The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 17, 1910, Image 2

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il i
mmm maine
Twelfth Anniversary of Destruc
tion Commemorated.
Mcmorlnl Services Arc Bcrimi it
AWlilnuton Movement to Krccl
nt Arlington a Suitable .Moniinienl
to Sailors Who Lost Their Live!
In tlio Kxploslou Ih I'mlcr W'n)
nml Will Uo Actively l'lishrd.
Washington, Fob. in. Tho twelfth
anniversary of tho destruction or the
battleship Mnlno in Hnvmm harbor
today la to bo made tho occa
sion for memorial services extend
ing over poveral days in this cltj
and nt other points throughout the
country, whero n movement to eroel
r Buitablo monument to the Ballon
who lost their lives In the explosion
Is under way.
Tho services began In this city
at tho First Congregational churcfc
(when a meeting arranged bj
patriotic organizations was held.
Hear Admiral Charles D. Slgsbeo ol
tho navy, commander of tho Maine
on tho night of the explosion, made
tho principal address. Today ser
vices will bo held at Arlington, when
the Cuban minister, Senor Don Car
Iob Garcia Voles, is expected to be
one of the speakers,
On Fob, 20 a Maine memorial
meeting Is to be held at Carnegie
hall, Now York, with Joseph Chonte
as the presiding offlcer, and Admiral
Slgsbeo as ono of tho speakers. Ad
miral Slgsbeo Is now tho president
of tho Maine Monument association
And tho matter of erecting a suitable
memorial Is to bo actively pushed.
Tho plans for a national subscription
have been porfected and headquar
ters for tho receipt of contributions
by mall and otherwise havo been
established in tho EvanH building In
this city. One hundred and sixty of
the Maine's dead are burled at Ar
lington. Tho membership feo In tho mem
orial association has been fixed nt
f li for which tho subscriber recelvos
n certificate of membership and a
black navy cap ribbon on which, in
stead of the name of ship, there is
worked In gold wire, tho Inscription.
"Momber Maine M. A." The names
of all members rt the association will
bo onclosed In tho cornerstono of tho
Seven Men Severely Injured in K
plosion at Hun Dlcjjo.
San Diego, Feb. 15. Seven men
wore badly burned, two possibly fn
tally, by tho explosion of a boiler
tube in tho forward fire room of tho
torpedo bout destroyer Hopkins. All
of the injured aro now at a hospital
In this city. Three o? the men were
burned lit a horolu effort to roscuo
their screaming companions In tho
flro room.
Tho Injured: L. E, Taylor, J. F.
Hunt, E. A. Clary, N. A. Neabo. J.
B. McNerlln, T, J, Drown, B. A. Cnr
lotlllo, Taylor and Carletlllo may not sur
vive. Tho explosion took place half
an hour before tho torpedo fleet was
to put to sea on a speed trip to San
Government Ofllrluls Fear llont Sunk
in Storm.
Washington, Feb. 15. All the re
sources of the navy and the revenuo
cutters are still unsuccessful in their
search for the tug Nina.
The revenue cutter Oresham r
ported from Boston that she had
spoken to tho tug Savage, which left
Chesapeake bay in company with the
Nina last Sunday. The skipper of the
Savage told the commander of the
Grcsham tho booh were running so
high ho decided -to turn hack, but tho
Nina bended out to sea with the
waves breaking over her bow. That
was tho last the Savatje saw of her.
Unulilo to Hatch Verdict us to Cullt
of Former ConjjreHsnmii.
Portland. Ore., Fob. IB. -The jury
In the case of Dinger Hermann, for
mer commissioner of V. c general land
olko and former congressman from
Oregon, who was indirted and tried
for conspiracy to dofraud tho United
States ot a portion or the public do
main, reportod It was unablo to agree
and was discharged.
It Is understood tho Jury stood 11
o 1 for conviction.
Coast Not Well Lighted.
Paris. Feb. 15. The French
Transatlantic Steamship company as
certs that there Is nothing to con
firm the theory that tho General
Chunzy became unmanageable and
attributes her disaster, In which 156
lives were lost, solely to the fact that
there Is but one feeble light on the
north roast of Minorca inland, in the
leo or which Captain Cayole sought
shelter In the terrible storm.
Champ Clark for President.
Montgomery City, Mo., Feb. 14.-
Resolutions endorsing Congressman
Champ Clark, Democratic leader of
the house, for the nomination for
the presidency In 1912, wore unani
mously adopted at a meeting of the
party members In the county hers.
nalllngcr-rincliot Congressional Com
mlttco lteniiinvn Inquiry
Washington, Feb. 15. Louis I
Glavls, tho principal accuser of Sec
retary Dalllngcr, underwent his first
ordeal by cross examination whon
the Dalllnger-Plnchot inquiry was re
sumed by tho Joint congressional
committee. .
Tho cross examination was undor
tnkon by John J. Vcrtrees of Nash
ville, Tenn., attorney for Secretary
Balllngor. Mr. Vcrtrees drew from
tho witness tho fact that ho made no
charges of corruption against any one
In tho land ofilco or In tho depart
ment or the Interior. Glnvls doclarod
that If he had found evidence of cor
ruption ho would have taken the
matter to a grand Jury Instead of to
tho president.
Through a process of elimination,
Mr, Vertrees had the witness exoner
ate all of the other officials or agents
of the land office and the department
of the Interior.
Glavls 'said ho thought the facts
warranted tho opinion that Mr. Dal
linger and Mr. Dennett acted Im
properly and ho charged them with
official misconduct.
Glavls repeated tho statement he
had mado on direct examination that
bo was convinced that tho interior
department was not In safo hands
nnd that the peoplo's interests were
not in safe hands.
uranu Jury Rets Busy on
Gets Busy
Kansas City, Feb. 15. In this
city a grand Jury took up what the
state promises 'to bo a most exhaust
ive investigation of tho Swope mys
Simultaneously nt tho ofilco of
Frank P. Walsh, leading attorney
for Dr. B. C. Hyde, the taking 'f
depositions In tho civil suit brought
by Hyde against John G. Paxton for
alleged slander was resumed.
Still another Inquiry Into tho case
will bo started tpmorrow when In
Kansas City, Kan., tho deposition ot
Dr. C. H. Jordan, who hnd prescribed
medlclno for tho Swopo family, will
bo taken, Tho grand Jury has been
afforded ovory facility to assist Its
members In getting Information con
corning tho Swope mystery. Every
person who la bollovcd to havo any
knowledge of the case has been sup
poonaed as a witness. Tho court of
ficials have announced that special
precautions have boon taken to keep
any iiowb from leaking from the
grand Jury room. Tho officials re
fuse to stnto in what order the wit
nesses would testify and It was Im
possible to learn what Important wit
ness would be called first.
Colorado Congressman Dcinnntlt In
vestigation of Philippine Deal.
Washington, Fob. 15, Representa
tive Martin (Dem.) of Colorado In
troduced a resolution declaring tho
recent sale of 55,000 acres of rrlar
lands In the Philippines which he
alleges to have been made to "n rep
resentative ot tho Havemoyer sugar
Interests," to bo a violation or the
law, denouncing tho department or
Justlco tor upholding It, and demand
ing an Investigation.
Tho decision or tho depa-tment of
Justice upholding tho Balo, will per
mit of the "unlawful monopolization
or all rrlar lands, amounting to more
than 400,000 ncres or the richest and
most desirable lands In tho Philip
pines," Mr. Martin Bays, "thereby re
ducing tho Filipinos to a stato or
peonage ror the sole benefit or tho
sugar trust."
Placer Districts Found in Innoko
Which Promise Heavy Returns.
Washington, Feb. 15. Alaska,
which Secretary Balllnger has fre
quently said Is America's prize pack
age, may bo a greater prize than man
has ever dreamed. Recent investiga
tions in tho Innoko district, the Cen
tral Kuskokwim valley and tho now
Huldltarod district now partially fin
ished by the United States geological
survey, disclose now placer gold
districts which prom'se very heavy
The little territory bought from
kltUHsla for $7,000,000 In 1SC7 has
to the present time paid $100,000,
000 In gold alono Btnco 1S80 when
plnrer mining tluro began, and what
the resources of Its copper, cpal and
other minerals will be is beyond tho
estimation or man.
Witness Says He ami State Printer
Divided $i;l,70() Retuoeii Tlteni.
Columbus, O., Feb. 15. Chairman
Beatty or tho legislative gratt probe
committee,' appointed through tho in
sistence or Governor Harmon, an
nounced that J. E. Brolstord or Day
ton, onco partner or Mark Slayter,
former supervisor or state printing,
had confessed to him or wholesale
grafting In the department or print
ing at the time Mr. Slater was In
According to the confession or
Brelsford, from whom Slater bought
goods, he and Slater divided $13,700
drawn from the state treasury on
vouchors for "the payutent for stock
never delivered to the Btate printing
Kills Girl and Himself.
Danville. 111., Feb. 15. Guy Rob
berta shot and klllod Nellie Mayflold
and then committed suicide in ' the
Southern hotel here last night. Jeal
ousy Is supposed to have been tbe
Cream of Editorial Opinion
And thou too, Moics! It is more than
confiding constituents can bear, this hell-
ism charge that Moses Kinkaid, the tablet-
eating congressman from the Sixth district
of Nebraska, has been caught with both
his soft, white hands smeared by the touch
of black coal in the Guggenheim coal land
frauds in Alaska. How could you do it,
Mose? You, who for twenty years have
been the love-light in the eyes of all Nc
braskansl And yet there are the marks
upon your hands. Never a whitewash
brush can be concocted white enough to
hide the marks. I do not grieve for you.
You deserve all you shall get, and that
will be a political grave so deep that even
so mighty a friend as Dennis Crom'n will
not be strong enough to resurrect you. It
is for Denny and kindred admirers that my
sympathy oozes. Columbus Telegram.
Just a tariff fact to look over. The wool
schedule has remained practically the
same for fifteen years. There is a big tax
on wool for the purpose of "protecting the
wool grower." The number of sheep per
capita has decreased during the past ten
years, Today there is about five-sevenths
of a sheep per capita in the United States.
Yet every man, woman and child in the
republic is taxed an average of $7.35 each'
to protect five-sevenths of one sheep.
That's more than a whole sheep is worth,
wool and all. Yet there are several mil
lions of men who show by their votes that
they hold to the belief that a protective
tariff, if it is high enough, will make wool
grow on the back of a hydraulic ram.
Red Cloud Chief.
The News-Blade will contribute a five
dollar bill to a fund to prevent the location
of the new state normal school at Chadron.
We want it understood that we bear no
ill-will toward Chadron, but the attempt to
shove a state institution of that character
over the'state line, where its usefulness
will be crippled for all time, is an outrage
and an insult to the intelligence of the
people of western Nebraska. It should be
prevented by all means. Bridgeport
It will have to be admitted that the poli
cy of the initiative and referendum is not
very popular when neither side to a scrap
is not ready to submit to the verdict of the
majority. Grand Island Independent.
We want to say that if "Uncle Mose"
Kinkaid has taken a1 chance in the coal-land
lottery in Alaska, we hope he will not have
drawn a blank as most of them have.
With United States Commissioner Bal
llnger as his attorney it is hardly probable
that he drew a blank. Custer county Dea
con The dismissal of Prof. Crabtree should
bring about the political and official un
doing of every person directly responsible.
Let this be the slogan passed all over the
state. Those who desire the removal of
Crabtree are only a lot .of political sore
heads who have long since lived their time
of political usefulness to this state. Hast
ings Republican.
The Bridgeport Blade 'offers 85.00 to a
fund to prevent the location of the Normal
school at Chadron. We can appreciate
now urotner uyncn leeis about it, but we
feel it is too late to kick now. However,
it relieves the feelings to offer to wreak
vengeance on the chumps who voted to
locate the Normal school at Chadron where
it will receive the smallest possible num
ber of students. ScottsblufI Herald.
The educational people of Nebraska are
up in arms (and they should be) over the
removal of Prof. J. W. Crabtree from the
presidency of the Peru Normal college,
When a political board gets so small that
they disregard the educational interests of
Nebraska to vent a political spite against
a recognized educator like Prof. Crabtree,
things are In a serious condition. It is too
bad public men cannot rise above their
party politics. Valley Enterprise (rep.)
Mr. Taft is quoted as saying
ho hopes on his retirement from
the presidency that he can point
to things done and not to a
"record of noise and fury and
hypocritical demagogy." The
report does not say thai ho was
looking at Teddy's picture as he
said this.
If it is justice, it seems to us
like a queer brand of it, that
sends to the penitentiary the
subordinate employes of the
sugar trust that got mixed up in
the sugar weighing scandal in
the New York customs house,
and at the same time lets the
"higher up" officials oft with a
fine that they will never miss.
It is ridiculous to claim that
while the employes of the sugar
trust were stealing from the
government until tho amount
had run up into the millions of
dollars, all of which went into
the pockets and coffers of the
trust magnates, that the "higher
up" officials of the trust knew
nothing about it ;When it is
determined to let rascals go un
punished, some kind of an ex
cuse can always be found.
Groceries, Dry Goods,
Shoes, etc., at Price
40-42 Michigan Ave., Chicago, III.
25 Bars One 10 lbs. Bbl. 100 lbs.
Best Large Best Best Best
75c 1 $1.20 1 75c 1 $2.75 $2.75
What you
are Paying
100 lbs. Host Kastorn Gran
ulated Sugar S0.00
1 bbl. Host Gold Medal or
our own Flour 0.73
50 lbs Itest Granulated Sugar 3.00
M bbl. Ilest Flour, Gold
Medal or our own 3.00
10 lbs. Beat Japan Itlco 1.30
10 lbs. Ilest Santa Clara
Prunes j.a)
5 lbs. Soda, Arm and Hum
mer llriirul or our own 30
5 lbs. Oorn Bturcli, Ilest
Quality ..50
10 pkgs. English Currants
and Urcakfast Food 1.25
10 lbs. Barley, choice for
soups 00
5 lbs. Tapioca or Sago, Host
Grade 50
10 lbs. California Peaches,'
Ilest Evaporated 1.50
8 lbs. A nricoU, Choice, Hen
Kvaported , 150
8 largo cans Tomatoes or
Sauerkraut, none better... 1.20
8 large cans ('holco Corn or
I'oas 1.20
12 enns Haked Means or Mus
tard Sardines l.'JO
2 lbs. Chocolate, Ilest Qual
ity, sweet or bitter 1.00
SlbsllnestShroddedCoeounut .80
10 lbs. Chicago Coffee, best
quality rousted ..4.00
DEPT. 246
mwmwaamE WSSrWW&TTWmWi' mam
mmmmwm - & " ESMhftV 'f'- Mim
mmmmmwTT SUSa ljmg1! IBB IBM
jfxkW ..i...... -.vsM
iLMLw iBHHKHkBBnffinleii1iBHHHN m
mmfrWvrVT ' jJHrHUitTJKIff7 WilmwawmtSKHlmmmmmmmwlmm
Best Equipped, Most UptoDate Exclusive
Meat Market in Western Nebraska
Shop open from 6:30 a. m. to 7 p. m.; Saturday and pay days,
open till 9 p.m.; not open on Sunday during winter
Prompt Attention to Phone Orders
We purchase good .dressed, beef and pork in the carcass. Call
at our shop before selling
JFMn Nfl MDNFV If you wish us to wd will Milp you uny amount of Roods to nu muni. i your city with tlio prlvlleo of exiirainiiiK overy package
before p:i Ins one cent nnd If nut found In urcry wny as represented nnd a better
tiuitllty thmi you cun buy elsewhere return THEM AND WE WILL PAY ALL
ID fUY9 FRFF TRIAI flFFFR Tuko the kooN home, try thum, and If at tho
OU UfWO mtL mini. Urrcrt cud of 30 days you do not find Roods In eory
way as represented wrtto us nnd wo will mitko it rlnut.
FRFIRHT PAH! When tl'O full amount of cash Is hent with tho order we will
inLiuiii imu ay freluhtclmws to any City cast of tho Uooky Mountains;
If yon live further write us for terms. Ono bbl. Flour or ICO lbs. Sugar nt tho
above price with nn order amounting to $17.50 of other Rroeerlcs which jon can
order nnv amount yon wish. 30 lb. Snsnr or $ bbl. Flour with an order of f 10.75.
If you nre not In a position to send us an order of any slzo havo your neighbors
orfrlcndu Jol you. rreo Catalogue giving wholesale prices on everything.
What you What you What you
Pay Kj are Paying Pay us
10 pkgs. Hulled oats and
i75 Yeast Foam 50 .25
10 lbs. Rio No. 1 CofTeo.
2.75 roasted comp ...2.50 1.50
1.40 B lbs. Chicago Coffee, best
quality, roasted 2.00 1.40
1.40 5 lbs. Illo Coffee, roasted
.75 comp . 1.25 .SO
U lbs. Finest G. I', or Japan
.75 Tea 2.55 1.48
3 lbs. Finest English Ilrkfst. ,
.25 or Oolong Black Tea 2.55 I4S
3 lbs. Cholco G. P., Japan or
.25 HlackTea 1.50 .US
5 lbs. Unking Powder, Price's
.75 or our own brand. 2.50 1.S0
3 lbs. linking Powder.OlioIco
.40 Chicago. 75 .45
1 gal. Finest Maple Flavored
.30 Syrup 1.50 .t
1 large pall Mackerel 1.50 .75
,P8 1 large pallWhlteflsh or Her
ring 1.50 .73
.PS 4 of- l.emon or Vanilla Ex-
tract, strictly pure., CO .35
.75 8 oz. Lemon or Vanilla E.t-
truct, strictly pnro 1.20 .05
.72 15 bars Castile and Tar tioap 1.50 .5W
15 bars Ivory Soap.largo size,
.75 nnd Coco Castile Soap.... 1.20 .75
, 25 bars best quality l.aun-
.CO dry Soap 1.50 .75
.35 1 box Uest Soda or Oyster
Ciarkers 1.50 .03
2.70 llHixOIngerSnapsorWafeii. 2.00 1.05
Wholesale Co
L Transfer Line
-jr j? Household goods
xsgiY moved prompti'
fifbvf and transfer work
-- crlirtt-r1 Plinnp .1
JW V1 fcV4 M. 4VI tf.
crbMfS? frank Wallace, Prop'r.
25 Bars 10 lb. 10 lbs. BbT 100 lbs.
Best u,u Best Bist
$1.50 I $3.00 S1.20 I 16.75 $6.00
Price List giving wholesale prices
What you What you
are Payinf Pay us
1 lb. pure ground Pepper 40 .10
1 lb. strictly pure Cinnamon,
Mustard or Ginger 00 .29
lOcans finest CoIumblaKtvcr
Snlmon 1.70 110
I large Choice Ham 3-00 120
1 large piece Finest Bacon.. 3.25 1.33
10 spools Best Thrend or 10
pkgs. Pins 50 .30
0 pairs Men's Black (lose,
good quality 00 .45
0 pairs Ladles' Black Hose,
good quality ,,1.50 .75
12 Men's large White Hand
kerchiefs, good quality.. .. 1.20 .03
12 fancy Ladies' Hnndkchfs. 1.20 .00
1 pr. Men's Chicago Dress
Shoes 3.00 1.85
1 pr. Ladles' Fancy Dress
Shoes 2.50 J.50
1 pr. Men's Good Working
Shoes 2.00 .08
1 pr. Men's AllWool Trousers 3.00 1.48
1 pr. Men's Overalls, or
Working Shirt 75 ,37
1 pr. Nottingham Laco Cur
tains. ik yds. long by 30
In. wide 1.00 .45
12 Towels, lino quality 1.20 .00
1 heavy Cotton Mop Head or
large Scrubbing Brush 25 .12
1 largo Shoo or fancy Clothes
Hruli 35 .15
1 package Rising Sun Stove
Polish or lbox Shoo PolUh .10 .0
Surveyor and Engineer,
Parties out of town should write, as I
am out much of the time
Charges will not exceed $5.00 and ex
penses per day.
I. W. Herman, Jlgr.
Miss Rose C Herman
Cashier and Bookkeeper
Jos. Skala, Meat Cutter
Jake H. Herman Stock Buyer
John Herman ( Sausacemaker
J S and Butcher
Win. C Herman - Delivery Boy
l)av Cunningham - Delivery Boy
Residence Phone, 375