The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 27, 1910, Image 1
wwr-rwwwfilHtii iMk'pnniiw Btnto Historical Soototy The Alliance Herald. Official Publication of Box Butte county. Largest Circulation 4 of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. VOLUME XVII, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA I THURSDAY, JAN, 27, 1910 NUMBER 7 1 1- f fe Drafts DRAFTS issued by the First National Bank are used for the same purposes that Post Office and Express Money Orders are, and are available for many other uses. We recommend the use of DRAFTS when traveling, when transferring money from place to place and when sending money to parties, at other places as they are cheaper, much more convenient and absolutely safe. DRAFTS can be carried in lieu of currency and the owner is absolutely protected from loss. DRAFTS can be transferred from one person to another as many times as desired, thus sav ing many extra fees. DRAFTS are available for use iri the UNITED STATES, CANADA or MEXICO. The fee charged for our DRAFTS is about one-third less than the fee charged for Post Office or Express Orders. First National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY OUR DRUGS are all of the highest quality we can get and are all examined crit ically after wo receive them in stock here before a single one is placed on sale we do everv thing in our power to be on thesafe side. A good thing for you to remember. ItiAXOAliA GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. Glaze Marble. Works Chas. Glaze, Prop. Hemingford, Nebr. A FULL LINE OF MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES Note the following: By buying of us you have no extra freight to pay. We buy onr stock in car load lots and do the cut ting in our yards at Hemingford. You can examine your work before accepting it. We guarantee satisfaction WflfflSW We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. . 4. H'vv'!"WX":"X' T JSJilNINEUX dkv- 1 nmr JL DENTISTS. Office in Alliance National Bank Blk Over Postoflice. A. 'Phone 391. " I REnEHBER TlwitNew England boiled dinner every Tuesday Tlmt; discount coupon book for busi ness and railroad men TIioko special parties which we handle any hour of the day or night Whether you want four or forty plates, see us Cafe Alliance ''Where You Get What You Order" Weekly Market Report. Beef Steers, S3. 50 to $4.25; hogs, S7.25; dressed veal, 9c; chickens, 6 to i2cper lb. according to quality; ducks, 10c; turkeys, 12c; country butter, 30c. Fresh eggs, 35c. Oats, per cwt., S1.35; baled hay, per ton, $10; alfalfa, 70c perbale;barIey,i.oo perc. macaroni wheat, 70c per bushel; shell ed corn, 55c per bushel. For sale Good piano, cheap. Call at once accounf of owner leaving town. 317 E. Dakota St. 7.11 For rent Two rooms on the ground, unfurnished. Phone 638. Mrs. Geo. Fernald. For Rent Furnished room, modern. Enquire at Herald office. ATTENTION Do you know that wc are the best equipped establish ment to handle YOUR clean ing and pressing ? If not, step in and see some of the work we turn out actual samples of what you will enjoy if you send your clothing to be pressed and cleaned to JOS. ORCHOWSK! 408 BOX BUTTE AVE. Wk Tbe Mesdames Lester Entertain One of tho most elaborate enter tainments ever given in Alliance were tho two parties at the Lester home last Thursday. The largo double parlors and dining room wero decorated in cut flowers 6iich as carnations, roses and smilax. Mrs. F, V. Lester and Mrs. Claude Lester were hostesses both afternoon and evening At one o'clock the guests, sixteen ladies, were seated at the dining room tabic, which was beautiful in the can dle light with the sparkling cut glass, china and flowers, A four course lunch was served. Then followed a very interesting guessing contest in which Mrs. Vallow won first prize, a hand painted cup and saucer. Mrs. Mort. Johnson proudly received tho consolation prize, a Japaneso cup and saucer. In the ovening twenty-four of their young lady friends played "500." Miss Lowcry had the highest honors, her prize being a dainty wedgewood vase. Miss Fickle was equally pleased with the booby prize, a silver bon bon dish. After the cards a three course lunch was served on the card tables. The guests were each given a rose and a carnation, but they will not need these to help them remember such a very pleasant occasion. Temperance Rally Rev. Mama S. Poulson, superintend ent of the Nebraska State Anti-Saloon League, will address the people of Al liance and vicinity in the Phelan opera house on Sunday evening, February 6th, at 8 p.m. There will bo special music. Everybody invited. Admit ance free. COME. Camille Nohe Bids Farewell to Friends It is a source of regret to the friends of Camille Nohe that he has found it necessary to leave Alliance for the present in order that he may receive necessary medical treatment, but they are pleased that this will not deter him from attending school at Colorado Springs, where he has gone. One last Friday evening the high school faculty, the orchestra, and basketball boys responded to invita tions from their former pupil and schoolmate to banquet at the Nohe cafe. Prof. Williams was toastmaster of the occasion and introduced the speakers in a befitting manner. Beulab Smith spoke in behalf of the orchestra, speaking words of regret because of the loss of their chief violinist. Fred Carlson spoke on "How the basketball boys will miss Camille," and Prof. Hayes on "Camille's standing with the faculty." Though not on the program, Prof. Hanna responded to a solicitation for a talk and voiced the sentiments of the others in their regret at Camille's departure and their well wishes for his future success. We trust he may ere long be per mitted to return and fill his accustomed place among us. But It was Only "Tom." It's not often that we print laughable incidents about our neighbors, but here's 0110 on Officers Huusaker and Donovan that occurred last night we cannot keep: A hurry call turned in from one of our residents on Cheyenne avenue told the police of burglars in their basement. With a rush the above officers responded, loaded for bear. Donovan with six-shooter cocked and primed, stood guard at the entrance of the basement while his brother minion of the law investigated the dark recesses with a flash light to locate the whereabouts of the mid night visitor. A sudden call from HuiiBaker told the hecret: 'Why, Donovan, it's nothing but a great big torn cat." Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith returned Moiiduy from their trip to central and eastern Nebraska and report a fine time 011 the trip. They visited relatives at Omaha and near Mason Citv, and also stopped at Broken How. The sleigh ride from Mason Citv to the ranch where thuy visited was one qJ tho ver enjoyable features of the nip. to attend school tho past week. C Rev, I. E. Nolte is holding a scries of meetings in Fairview church. Don't forget that game of basketball' at tho High School gymnasium to morrow evening. Miss Dorothy Hoag departed yester day for a visit with her sister at Be atricc, also with friends in Omaha, Miss Bculah Smith is again ablo to attend school, after an absence of sev eral weeks on account of sickness, Engineer F. A- Richcy and wife, who have made their homo in Alliance the past few mouths, lcavo this week for Los Angeles. W. E. Coleman and son and fifteen other parties from the southwest part of Sioux county were in Alliance last week on land business connected with a contest appeal, Rev. J. M. Huston roports a very successful evangelistic meeting at Palmyra, where he is assisting tho pastor. Ho expects to return to Alli ance next week. S. S, Missionary Bundy and Rev. A. L. Godfrey have been engaged in re vival meetings in the country, ten miles mites from Angora- Mr. Bundy also organized a new Sunday-school near that neighborhood Henry Hopkins will have a public sale at his place, three miles north and one-half mile east of Alliance, next Thursday, commeuciug at xo o'clock a. m. tW. R- Drake, the real estate man, returned Tuesday from a combined business and pleasure trip to Iowa and South Dakota. He reports a great deal ot snow farther east, particularly in the southeast part'of South Dakota. W. M. Robinson of Omaha, general manager for the Bennett Piano Co., accompanied by his wife, were Alliance visitors the first of the week. Mrs. Robinson expressed herself as being much pleased with the country and climate out here- W, A. Prindle, district manager of the W. O. W reports au initiation of a class of six new members into the Alliance lodge last night. There will be a large number, probably about twenty or twenty-five, initiated at the next meeting, which will be February 9th. w. Big Game of Basket Ball What promises to be one of the best games of basketball ever seen in Alliance is to be played at the High School gym nasium Friday night of this week, between the Alliance and Gothenburg teams. Goth enburg claims the championship of western Nebraska, and Alliance has not ben beat en since the present team was organized, and that this game will be a battle royal is assured, There should be a big attendance of Alliance people, we doubt not there will be. The game will be called at 8 p. m. Ad mission, 35 cents; season tickets, for re maining four games, $1.00. Alliance Birds Win Prizes. Conductor B. II. Perry is greatly pleased over the success of his exhibit of Brown Leghorns at the Colorado Championship Poultry Show, besides winning special Brown Leghorn Club rib bon. He also won third premium on pen and special ribbon for best shaped female. List of Premiums We had intended to publish this week a list of the other premiums besides the piano, but have been so crowded with work that we have not been able to pre pare the list complete for publication. It will be given in the next issue. We will also begiu next week publish ing a list of the contestants with the num ber of votes received. The following persons have been nom inated as candidates during the past week: Miss Attie Snow, Alliance: Miss Anna Dainton, Alliance; Miss Alma Itosenberger, Hemingford; Mrs Kraetner, Alliance. I. 0. 0. F. Convention in Alliance Largely through the efforts of F. II. Pardey, the convention for 1910 of the Northwest Nebraska and Southeast Wyo ming association of I. O. O. P. lodges has been secured for Alliance. This, we believe, is the first time the annual con vention has come this far east. It will be lurid during the time of the county fair. Express Messenger M. Oldt, who came in from Hillings on No. 4.2 Sunday morning, received a message on his ar rival here that his wife was dangerous ly siok in Billing. He doubled back on Np. 41. Word has sincu been to reived by friends hare Bating she was not tt out ot danger Lawrence Beck has been too ill McCluer's An unusual offering in -10 and 42 inch Striped and Checked Wool Suiting, former prices $1.25 and $1.50, arc now on sale at 79c Everything that is new and good is offered in Dress Goods. Particularly can everything In short lengths bo had at slaughtered prices. I ANNOUNCEMENTS. BAPTIST CHURCH. Services morning and evening as usual, Rev. Ewald Otto preaching. Song scrvico in the evening. UNITED PRESHYTERtAN CHURCH Simdnv. school at 10 a.m. Preachinc at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. by tho pas tor. Everyone mauo welcome. FIRST VRESDYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday-Bchool at to a.m. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 P-'- by tho pas tor. Morning topic, "Partnership with God;" evening, "Healing of the Leper." The Ladies' Missionary Society will hold a meeting at 3 p.m. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Through the good work of our com mittee on church music, a chorus choir of thirty voices has been procured for service in the M. E. church, under the leadership of Miss Lichty. The com mittee merit the gratitude of every member and friend of the church, and those who have bo long and faithfully served as "singers and players on in struments," will heartily welcome this large addition to their forces- Let the now recruits be greeted with a compli mentary hearing Sunday 11:00 a,ni, and 7:30 p.m. Sermon of subject in the muniing will he, "A Grain of Mus tard Seed;" evening, "The Damsel and her Masters." Sunday-school at 10 a.m. Epworth League at 7:30 p.m. We want you there. 8T. MATTIISW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services for week commencing Sun day, Jan. 30th: Holy Communion 8 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon.. 11 a. m- Sunday-school 10 a.m. Friday Chorus practice ...... 3 a. m The subject of the morning sermon will be, "Amusements in their Relation to Religion." By reasons of the rector's visit to outside stations, there will be no Sun day night service. H. Harris, D. D., rector. HOLY ROSARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Order of Services: Sunday Masses, 7:00, 9:00, and 10:30 a. m., except on the third Sunday of every month when the order is 9:00 and 10:30 a m. Evening service every Sunday even ing at 7:30. Rev. W, L. McNamara, Pas tor, Funeral Services The funeral of Mrs. Mary Aylward, who died Tuesday at her home in south Sioux county, wis held this morning at 9 o'clock at Holv Rosary church, Father Fehily officiating in the absence of Father McNamara, who is out of the city. Mrs. Aylward is survived by a mar ried daughter, Mrs. A.J. Dwyer; a bon, John Aylward; and the two Misses Avlward, all of this city. The Aylwards arc old settlers, coin ing to western Nebraska in the early eighties and settling in south Sioux county on a homestead, where they have since resided. Mrs. Aylward Was seventy-two years of age at the time of her death- The burial will take place at Bur lington, Iowa, to which place the body was shipped this noon, accompanied by the son and daughters. Wedding at Hotel Alliance A very pleasant wedding oc curred at llotel Alliance last evening, Mr. Wm. E. Hollinrake and Miss Mareia P. Kendrick, both of Marsland, taking upon themselves the solemn vows of matrimony, H. Harris, D. D., Ph. D., rector of St. Matthew's, Episcopal church officiating. Hotel Alliance's accoramodat- ing manager, Mr. Thos. V. Kelly, and Miss Junio TConrli-mlr. atafj.i of the bride, acted as best man ana uriuesmaiU. The hotel em ployes wero quite surprised at first, thinkinc rim nfFnlf wna be a double wedding. BUSINESS LOCALS. I k'W'Ur'W 'W'W'W'WW'W'W'W'ViA For Sale Black Pcrcheron stallion soven years old. Good disposition and sure breeder. Will trade for cattln tf not too thin. J, A. Kecean. Alliance. 7-it Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3- 20 DCr Cent, off on all hand pmlirniVI. cred waist patterds at Louck's New More. Wanted Work by day or take wash ing home. Katio Gerald, at Mrs. Koke's, So. Alliance. Phone 485. 6tf For Sale 160 acres of Oklahoma land. Gently rolling, black land with plenty of water. Price j20,oo"pcr acre, on. easy terms, Address M. D. Gibbins, owneri Lawton, Okla. 7.21 Coal Office at 518 West Dakota W. F. Knight wishes to announce that, while he weighs coal at Rowan's elevator, his office is at his residence, 5 1 8 West Dakota St. Phone 306 Blue. Fresh Beef by the Quarter Fifteen head of two-year-old Here fords in fine condition, to be butchered and sold by the quarter. Finest kind of meat at prices that will save you money. Call up phone 154 Red, 6-2t Coal at Reduced Price Iain selling Coal from the car, at a saving of Si. 00 to Si. 50 to customers. Orders will be filled in tho order re ceived. W. F. Knight, 518 W. Da kota. Phone 50G Blue 2tf Situation Wanted Man with wife and ono child want work on ranche. Can take charge. W. E. Blodgett, 519 Laramie Ave. Phone iso. 6-it For Sale Lot 3, block 8, 61s Toluca Ave. East fiout. All fenced. Cement sidewalk and curbing. Inquire at Herald office or phone 556. 4-tf Big Price for Cream The Alliance Creamery is paying 33 cents for cream. " 3i-tf Cement Contractor. For estimates on cement walks, ce ment blocks and all kinds of concrete work, see J. J. Vauce, West Lawn, Alliance, Nebr. m " For Sale or Rent. Five-room house in Duncan addition. Iuquiioof W. E. Spencer. Feed for Stock Having plenty of range and straw, we have decided totake in stock. Horses preferred. KNArp & Nadb. 0-3t Phone No. 2. short on L. Dr. Barnes, the eyesight specialist of Omaha, will be at the Drake hotel at Alliance Saturday, Feb. 5. Regular trips have been made over this r0ad for ten years. Don't forget the date. 7-2t 4