The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 17, 1910, Image 6

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COPr&ICT,ltOt, DYJD lirPfiCOTT CO MltieHTjMtritlff
CIIAPTKR I. nTc.iard Derrlwr. return
ing from a winter In tho woods to his
mother's farm home, In overtaken by hi
uncle, accompanied by his eccentric wife,
coming to pay a visit at the farm,
CHAPTER II. Aunt Jerushft's ques
tions about Emily Hutton, supposed to be
Richard's sweetheart, bring out tho fact
that sho Is to marry a merchant, Ed
wards, CHAPTER III.-Derrlng's disappoint
ment stimulates his ambition and un
der tho ndvlcs of Both Kinney, a hermit
of tho woods, he resolves to fit himself
for college. Kinney promises to teach
him Greek.
CHAPTER IV. Derrlng tslls his moth
er his fesolvo, and In his grandfather's
old laboratory begins tho study of Greek.
CHAPTER V. Beth Klnnoy hears Rich
ard's Greek recitation In tho woods while
he and Tom Bishop ply tho cross-cut
CHAPTER VI. Dorrlng learns that hs
can look Indifferently upon tho loss of
Emily. He visits Aunt Jerushn, who vol
unteers to holp him through college, mak
ing him a gift of 1100.
CHAPTER VII. Tho Greek learned In
tha woods carries Richard triumphantly
through entranco examinations, wins ap
proval from tho professor and Insures his
popularity among his fellows.
CHAPTER VIII. Four years In college
obliterates the memory of Emily. Der
rlng begins his Journalistic work In Chi
cago. CHAPTER IX. Derrlng meets Helen
Gordon In her studio, where he goes to
fill an assignment.
CHAPTER X. Derrlng's promotion to
art critic on his paper makes him more
secure financially. He makes rapid prog
ress In comradeship with Helen. The dis
covery of an old lovo cplsodo In her life
reveals to htm that he loves her.
CHAPTER XI. Helen refuses to marry
Richard and hamper his career and her
own. They enter Into n compact which
permits only companionship with "no
promises" on cither side.
CHAPTER XII noth find happiness In
the undefined relation. Helen finds Rich
ard's suggestions very helpful In her
CHAPTER XIII, Helen betters 111 of
fects from sketching on the lake shore
In January. A sljglit Illness brings her
Into closrr relations with Richard.
CHAPTER XIV. Richard discovers a
Tho' winter continued cold and
blustering. Hclon skotchod no moro
out of doors. But alio did tho Interior
of tho Dutch house and both sketches
were sold on Uie opening day of the
eprlng exhibition. Whenever Derrlng
chided her for careless disregard of
her health, sho would meekly call his
attention to this very pleasant and
tangible result of the North Shore ex
pedition. Dorring gradually became conscious
of another result leBs palpable, but
no z:p renl. Slnco their first acquain
tance he had known that her presence
had a marked effect on him soothing
and quieting him if ho were tired, and
autrkening his fancy and Imagination
If he were in good spirits. Ho was
always, conscious of her presenco in a
room, oven beforo his eyes had testi
fied It. Soon ho became awaro that
a now and more subtle communication
had been established between them.
IIo continued to feel an added sense
of well-being in her presonco; but
he discovered that this power of her
personality had escaped tho bonds of
space, and that wherever Bhe might
be, his spirit wns conscious of hqr.
The first sign of this was a vague
restlessness and foreboding which
came to him, now and then, without
apparent cause.
Since she was always in his mind, it
did not occur to him as strange that
hlB thoughts of her should tako a
gloomy turn when this humor was on
him. Nor did he guess tho secret of
the strange mood till a day when the
feeling became too strong to bo re
sisted, and he sought her in the stu
dio. He found her Bitting on the top
of a tall step-ladder, a comical pic
ture of despair.
Her faco brightened as he appeared
in the doorway. "Oh, I am so glad I
Do you suppose you can get me
"Of course, Come on." He held
out his hands.
"I can't I have sprained my foot.
It was silly to try to hang a heavy
picture on thiB rickety old thing. I
never dreamed I should slip, though.
It hurts so that I can't bear my
weight oh I" She lifted it carefully.
And tho ladder shakes so I don't dare
hop down. I am sure I hope you have
sense enough to know what to do I
He lifted her carefully from her
insecure seat and placed her on the
very hard divan that ran the length of
the room.
"You have to spend most of your
time rescuing me, don't you?" Bhe
aaid, laughing. "How did you happen
to come over so early? I had made
up my mind to sit there till six o'clock.
Tom has to come for some pictures
How had he happened to come?
In a flash he saw it all and told her.
She laughed a little at the explana
tion, But he recalled to her other
times when he had unconsciously been
warned of her danger or discomfort
They discussed the situation with ana
lytic appreciation. At least, if not
true, it was interesting.
A few experiments convinced them
that it was true as well as interesting.
It wnB evidently an uncertain com
munication, however. Soveral times
when ho yielded to the feeling of dis
quiet and sought her out he found her
working, sercnoly unconscious of dan
ger nnd ready to laugh at his fears.
Moreover, it was a one-Bided commu
nication. Helen, as he reproachfully
polntod out to her, was never con
scious of danger to him, while ho had
a headache if Bhe so much as scratch
ed her little finger.
Dut, although Derrlng Jested, he re
joiced in this new power. It deepened
their relation. Ho might bo dlsquletod
without cause; but at least no harm
would come to her without his know
ing It
But as the spring came on a new
dread assailed him, Soon It would be
summor. Sho would go home for the
vacation. Would this power extend
over tho thousand miles? And would
he have, as now, the preslence of dan
ger without the power to go to her?
He grew to dread the summer.
But it was destined that he should
be the first to go away. Early In
April n letter camo from his mother.
Seth Kinney was very III and asked
continually for him.
As he packed his traveling-bag and
propared to go, he was conscious of
mixed motives. He was fond of Seth.
Ho would have gone to htm in any
case But, with a little sense of
As He Packed HIa Traveling-Bag and
Prepared to Go, He Was Conscious
of Mixed Motives.
&hame, he found himself thinking that
tho trip would give him a chance to
test the communication. IIo would
be gone only a few days. Nothing
could happen. But at least he should
know what ho had to expect during
the long weeks of vacation. So anx
ious was ho to make tho experiment
that ho almost forgot the dread of
"Ho as happy as you can for my
sake," he said laughingly as they
parted. "Don't run any more risks
than you can help."
The' morning train was full of the
hum of lifo. People seemed to be
letting oil superabundant vitality. Be
hind Derrlng a child was humming
contentedly to herself. Her mother
was talking in a loud voice to a man
across the aisle. "You have to look
after the seed, pralso the Lord! If
we don't gather a sheaf in this life,
it's no matter." Farther to the front
of the car two business men were
As tho day wore on, each person In
the car assumed for Derrlng a distinct
Individuality. The sense of Isolation
deepened. He entered Into conversa
tion with no one, but sat idly listen
ing to the flow of talk.
At times he watched the changing
landscape. Along the margin of each
little stream the willows grew yellow
in the sunshine. Across the plain a
mass of low crimson marked where
tho cap crept UD at the touch of
spring, As they approached the woods,
the crimson faded to a soft, feathery
gray. Then they were among the
trees themselves, and the sunshine,
slanting across the great trunks, hung,
caught In tangled underbrush, or rest-,
ed lightly on some tuft of moss or
dark, shining pool.
Derrlng was impressed with the in
congruity of it all hlB solitude in the
midst of the life that pressed so close
about him, the hum of busy talk and
the shriek of the engine deep in the
woods where one never goes except
alone or with Borne congenial soul.
With one glance he caught the fresh
ness of tho spring, and with the next,
the commonplace faco and striped
trousers of the passenger across the
Hla thoughts went to Helen and
their love, to the happiness of the
past year and the days that were be
fore them. The, car and Its occupants
N. fZ'X
rnnea from sight He brooded on tho
benuty and mystery of their relation
tho foreboding of dangor tho nec
essary accompaniment of love. Great
happiness deep Bufforing. Sunlight
and shnde. Tho capability of sin in
man at onco the mnrk of tho beaBt
and the promise of a divinity within
him. He had drifted far into meta
physical speculation before ho reach
ed tho Now England hills. But what
ever forobodlng tho future might hold
for him, ho no longer dreaded its
power. IIo saw deep Into its nature.
Ho who loves much will suffer much.
Throughout tho Journey tho thought
stayed with him; and when, onco or
t'wico, he felt tho dread of danger
near, he oven rejoiced that distance
could not mar tho closeness of lovo.
The longing for hor safety that stolo
from his heart would, In another man,
have been a prayer,
(To bo Continued)
Hemingford Happenings.
Clias. Benjamin came up from
ance Thursday.
Sam Albro went to Hot Springs, S.
D,, on 35 Friday morning-
Henry Lovcland came home
Denver after a long vacation.
Miss Bertha Parkyn came in
Sioux county Saturday, returning Sun
day. Walter Rishel went to Alliance
Thursday, returning the last of the
Fred Mclick and Mr. Thompson
went to Alliance Thursday, returning
Wilbur Melick came from Missouri
Thursday for a visit with his brother,
Fred Melick.
Joo Vaughn and Jim McKinnie came
up frorn Alliance Thursday on 43 and
returned on 36.
Tom Tovin, the hide buyer, came
up from Alliance Thursday, going on
to Marsland Saturday.
Mrs. Vermillion came up from Alli
ance Thursday, going out to see Mrs.
H. Pierce for a few days.
Mr. Crosby, the piano tuner, was in
town tho first of the week and went to
Marsland Thursday.
Mrs. Floyd Duff, wife of the depot
agent at Berea, came up Tuesday to
do some trading, returning Wednesday.
Ben Curtis and wife were in from
Sioux county Thursday, going out to
see Mrs, Harry Pierce for a short time.
J. J. Smith from Welton Junction,
la,, came for a visit with his brother-in-law,
Adam Hucke, and other rela
tives. Mrs. B. F. Giltnan came up from
Alliance Tuesday, staying over night
with Mrs. C. J. Wildy, returning Wed
nesday. Mrs. Bowser and daughter came
from tho eastern part of the state for a
visit with their son and brother, L. A.
John Anderson ha3 returned from his
business trip to Blackfoot, Idaho. He
says he left a great deal of snow on
the ground.
Clyde Watson slopped off Sunday
for an over night's stay, then going
back to York for a visit with his folks
before returning to Idaho.
Phil Michael, Sr., and son, John,
were in from the ranch Wednesday,
staying over night with Mr. Michael's
daughter, Mrs. Pete Swanson.
Norton Brown came home from
Edgemont, S. D., Wednesday for a
short visit with home folks before go
ing to Rapid City, S. D., to work.
Ora Phillips, Anna Nerud and Frank
Beat came up from Alliance Saturday,
returning Sunday. Anna spent the
night with her sister, Emma Nerud.
Mrs. Will Bowman came over from
Hay Springs Wednesday for a visit
with her sister, Mrs. H. H. Pierce,
who is much improved at this writing.
(Crowded out last week.)
Roy Kent was a passenger to Alli
ance Wednesday.
Mrs. Bert Carr came up from Alli
ance Thursday.
- Miss Eliza Mrachek came home from
Marsland Thursday.
K. L. Pierce and D. W. Butler went
to Alliance Thursday.
Mrs. James Whelan is greatly im
proved at this writing.
J. Randall is helping with the cook
ing at the Kent restaurant.
Chas. Wiltsey went to Alliance
Thursday, returning Friday.
Milton Godfrey came from West
Chester, Iowa Wednesday,
Miss Edna Carey came up from Alli
ance Friday, returning Monday.
Editor Clark was a passenger to
Marsland Friday, returning Saturday.
Will Moravek was in from the ranch
Friday for supplies, going home Satur
day. Fred Davison came in from the
Hickey ranch Weduesday to take out
B C. Curtis and Miss Hazel Ed.
wards, both of Sioux county, were
married at the home of the bride's
mother. Congratulations are extended
lo this happy couple.
Mclvin Scott made a drive to Alli
ance Friday taking a couple of travel
ing men.
Father McNamara came up from
Alliance Wednesday to see Mrs. Leo
Eruost Shoemaker from the North
Table was in town ThursJay taking
out supplies.
Mrs. Brush Hall came down from
Crawford Friday for a visit with Mrs.
Jerry Wills.
George Jones camo in from Sioux
county Friday, taking home a large
load of lumber.
Clark Mclntyre came home from
Dcadwood, S- D., Tuesday for a visit
with home folks.
Miss Lousie Wcise and Mrs, Box
ford cama up from Berea Thursday,
returning Friday.
Miss Jessie Bush came up from Mul
len Saturday to look after a school in
the Hollinrake district.
Fred Davison and Mrs. John Hickey
were passengers to Alliance Wednes
day, returning Thursday.
Miss Thelma Bates from Broken
Bow is here helping with the house
work at Victor Herncall's.
J. Hall from Sioux county came in
Saturday, going home Sunday. Grove
Fosket returned with him.
Bert Dickinson lert Monltv
Gretna, Nebr., to attenJ hit -his
brother, Harry Dz .
TheCongregaU j society met
with Mrs. i cice Thursday all
day. They good time.
B. W. Miller, the Underwood type
writer salesman for the Omaha branch,
was in town Friday and Saturday.
Rev. Rozak left Wednesday for St.
Louis, Mo., from which place he ex
pects to bring a wife home with him.
Rev. Schulemburg of Crawford came
down Sunday to preach in Rev. Rozak's
place, returning to Crawford Monday.
Bradford Feuner returned from
Chadron Wednesday, where he went
to see his nephew, who has been very
Mrs. Dr. Little went to Omaha Sun
day on a business trip; also to make a
visit at Gretna, Nebr., before her re
turn. Mr. and Mrs. Oldt came from Bill
ings, Mont, Wednesday for a visit
with Mrs. Oldt's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Kateu,
We hear that a new drug store is go
ing in the north side of the old Bush
nell stand and a grocery and meat mar
ket in the south side.
Word was received from Rev. and
Mrs. Cox of Topeka, Kans., that thev
are the proud parents ot a new sou,
born Jan. 10, 1910.
E. A. Peckinpaugh returned from
his home in Seneca, Kans., where he
has been at the bedside of his father,
who has been very sick.
Melvin Scott made a drive to Pine
Ridge Sunday, taking Rev. Waterman
to preach the funeral of L. B. Hill.
They returned Sunday evening.
Mrs. Ed. Wildy went over to the
North Table Saturday to visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Potuiesil,
Sr., returning the first of the week.
(Too late for last week)
Miss Emma Groff of Omaha is visit
ing her brothers, Ed. Dueker and John
Mr. and Mrs. L. Acker gave a dance
at their home recently. There was a
very large crowd and everyone seemed
to enjoy themselves.
Mr. and Mrs, Petre gave a dance
last Fridav night in their new home.
They certainly have a nice home and
everyone enjoyed it with them that
Bad colds are common these days.
Will Linn's mother left for her home
Miss Alta Robertson is clerking at
Prof. Mans visited with Ed. Fiuley's
last Friday.
C O. Morrison was a Bridgeport
visitor Sunday.
Roy Walford is staying out on his
homestead this week.
Ernest Morrison spent a night on his
homestead last week.
Win, P. Devault was in Bridgeport
Monday on business.
Joe Wysong returned home Tuesday
from several weeks' visit in the east.
C Wright, one of Scottsbluff's at
torneys, was in town Tuesday night.
Mrs. McKelvey was on the sick list
the first of the week, but is better at
this writing.
The rumor is that L, C. Leach has
purchased an auto to use in his livery
business. This is a good improvement-
(Too late for last week)
Wra. P. Devault was a Bridgeport
visitor Tuesday.
Rev. Cooper has resigned his posi
tion as clerk at Morrison's-
Mrs. Monison and Grandma Morri
son visited at James Burns' Tuesday,
Ernest Morrison returned last Friday
and resumed his duties as clerk again,
Frank McCarter shipped his grading
outfit to Denver Monday, whore he
has a large contract.
Fifteen of the M. W. A. members
went to Redtngton last Saturday night
and report a good time.
Mr. Clark, who has been employed
as bookkeeper at the Commissary for
several months, left Tuesday for Den
ver. He will be missed by his many
Mr. Plane, "the Necromantique en
tertainer," was at the M. E. church
last Saturday night and gave a very
delightful entertainment. Mr. Plane
is certainly an artist in the magic line
and his feats of magic greatly mysti
fied his audience.
The Fodrea-Winter Co. gave an en
tertainment here last Thursday night
that was enjoyed by every one present.
Miss Fodrea is one of the most de
lightful artists with the violin and was
the star of the company. Miss Win
ter's readings pleased every one, and
her friends predict a bright future for
her, Miss MacFarland is a beautiful
pio- st and her selections were ren-
ud with much feeling and effect,
(Too late for last week)
Jos. Barkhurst was a Sunday visitor
at A. J- Gaghagen's.
J. J. Kemen purchased some young
calves of A. J. Gaghagen Monday.
N. G. Leishman and wife were visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Skinner of Hash
man Sunday.
Henry Carson and Frank Reed of
Madison were visiting P. J. Knapp and
family Thursday.
Mrs. Jas- T. Nabb visited and as
sisted Mrs. Weaver last Wednesday
afternoon and evening.
Jas. T. Nabb and A. J. Gaghagen
helped P. J. Knapp butcher two hog3
Monday while the women had a fine
time visiting.
Co. Supt. Miss Delia Reed visited
the school in Ash Grove district last
Thursday, Miss Opal Burkholder being
the teacher.
August Mayer, who has been very
sick at his home for the past two
weeks, was taken to the Alliance Hos
pital last Wednesday.
We, Us & Co.
(Too late for last week)
Wm. McLain is on the sick list
Mrs. T. J. Lawrence visited with
Mrs. Aspden one day last week.
School will reopen in Dist. ; next
Monday, Rev. Ira Nolte being the
Mr. and Mrs. J- R. Lawrence called
on Mr. and Mrs. John Parker Monday
Wm. Aspden, who has been sick
with congestion of the lungs, is now
able to be out.
The Box Butte Creek Telephone
Co. held their annual meeting for the
election of officers Monday.
we unuerstanu mat wm. Kust is
offering a reward for a satchel, which
he lost while in town Saturday.
Hall Rust, who has been sick with
pneumonia, is getting along nicely and
will soon be able to be oat again-
There will be a Valentine oyster
supper at Mr. Aspden's Monday night,
Feb. 14. Everybody invited to come.
J. W- Frazier's team ran away while
in town Saturday, scattering his gro
ceries and breaking a wheel of his
spring wagon.
Rev. Ira Nolte closed the meetings
which he has been holding for the past
two weeks- Sunday evening Dist.
Supt. Rev. Julian preached the closing
The Ladies' Aid, which was to have
met at Mrs- Hadley's Wednesday, has
been postponed until Thursday on ac
count of a large number desiring to
attend the- funeral of Mr. Lewis, who
died at his home near Alliance Mon
day. Wm. James,
Dealer in
... WOOD
No. 5.
Miss M. Ruth Taylor
324 West Idaho. Phone 205
Edith M. Swan
and Musical History
studio 424 Laramie Avenue
T h o n n U U O
Attorney at Law
Office in rooms formerly occupied by
R. C. Noleman, First Nal'l Bank blk
Phono 8o. ALLIANCE. NEB,
Attorney at Law,
Long experience in state and federal
courts and as Register and Receiver U. S.
Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and
efficient service.
Offlco In Land Office Building.
Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen
(Successors to Drs. Frey & Bnlfe)
Over Norton's Store
Office Phone 43, Residence 20
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
(Successor to Dr. J. E. Mooro)
Offlco hours ll-12a, rn.2-4 p.m. 7;SO-0 p, m.
Office Phone 62
Res. Phone, 85
H. A. C0P5EY, M. D.
Physician and Surccon
Phone 300
Culls answered promptly day and nlclit from
offllce. Ortlnes: Alllunce National Bank
Unllriing over the PostOlHce.
Special Attention
Paid to Eye Work
Drs. Bowman & Weber
First National Bank Bldg. Rooms 4-5-6
Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m,,
1:30 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m.
Office Phone G5 Res. Phone 16 & 184
Dr. H. H. Belville
All first-class up-to-date work done in
most careful manner
Opera House Block Alliance, Nebr.
Undertaker and Embalmer
funeral Directors and Embafmers
Cement Walks
I make a specialty of ce
ment walks and work. Have
been constructing- same in Al
liance more than one year,
and invite the most rigid in
spection of my work. Use
only thebest of materials and
make prices as low as can be
done with honest work. Have
had many years experience in
cement construction in vari
ous cities. Remember poor
cement work is dear at the
cheapest price and when you
have had to replace it is mon
ey thrown away.
John Pederson