The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 24, 1910, Image 2

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Mobs of Strike Sympathizers
Wreck Street Cars,
Many Injured Percont Taken to Hos
pitals pasoenoers and Crews Are
Driven Off Cars All Unions to
Strike If Effort Is Made to Man Cars
With Policemen and Firemen May
or Enforces Riot Act.
Philadelphia, Fob. 21. Rioting In
every section of this city followed the
attempt or the Philadelphia Rapid
Transit company to operato ita lines
Acre. Passengers and crows wore
driven from the cars by Infuriated
nobs of strike sympathizers and Jn
nearly a scoro of Instances the aban
doned cars were burned or otherwise
destroyed. Every car was then with
drawn from service.
The most seriously Injured person
was thlrteon-year-old Viola Beaven,
who was shot in the abdomen by a
stray bullet from a policeman's re
volver as she was stepping from her
homo while a mob was attacking five
cars In front of the house.
The transit oMclnls atato that 207
cars wero wrecked, two cotriplete'y
burned and one partially burned by
tbo mobs.
Stern measures wero adopted by tio
police to quell the disorders and riot.
Five persons were arrested, charged
with Inciting to riot. Two women
wero shot by stray bullets and many
Injured persons were taken to hos
pitals. Mayor Rcyburn ordered Director of
Polico Clay to swear In 3,000 addi
tional poliao and issued a proclama
tion enforcing the riot act.
The executlvo committee of the Cen
tral Labor union at a meeting pledged
JK)th moral and financial support to
tho striking carmen. They nlso de
cided to call a sympathetic strike ot
every union man in tho city In case
the authorities put In effect their
threat to operate tho cars wjth police
men and firemen.
The Importation of 175 strikebreak
ers from New York led to an nttack
on tho bams and main olllccs of tho
company In the afternoon. Windows
were brokon by stones hurled by tho
inob which was finally dispersed after
thirty-five arrests had been made.
Slayer Who Fled to Jamaica Leaves
$235,000 Ectate to Early Sweetheart.
Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 21. A re
markable romance was unearthed hero
by tho location of MrB, Claudlo Vester,
who was In Nashville, Tenn,, and who
Js tho helrcBs to an estate of about
$235,000. The estate was loft by.E. D.
Ennls, who formerly lived Jn Birming
ham and was n suitor of Mrs. Vester,
then Miss Claudlo Clark.
Ennls shot a man hero In 1802 and
ed from tho city. Ho went to Ja
simon, where he amassed a fortune.
ALout three years ago ho wns fatally
Injured In a fight with a Spaniard.
Before his death ho willed his ontlro
estate to "Miss Clark," and the Ja
maica authorities havo e,tnco been try
ing to find her. She married about
eight years ago and moved from Bir
mingham to Nashville.
DanUl Jones of Jamaica is In Bir
mingham and it was due to his offorts
-that she was found today. Tho gov
ernor of Jamaica had offered a reward
of $1,000 to the person who would give
information as to hr whereabouts and
thjs money will be. equally divided bo
tween Mrs. Mary Lutle and' J. B.
Bmiley, a former suitor of MrB. Ves
ter, both of Birmingham.
Information Given Out Regarding
Chrlsman Swope and Miss Swope.
Kansas City, Feb. 21. -Strychnine
in far greater quantities than Is
usually administered In medical dose.
has been found In the stomach and
liver of Chrismnn Swope and In the
contents of the stomach ejected by
Miss Margaret Swope, according to a
special dispatch recolved hero from
This Information was given out b
an assistant In the Rush medical col
lege laboratory. It was In this same
laboratory that the stomach at llvor
of Thomas Swope was examined and
it was determined there was poison
in his system.
Nono of the examinations hnvo yet
been finished. That Is, an absolute
quantitative analysis has not ye. been
made. The scientists have progressed
far enough, however, so that they are
convinced that neither Thoma. H. nor
Chrlsman .Swope would have died
when they did had it not been for
Poisoned by Eating Canned Beans.
Tecumseh, Neb., Feb. 21. Tho two
year-old Bon of P. R. Anderson, living
southwest of here, suffered ptomaine
poisoning from eating canned beaus.
Ho Is said to be recovering from its
Attends Friends Church.
Washington, Feb. 21. For the first
time since he was elected chisf ex
ecutive of the nation, President Taft
attended meeting at the Friends'
Ohloan Dies on Train.
St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 21. John Men
del, a merchant of Cleveland, died on
a train as it arrived here from Hot
Importations Into United States Set
New Mark Last Year.
Washington, Feb. 21. Imports of
unmanufactured sjlk into the United
States made their highest rocord in
tho calendar year Just ended, their to
tal value having been $75,500,000,
against $73,000,000 In 1907, tho pre
vious high value record, while tho
quantity Imported In 1909 exceeded
thot of 1907 by over 40 per cent.
Figures recently prcpnred by tho
bureau of statistics of tho department
of commorco and labor Indlcato n re
markable growth In tho domestic silk
industry. In 1870 tho Importations of
raw silk amounted to but 738,381
pounds; in 1880, 2,500,000; In 1890,
4.500,000, and In 1000, about 8,500,000,
while during the deendo beginning
with 1900 the Importations averaged
15,000,000 pounds per annum, the fig
ures for 1909 being 22,250,000 pounds.
Tho rnpld growth In Imports of raw
silk Is in marked contrnst with the
almost stationary Importations of silk
manufactures. In tho period from
1870 to 1909 the value of raw Bilk im
portations Increased $70,000,000, or
more than slxtecnfold, whllo that of
manufactured silk Importations In
creased $5,650,000, or but 21 per cent.
The silk manufacturers of tho Unit
ed Stntes, although having an invested
capital of over $100,000,000 and pro
ducing $133,000,000 worth of products
per annum, aro principally engaged Jn
supplying tho homo market, as their
oxportations hnvo never reached as
much ns $1,000,000 in any year.
President Has Changed His Legisla
tive Program.
Washington, Feb. 21. Tho an
nouncement from tho White House
that President Taft had by his own
motion cut down to four the number
of administration measures he would
demand at tho present session of con
gross Is rocelved by Republican lead
ers with unmixed feelings of relief.
Tho administration program was so
formidable that members warmly sup
porting the Taft policies hardly knew
where to begin.
A schedule Including only the bills
to amend the Interstate commerco
laws, of Injunctions, start Arizona and
Now Mexico on tho road to statehood
and validate tho withdrawals of public
lands for conservation purposes, Js re
garded us quite possible of attain
ment. Most of these measures, it Is
believed, can bo put through tho son
ato while the house is still wrestling
with appropriation bills.
When It wns reported at tho capllol
that the president would bo satisfied
with tho enactment of the four meas
ures named, steps were taken to bring
all of these matters out of committees
at the earliest possiblo dato. The
postal savings hank bill Is already be
fore tho senate and an agreement be
tween the supporters of conflicting
amendments Is assured. It Is regarded
as practically certain that the bill can
bo passed during tho coming week.
Tho ship subsidy bill will not bo
pressed on account of opposition.
Catholics of Toledo Oppose Needless
Labor on Sundays and Nights.
Toledo, Feb. 21. Tho Catholics of
Toledo have started a crusade against
nil kinds of unnecessary night and
Sunday labor, asserting that such work
Is physically and morally Harmful.
The Federation of Catholic Societies
have met nnd declared themselves in
po uncertain terms concerning the un
seasonable hours and the work which
often Is demanded of Catholic em
ployees. Resolutions wero adopted which de
clare: "That It Is the duty of all civic,
religious, commercial, industrial nnd
social influences to co-operate In the
abolition of all unnecessary work In
the evening, during tho night, nnd on
Sundays, nnd to educate the people at
large to help In tho cause of humanity
by supplying tholr wants as much as
possible only during the natural tlmo
of work that is, during the daylight
and on tho working dnys only."
Report of Grand Jury Regarded as
Vindication cf County Attorney.
Murshnlltown, la., Feb. 21. Aftor
being in sossion ten days, the special
grand Jury, led by Attorney Goneral
H. W. Byers, which hns been Investi
gating tho charges made against Coun
ty Attornoy J. H, Egormnyer that ho
nccopted monoy from saloon keepers
for promised Immunity In liquor case
prosecutions, reported to the district
court that It has nothing to report.
Failure of the grand Jury to return In
dictments Is considered a vindication
of the county attorney by his friends.
Minister Swenson's Daughter Dies.
Plymouth, England, Feb. 21. Miss
Mabel Swenson, daughter of L. S.
Swenson, the newly appointed Amer
ican minister to Switzerland, died
aboard the steamer America on tho
voyage from New York. Death was
due to tuberculosis. The body was
embalmed and will be landed at Cher
bourg. Minister Swenson and his fam
ily were en route for Berlin.
Americans In Nlcaraguan Fight.
Bluefields, Feb. 21. Americans took
a very active part In the battle be
tween the Insurgents and the Madrlz
forces at St. Vlncento and one of them
at least was badly wounded. They
were under Captain Victor Gordon,
with General Mena, the contingent be
Jng known as the "American Scouts."
Fairbanks Preaches,
Berlin, Feb. 21. Charles W. Fair
banks, former vice president of the
TTIte' Ptrt. r'rurlod the pulpit of
t&t Amorcan church,
Usual Pomp Attends Reassem
bling of Lawmakers.
Edward Outlines Struggle for Limita
tion of Peers Will House of Lords
Withstand Assaults of Its Ancient
Enemy Is Question Now That Is
Uppermost Big Crowds Witness
Pageant In London.
London, Feb. 22. Parliament was
opened formally by King Edward, who
was accompanied by Queen Alex
andra, und Is now fully organized and
ready for the work of tho session.
Tho state opening wns marked by all
tho pomp and pageantry associated
with these occasions since the ascen
sion of Edward VII.
In a momentous speech from tho
throne, his mnjesty outlined the plan
of the ministerial campaign against
tho house of lords, as follows:
"Recent experiences hns disclosed
serious difficulties, due to recurring
differences of strong opinion, between
tho two -branches of tho legislature.
Proposals will be laid before you with
all convenient speed, to define the ro
tations betwe-n the houses of parlia
ment so as to secure the undivided
authority of the house of commons
over finance and its predominance in
legislation. These measures, In tho
opinion of my advisers, should pro
ride that this house should be consti
tuted nnd empowered as to exercise
Impartially in regard to tho proposed
legislation the functions of Initiation,
revision and subject to proper safe
guards of delay."
The ceremony hnd no attraction all
Its own. Uppermost in the minds of
thousands who witnessed tho Bpectnclo
In streets nnd among occupants of
red clothed benches In the glided
chamber, was tho thought of the forth
coming fight, which threatens the very
existence of the heredltnry houso of
peers, and conjecture whether they
were spectators of acts preluding his
toric chnngos In centuries old Institu
tions of Great Britain.
Physlclano Encouraged Over Condi
tion of South Carolina Senator.
Washington, Feb. 22. After anoth
er consultation, Drs.' Babcock and
PIckford Issued the following bulletin
In regard to Senator Tillman's condi
tion: "Senator Tillman continues to im
prove. The paralysis Is much less.
His mind Is very clear and memory
excellent. Outlook more encouraging
thnn at any time since present Illness
Tho most encouraging feature of his
Improvement, however, Is the return
of the power of speech.
Write Congressmen Opposing Present
Outcry Against High Prices.
Washington, Feb. 22. That the
farmers of the country aro taking a
lively Interest in tho ngltatlon over
the high cost of living is evidenced by
the number of letters Minnesota mem
bers aro receiving from them. Prac
tically all of them protest against tho
high price outcry, on tho grotind that
only now Is tho farmer ablo to make
a living.
Administration Measure Is Favorably
Washington, Feb. 22. The adminis
tration ship subsidy bill reached the
bouse through the filing of the report
af tho committee on merchant marine
and fisheries, which has been favor
ably acted upon. The minority was
granted ten dnys In which to file a re
port against the bill.
Senator Smith Recovering.
Washington, Feb. 22. Senator Will
lam Alden Smith of Michigan, who
wns operated on for appendicitis a
few days ago, is steadily improving.
His condition Is reported encourag
ing for a speedy recovery.
Japanese Land Law. !
Tokyo, Fob. 22. A bill was Intro-'
fluced In tho diet providing that no
foreigner may own land In Japan un
less Ijp Is n native of a country which
permits Japanese to own land within
Its boundary.
Fatal Wreck on Milwaukee.
St. Paul, Feb. 22. A broken rail
wrecked a Milwaukee passenger train
near Hastings. John Willis, baggage
man, was killed. A conductor on a
sleeping car and one passenger were
Virginia to Retain Local Option.
Richmond, Va., Feb. 22. Local op
tion wns sustained in the legislature
when the Myers bill, calling for a
popular election to decide state-wide
prohibition, was reported unfavorably.
Revolver Duel in Hotel.
Beattle. Wash., Feb. 22. An uniden
tified man was killed In his room in
a cheap hotel as a result of a revolver
duel with a companion, who escaped
after the shooting.
"K. P." Not Negroes' Title.
Atlanta, Feb. 22.-The supreme
court of Georgia bonded down a de
cision debarring negroes from using
thi title "Knights of Pythias" In this
Bee Hive Store
119 Wyoming Avenue, Second Store West of
Post Office
Only Racket Store in Alliance
About Mar cli 1st weO will re-
move to the room which has
been occupied by the Geo.
Mollring Dry G-oods Store
Until then will con
duct a Special
Removal Sale
ncrncccNTa the foliowinq insurance companies.
Hartford ! ne Insurance Company.
North American of Philadelphia.
Phoenix of Ulooklyn. Now York.
Continental or New York City.
Niagara Fire Insurance Company.
uonnecucuit riro
Commercial Union Assurance Co., LondonFlrrmans Fund Insurance. Co.
uermanni t ire ins. uo.
titnto of Omaha
m liiLlf i ,
A17RttriLt&sasrE ! I J .8 f
S&fi1 f4SJlSit?fi. .. ,,.& Mi l-.
MMhmBM .
Best Equipped, Most Up-toDate Exclusive
Meat Market in Western Nebraska
Shop open from 6:30 a. in. to 7 p. m.; Saturday and pay days,
open till 9 p.m.; not open on Sunday during winter
Prompt Attention to Phone Orders
We purchase good dressed beef and pork in the carcass. Call
at our shop before selling
Liverpool. London and Globe Ins. Co.
German American Ins. Co., New York.
Now Hanmnhlro
Columbia Flro Insurance Company.
Philadelphia Underwriters.
I'hoenlx Ins. Jo.. Hartford, Conn
ltocnester uerinan ins. uo.
Office Co-Stolrs.Flctchcrniock
C, I. & Q. Wntch inspector
j Transfer Line
T-l miponnlfl rerrAi2
yv v-" V moved oromotlv
"H " . '. 4 :
, .V
and transfer work
solicited. Phone 4
Frank Wallace, Prop'r.
ma. o--sxa:
For the benefit of our
customers, after Feb.
10th we will be pre
pared to deliver goods
to any part of the city
W. A. Springer,proP.
Successor to M. 0. New
119 Box Butte Ave.
Wm. James,
Dealer in
... WOOD
'Phone Alliance,
No. 5. Nebraska.
Oliver Typewriter For Sale
A second-hand Oliver type
writer, in first-class condition,
for sale. Inquire at The Herald
Surveyor and Engineer,
ALUANCi:, ni:hask,v
Parties out of town should write, as I
am out much of the time
Charges will not exceed $5.00 and ex
penses per day.
I. W. Herman, Hgr.
Miss Rose C. Herman
Casiiier and Bookkeeper
Jos. Skala, - Meat Cutter
Jake H. Herman - Stock Buyer
John Herman Sausaee.naker
) and Butcher
Wm. C. Herman fJelivery Boy
Day Cunningham Delivery Boy
Phone 131
Residence Phone, 375
maattiaaMhii -iraf