The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 03, 1910, Image 5

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Hemingford Happenings.
Omar Scribnor is digging a well for
Mat Boaumont.
Luke and Ora Phillips came tip front
Alliance Saturday.
Mrs. Harold Olds was a passenger
to Alliance Saturday,
C S. West unloaded a car of imple
ments the first of the week.
Miss Mollic Hughes is helping with
the housework at John Gromctts,
Ed. Wildy was a passenger to Alli
ance Thursday, returning Friday.
Hans Hansen was a passenger to Al
liance Monday, returning Tuesday.
B. . Johnson came home from his
business trip the first of the week.
David Taylor and Mr. Sargent from
Runningwater were in town Friday.
T. C. Gregg came up from Marsland
Tuesday on business between trains.
Fred Melic was a passenger to Alli
ance Wednesday, returning Thursday.
Simon Iverson left for an extended
visit at Jeneau, Wis., the first of the
John Warren and family moved
back to Sioux county the first of the
Mr. aud Mis. Joe Kumcr are the
proud parents of a new girl, born Fri
day, Jan. 25.
Bradford Fenner went to Chadron
Monday to see his nephew, who is not
expected to live.
Miss Dorothy Jasperson and broth
er, Lars, returned to their home in
Blair Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs Fred Neeland are the
proud parents of a new boy, born Sat
urday, Jan. 22, '10.
The home talent play, "Kathleen
Mavournen," at the opera house Friday
night, was a success.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Sibert went to
Omaha Monday where they expect
making their future home.
Miss Ethel Campbell came home
from Marsland Monday where she has
been visiting since Friday.
Miss Irene Staggs came up from
Marsland Monday to help with the
housework at Victor Herncall's.
Miss Ella Brown has been staying
with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Spencer for
the past week going to school.
Miss Jessie Sweeney, who has been
visiting in Hemiugford a few days, re
turned to Alliance the first of the week.
James Barge left for Central City,
Ncbr., where they are in business in a
general store. Wc regret Mr. Barge's
County Clerk Mounts, wife aud little
son came up from Alliance Friday to
attend the home talent play, Kathleen
Mavournen." They returned Saturday.
Fay Partridge has purchased the
Win. Corey residence and will move
into it soon. Mr. Corey will move to
the rooms over A. Uhiig's store for the
The lecture given by Gerard
Maggi on art, literature, discovery and
invention, Wednesday evening, was
sure a success. It was greatlv enjoyed
by the audience
Rev, and Mrs. Gardner, an uncle
aud aunt of Mrs. C. J. Wildy, are here
from Arborville. Nebr-, for au extend
ed visit with the Wildy family. Rev.
Gardner used to preach in the Congre
gational. church here some years ago.
James Jamison made a business trip
to Alliance Monday.
Allen Jamison's little boy h'aB been
having the measles.
Mrs. Robbins has been visiting in
Alliance for a few days.
R. C. Shoffuer came home from
Indiana one day last week
Glen Churchill has been visiting
with his mother over Sunday.
Cash Farley'is enjoying a visit with
his brother-in-law, Marshall Hc-wser-
Arthur Dix has gone to the eastern
part of the county to look after his
Cash Farley and James Jamison
made a business trip to Alliance last
James Jamison aud family arrived
here from Iowa and have moved upon
their claim.
Sunday-school and church will be at
the home of Dr. Haworth next Sunday
at 10 o'clock,
Mrs. Churchill's mother, Mrs. East
gate, lrom South Dakota, is spending
the winter with her.
Mrs. Allen Jamison aud little sou,
Harold, have been on the sick list, but
are better at this writing.
We are glad wc are on the last half
of winter and we hope the weather will
be an improvement on that which is
past. Still we believe we have fared
better than many other places around
us. "The worst winter I over saw" is
written in every lettor wo recoive,
whether from the north, south, cast or
George Bond has sold out and will
go to Mexico. We are sorry to have
he aud his family loave Quaker valley,
but will extend a welcome to our new
neighbors although we did not learn
their names.
Have you seen the comet? This
mysterious visitor makes its rounds
once every seventy-six years. In 1835
aud 183G it looked down upon us from
the skies. Very few who beheld it
then are left to gnzc upon its misty
rays now. How wouderful is'this great
air ship of the skies. It no sooner
finishes the journey of millions of miles
than it is off again to return on sche
dule time- The days have been when
the appearance of a comet inspired
universal disquietude aud alarm, being
a sure sign oi some calamity or disas
ter. But we have greater knowledge
today and can smile at the ignorance
of our ancestors, although their nature
and the office they perform in the
economy ot our system are as much
unknown as ever. "Great things docth
He past fiudiug out."
Joel Sheldon is on the sick list.
Joe Reiman was a caller at Kicster's
We see that W. H. Kicster can still
The Gerdes school started Monday,.
Jan. 24.
Joe Manion had a runaway the first
of the week.
Mrs. Sheldon is entertaining Miss
Anna Krajicek-
Miss Jean Rustin took in the show
Friday night at Hemingford.
Miss Edith Dixen visited her friend,
Miss Mary Iodence, over Sunday.
ason Sheldon was visiting his
brother, loel, and family last week.
Herman Schultalber has sold all his
farm machinery aud also his horses
and cattle.
Win. Anuen was a caller at the
Kiester home Friday and took, in the
dance Friday night
Miss Louise Maracek and father
went to Marsland recently to visit a
sister and daughter
Well, the weather is, moderating
some and people are glad to see it as
feed is getting scarce.
The Marple telephone company is
going out of business as the treasurer
tailed to be prescut at the last meet
ing. Harry Wilsou took dinner with Mr
and Mrs. Kiester Monday, Jan. 24. He
returned to Ins home iu Minnesota
The dance given at Schultalbcr's Fri
day night was well attended and all re
port au enjoyable time, there being
over fifty present.
Tom Dillon and Sadie Hacker from
near Alliance attended the dance at
Mr. Schultalber's Friday night and
then visited at Mr. Mauiou's till Sun
day. We understand that Sam Graham's
new house has been completed. Won
der if he will give the young folks a
dance now or wait till he gets a house
keeper. John Maniou and sister, Josie, en
tertained some youug folks to dinner
Sunday. All report a good time aud
think John and Josie are royal enter
tainers. Reno Notes
Chas. Leistritz and sous have been
busy hauling hay for the last month.
Miss Manchie Berry and Rosa Ar
gusia visited at the Hier ranch last
Geo. Malisch is trapping musk rats
this winter. We hear he is having
pretty good luck so far.
On accouut of the bad roads, Ilemv
Hier had a ton of l)i an shipped fiom
Alliance to Reno last week,
B. E. Betebenuer's children are all
down with the measl cb, but at this
writing all are getting along nicely.
Henry Hier has been building more
shed for his calves, but if the weather
continues as fine as it has been this
last week he wont need it this winter.
Jesse Liston, who is employed by
Henry Hier, received word that his
father, who lives in Indiana, was iu
very poor health. He has heart trou
ble. J. C. Berry received the sad news of
the death of his aged mother, who
lives somewhere in Iowa. He left the
same day to be there in time for the
last sad rites.
No Sunday-school last Sunday.
A. J. Ryan and family Sundayod
with Mrs. Miller.
There is suid to be a great deal of
distemper among the horses here
abouts. Spoon & Hiscr are drilling a well for
Mr- Davis on his homestead 'fifteen
miles west of here.
Mrs. Bayer aud the children went to
Bayard to stay with Mr. B. while ho is
feeding his cattle there.
Some people in this part of Nebras
ka keep their feelings hanging out like
a cat's tail, for someone to step on.
Willie Johnston from the Running
water neighborhood helped Mr. Weir
dtive some cattle home last Saturday.
We hero that Irene Stagg expects
soon to go to Omaha to enter a busi
ness college and study shorthand and
typewriting. i
Mattic Spoon is staying with Mrs.
Alcott, Jr., over near Mitchell, while
Mr. Alcott and his father are in Wyo
ming with the sheep.
For the first time in nearly three
mouths the prairies in this locality are
almost bare of snow, and the stock U
doing well on the grass,
Now that the weather is so fine, there
are very few Homesteaders going to
town. Wait till it storms again, then
there'll be a rush for supplies.
You can keep a dog from biting
quicker by looking him straight in the
face and being kind to him than by
throwing stones at him ditto a neigh
bor. A. D. Weir's horse fell with him a
few days ago, falling on his leg aud
foot, and for a few minutes Weir was
unable to get up- A broken leg was
probably only escaped because the
horse was so small, being only a pony.
It has just been learned that Le
Hood has sold his stock and all im
provements. The stock went to Fred
Davidson and the relinquishment of
the homestead to Mrs. Hickcy, who
filed on the land about Christmas,
Consideration, $2,000.
Mrs. Miller made John Ryan a pres
ent of a black mare last Sunday on
condition that he get the animal away
from her place. The last we saw of
Ryan and his prize, he was gently
leading her over the prairie toward
home, while near behind followed
Uncle Billy Burk with his team and
little Dillard driving a team to the
sled on which the scaffold for the block
and tackle was being hauled. The
young (?) mare will rest in a sling for
the next few weeks as she basso grace
fully been doing the past week.
Ye scribe went over north of the
river to get a bunch of cattle last week
aud on his return spent a night at Al
vin Nicholson's ranch, where our
cattle were ted and sheltered over
night. Without any intention on our
part, we found ourselves right in a
party that evening, aud because of the
decidedly dilapidated appearance we
presented, felt a little out of place.
By courtesy of the genial host, we soon
forgot our troubles aud waded into the
evening's pleasures. And such an
evening as it was! It lasted until 7:30
the next morning, Nicholson doesn't
do things in any half way stylo. There
were about twenty-five happy Home
steaders there, and everyone enjoyed
themselves to the limit. The hours
were spent iu merry games, and at
midnight an elegant supper was served.
After supper music aud more games
were played, and not till after spend
ing the entire night at this hospitable
home did the guests take their depar
ture, after having indulged in a fine
breakfast, Nicholson's a dandy, and
has made many such pleasant spots in
the trying career of the homestead
pilgrims iu this section. M. SrAcn.
Hashman Notes
(Left over from last week)
Rollin Ross has recently returned
from Sioux county.
It has been nice weather here lately
but a little snow fell Tuesday evening.
Mr- aud Mrs. Norman Leishmau
spent Sunday evening at Mr. Skinner's.
Miss Elsie Calame and Miss Fay
Hembry were seen out horseback rid
ing last Sunday.
Carl Hashman was a caller at his
fatliei's last Sunday,
Barney Wismiller was a visitor at
Mr. Turner's last Sunday.
Royce Nichols was a caller at Mr.
Ross' on Monday of last Meek.
Mrs- Ross and her niece, Miss Ethel
Tallada spent Sunday at Mr. Nichol's.
Miss Ethel Tallada aud Royce
Nichols spent Sunday evening at Mr.
Leon Tallada, who has beeu laid up
with theumatisin, was taken from Mr,
Ross' to Mr. Nichols' as Mr, Ross hi
going to move his family to Sioux
Earl Tallada and Rollin Ross left
this neighborhood to go to Sioux county
for a few days.
Mis? Ethel Tallada aud Mr. and
Mrs. Ross returned from Sioux county
one day last week.
Ethel Tallada and her cousin, Royce
Nichols, were callers at Mr. Skinner's
Monday afternoon.
A skating party was seen last week
011 the frozen ponds left by the melting
snow. A skating master is needed iu
this neighborhood elso the ice will suffer
some hard bumps.
W. C. T. U. Medal Contest
The following program will bo ren
dered at the M. E. church Friday
evening, Feb. 4th, at 7:30 o'clock:
Song ,. America
Prayer .... Rev. J. L. Vallow
Violin solo Paul Thomas
Recitation, "Jessie's Goodnight",..
Mildred Campbell
Recitation, "Mother's Promise"....
Vera Jcffcrs
Select Quartet,
Recitation, "in tho Kegs"
Grace Zehrung
Recitation, "Tho Stray Sunbeam"..
Marion Mote
Solo, "Jesus Bids Us Shine"
. . . . , Lorca Luuu
Recitation, "The Child's Messenger"
Doris Hayes
Recitation, "God's Liquor"
Anna Anderson
Solo Marjorie Grebe
Presenting of medals.
Payment on Subscription
Tho following named persons have
paid on subscription to The Herald re
cently: Chas. Olson, Alliance.
J. C. Osborne, Hemingford.
II. I. Dainton, Alliance.
Anthony Rock, Alliance.
E. F. Gleason, Alliance.
James Planansky, Hemingford.
C. O. Rosenberger, Hemiugford.
Henry Hier, Antioch.
Miss E. A. Hier, Bishop Hill, III.
J. T. Carey, Hemingford.
J. M. Diucen, Alliance.
J. W. Jamison, Antioch.
Baxter Pierce, Ashland, Mont.
,M. T. Keane, Alliance.
,,M. Laursen, Hemingford. . ,
Chris Hansen, Hemingford.
C. L, Hashman, Alliance.
Roy Beckwith, Alliance.
J. B. Gray, Alliance.
W. J. Poole, Alliance.
J. B. Hulburt, Canton.
L. N. Worley, Alliance.
W. oTwTinitiation
At the next regular meeting of the
Woodman of the World in Odd Fellows
Hall, Wednesday, Feb. 9, there will
be a class introduction of 20 candidates
Following this a program will com
mence at g p.m., among the speakers
on same will be the Rev. Dr. G. H.
Schleh, of Omaha, Sovereign lecttitcr
for the W. O. W. All Woodmen,
their ladies, aud the public iu general
are invited to attend.
Dist. Mgr.
Scotch topped Short Horns. Have
25 head from 8 to 24 mouths old, full
bloods, not legistcred. Have beeu
raising bulla for 20 years and never
had a better lot. Sold farm aud want
to close them out this spring.
A. S. KitiiD,
8-4t . 1 mile east of Alliance.
Street Commissioner's Notice
Notice to all property owners, agents
aud lessees: Snow, ice and slush, or
any other obstruction, must be re
moved within 24 hours after accumu
lation, according to ordinance No- 38,
or the same will be removed by the
city at owuer'b expense.
J. H. Cakf.son, Street Com.
Cement Contractor.
For estimates on cement walks, ce
ment blocks and all kinds of concrete
work, see J. J. Vance, West Lawn,
Alliance, Nebr. 39tf
J The news items of the home com
munity. J The things in which you are most
I The births, weddings, deaths of
the people you know.
jThe social Affairs of our own and
surrounding towns.
Theta ar tb kind of facU this paper
girc you Id erery tuua. They mrm
crtJn!r worth tha ubtcriptloo prica.
HJtBMiaWiiBl 11ft
Closing Out Sale
of Heavy and Hcdium Weight Goods at
one-third off
Heavy Fleece-lined
Hen's Underwear at
Flannel Overshirts,
id Overshirts, were $1.25
and $1.50, closing out at
Similar Discount
115 Box Butte Ave.
Analysis Confirms Suspicions of Kan
sas City Millionaire's Family,
Kansas City, Jnn. 31. Poison has
been found In tho organs of Colonel
Thomas II. Swopo and his nophow,
Ohrlsman, and upon this finding tho
holm ot tho dead millionaire will de
mand an Investigation by tho stato
to ascertain tho causo of tho death
last fall of these two mon. This defi
nite statement was made by a repre
sentative of tho Swopo estate, follow
Jng the recolpt of a partial ropoit of
tho chemists In Chicago.
Tho nolRon, It is stated, wnB found
In tho livers mid not In tho stomachs
ot tho dead men. Whether or not It
was In sufficient quantity to havo
caused death and' was administered
for that purpose, must bo dotermlnod
by ft coroner's Inquest. This Inquest
probably will bo begun tomorrow.
Upon tho verdict returned by this
body will depend tho action of the
county prosecutor.
Chicago, Jan. 31. It traces of itr
senic or strychnlno aro found In tho
organB of the lato Colonel Thomas
Swopo and Chrisman Swopo, they
wore not lnjocted Into the bodies as a
part of tho ombalmlng fluid. Tho
manufacturers of tho IhilliV stated
that they used neither of those pol
sons In its composition.
Place Where Big Battle Is to Be Held
to Be Settled This Week.
Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 31. "This
week It will bo decided definitely
whero tho Jeffries-Johnson fight will
be held," said Sam Berber, Joffrlcs'
manager. "I have nn appointment
with Juck flleason In Seattlo tomor
row. Gleason will then go to Tex
Richard and tho slto will be decided
on. All this talk between promoters
amounts to nothJng. Possibilities of
the Jeffrtes-JohtiBon fight, based on
tho Interest shown, amount to $G0O,
000, Including gate receipts and reve
nue derived from advertisement. It
Is foolish, then, to think Rlcknrd and
Gleason will penult an estrangement.
A positive answar from Governor
Spry Is oxpocted by Rlcl.nrrt this
week. If. he doc-Ides unequivocally
ngn.ln3t tho contest being held In Utah,
the fight will go elsewhere. I bplln;
It will be held In Ok'asnn's nronn."
Couple Found Dead In Btisjy.
I.ndystnltli, Wis., Jan. 31.- -Aligns!
Wolf, a liveryman, and a woman ho
woa taking to n point 03t of this i It
were found daad between Ton an'.
Glrnfior? lIjHtery alia--! ? tn t!
Workrran Killed by Car.
Sioux City, la.. Jan 8. Th?v,'to!f
of a freight enr erusliel the heal or
Olo Ncuslchlm Into a ahapo'.css mass
and Ml'ed Mn Instantly. Uo vc
clcin'ng a switch.
Repair Work
Sewing Machines and
Have secured the seivices of u prat
tical mechanic and can guarantee all
work doue by him. Don't trust your
work to travelling lepair men. This
man will be here permanently. Re
pairs and parts fin nibbed for all ma
chines. Photic ijtj. Geo. D. Darling.
County Commissioners'
Estimate of Expenses
The Hoard of Uox Butte County
Commissioners being in session at their
regular meeting iu January, to-wit,
January nth, 1910, made the following
estimate of expenses for the year iqio,
on which to base their levy for the
year iqio:
County officers ...... $ 500000
Prec't and Dist officers 4500,00
Fuel 800.00
Hooks and stationery, looo.oo , General
Elections 1300,00
Incidentals 1700,00
SI4300.00 J
Road and bridge
fund $7000
Pauper fund,. I500
Institute fund. 200
W C- Mounts, Co Clerk.
O J Y per garment
were $1.25 aa-
on Other Goods
Headquarters for
Finding a Leak
is sometimes a dangerous and dirty job
unless you arti a Practical Plumber. If
there is any trouble in the bath room or
heating apparatus
Send for Us
and we will fix it promptly and at rt-aan
able charge. We do good work and guar
antee it.
Fred Brennan
Home phonn, 356. Shop phone 744
Surveyor and Engineer,
Parties out of town should write, as I
am out much of the time
Charges will not exceed $5.00 and ex
penses per day.
Shoe Repairing
All Work Strictly First-Class
n. D. Nichols