The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 03, 1910, Image 8
! tT JRifBs99HBSHH3BHi I TWagrrnificerit BENNETT PIANO GIVEN AWAY IN MAHOGANY, WALNUT OR OAK CASE To the lady receiving the largest number of votes from subscribers to The Alliance Herald The regular selling price of this piano is Three Hundred Dollars. It is a better instrument than many pianos that sell for $325 to $100. These pianos aro carried in stock by the Bennett Piano Company at their Alliance store, where they may be inspected by interested persons. I r i 1 1 ki m The Alliance Herald has purchased one of these magnificent pianos to be given as a present to the lady who receives the largest number ot votes during the next few weeks from subscribers to the paper. Our Plan , Commencing Friday, January 21, 1910, every person paying on subscription to The Alliance Herald during the time of this contest will be ontitled to vote for the contestant of his or her choice, at the rato of one hundred votes for every dollar paid on subscription, whether arrearage or on advance subscription. The lady having the largest number of votes at the close of the contest, or election, will re ceive the $800 Bennett Piano, in either Ma hogany, "Walnut or Oak case as she may pre fer, delivered absolutely free to her residence in Box Butte county, or if she does not re resido in Box Butte county, it will bo deliv ered at the freight depot in Alliance, proper ly crated or boxed for shipment. Nominations Any reader of The Herald may nominate a lady acquaintance as a contestant. There is no limit to the number of nominations that may be made, but the right is reserved to drop the name of any one nominated if she receives no additional votes within a reason able length of time after her nomination. Grand List of Additional Presents In addition to the Magnificent Bennet Piano, wo are preparing a large list of additional presents, to be given to ladies who are con testants but fail to receive the piano. A list of these presents will be published soon. Greatest Offer Ever Made in Western Nebraska We believe this is the greatest offer ever made by any newspaper in Western Nebraska. 5,000 Free Votes At the time of her nomination, every con testant will receive i,000 votes free, in ad dition to what may be given her on subscrip tion paid. If any lady shall be nominated by more than one person, she will receive the 5,000 free votes only on the first nomination. Now is the Time to Nomi nate and Vote We expect this contest to continue only a few weeks. Subscribers, and persons wishing to become subscribers, who wish to make nom inations or vote for persons nominated by some one else, should act promptly, We re serve the right to close nominations at any time after Thursday, January 27th. Number of Votes will be Published Each week we will publish the number of votes received by all contestants up to the evening preceding publication day. Herald Employes Barred No member of the family of any person em ployed in The Herald office will be permitted to be a candidate for the Bennett Piano which we are soon to give away to the lady receiving the- largest -number of votes from subscribers. ....i...K',M,M-,,5"5-,M'H,J' f I RAILWAY NUItb ANU I'tK&UNALS, H2"M-1-M-"H-H"H"M"K' Mr. Hawkins is a new driver on the express wagon. Roadmaster Wilburn came in from the east on No. 43 Tuesday. Fireman Tom Burchell of the west end local is taking a few days' rest. Fireman J. B. Wiley drew his time check Monday and left for his home in eastern Iowa. Engineer Lacy made a flying trip to Marsland a few days ago to see about his interests on he ranch. Conductor Chas. Yockey has re. signed from the service. He and his wife are making a visit in Ogden Mr. Cooley is a new express messen ger on the Alliance-Deadwood run. Mr. Cooley has been promoted from the Dcadwood office. Since the transfer of Express Mes senger Baughman to the main line, Messenger Aggers is now the oldest messenger on the high Hue. Engineer George Hicks returned .from Ravenna Sunday morning. His little son, Clyde, has been very sick but was improving when Mr. Hicks came away. Express Messenger Baughman of the high line is taking Myrt. Oldt's place on the main line. Mr. Oldt has been off two weeks on account of the serious illness of his wife in Billings. Friends in Alliance are very glad to hear of the well deserved promotion of C. D. Pecanpaugh. While in the office here he made many friends and all predict for him a glowing future. W. B. Lankin. formerly of the ex press office, returned Monday from a visit with his parents in York, Nebr. Mr. Lankin. has accepted the position as night chef at the Nohe Cafe. Brakeman John Leidtke has been elected secretary of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. Mr. Leidtke is a well educated young rnan and being interested in the work, will make an efficient officer. It is tumored that Nos, 39-40 will run through Alliance. This is to give better service to the traveling salesmen who are not allowed to ride on freight trains. It will mean the promotion of two freight conductors. Express Mrstenger Dohner of the Alliaqce-BiMings run asked for a thirty days leavs of absence and has gone to Beatrice, Nebr. It is reported from good authority that he was looking for a furnished house in Billings before his departure. Mrs. Frank Roberts, wife of Brake man Roberts, has gone to Iowa for a thirty days' visit. I. U. Hagar, formerly passenger en gineer, is very sick with appendicitis. Mr. Hagar had a very severe attack last fall. It is especially unfortunate for him just now as he expected to re turn to his work on the road. A card received by parties in this city from Traveling Engineer Dan Fitzpatrick and family, who are visit ing at Hot Springs, Ark., states that they are enjoying their visit very much and will leave for home next Sunday. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS 3 Mrs. G. S. Tillett is visiting at the Tosh home. Mrs. F. E. Holsten has been quite ill with the grippe. Mrs. Andrew Chalker was shopping in our city Wednesday. William Bauman has been confined to his room this week. Miss Wilma Wood returned from Lincoln Tuesday morning. Dr. Chas. Slagle maJe a thirty mile drive out in the country Wednesday. Mrs. Ray Dietlein returned to her home in Crawford Sunday afternoon. Miss Lila Cowan of Minatare visited in Alliance Monday and Tuesday of this week. G. L. Shumway of Scottsbluff, was in Alliance Saturday. From here he went to Grand Island. Don't fail to attend the Market Day sale at the Palace Livery Barn, next Saturday, commencing at 1 p.m. The family of uhn Miller, living about fifteen miles in the country, are having a siege of measlesi Harry Crilley was taken to Lincoln last nijht where he will be confined in the inebriate as luin for the next three months. Miss Myrtle McLaughlin and Mrs. John Hughes of Marsland were Alli ance visitors Tuesday. Miss McLaugh lin was on her way to Denver. J. F. Martin, formerly of the Alli ance Grocery Co., was in town Tues day and Wednesday. Mr. Martin is now living on a claim near Marsland, and is feeding 'a bunch of tattle and says he has paid five dollars per ton for hay in the stack. On Monday the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Morris underwent an operation for appendicitis. She is now resting as comfortable as could be expected. Eight Poland China sows to be sold at the Market Day sale at the Palace Livery Barn next Saturday. If you are interested, see notice in this issue of The Herald. Miss Ruth Hagar is now the musi cian at the Idle Hour theatre. Miss Hagar's singing of the illustrated songs is one of the most pleasing features of the entertainment. Harry Kelly of the clerical force of the International Harvesting Co., of Crawford, Nebr., came down on No. 36 Sunday morning. On Monday he left for Chicago for a two weeks' vaca tion. Lawrence Beck, who has been very sick with typhoid fever, is slowly re covering. He is tninking ot going west for a visit with his friend, Oscar Burroughs, when he iswell enough to travel. Prof. C. J. Ertel of Minatare passed through Alliance Saturday. He has been making a visit with his parents in Geneva, Nebr., while the Minatare schools were closeu on account ot a smallpox scare. Mr. Hall, who has charge of the Paine Investment Co., at Scottsbluff, passed through Alliance last Saturday. He was on his way to Omaha on busi- 1 ness and will return by way of Lincoln, 1 where he will visit his family. j Rev. Harris of Alliance, the new rec tor, will conduct services at the Epis copal church in Bridgeport on Sunday ,evening next, January 30, at 7:30. Whether or not Mr. Harris will hold regular services in Biidgeport hereafter will be determined at that time. Bridgeport News-Blade- The Latin club was royally enter tained Satur'day evening, Jan. 20, at the home of Mabel Worley. Selections from the nnthological opera, "Pros erpina," were very delightfully given and furnished a large share of the evening's pleasure. The feature of the meetings is a progressive Latin card game, founded upon principal verb forms. Finally a delicious three-course luncheon was served, and the club members departed after one of the mpst enjoyable enteitaiumetits in the hjetory of the Latin clab. Additional Premiums We have been so crowded with work the past weak that it bas been impossible to complete our list of additional premiums in time for publication in this issue of The Herald, but can mention the following: 3 Due Bills, Bennett Piano Co., $300 03 4 " " ' - 300.00 4 - 200.00 4 - 100.00 These Due Bills will be accepted the same as cash, and are transferable. Elevated to Deanery Rev. Father McNamara recently re ceived notification from the Bishopery at Omaha of his appointment as dean for this section. The many friends of Father McNamara will be pleased of the honor conferred on this worthy churchman. Father McNamara's cool judgment and excellent business quali fications will stand him well in hand in matters to be dealt with as dean. The title of "Very Reverend" goes with the appointment, but it's Father Mac just the same. . Miss Nolan Entertains SPECIAL PREMIUMS On Tuesday evening last about fifty young people responded to invitations sent by Miss Ethel Nolan to attend a party complimentary to Miss O'Brien of Stewart, Iowa, who has been visit ing Niss Nolan. A delightful time is always anticipated when Miss Nolan entertains, and Tuesday night's affair was one of the most pleasant ever giv en in Alliance. Daucing occupied most of the evening, aud a dainty luncheon was servca at midnight. The oung people will always look forward with great pleasure to future visits of Miss O'Brien, as they will open the beautiful Nolan home to such splendid events as that which happened on Tuesday nipht Tbc Georgia Jubilee Singers In addition to the magnificent Bennett Piano and a large list of other valuable presents offered in The Herald's voting contest, we make the following special offer: To the first lady who receives 8,000 votes, in cluding the 5,000 nominating votes, a ten dollar due bill on any store in Box Butte county that she may choose. To the first lady to receive 10,000 votes, in cluding the 5,000 nominating votes, a ten dollar due bill on any store she may select in the county. The lady receiving the first of these Special Premi ums will not be eligible to receive the other; hence the two due bills will go to two different ladies. These two Special Premiums will not affect the contest for the Piano and other Premiums, a list of which will be published next week. The two ladies receiving the two due bills can continue to contest for the other Premiums. Carter's Georgia Jubilee Sing ers will appear at the Phelan opera house Saturray evening of this week, completing the Bap tist licture and entertainment course. These singers come highly recommended, and we doubt not that all who hear them will be well repaid for their at- tendence, f LUANCEjfERALD GREA T PIANO CONTEST VOTES FOR MOST POPULAR LADY Date, agio. 4 . Name of Subscriber paying . . .V v . . . .V. . -l&t tt. ....... Address 1 i Amount paid on Subscription,!?'.'. .. .-,,.'., .?h..No. of Wotqs. T ' .' 1 . X- 1 r Oast for. , ". : HMtHHtlfWt"tmWttMIlMMt'HlMmmMtl . PUBLISHER'S MEMORANDUM (Subscribers will please not write below) . r- J Name of Contestant j Date above Votes received: No. Votes previously Rec .... -. ,19l0 " " above - Hour .o'clock M. Total, including above 4 I j- i.WT "- t '"ap'wift wiiJwiwwrTja.WK-- a.