The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 27, 1910, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday by
The Herald Publishing Company.
F, A. I'lEitsoN. lr- s. l.i,ori ( Thomas, 8cc.
JonN W. Thomas. Man
J. B. KNIEST ..... Associate Editor
Entered tit tho postoffice at Alliance,
Nebraska, (or transmission through the
mails, as second-class matter.
Subscription, $1.50 per year In advanco.
THUKSDAY. JAN. 27, 1910.
We do not anticipate that Charles
W. Morse will cut much ice at Atlanta.
Pinchot is tho latest of the Roosevelt
policies which Ta(t carried out and
threw 011 the ash heap.
Four more sugar trust tools liav'o
been sent to jail. But the men higher
up arc still On tho right side of tho
How can tho steel trust afford to pay
higher wages to its employes when its
directors have to pay $100 a cover for
a dinner?
Tho Northampton County Pa., Agri
cultural society views with alarm tho
destruction of American forests and
has passed resolutions advocating n
government subsidy for the preserva
tion of tho forests. If the Northamp
ton Agricultural society had been on
the pay roll of tho lumber trust it could
not have incubated an idea that would
moot with greater favor from tho lum
ber barons. Subsidies to encourage
timber growth would simply afford
them new means of filling their pockets.
They would secure tho lion's shuro of
the subsidies and would continue to
monopolize the sources of tho timber
supply, Strangely, it never occurred
to the Northampton Agricultural so
ciety to attack the forest destruction
evil at its very heart. Had it done so
it would have advocated the immediate
repeal of all tariff duties on lumber.
Free trade in lumber would kill off the
lumber trust, conserve tho country's
remaining forests and lighten the peo
ple's burdens, all at one blow. But it
wouldn't be popular with the lumber
Intelligence ought not to be a dis
barment from jury service in the opin
ion of Judgo Shelton, of Missouri. In
a murder case recently tried before
him, the state's attorney severely ques
tioned talesmen about having read
newspaper accounts of the crime, with
the customary purpose of disqualifying
them. Judge Sheituu put au eud to
this proceeding by saying: "What's
tho difference if they have read tho
newspapers? They'll make all the bet
ter jurymen. To say a man ought not
ito serve because ho has read the news
paper accounts is sayiug, in effect,
rthat a jury of intelligence is objected
to. That is not justice; neither is it
the law." This judicial opinion is not
only refreshing, but it is an evidence
of sound common sense on the part of
the judge who gave voice to it. Men
with so little intelligence or interest in
the affairs of the world as to fail to
Tead the newspapers and thus keep
abreast of the times ought to be dis
qualified from jury service rather than
sought for as the arbiters of a fellow
man's life or liberty.
The outcome of the suit, in New
York state, of Mrs. Frank Wilcox
against the supreme council of the
Royal Arcanum is a matter of interest
not only to members of that -order but
to all persons interested in beneficiary
organizations the country over. The
husband of the plaintiff was a member
ot the Royal Arcanum aud was ex
pelled by the supreme council because
he had severely criticised the supreme
officers of the organization for their
official actions. He instituted proceed
ings for reinstatement hut died before
the termination of the action. The
suit was contiuued by the widow, and,
after a three years' fight in the courts,
JuBtice Andrews directed a verjlict in
her favor for the full amount of the in
Burauce carried on the life of her hus
band in the Royal Arcanum, with inter
est. We do not scAj how an equitable
verdict could be otherwise. It would
indeed be an alarming coudition if
officers of beneficiary organizations
should have the uurestraiued power to
expell members who ctiticised them.
Such power would place iu their hands
a club to enforce auy action they might
see fit to take, no matter how wrong
or uujust. All honor to the brave
woman who stood up for her rights and
won them'.
H- C. Reed of the Omaha Printing
Co., spent yesterday in Alliance trans
acting business,
Our Lincoln Letter
Lincoln, Nebr., Jan. 25 (Special
Correspondence.) Home rule has al
ways been a cardinal principle of the
democratic party. The principal is as
old as the party itself, for Jefferson in
cluded it among tho fundamentals.
The Nebraska democracy reiterated its
belief in the home rule principle in its
1907 platform, declaring for local self
government in Omaha and South Oma
ha, the election of local assessors and
placing a check on the arbitrary power
of the state board of equalization.
For years tho republican legislatures
busied themselves to enact laws em
powering republican governors to ap
point fire and police boards of the two
Omahas. Tho purpose was plairf to
give tho republican party, through the
governor, tho right to control for parti
san purposes the fire and police com
missions of two cities that are normal
ly democratic. Tho republican city of
Lincoln was always permitted to elect
its own fire and police board. This
was special legislation in its worst form
undemocratic, and in violation of tho
first principles of our government.
Tho democratic legislature of iaon
did its full duty by the two Omahas.
It gave to those cities the rights en
joyed by other cities in the state,
namely, to elect their own boards of
fire and police commissioners. The
party was pledged to this, and the
party redeemed the plcdgo in letter and
in spirit. Certain selfish interests
sought to invoke the doctrine of home
rule against all forms of regulatory
legislation. The liquor interests and
the railroad interests sought to invoke
tho home rule doctrine to prevent
needed regulatory laws. But the dem
ocratic principle of home rulo docs not
mean that the state has no right to
pass general laws. It simply means
that tho stato shall pass no laws vio
lating the principles of home rule, or
local self-government. In this the
democratic party stands on sblid
ground. It believes ' in treating all
cities in the state alike, It believes in
equal rights to all, special privileges to
none. It is opposed to sectional and
special legislation.
In another way tho democratic party
redeemed a platform pledge when it
passed the local assessor law. The
republican party had deprived the
people of the right to elect by enacting
a law that prohibited the voters from
voting for the men 'who actually assess
ed the property.
County Judge Berry informed The
Herald reporter the other day that
from April n, 1004. to Jan. 1, iqio
there have been 480 marriage licenses
issued in Alliance. Since Jan, 1, 1909
to Jan. 1, 1910 there were issued 107
licenses, and out of this number 41 of
the ceremonies had been performed by
To the the voters of the Sixth con
gressional district;
Gentlemen; Since the announce
ment of my candidacy and the pub
lication of my platform, 1 have often
been asked for my position on temper
ance legislation. I therefore make the
following public announcement:
I favor prohibiting the issuance of
government liquor licenses in dry ter
ritory. No one can use such license
for lawful purposes, except druggists
holding permits.
1 favor such legislation as will re
move alt beverage liquor shipments
from the protection of Interstate Com
merce, and place them under jurisdic
tion of state laws at place of delivery.
While having decided opinions favor
able to county optiou, I realize that
legislation of that nature must come
from the state and not the national
congress. Respectfully,
G. L. Shumway,
Democratic and People's
Independent candidate for
nomination at tue 19 10
Dated Scottsbluff, Neb., Jan. 12, into.
County Commissioners'
Estimate of Expenses
The Board of Box Butte County
Commissioners being in session at their
regular meeting iu January, to-wit,
January nth, igio, made the following
estimate of expenses for the year igio,
ou which to base their levy for the
year 1910:
County officers S 5000 00
Free t and Lust, oiticers 4500.00
Fuel 800.00
Books and stationery. 1 000.00 General
Elections I300.00
Incidentals , . . . 1700,00
SI4300.00 j
Road and bridge
fund .......$7000
Pauper fund.. I500
Institute fund. 200
$3700 00
$23000 00
Mounts. Co Clerk.
Hemingford Happenings.
Mrs. Waterman came Tuesday
morning on 47.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carroll went to
Alliance Tuesday.
Luke Phillips was a- passenger to
Alliance Saturday.
Mrs. Theo. Colvin was a passenger
to Alliance Monday.
J. C. McCorklccame up from Alli
ance Monday on business.'
John Warren and sister were passen
gers to Alliance Monday.
Ed Wildy returned from his business
trip to Alliance Monday.
Mrs. Jno. Gromet has been on the
sick list for the past week,
Mr. aud Mrs. John Michael came
Tuesday for a visit with homo folks.
Jno. Mabin was a passenger to Al
liance Tuesday, returning Thursday.
Ora Phillips was a passenger to Al
liance Wednesday, returning Thursday.
Editor Clark was a passenger to
Marsland Friday, returning Saturday.
Jacob Osborne made a business trip
to Alliance Thursday, returning Friday.
Lizie Phillips was a passenger to
Alliance Saturday, returning Sunday.
Wo arc pleased to note that James
Barge is able to be up and on the
streets again,
Postmaster Walker's and Ernest
Kingsloy's got out of quarantine the
first of the week,
Mrs. James Whealon has been very
sick for tho past two weeks, and is
slightly improving-
Two cars of ice were put in the ico
houses here the last week, the ico being
shipped from Marsland.
B. E. Johnson went to Omaha with
a car load of cattle Tuesday, also
making it a business trip.
Gassan Sheldon came home Wednes
day from Montana for a visit with
home folks and relatives.
Mrs. Floyd Duff came up from Berea
Wednesday to do some trading, re
turning on 46 in the evening.
Mina Iverson came homo Saturday
from Iowa where she has been attend
ing school for the past few weeks.
Mr. White, the Knight & Campbell
piano man from Denver, was in town
Monday, going from here to Marsland-
Mr. Foster, father-in-law of Will
Moshor, was taken suddenly and ser
iously ill Monday, but is greatly im
proved at this writing.
Mrs- Pete Swansou was a passenger
to Alliance Thursday where she spent
the rest of the week with Mrs. J. T.
Carey, returning Sunday.
Harrv Coffman and family aud Mrs.
Mary Kennedy returned from Mason
City, Nebr., where they have been
visiting for the past two weeks.
Tom Beeson came up Sunday morn
ing on 35 to repair the switch board
for the Hemingford Telephone com
pauy and returned Monday on 36.
Miss Efiie Scribner came over from
Hay Springs Tuesday for a visit with
her friend, Miss Jeanette Mclntyre,
and also her two brothers, Iva and
Omar. She returned to her school at
Hay Springs Sunday.
Mrs. E. M. Snider, daughter Blanch,
and Mrs. Swartzwelter left for Black
foot, Idaho, where they intend making
their future home. We regret their
departure as they will be greatly missed
by their friends and neighbors.
Hashman Notes
(Too late for last week)
Mr. Wismiller made a call on Mr.
Turner's on Tuesday of this week.
Mr. Leishman aud wife were visitors
at Mr. Skinner's last Sunday.
Mrs. Ella Skinner was a visitor at
Mrs. Tallada's on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. aud Mrs. Wadelt made a call on
Mr. Skinner's on Sunday of last week.
Miss Ethel Tallada is staying with
her cousin, Mrs. Bertha I.oer of Sioux
Leon Tallada, who has been laid up
with rheumatism for some time, is ou
the mend now,
Mr. Royce, Ernest Nichols and Earl
Tallada were visitors at the Dist. No.
17 school on Monday.
Mr. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Ross aud
son, Rollin, went to Sioux county some
time ago to make preparations for tak
ing their families there, where they
will make their future homes.
Strange lights have been seen by
several people around here. When the
light is first seen it seems to be an ex
tra large, red, round light. It gradu
ally becomes smaller until it looks like
a large, red star and sometimes going
out, reappearing some other place.
No one has yet been close enough to
see what it is. It sometimes appears
ou or near the ground or up in tho air
a short distance, and it has been seen
on tho tops of houses and barns. It
seems to move rjuite .tapidly. going
sometimes three aud four tmiles in
abqnt five minutos, This light has
bepu saoli at least five or six different
nights. .
Summary of Collections, Disbursements and Balances for the
4Six Months Ending- December 31st, 1909
To Cash on hand Forwarded..
To lfcfO Tax Collected
To 1801 Tax Collected 1.SU
Tol8MTax Collected 1.73
To 188U Tax Collected -1.C0
To 18P7 Tux Collected 20.09
To 1803 Tux Collected 25.00
TO 1800 Tax Collected 0 5
To 1000 Tax Collected U5.89
To 1001 Tux Collected 21.05
To 1002 Tux Collected 3S.25
To 1003 Tux Collocted 102.80
To 1001 Tax Collected 127.07
To 1005 Tax Collected..... 143.37
To 1000 Tax Collected 37-70
To 1007 Tux Collected 415.80
To 1003 Tax Collected 13.4SO.03
To 1009 Tux Collected 34,305.55
To School-Lund Lenso 1,(M3.U7
County Superintendent 47000
To Miscellaneous Col. Co. (Ion 189.75
Kcdcmptlons 3,200.00
To Fees , 22300
I, Fred Mollringf, County Treasurer of Box Butte County, do hereby certify that the
enclosed statement is a true copy of all collections and disbursements for the six months
ending Dec. 31, 1909. FRED MOLLRING, County Treasurer.
County Commissioners' Proceedings
Alliance, Nebr., Jan. n, igio.
Board of County Commissioners met
in regular meeting, all members pres
ent: J. M. Wanek, chairman; J. P.
Jensen and Sang C. Keck. The fol
lowing proceedings were had and done
Moved, seconded and carried that
Sang C. Reck be appointed chairman
for the ensuing year.
Following are the estimates of ex
penses for the year 1910:
County General Fund
County officers S 5,000-00
Precinct officers and District
officers 4,500.00
Fuel ....... .. 800.00
Books and stationery. . .. 1,000.00
Elections . 1,300.00
Incidentals 1', 700. 00
S514.300. 00
Road and bridge fund $7,000.
Pauper fund 1,500.
Institute fund 200.
Bids for county physician were open
ed and examined and moved and sec
onded that the contract be awarded the
lowest bidder for the ensuing year. Dr.
H. H. Bellwood's bid of 220 being the
lowest bid, the clerk is hereby ordered
to draw up contract with Dr. Bellwood
for the ensuing year.
No bids being received for the burial
of paupers, it is resolved that no al
lowance in excess of $28.00 will be al
lowed for the same.
Mr. W. S. Ridgell appears before
the Commissioners and resigns as Jus
tice of the Peace in and for first ward
of Alliance, Nebr., which resignation
is duly accepted, and he forthwith
makes application to be appointed Jus
tice of the Peace in and for the second
ward, Alliance, Nebr.; and it is moved,
seconded and carried that he be ap
pointed Justice of the Peace in and for
the second ward, Alliance. Nebr., and
it is so ordered.
It is the order of the Board that all
claims audited aud allowed after this
date, are allowed subject to the delin
quent taxes of claimant, and the clerk
is hereby authorized to issue warrant
for balance oul, and credit slip for
The following official bonds were
examined aud approved: V. S. Ridgell
for Justice of the Peace iu and for sec
ond ward, Alliance, Nebr., and F. Mc
Coy for road overseer in road district
No. g-
The following claims were then
audited aud allowed and the clerk
ordered to draw warrants on the gener
al fund for the same:
am't of
party claim
Con Sterkle, hauling ...8 23 20
D Path, road 400
Ben Oanielson, primary. 4 00
Henry Roes, road 6 40
i 23 20
4 00
4 00
6 40
3 20
4 00
14 00
6 00
tl 00
12 00
1 50
180 00
o 50
60 uu
6 ou
2 50
120 00
22 00
4 00
4 00
13 00
27 00
Will Roes, road 320
G J Sutton, election. ,. 40a
F Swaderer, road 1400
Hoffman Geu Sup House 6 00
E M Lamrnon, road,.... 11 00
C W Lamrnon, road .... 12 00
Maggie Uarry, board ... 1 50
W E Spencer.Farmers In 46 Bo
Gray Guthrie, Treas U'd ibo 00
Gregory Zurn, fees. ... , 1590
H H bellwood, " .... 6000
W C Mounts, " boa
Claims S and 9 rejected. .
w H Zehrung, glass 2 50
O E Phillips, salary..
136 00
TK Gilshannon, road.,
C F Zinmastar, " ..
Tho3 Dean, '' ..
G G Clark. " ..
22 00
4 00
4 00
13 00
27 00
8 00
4 00
12 00
10 10
41 10
ii 30
A Rensvold, blacksmith.
A McCoy,
S 00
Geo McCoy,
Arthur Roach,
O Brennen,
W C Mounts,
L A Berry,
4 00
3 00
12 00
10 10
41 10
12 00
11 11
58 00
4 00
28 00
1 DO
5 OO
16S lo
g 20
I9 80
16 40
" .. 3880
O E Phillips, expense.., 11 11
W C Mounts, fees. . ..... 58 00
C II Burleigh, fees. ..... 1 35
Wm Roth. road... 4 00
Mrs Al Wiker, board ... 28 00
Alliance Groc, supplies.. loo
W C Mounts, cuffs...... 500
Herald Pub Co, printing. 168 lo
S C Reck, services 9 20
J P Jensen, " I9 80
J M Wanek. " 16 40
S9OI 04
Whwreupau lbs Board
until tomoirow at o o'clock.
Uy BUto Treas.' Receipt No 8 1,033.04
By Stuto Treas,' Itccelpt No 01.040 1,313.41
By Co. Oen. Warrants Redeemed and
Ctnltns 13.Qtf.03
Uy County Itoad Warrants Itedeoniod 2,080 17
By School Bonds mid Coupons......... 5.210.00
lty School Orders t'ald Local Tux... 10,853.25
Ily Poll Tax Itecslpts 12.OC
Hy City ltccelpts. Alliance ... 2.0C9.D0
Altlnnco Water IJonds and Coupons.. 1,313.40
ly Treasurer's Fees 375.00
Uy Treasurer's Commission 1,80014
Redemption Disbursed 2,010.80
Total 51,750.70
Uy Itulnuco.
. 40.414.17
Alliance, Nebr., Jan. 12. iqio.
Board of County Commissioners met
(jui&uuui 10 nujournment, an members
1. o -..., . .
I'icacm. auug V,. KeCK, CUairmau; J.
M. Wanek and I. P. Jensen. Tim fol-
lowing proceedings were had aud done
The lollowing county printing was
awarded to the Semi-Weekly Times
and The Alliance Herald at the follow
ing rates:
For printing tax list, legal rates.
For Com. proceedings, 'A legal rates.
For all other notices, legal rates.
Each paper to print all matter fur
nished either of the papers, and each
paper to receive for the same of the
above rates, both papers being required
to file itemized bill every thirty days.
It is the order of the Board that
County Attorney Burton bring suit
against Art Smith and wife for the
purpose of recovering costs of pro
visions gotten from the county.
Bids of tho various companies for
furnishing supplies for the county of
Box Butte were opened and examined
and rejected for the reason that all
were considered too high.
The following persons were ap
pointed to act and constitute a Board
of Health for Box Butte county for the
year igio: H. H. Bellwood, Sang C.
Reck, J. P. Jensen and J. M. Wanek,
H. H. Bellwood being elected as chair
man. The Commissioners furnished the
Clerk with the list of following names
from which to draw jury for the next
term of court. (See list on file.)
On motion of Com. Jensen to pur
chase safe for the protection of the
county judge's records, it is seconded
and carried.
There being nothing further to come
before the Board, they now adjourned
to their next regular meeting, 3rd Mon
day in June, unless sooner called by
the Clerk. W. C. Mounts, clerk.
In the County Court of Box Unite County
in the Mutter ot tho Eetato of John M.
Whitnoy. deceased.
Order for hearing on final account.
Now, on the -Oih duy of January, 1010. cunie
T. C. McCorUle, administrator of said eetutc,
und pruy for leave to render account as such
administrator, ft Is then fore ordered that
tho Jlth day of February, 1910, at 10 o'clock,
a.m.. atniy olllcetn Alliance In said County
be tlxed as tho time and place for examining
and allowing such account. Aud the, heirs of
said deceased, and all persona interested In
said estate, aro required to appear atthctlme
und place bo designated, and show cause, If
such exist, why said account should not be al
lowed, ft Is further ordered that said J. C.
McOorklo, administrator, give notice to all
persons Interested In sulci est 11 to by causing a
copy of this order to bo published In tho Alli
ance Herald, a newspaper published and in
.icenernl circulation In said County, tlireo suc
cessive weeks prior to the duy set for said
Dated Jan. 20, 1P10.
f p. Jan..0-7-3w County Judge.
In tho County
Court of Box Hutte county,
In the Matter of
tho Estate of Robert
Lelshmun. deceased.
OrJer for Hearing on Final Account.
rsow, 011 tho -Oth duy of
Januurv 11)10. came
Norman a. Lolsliiuau.
estato aud ptays for leave to render account
us such udminlstrut r. It 1- t erefore order
ed that thu nth day of FebrnaTy, I10. at 10
o'clock, a.m., at my ofHco In Alllunco In said
County, be fixed as the time und pluco for
exiunlnlnir und allowing such account. And
thu heirs of said deceued, and all persons in
terested Iu said esuti-, are required to up
pour at tho tune und place so designated, ami
show cause, if suoh exist, hv said account
idiould not bo allowed, it Is further ordered
that said Norman Q Leishman. udmlnistra
tor. jilvo notice to all perHiins Interested In
rt.ildestaloby causing a copy of thisordcr to
be pub Ished In the Alllumv lieiuld, a news
paper published and In Keueral circulation iu
said (Jouuty, three sjccvsmve weeks prior to
tho duy set for suld hearing,
l).ited Jan. 'M, 1P10.
, ISEAl, L. A. Dkiirv,
fp.Jun. 20-7 3t county Judgo.
administrator 01 saia
Stntoof Nebraska, Uox Hutte county, in Dis
trict Court.
In the mutter of the petition of J. J. But
tery, Administrator, for lc-nso to sell real
Now, on this lQtli day of Jauuury, 1910, this
cause came on for hearing upon tfiu petition,
under oath, of J. J. Buttery, Administrator of
tho estate of Addlo E. Thompson, deceased,
praying for Iieenno to sell tho following de
scribed real eatnU of the said Addlo F
Thompson, to-wit. Lot numbered Thirteen
(13) in Block Numbered Twenty (30) in thu
First Addition to tho cltv of Allfunce, In Box
Hutte county, Nebraska, or a sufficient
amount thereof to brins the amount of S&S.oo
for tho payment of thu debts allowed ugainst
tho said estato. a id costs of administration,
for tho reason thai, there is no personal prop
erty belonging to said estato which can ho up
piled to the payment of suld utuounts. it Is
therefor ordered that all persons Interested
in said estate appear before mo at chambers
lu the city of ltushvillo Iu Sberldau county,
Nebraska, on tliolHlth day of February, mo,
ut tho hour of 10 o'clock 11.n1. to show cause.
If uny there be.Mhy 11 Ilcensu nhould not be
cruuted to suld J. J. Buttery. Administrator,
to sell tho said property, or so much thereof
as shall be necessury to pay said costs uud
ex pen bus
It Is fuithor ordered that a copy of this
order bo nerved upon all pursotis interested lu
Mild estate by uuusiiig thu same lo be publish-
in the Alllunco lieiuld, a cevT
aud nubilshud lu suld evuuir of
on ouco uauii uuk or wmr sueetKMvo woKi
or W llutt.
fp JiuuM-7-41 Judge u the District Uuui
State General Fund ? 4.530.85
State University Hind 1,03(1(18
State 1'enltentlary Fnnd 241.01
Lenso on School Lund 1,632.50
Co. General Fund 053.20
Co. General Fund (mid Prior Years).. 180.75
Co. Bridge Fund 0.45
Co. Itoad Pund 739.31
Co. Hoad Fund (nnd Prior Years) 577,00
Advertising Fund , 113.90
High School 700.5-1
School llondFund 5,570.03
School District Fund 14,014.83
Building 48.3:1
Village Judgment Fund, school 0.03
Sinking Fund District 0 910.73
Sinking Fund District 18... lTOM
Redemption Acct 340.04
City AUIanco 3,00335
Village of Hemingford 024,42
Alliance Water 1 ond 1,034.50
Hemingford Water Uond Funds v 438.14
Alliance Sewer Bond ... ...... ,. 013.00
City Hall Uond 2,263.23
Alllunco Elec. Light .09
Alllunco Library Fund 300,05
Cash and Cash Ito ms on Hand.
i tho District Court of Nebraska, In and
i " uuo county.
I In the mutter of tho nnnllrvitlnn nt J. V.
Kmnn. nn.rrll.ti nr tlm nnrum .n,l .in . 7,
Al'MK ... T l." .. .! t
Willtnin.T. Keane,
a minor, for permission
10 sen rem estate.
Upon reading and tiling the petition, duly
verified of J. F. Keuno, guardian of the per
son aud estate of William .1. Keane, a minor,
for license to sell the following dcncrlbed real
esluto, situated In tho counties of IUclmrdson
and Box Hutte, Nebraska, the land in Klcli
ardson county, being described as Lot num
bered Three, or North East Quarter of North
West Quarter, of section Tiiroe, nnd the South
West Quarter of tho South East Quarter, of
the North West Quarter of said Section Three,
in Township Three. Itungo Sixteen, ltlehurd
son county, Nebraska: The land lying in Hox
Hutte county, being tho South East Quarter
of beotlun Eighteen, In township Twenty
Eight. Kuogo Fifty.
Said petition asks that said lands may lie
sold nnd the proceeds Invested In other ways
for the reason that, tho looking after tho said
lands and collection of tho rents therefrom Is
attended with such e.ponso as to make tho
land unprofitable for said minor, said lunds
being situated at so great 11 distance apart
that some person must bo employed to look
after the samo which makes tho expense of
attending to tho collection of rents and look
ing after said lands very
It Ih therefore ordered that the next of kin
of the said minor, und ail persons interested
111 said estato appear beforo mo at chambers
ut tho city of llushvlllo. Shorldnn couDty.
Nebraska, at thu Court houso therein, at 9
o'clock A. M. on the Z8th day of February,
li'lO to show cause If anv them bn whv n li
cense should not bo granted to said Guardian
to sell said lauds as prayed for tho purpose
named in tho petition. It Is further ordered
thut a copy of this order be personally ne rved
ou all persons Interested In said estate ut
least fourteen days prior to the date of hear
ing, and published once each week for tbreo
successive weeks In tho Alllunco Herald, a
newspaper printed, published and circulating
in Box Hutte county, Nebraska.
Dated at chambers In said Sheridan county,
Nebrusltii.tlns-'Oth day of January, A. D..1M0.
W. 11. Westovek, Judgo or the District
Court of llox Uutte county, Nebraska.
In District Court of Nobraska,v Within and
for Box Unite county.
In tho matter of tho uppllcatlou of J. V.
Kcanc. Guurdlun of tho person and estato
of William J. ICeune, a ml nor, for permission
to soil reul estate.
To the Hon. District Court:
Your Petitioner, ,1. F. Keano, respectf ully
represents unto tho court that ho Ik the regu-
lurly appointed und qualified Guardian of tho
person und estato of William J. Keane. it
minor, who Is of tho age of in years, uud now
a resident of In the State of
That said minor is the owner of an undivid
ed one ninth Interest In lands situate In tho
counties of IllchurdBon and Box Butte In tho
SUto of Nebraska, as follows; the lauds In
Ulcliardsou county being described more par
ticularly us Lot numbeied three, or the North
Hust Quarter of the- North West Quarter of
Section Three, and the South West Quarter of
the South East Quarter of tho North West
Quarter of said Section Three. U'iug ten acres,
nil In Towi.sblp Three. Kauce sixteen. In
ltlchardson County. Nebraska. Tho laud
sltuotu lu Box Hutte county, being the South
East Quarter or SUCtlon Eighteen, Township
Twenty Eight, flange Fifty, tS.E. H, Sec. i4.
To. "8 It. 50 )
That said real estnto Is owned by said
minor John ly with Surah fc. Huston. Musetto
i.:;.H5,L.,,V?B,.,W' Kennedy. HobertG. Keane,
lnlleld V. Keuno.Johr. F. Keune, Frentles
L. Kenne, Sheridan 11, Keane,
That the other owners of tho eight ninths
lnicrest In said lands are desirous of selling
tho samo. tho land in Hlchardson county b
lng ut such u distance that It is handled und
controlled only at great expense und Incon
venience to nil the parties concerned, and
teally ut a loss to tho owners, Thut It will bo
to the much better ndvuutage of all tho own
ers of the suld land that the same l sold und
the proceeds divided between tho owners
thereof. That In fact the other ehjht owners
of tho land in ltlchardson county have sold
the same or their Interests therein, thus leav
ing tho one ninth Interest owned by this mi
nor, und tho balance owned by a stranger,
that it will bo for tho best interest of tills
minor, that all of said land be sold, tho tro
ceeds divided, und the funds owned by his
ward bo otherwise Invested, for the reason
uiut tno looking after said lands, they being
hi. wldoly scparuted Is attended with great ex
pense to this minor so much sotbatthopro
Mts and receipts therefrom aro greatly lessen
ed, and that It the lands were sold nttdproceed.
Invested in u different way tho receipts there
from will be much greater and to the better
udvuutajre financially of his ward.
Wherefore sour petitioner prays that a 11
iciiso may bo grunted him to sell said real
estate, or so much thereof as may be to tho
ud vantage of his ward, with such other relief
as may bo equitable.
J. F. Kknk, Guaitllun,
n. . . , . hy L. A.ilEKitv, his Atty.
Statu of Nebraska I a '
Box Butte county M
U A. Berry, being duly sworn. syB that ho
has knowledge of the matters set forth in
foregoing peiltlou, That J. F. Keauo. tho
Guardian, Is not accessible being out of the
county, that the statements In said petition
ure true us ho verily bollovas.
Subscribed and sworn before mothls-iflth
day of January. 1010. A. F. Hamuiitmie
fpttUst Notary Public.
Street Commissioner's Notice
Notice to all property owners, agents
and lessees: Snow, ice and slush, or
any other obstruction, must he re
moved within 24 hours after accumu
lation, according to ordinance No. 38,
or the same will he removed hy the
city at owner's expense,
J. H.-Caklsok, Street Com.
Steam Outfit for Sale.
For sale The host sleam outfit in Chey
enne county, consisting of one new Cafe
, 8,evun fouywu-mcli plows. Address
n?-ioA7-iD Dahon. Neb.