance
HOSPITAL STArF Dr. Bcllwood, Dr. Bowman, Dr. Hand, Dr. Copscy
Open to All Reputable Physicians.
Address all communications to
Alliance, Nebraska.
Notice to nil property owners, agents
and lessees: Snow, ice and slush, or
any other obstruction, must be re
moved within 24 hours after accumu
lation, according to ordinance No. 38,
or tho same will be removed by the
city at owner's expense.
J. H. Carlson, Street Com.
ANYTHING that will reduce the number of mistakes made
by employes is always gladly received by business men
who appreciate the extent to which "human frailty" (a
charitable synonym for carelessness) causes trouble, dissat
isfaction, and a curtailing of net profit.
In a large Jobbing house the other day I saw a clever
device that Is said to be effective. On the Inside cover of
the order binders, which accompany every order, there was a
sentence, printed In letters half an Inch high, as follows:
"Please see that there are no 'blunders' made while this
bf.ok Is In YOUR possession."
The obvious practical value of this caution appeals to
one Immediately. Certainly, if each person through whose
hands the book passed made no blunders there would be none
In the whole order, and If each order was filled without
blunders there would be none In the whole order-filling de
partment. "How does It work?" I asked.
"Oh, that's a fine thing," said the man. "When we first
put that on our order books there was an Immediate and note
worthy decrease In the number of blunders made. And the
percentage has remained lower than before. Of course, after
the men get uesd to that sign It doesn't make as much Inv
presslon as It did at first, but the effect Is still good."
(Copyright, 1907, b Jowpo B. Bowie.)
Kugcnn Ilucker und Uzzln II. Hucker, Ills
wife and L. A. Mcrrltt, defendant, will Ulcn
notice that on tho 10th duy of February, HMO,
Lycurgus V. McCarthy, plulntlfl herein lilcx!
his petition In the District Court of Ilox llutto
County, Nobrasku. against sulci defendants
the object und prayer of which art) to liuve
sutlstlcil and cancelled of record n mortgage
in the sum of (500, dated Judo "0, ItWand
upon tho Southeast Quarter of Section 27 In
township S3 north Jtango9 west In Ilox llutto
County, Nebraska, executed by Eugene Muck
er unci Lizzie 11. liucker to L. A Merrltt and
recorJcd In book 11 of mortgages at page b of
tho Mortgages Kecords of suld County: lo have
thu tltlu to said premises quieted in the. plain
tiff, und tu exclude nil, and each und any mio
of mild defendniit from uny right, tltlu or In
terest therein us owners of said property or
otherwise, and for udeeruo quieting and con
firming the title to said ..remises lu tho plain
Yon ure required to answer said petition on
or before tho i'lst duy of Murcli, 1010.
Uuted February 10 lmo.
Lvcuiiuos I'. McCautiiy; I'lulntiir,
liy II. K.U.i.uav
0-4 1 Ills attorney.
1'uter N. HurlKHisok, Kiumlo Serliouvik Ins
wlfo. und A. N Sclmstor Jfc o,. defendants,
will tke notice ihut on tliu lUtli Uuj ot ebiu
ury, 1 010, Cora May Trlnlt-U. pluimltf herein,
tiled her petition In the District i ouri. of llox
llutto County. NebraUu, tiKlusi said ue
femluulstho ohjeei una i.rajerof which hio
to havo sat islleo and cancelled of record a
cermln inortgugo of fciiu.$S Kiwi by I'eter X
Serlouclt and l-'unnlo Seruouek tosulil A. N.
bchuslcr Si Co upon thcHoulh West Quarter
(SWU' of Becllon 27 In township 0 north
Kungo 40 West m llox llutto County, .Nebras
ka, dated Aug. il, lt&U, recorded In Hook P.,
ugo-UQ. Mortgage records of Mini County,
und to quiet thu tltUtof said premises 111 the
nlalntilt, and to exclude all, und euchuiid
uny emu of suld defendants, from any right,
title or Interest therein us owners of said
property or olherwUo und for u decree so sat
isfying and cancelling sutd tuortKUge and
quieting said title.
you ure required to answer said petition on
or bolero tho 21st day of March, 1010.
Dated Feu. 10. 1910.
Coiu May Ttwi'i.KTT, l'lulntitT,
0-4t Her attorney.
Elizabeth J. Danuer and John Manner her
husband; William Hale und Mrs. Hale first
real name unknown, tots wife; George h. Hale
and Nellie Hale his wife; John 1. Hale und
Alllellale his wife; Maggie Hitter and Charles
Kltter her husband, heirs of KKJah
Hale, deceased, defendants, will take
notlco that on the 10th day of 1'chruary, ltUU,
William A. Uprlnger. plafutltr heroin. tlld his
petition In the district court pf Upx nutio
(kunty, Nebraska, against said defendants,
theoblectaml prayer of which are to quiet
the title lu the plaintiff of the Southeast
Quarter (SKVO of r-octlou S3 In township 6
north Knnge 49 west in Hox llutto County, Ne
braska, and to exclude all. und each und any
one of suld defendants from uny right, title
or Interest therein us owners of said property
or otherwise uud fur a decree quieting und
conilrmttig the title to said premises in the
plaintiff. . ,
You are required to answer suld petition on
or before ihe-.'l&t duy of March, 1010.
William a.Shiumikii,
Dated I'eurnary 10, 1 10. .
Patronized by
careful and
The one place in
town where you
can buy really
good chocolates
County Commissioners'
Estimate of Expenses
The Board of Dox Butte County
Commissioners being in session at their
regular meeting in January, to-wit,
January nth, 1910, made the following
estimate of expenses for the year 19 10,
on which to base their levy for the
year 1910:
County officers 3 5000.00'
Prec t and Dist, officers 4500.00
Fuel 800.00
Books and stationery, I000.00 General
Elections, , 1300.00
incidentals 1700.00;
Road and bridge
fund $7000
Pauper fund.. I500
Institute fund, zoo $870000
V C. Mounts. Co. Clerk.