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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
ftw-i "WpBWBWIWWBWWCTWHWWIlWW K m t S ' fl I f ,fc 1 V Good Things to Eat AT pj; Deschs '; 2 On the corner EVERYTHING FRESH AND CLEAN On SATURDA Y, we will receive by express a fine line of PBBSH PBTJIT r National Monthly A Democratic Magazine for Men and Women PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR NORMAN E. MACK, Editorand Publisher, Buffalo, N. Y. mmm m mmm mm THOMAS JEFFERSON. ONE of the largest and handsomest illustrated magazines published in the United States. Each issue contains 4 a mass of valuable information for Democrats in every locality, and articles by well known leading Demo crats throughout the country. The NATIONAL MONTHLY will keep every Democrat thoroughly posted upon all the leadinCT issues Of the dav. It will nlun ti mom nf Democratic news and current comment from the leading Democratic newspapers throughout the United States. In addition to the political features above mentioned every issue contains a large amount of interesting fiction and good read ing for the entire family, thus making it a doubly welcome visitor in every home. NATIONAL MONTHLY" f ""' COmmendln9 tho Hits the Nail Right on the Head HON. NORMAN E. MACK, Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sir: I herewith enolose you my check and ask my namo to be enrolled as a regular subscriber to your National Monthly. I havo just finished examining the first number. It is a publication Of stupendous merit, and it will exert a great influence for good in our country. It ranks with the best magazines that are printed In all respects, and its genuine Democracy gives it distinctive superiority. It will succeed for the Democracy Is not dead, but very much alive. It will help save the country from capitalistic greed on the one hand and from the dangers of socialism and anarchism on the other. I am heart and soul with you in your new enterprise. Yours truly, FRED J. KERN, Mayor of the City of Belleville, III. Subscriptions received at this office and liberal clubbing terms are offered by this paper. 0 t tsiM-'v"rH("'Vl$? 0?&& 3mmi C, . west of P. 0. 2 Palace Livery Barn H. P. COURSEY. Prop. (Successor to C, C. Smith) Good turnouts. Courteous treatment to all. Give us a trial; we will treat you right. jmfmjW'J0tMWjmrm: Q. Wntclt Inspector NEBRASKA NEWS Agricultural Department Has Agent at Work in Omaha, BEGINS HIS MISSION SECRETLY Visits Poultry and Butter Houses and Makes Inquiries About the Markets. Grand Jury at Lincoln Looking Into Alleged Price Pact Member of Wholesale Grocery Firm Called Be. fore Body to Give Testimony. Omnhn, Jan. 28. Undo Snm has taken a hand in trying to find out the cnuse of tho .Increase In tho cost of living In Omaha and the west. Ills agents lire now mnklng Inquiries In Omnhn. Tuesday a well dressed man called on David. Cole and eald his name was Pennoy and that he had a farm near HuBers nud wanted to know some facts as to tho probabilities of his making monoy If he turned his farm Into a chicken ranch. Ho asked all sorts of questions as to the price Colo paid tho farmer and what he got for his chickens and how much tho re taller made when ho sold them. Sev eral reporters were In Mr. Colo's ofllco at the same time and ono told him ho must be a government Inspector, ns ho ,ib too well posted for n tanner, no assured tho repot ter that such was not tho case, but that he had a lot of barnyard grouse on a farm In Iowa, that he wanted to bring them to his Douglas county farm and that he sim ply wanted to find out tho situation to see if he could make any monoy. A little later, Mr. Pennoy visited the Fairmont Creamery, where ho met Mr. Rushton, the manager. Mr. Rush ton had met him during tho summer and knew ho was an employee of the department of agriculture and ho said so at that time. Ho wanted figures on the creamery business and again hU questions wero such that showed ho was trying to find out who make tho profit on butter. Grand Jury Probing at Lincoln. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 28. From tho fact that A. E. Hargroaves was ono of tho witnesses before the grand Jury, it Is generally believed here that holy Is engaged In making an Investigation into the workings of tho alleged meat ttust. In a recently published article Mr. Hargroaves made tho assertion 1 tltat four local representatives of tho big packing houses have a close ( vorking agreement; that the prices made by each of them aro absolutely the samo at all times and that a dealer whoso credit Is not good with one of them cannot purchase from any of the others. It Is nlleged that a dealer who does not pay up his ac count promptly nt the end of tho wek Is not only barred from further credit from the house with which he has been dealing, but that an order placed with either of the other houses will i not be filled. It Is further chnrsed thnt there Js absolutely no competition In the matter of prices. Mr. Har groaves Is a wholesale grocer. NO EXTRA SESSION Governor Will Not Call Legislature Together to Act on Bank Guaranty. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 29. Governor Bhallenberger announced definitely that he will not call an extra session of tho legislature for the enactment of a new bank deposit guaranty law, as ho has been asked to do. Tho gov ernor says the constitutionality 'of the Oklahoma law, which is similar to the enactment In Nebraska that has been declared unconstitutional Is now pend ing In the United States aupreme court, and awaiting a decision. He Bays an extra session would not be Justified. The indorsement of the income tax law amendment by Nebraska, Govern or Shallenberger says, Is not of vital Interest at this time. SPRAGUE ABBOTT DEAD Champion Golfer Passes Away in Omaha Hospital. Omaha, Jan. 29. Sprague Abbott, well known In golfing circles, died at tho Clarkson Memorial hospital, fol lowing an operation for an abscess In the left lung. Mr. Abbott took up golfing sovcral years ago in an ef fort, it is said, to fight off incjplent consumption. He was not only suc cessful In this, but developed Into a champion. He won the transmls3ls slppl championship at Rock Island In 1907 and held the Nebraska state championship more than onco. Mr. Abbott's sister is the wjfe of Finley Peter Dunne, tho well known humorist. He was thirty years old and unmarried. Racing Circuit lo Organized. McCook.Neb., Jan. 29. Red Willow, Hitchcock, 'Dundy and Chase counties have organized a district racing cir cult, with A. Barnett of McCoolt, presl dent; Elmer Kay of McCoolc, secre tary; C. C. Barr of Benkelman, trans rrer. At a meeting to ho held In this city In the future tho dates for the district, purses and other details will ho decided upon. Indians Oppose 8ale of Lands. Omaha, Jan. 27. Major J. S. Reyn olds or the Crow Indian agency passed through Omaha on his way to Wash ington, where he is sent n connection with a proposed congressional meas ure for tho sale of the surplus land on the reservation. A party or about twenty in-iinns from the Crow agency is nHn on the way to Wasnlngton to t . WW RUTABAGA8 FOR CORN FEED Nemaha County Farmer Finds Method of Fattening Stock on Cheap Food. Auburn, Nob., Jnn. 31, Ono of tho bright farmers of Nemaha county has found a substitute for high priced corn. Ho Bnys "tho cheapest way to make pork Is to raise rutabaga turnips and feed them In connection with clovor and a Ilttlo com to hogs. Three bushels of corn with this feed will tnko tho hog through tho winter nil right. Tho feed mnkes good pork, too, and nt a low prlco." E. Case, a retired fnrmcr, resJdlng here, lino mado public nn experiment he mado with beets last summon Ho had one eighth acre in which the white clover was dying. Ho plowed up this ground and sowed It in drills with two pounds of "corn saving boot" seed. Ho thinned the growing heots two or three times and kept them woll cultivated with n hand cultivator. They grow prodigi ously nud when harvest camo Cnso found ho had, by actual weight, forty nine bushels of beets at fifty pounds to tho bushel, making 2,450 pounds from tho one-eighth acre, nnd at this rato a full acre would produce 49,000 pounds, or twenty-four nnd n half tons Caso has been trying experiments with tho beets during the fall and win ter and now finds that thoy make splondid hog feed. Tho hogs eat them with groat relish and put on fat with this feed nt rapid rato. Caso staler thnt starting hogs on this feed the rntlon should ho one-third each oi corn, alfalfa and beets, tho corn ami alfalfa bcjng gradually reduced until the hogs nre on n beet diet. CREIGHTON HEIRS LOSE Defeated in Another Court Ruling at Omaha, but Will Fight On. Omaha, Jan. 31. Attorneys for the heirs of Count Crelghlou wero defeat ed In coutt when thoy led a fight to havo modified tho recent ruling oi tho court with respect to tho amount of tho residue of tho estnto to go to the working girls' home. Tho three Judges of tho district court figure It out that tho proportion duo would como to ?34,375. (This bo sides tho 550,000 In specific bequests.) Tho attorneys for tho holrs contend ed that tho amount should bo $32,282 Tho question turned on what the phrase "wholo estnte," ns used In the will, mentis. The attorneys nssertec thnt this meant tho estate after tin charges for administration and debtr against It had been deducted. The Judges snld tho wholo estate meant all Count Crolghton had when ho died If the charges nre deducted fror tho total then, of course, tho propor tlonnte'pnrt of tho rcskluo whleh gio to the working girls' homo is smaller and the nmount left for tho hejrs ie larger. Tho significant announcement was made by attorneys for tho heirs that thoy intend to fight the whoU case to tho last ditch. SCHOOL MERGER DEFEATED Bellcvue Will Continue as Indcpcnd ent Church College. Lincoln, Nob., Jan. 27. After nn at. day session tho committee nppolnto.. to pass upon the proposition to merge tho Bellevue and Hastings Presby terlan colleges, settled tho matter b a compromise. Bellevue college was. made an independent school with tin approval of tho church and Hastings college was mado the only synodicai college. This arrangement is to take effect at the close of the present school year. Prison Self-Sustalnlng. Lincoln, Jan. 31. Warden Smith of the state penitentiary expects to come before the next legislature In such good shape that he wjll get a pat on the back. He has now employed 250 convicts by the Lee Broom company at 55 cents n day, or $42,900 annually employed by the cblrt factory, 100 men at C2 cents a day, or $16,250 an nually; lighting for other state instl tutions, $5,340; paid for room and power by the Lee company, $2,400 an nually, making his total receipts $GC, 890 annually. The legislature appro printed for maintenance $60,500 an nually, leaving him at this time $6,390 to the good, providing, of course, the unexpected does not happen. Bank at Alexandria Falls. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 29. Tho loaning of too much money and the maintain Ing of too small a surplus is given as tho cauBe or the failure of tho Farmers' and Merchants' hank of Alexandria, which was closed by the state banking board. C. H. Beau mont, bank examiner, is now in charge. It is said that the bank Is not Insolvent and all claims will be paid in full within a short time. Changes on Burlington. Alliance, Neb., Jan. 31. E. P Bracken, general superintendent o the Wyoming district of the Burling ton, -with headquarters at Alliance has been transferred to tho lines cast as assistant genorar" manager, with headquarters at Chicago. Ho will be succeeded here by IS. E. Young, nt present superintendent of tho Sherl dan division, with headquarters al Sheridan, Wyo. Money for Veterans. Lincoln, Jnn. 31. Out of tho $GO,O0f received from the government for the pay of Spanish-American war vetor nns, thero remains In the hnndB of the governor some $7,000. This amount Is credited to some COO veterans, who up to this time havo not been located li the ndjutant gonoral. Snq,w Falls Out In State. Tocumseh, Nob., Jan. 31. A hoavv snow has fallen over Johnson counu-. ago.'n covering the largo acreage of last yearjj !orn that Is still In the fl. 'Js SEINE ISJALLING Danger of Great Calamity in Paris Is Past, FALL OF OVER FIFTEEN INCHES Drop Is Sufficient to Bring Senso of Relief, Though Situation Is Critical In Many Points Submerged Dis tricts of City Are Closely Guarded by Soldiers to Prevent Pillaging. Work of Relief Goes On. ParlB, Fob. 1. Whllo most of tho imminent peril of tho flood is past, the fall of the Selno has only measured fifteen nnd ono-hnlf lnchos. At this rate it would require a fortnight for the river to reach its normal level. Fortunately, tidings from tho flooded section abovo Paris gavo hopo of a more rapid subsidence after today. In tho meantime tho situation in PnrjB and' in many plnccB throughout tho country shows Httlo Improvement. Indeed, the. ravages of tho flood within tho city seemed actually to Increase Tho water was higher A Bonio of tho Btreots, whllo tho situation at tho in undated towns between Paris nnd St Germain wob distinctly gravor. A stream of water twelve foot doop was ruBhlng through Gonnovilllcrsand Colombes, making tho work of res cuo nnd succor mora dlfilcult. Sev oral of tho housos collapsed, and many persons wero taken off tho roofs of their homes, whore they had been clinging for days. Hundreds nro reported without food or shelter, nnd nil dny an army of troops and civilians worked relentless ly In tho flooded territory, bringing Bitccor to the distressed and distribut ing provisions by boats lo tho thou sands of victims surrounded by water, who refused to quit their homes. Wltliin tho city itself aro great throngs of BlghtBecrs. Tho Chnmps ElyseeB, ordinarily n pathway of brilliant light, last night had hand Innterns strung nlong tho curbs. The usually gay boulovnrds were wrapped In Bilenco and darkness. Most of tho theaters wero closed, but tho Comedlo Francalso, with both us electricity nnd heat gone, was open. Although there is no Intention on tho pnrt of tho government to declare martial law, the completely sub merged districts, such as Javel, aro In the hands of tho military to prevent pillaging. The soldiers havo orders to give short shift to criminals caught in tho act of looting. Thus far thero have been no such enscs within tho city, but tho danger is great. Outside of Pnrls, however, many do plornblo Instances of looting havo been reported. A band of thieves hnve been nt work in the vicinity of Chnrenton, hut tho soldiers have been sloMlng them at sight. The zouaves killed two of tho pillagers at Ivry and two nt Brie. SHIPP GREETED AS HERO Man Who Served Term for Connection With Lynching Given Ovation. Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb. 1. With bands playing "Dixie" and "Home, Sweet Home," Captain Joseph E. Shipp was greeted hero by 10,000 of his fellow citizens when he alighted from tho train that bore him to his home from Washington, whero ho had Just completed a sentence in prison for contempt of court in connection with the lynching of Ed Johnson, a negro. BLACK HAND MEN IN PRISON Ten Men Convicted at Toledo In the Leavenworth Penitentiary. Leavenworth, Feb. 1. Guarded by a United States marshal and eight deputies, ten members of a Black Hand gang, who were convicted in To ledo, and sentenced to from ten to Blxtecn years' imprisonment, arrived at tho federal prison here. The con victed men gave no trouble on their Journey. THREE DROWN AT MEMPHIS Disabled Gasoline Launch Run Dovn by Tow Boat. Memphis, Tenn., Fob. l. Floating helplessly In a disabled gasoline launch, three men wero drowned when the launch was run down by the tow boat Enterprise, off Hopefleld polnL The dead aro: Albert Schlnner, Jo seph Dietrich and Harry Hurst. FATAL DUEL IN KENTUCKY Deputy Sheriff and Miner Are Mor tally Wounded. Middleboro, Ky., Feb. 1. In a pis tol duel at Edgewood Deputy Sheriff Gordon Glvens and Benjamin Gatllff, a miner, wero each mortally wounded. Glvens was attempting to arrest Gat llff on a charge of disorderly conduct. Higher Price for Bibles. Chicago, Feb. 1, The price of bibles will go up on March 1, accord ing to an announcement by a large bible publishing house. The cause for the advance is tho enforcement of the new tariff on Imported leather and paper. Dr. Cook In Sanitarium, Heidelberg, Germany, Jan. 3L An nttonlant of the Hoggenau sanitarium Bnil IVitt Dr. Frltrlok A. Cook had 1 p V Ins' It tlon for i i lauther i One Hundred Kinds of Good Candy at the MODEL Candy Kitchen Our Motto: 'Purity and Cleanliness' Patronized by careful and discriminating buyers The one place in town where you can buy really go o d chocolates EKTSSEBMH Cement Watlks I make a special ty of ce ment walks and work. Have been constructing- same in Al liance more than one year, and invite the most rigid in spection of my work. Use only the best of materials and make prices as low as can be done with honest work. Have had many years experience in cement construction in vari ous cities. Remember poor cement work is dear at the cheapest price and when you have had to replace it is mon ey thrown away. John Pederson Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. FOR SALE BY F. J. Brennan - 3E- rFerrrsr's Brown Leghorn Eggs $1 per 15 t-year-old hens, $1.50 lach 924 Box Butts Kit. AIIIjdcj, Nib irennans )il Store gOE J F FREE FROM LICE., P. J. CLATTERBUCK Farms and Ranches IIOX IIUTTR AND DAWES COUNTIES For GOOD INVESTMENTS WRITE MB MARSLAND, NEBH. il -