VMWHUWUMUILIKWin.lLUIffnrJI UNDERCROSS-FIREl Are you going to build? Here are two attractive designs. 1910 1 FEBRUARY fi9K Sun. noil. Tue. Wed. TJm. Prl. Sk TTTTT 2345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IP 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A Concrete Block Residence. A Frame and Cement House. foundation of Brick, With Hard Wood Floors Esti mated Cost, About $5,000. Copyright, 1000, by A. C Edwards, (ilevelind. O. . Ousted Special Agent Still on Witness Stand. A Perfect Imitation of Natural Stone Architect' Estimate of Total Cost, 35,500. Copyrlflht, 1000, by the Thompson Architectural Compiny. Olein. N. Y. W TESTIMONY FULL OF INTEREST & t. Asserts That Representatives Klnkald and McLachlen Held Coal Claims In Alaska and That Balllnrjer Was At torney for Fcmer Attack Made on Land Commissioner Dennett Says He Bcllcvss Him "Crooked." Washington, Jan. 31. Louis 11. Ola vis wns rocnllod nt the resumption of tho Ralllngor-Plnchot congressional Investigation committee hearing todaj for cross-exnmlnntfon by nny of tlio porsons against whom ho has made chnrges. ainvts last day on tho stand wan full of interest. It dovelopod tho anl .mua which long has existed between tho land ofllco ami the forestry bureau and the resentment- tho land olllco people felt when Glavls called in "tho forestry," aa they called it. Tho witness declared that Repre sentative McLachlnn of California and Iloprescntnljvo Kinlcnld of Nebraska wcro interested in Alaskan claims, nnd that Bollinger, after becoming commissioner of tho land office, had acted as attorney for Klnkald. Qlavls asserted tbat Dallinger had suggested to him not to pursue an In vestigation ngalnst Congressman Mc Lachlnn, saying thoro had "been too milch of that sort of thing in tho past." "When, towards tho end of his testi mony, dlavjB watf asked tho direct question, if he thought Socrotary Dal linger and Commissioner of tho Lnud Ofllco Dennett wore in league to do wrong In tho Alnsknn cases, lie re plied: "Well, 1 thought the cases would bo better protected wltn tliem out of the way." Glavis' ottnok seomed to center more on Commissioner Dennott. He snid he became convinced in the sum mer or 1900 that "Dennett was 'crooked,' " and took Bteps to secure curbon copies of letters Donnett was writing back to Washington. Sovernl of those letters were introduced in ovjdonco. INDUSTRIAL BATTLE LIKELY Miners Favor General Strike If Oper ators Refuse Increase. IndiunnpoUs, Jan. 31. Ono of the greatest Industrial battles in the I1I3 tory of tho "United States Impends, In tho belief of tho lenders of tho United Mino Workers of America. The, con vention of the organization, which has been in session in this city for wo weoks, w.111 adjourn tonight and It i probable that a majority or tho l.luj delegates Immediately will depart for Toledo for tho joint conference with tho bituminous coal mine owners of western Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indi ana, which will open tomorrow, Thia C0UH.101H.U is Hiiei.lut.iil) fur the purpose of negotiating a w j; con tract for these districts, to go, into et feet April 1. Out as the trl-statu con tract 1 to be tho basis of uniform contracts in nil tho other districts ot tho United States nnd Canada, It may be determined that most of all the soft coal miners' representatives nssomolad Lore should take part In tho Tclouo confreenco. Tho operators, according to reports, will nol yield to tho miners' demands for nn Increase .In wages, and some of them have tuken the btand that oco nomlc conditions warrant a decrease. Tho sentiment of the national minors" union Is unanimously for a general strike If tho operators refuse an In crease In wagcB of at least 10 per cent. SCHIFF AND PEARY CONFER Explorer Holds Conference With New York Banker. Now York, Jan. 31. Commander Peary had a conference with Jncob H. Schiff, the banker, Peary said recent ly that he would be glad to give his advisory services to an Antarctic ex pedition. Ho would not discuss his conference with Sir. Schiff. Tomorrow uovernor Hughes will present a purse of $10,000 raised by New Yorkers to Commander Penry, as a national testimonial. The exer cises are to be held under the auspices of the Civic Federation. SWITCHMEN TO QUIT FIGHT Men of Northwest, It Is Said, Will Re. turn to Work Next Monday. Minneapolis, Jan. 31. Ono week from today the bwltchmen of the northwest, who have been on a strike since Nov. 30, will return to work. Practically all the strikers will be In their old places. Thoy will resume work with the wage question unsst tied, but they will be governed by the figures agreed upon In the Chicago compromise conference. BISHOP FOSS SUCCUMBS Retired Official of Methodist Church Dies in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Jan. 31. Bishop C. D. Foss, retired, of the Methodist Epis copal church, ono of the best known clergymen 'n the country, died in tho Hahnemann hospital, from a stroke of paralysis, which seized him while rid ing in a trolley car Jan. 18. California lowans to Meet. Artesla, Cal., Jan. 31. The Iowa as soclatlon of southern California will bold its annual picnic Feb. 22 at East lake park, Los Angeles. - iTWHCirr -ysfoiifr iiWWfliiWHIPW1 w "" nwMtm 8H00T8 WIFE AND HER MOTHER Actor Being Sued for Divorce At tempts Double Murder. Chicago, Jan. 31. After shooting his wife, Mrs. Alcta Scrvoss Dames, in tiio head and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary Servoss, in tho chest and fight ing off two determined women who clinched with him despite Ills rovolvor, E. Waltor Ilarnos, Itinerant actor and railroad man, mado his escape from tho Hotel Wychmero and' Is now sought by tho police. This is Bald to bo the third tlmo In five weeks Dames has placed his wlfo'B life in jeopardy. Thoy wore married alx months ago. Mrs. Dames and Mrs. SorvoBs nro at St. Luke's hospital. Tho wife was hit by n bullet which entered behind tho loft enr, after wounding tho left hand, which she had instinctively raised when Darnes leveled his re volver. Tho bullet hns not been found, but ns its course was toward tho mouth, sho Is expected to recover. Tho condition of Mrs. Scrvoss is con sidered serlouB. Tho bullet, which pierced' her right chest, has not been locntod. Jealousy ot his wife, who had filed suit for divorce and refused a reconciliation, Is said to bo tho cause of Dnrnes' attack. HARD TIMES DEBT IN KANSAS One County Still Owing for Free Dlo trlbutlon of Seed Made In 1895. Topekn, Jnn. 31. Only one county remains that has not paid up tho full amount of its seed grain account with the state. This is Soward county, which owe3 $575.40. Haskell county puld in last week $1G(!,11, tho amount of Its debt to this fund. In 1895 there were hard times In Knnsns and many farmerB In tho west ern part of tho Btato could not buy seed wheat to saw. The legislature appioprlated $100,000 to buy seed grain. Tho seed was distributed to the counties ns desired and' the coun ties agreeing to pay tho cost and- to reimburse the state Most of tho counties paid np within a year or two, hut Borne of tho western counties hnvo been dragging along with the fund, paying part as thoy could. PACKERS MAKE DENIAL Rumor In New York That Western Men Are Cutting Shipments. Now York, Jan. 29. There was a widespread understanding among re tail dealers hero that western packerB have decided to cut in half their ship ments of cattlo to this city in an ef fort to hold tho price of beef. Tho packers denied it. "So far as I know," said a repre sentative of Swift & Co., "no orders to discontinue luuo been received. Aa for a reduction in shipments, that might bo." On tho other hand tho small deal ers were equally positive that tho packerB are only "talking big" and that If the boycott continues conces sions In wholesale prices must come. Tho family trado In moats through out tho city continues to dwindle nnd prices nro fulling in consequence. READY TO BRING UP BODIES Shaft of Cherry Coal Pit Will Be Un sealed This Week. Cherry, 111., Feb. 1. Nearly every woman in Cherry Is drawing her heart strings tight to undergo the ordeal ot exhumntlon dxpected this week, fol lowing tho promised unsealing tomor row of the St. Paul mine, In which more than 200 coal miners have lain entombed biuco Nov. 13, when fire caused the death of some 350 men. As It Is not certnln that the fire In the mine is extinguished, nothing defi nite toward the recovery of tho bod ies will bo planned until experts, pro tected with oxygen helmets, have ex plored the shaft. It Is though that about forty bodies are floating on tho water In tho bot tom of the mine. More than 200 other corpses are said to be huddled In tho second level. CHOKES TO DEATH ON STEAK Fatally Follows Meat Boycott in Pitts burg Boarding House. Pittsburg, Fob. 1. A dozen for elgnors discussed the meat boycott at breakfast In a Mulberry alley board ing house, and all oxcopt MIc Skovlnc, a Slav, agreed to eat no meat. Skov lac, delighted with having the break fast Btealc to himself, tackled it so violently (hat he choked to death with the first mouthful. Would Enjoin Shirtwaist Strikers. Philadelphia, Jan. 31. Ono of the largest manufacturers of shirtwaists in this city, whoso operatives are on a Btrlke, applied for an Injunction to restrain the Ladies' Shirtwaist union from "picketing." Slayer to Pay Penalty. Toledo, Jan. 31. Thirty days after the tragedy, Joseph J. Mackloy, a switchman, was convicted of tho mur der of Caroline Hunt. The jury did not recommend mercy and tho penalty Is death. Three Officers Ousted for Using Club. Now York. Jan. 29. Commissioner Onker of tho police department dis missed three men fiom the force for brutal assaults upon citizens. PERSPECTIVE VIEW-FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. . , ?:J K . NT tfYZ" ? u 1 ' i1 N. J aucoAr lirrte penn . I Jz I 1 zO ;:& ! W XfcLLra It ;..' y..Jl J. T f- I j I aeo J I S P"C" ) k 5) 5o-Mnoi 1 j FIRST FLOOR PLAN. This plan has been built from on a fifty foot front ami can be accommo dated to n forty-five foot plot. The house shown in the photograph Is frame, with tho second story covered with cement plastered panels. Dlntng room la finished in Flemish onk, beamed celling, living room in birch, stained ma hogany. Entrance hall, vestibule and stairway finished In golden oak nnd kitchen In Georgia pine, natural. First story floors parquet except the kitchen, which Is in mnple. Second floor flulsh is white enamel, mahogany and da. oak, with plain oak floors. Plumbing, lighting nnd heating fixtures nnd nppu rntus nro up to date. Contract price. $4,000. A. C. EDWARDS. Architect KELLOGG TO ENTER FIGHT Lawyer Will Aid Independent Men In Standard Oil Fight. Minneapolis, Jan. 31. Frank B. Kellogg, who fought tho Standard Oil company for the government, Is being corsldered by the legislative commit tee of tho Independent Petroleum Marketers' association, as one of their FnAJfK U. KELI.OQO. lawyers If thoy assail tho trust In the courts in suits for damages. The anti-trust campaign will be car ried on with the housewives through the local doalors. Huge placards, with tho inscription, "Antitrust 0.11 sold hero," will bo sent to every dealer who handles the Independent product Literature will bo given him to ais tribute among housewives. Doctors to Seek Proof' That Vaughan Was Poisoned. Monroe City, Mo., Jan. 31. Follow Ing a conference of rolatlves and friends of Professor J. T. Vnughnn, Including his wife. It was announced by J. H. Whltecotton, attorney for Mrs. Vaughan, that her husband's body will bo oxhumed this week. Vaughan died last October at Kirks vllle and the body will be exhumed to determine whether he died from poisoning or from natural causes. Clark Vaughan, a brother of Prore3sor Vaughan, said: "The statement that the Vaughan family opposed exhuming the body Is Incorrect. Wo have never opposed It nor urged It, but now de sire It" Artist Christy's Wife Losea Suit. Zanesvillo, O., Jan. 29.Probato Judge II. C. Smith handed down his dorlslon in tho famous Christy case, In which Mrs. Howard Chandler Christy sought, by habeas corpua proceedings, to secure the custody of tholr daugh ter, Natalie. The court awarded the child to the father, Howard Chandler Christy, SECOND FLOOR PLAN. Best Equipped, Most UptoDate Exclusive Meat Market in Western Nebraska Shop open from 6:30 a. m. to 7 p. m.; Saturday and pay days open till 9 p. m.; not open on Sunday during winter Prompt Attention to Phone Orders We purchase good dressed beef and pork in the carcass. Call at our shop before selling U . ,?! :' ' .'?;1H is teii Bsiiiisgaia PERSPECTIVE VIEW - Dome ptsj ii Lnnc pvtn E rriMr i w(r t3 n FIRST FLOOR PLAN. mpm- - "mBni " ,ia9tSC'i.iiffi!M(ae SK?S?-Xi3flPB ' I Ja. H rSI 'or' U CvOOvVs. II ' t09 t IvV fniii 21 Ksaiyjj Sri0"11 ! Nji ii il 'Lr S Vrtu-J. II The orrntmentnl design shown with faithful detail in tho photograph wot originally built from at Little Valley. N. Y. The color of tho block is imita tion of Medina sandstone and is often taken for genuine by persons well acquainted with the natural stone. Size 28.0 by 43.0 without bay; 33.8 by 40.8 feet with bay and without veranda. The first floor has five good sized rooms besides the hall. The room back of the living room enn be nsed either for library or bedroom. Second floor has four bedrooms with ample closet room. This residence can be constructed for about $5,500, including heatlug, lighting and plumbing. THE THOMPSON ARCHITECTURAL COMPANY. J FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. SECOND FLOOR PLAN. J" Palace MEAT ARKET I. W. Herman, Prop. Miss Rose C Herman Cashier and Bookkeeper Jos. Skala, . Meat Cutter Jake H. Herman Stock Buyer Louis Skala ( Sausatemakers John Herman ) and Butchers Wm. C Herman Delivery Boy Day Cunningham Delivery Boy Phone 131 Residence Phone, 375 nL-- "i' IS Bi pi) fjj B"1 pj H St rnv a.hI ".iTc""i III jl R"vNi-? T" P7v M t. i M