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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1910)
$1 i i 1 i j n 1H I" m i Grand Clearance Sale You can save money by taking advantage of our SACRIFICE PRICES 25 off on SKIRTS l2c Flannelettes now 9c Other Goods, Ladles Hats, Underwear, Flannels, All Wool and Part Wool Blankets, etc., etc., at Remark ably Low Prices R. SIMMONS Good Things to Eat AT I Phone i 191 Desch's tf" "thrm rm 9 v"1 vwi aiwi EVERYTHING FRESH A IS D CLEAN 9 A. Oi SATURDAY, we will receive by express a fine line of pkesh: if1 ies hct i t The Old Reliable Hardware, Harness and Implement Firm In order to make room for new goods will make special prices on Buggies, Spring and Farm Wagons Agent for the well known Deering Hay Tools and Harvesters and J. I. Case Threshing Machines. In HARNESS My motto: "How Good; Not, How Cheap." Anton Uhrig I EMINGFORD, NEBR. -Mete Tho Hotn& Pssftct Un will nrova a welcome visitor shouldliead your list of newspaper OISALL WINTER GOODS to make room for new Goods which will arrive about February 1st ! Phono I 119 ! nfff- r$ D C wwob ii v. Palace Livery Barn H. P. COURSEY. Prop. (Successor to G. C. Smith) Good turnouts. Courteous treatment to" all. Give us a trial; we will treat you right. yjrtUWjt C, B. & Q. Watch Inspector 0. in- to every member of the family. tt and periodical subscriptions. NATION IN FAVOR OF WAR Foster Declares Public Sentiment Is Not for Peace. Now York, Jan. 17. Public senti ment Is still In fnvor of wnr as the best means of sottllng International disputes, is tho opinion of John V. Foster, formor secretary of state. An address by Mr. Foster was road nt n meeting of tho Now York Poaco society. He advised tho advocates of universal peace to stop trying to force legislation, and Instead to work or a sentiment for peace. Little hope could bo expected, ho said, from theprosont senate Major Gonernl Wood had said tho urmy should bo enlarged nnd strengthened. "Such sentiments arc but a roflox of tho popular fooling over the country," ho said, "nnd it is ono which must bo changed beforo we may expect any permanent and substantial realization of the principles of peace." FROBT HITS ORANGE CROP Cold Did Some Service In Checking Growth of Large Fruit. Los Angeles, Jan. 17. This year's ornngo crop has been damaged approx imately $1,000,000 by tho heavy frosts of the last ten dnys, according to es timates made by reliable growers. Some believe this amount also will cover nursery stock and tho coming year's crop, but others flguro the total to be soveral millions. Several leading growers roako tho surprising statement that tho cold weather brought the more benefit than harm. Navel oranges wcjre un usually large just before uio frost and began to color. The frosty weather came just In time to check tho growth and hold them to normal size. There is a discount of 50 cents a box on "jumbo" fruit, hence tho advantage. HEIKE IS ARRAIGNED High Official of Sugar Trust and Five Other Employees Face Court. New York, Jan. 17. Charles IL Helke, secretary of tho American Sugar Refinjng company, together with five other employees of tho com pany Indicted by the federal grand Jury for conspiracy to defraud the United States by entering false weights of s,ugnr, were arraigned to day beforo Judgo Hough in the Unltca States circuit court. "The case against Hpike, who was In tho confluence of the late Henry O. Hnvcmcyer, tho master mind of tho so' called sugar trust, and the flvo oth er employeeH will be moved with all possible expedition and tho federal prosecutors think tho trail they are on may lead oven to others "higher up." DEMURRER IS OVERRULED Illinois Judge .Upholds Constitutional ity of Two-Cent Fare. Springfield, HI., Jan. 17. .Tuoge Humphrey In tho United States cir cuit court overruled the demurrer of Attorney Stead in the caso involving the constitutionality of the 2-cent faro law, and directed tho attorney gen eral to file, an answer to the petition of the receivers of tho Chicago, Pe oria and St. Louis Railroad company within ten days. The receivers of tho road had pro cured a temporary injunction restrain ing the enforcement of the 2-cent fnre law. The attorney general had at tacked the petition. "DROME" IS OUR NEWEST WORD Professor Bell Declares That Is Way to Say a Man Flies. New York, Jan. 17. Professor Alex ander Graham Deli, the inventor, has coined a new word. "In Canada," ho said, "we speak of a man 'droming' from one point to another. The word aerodrome originated with a professor of Greek at Johns Hopkins university, and it means an air runner. We call our machines 'dromes' much simpler and moro correct, too, than aeroplane. For the fore and aft curves in the aerodromes of today make 'aeroplane' a misnomer. I think we shall all come to calling them 'dromes.' " EXPRESS COMPANIES HIT Must Pay Tax for Handling C. O. D. Whisky In Texas. Dallas, Tex., Jan. 17. In a decision handed down here the court of civil appeals upheld the new law requiring express companies to pay an occupa tion tax of $5,000 for handling C. O. D. whisky shlpmentB. The court declared that tho state has the right to collect such a tax as a police regulation against a trafllc that is illegal, unless sanctioned by the state. The case came up from Dallas county in the suit of L. Craddock vs. the Wells Fargo Express company. GIRL HELD AS FORGER Admits Having Passed Worthiest Check at Burlington, la. Alton, III., Jan. 17. A young woman who says alio Is Josephine Croan, nine teen years old, of Anderson, Ind. waived preliminary hearing before Justice Roso and was hold to the grand jury under $100 bond on the charge of passing a worthless $20 chock. She admjtted cashing a worth less check In Burlington, la. To Test Corporation Tax. Chicago, Jan. 17. Suit wn& nied in the United States circuit court here charging that the federal corporation tax law recently passed by congress ia unconstitutional. Bryan Lands in Ecuador. Guayaquil, Ecuador, Jan. 17. Will iam Jennings Bryan arrived hero an' W.h greeted warmly by the American r-'oiv ir left for Callao and wl' ; .' li P:- !, SWOPEPOISONED? Attorney Positive. Millionaire Was Murdered. ARREST IS EXPECTED SOON. Suspected Man May Be Taken Into Custody at Any Time Strychnlno Said to Have Been Found In Stom ach of Chrlsman Swope and Autopsy on Body of Hlo Uncle Follows. Facts Kept Secret. Kansas City, Jan. 17. Confirmation of tho rumor that poison had been found in tho Btomnch of Chrlsman Swopo and that this caused tho autop sy on the body of his mtlllonnlro undo, Colonel ThoinnB II. Swopo, was given by Attornoy John IL Atwood, who is ono of tho attorneys for the Swopo estate and has taken a prom inent part In tho Investigation of tho mystery. v So firmly convinced are tho investi gators that tho poison was adminis tered' to ChriBinnn Swopo by bouio ono with criminnl Intent that an arrest may bo tnndo In tho caso today. Mr. Atwood said: "The poison found in Chrjsman Swopo's stomach may have been strychnlno although wo nro not in a position to state this positively. Dr. Lovls Hoktocn, who mndo tho report of tho finding of tho poison, haB not been nblo to say Just what It Is." Attornoy Atwood nnd others prom inent In tho inquiry know that Chris mnn Swopo's stomach contained poison beforo tho body of Colonel Swopo was exhumed last Wednesday. Tho facts were kept a secret, however. ChrJBman Swopo died on Dec. C. Dr. D. C. Hyde, husband of a nleco of Colonel Swope, alged tho death certif icate. Tho cause of death was given as typhoid fever. MINERS MAY ASK RAISE Ten Per Cent Increase Will Probably Be Demanded. Indianapolis, Jan. 17. -A 10 por cent Increase In wages for tho bitumi nous miners of North America prdbn bly w,Ul bo tho demand formulated In tho annual convention of tho United .Mine Workers of America, which will open In this city tomorrow. , Tho contracts between bituminmta minora and tho operatoru of tho fol lowing expire on Mai eh 31: Central nnd western Pennsylvania, West Vir ginia, Ohio, Indlann, Mich,'gnn, Ml iiMb, Kentucky, Mlanotiil.'jawa, Kan sas, Oklahoma and Texas. Contracts in Tennessee, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado nnd Washington also will expire this year, In all of .these states a uniform Increase of wnge3 will bo asked. It is said that 'there will bo 1,400 delegates In tho convention. LAPORTE WOMAN IS FREED Mrs. Smith, Charged With Murder, Out on Bond. Laporte? Ind., Jan. 17. Mrs. Eliza beth Smith, arreBted as tho result of a confession of Ray Lamphere to the Rev. Mr, Schell, now president of the Iowa Wesloyan university, was re leased on a $500 bond. The negress, who was implicated by tho confession of the murderer of Mrs, GunnesB and her family, denied the charges made by Lamphere. It Is expected that there will be a resumption of the investigation into the Gunness case this week. The Truolson confession may yet play an Important part in the case. FOUR KILLED IN WRECK Freight Train on Colorado Midland Escapes From Control. Lcadville, Colo., Jan. 17. In a freight wreck on the Colorado Mid land, near here, four men were killed and three others Injured. The dead; H. C. Smith, Leadvllle, conductor: Willis Rjch, Cardiff, fire man; H. D, Fair, Cardiff, brakeman; Edward Davenport, Van, Mich. The airbrakes failed to work prop erly on a steep grade and the train roared down the mountain Bide until it struck a curve and left the track. TWO VICTIMS OF TRICHINA Nebraska Farmers' Families Afflicted With Disease. Fnlrbury, Neb., Jan. 17. The sec ond death from trichina poisoning In a farming community near Falrbury occurred in the person of MrB. Cor nelius Dnlke. Mrs, B. F. Kroeger died a week ago. Eight members of the Dalke and Kroeger families are in a critical con dition and physicians havo abandoned hope for four. Tho families ate quan tities of ray pork sausage, from which trichinosis developed. Will Search for Vessel. San Juan, P. R., Jan. 17. The Unit ed States revenue cutter Algonquin was ordered out to search for the big steam lighter Columbia, which saljod from New York, Dec. 23, for Haltlcn porta and has not since reported. Arrest Alleged Coiners, .San Francisco, Jan. 17. Tho most complete coin counterfeiting outfit ever taken by federal authorities In this part of the country wns captured here by secret service men. Throe allgud coiners were arrested. Three Miners Lose Lives. Montrose, Colo., Jnn. 17. Three men wero suffocated by powder smoke ard nltro funics In Gunnison tunnel. HELD FOR ILLEGAL VOTING Five Greeks Under Arrest at Wahoo and Sheriff After Others. Ashland, Neb., Jan. 15. In connec tion with tho milt filed by Petor P. Whlto ngalnst Charles II. Slamn tor tho olllco of county Judgo two soparntc complaints havo been made by County Attorney Jesse M. Galloway and a number of nrresta have "been made Tho first cqmplnlnt Is filed against Frank Lnnntn In tho pollco court oi Wahoo, chnrglng him with voting Hlo gaily In Union precinct, Saunders county, when ho wns n resident oi Douglas county. For tho first Umo In tho history ol tho county a prisoner haB boon re fused couiiboI and the county jail nt Wahoo la guarded by n deputy Blwr Iff. Tho Bccond complaint 1b against Antonio Colondo, Gulncppo Fnllo nnd twenty-font1 others, all of them Greoks, charging them with unlawfully voting nt tho Into county olectlon. Frank Lanntn nnd four of tho Inst named men nro occupying tho county jnll, while Sheriff Dnlloy Is scouring the county fpr otherB implicated in tho nffalr. REFU8E8 TO SIGN APPEAL BOND Treasurer Brian Docb Not Want to Take Bank Guaranty Case Up, Lincoln, Jnn. 14. Tho appeal po tltlon lu tho bank guaranty case, which will bo carried to tho court of appeals by tho state, has boon com pleted by Attornoy General Thomp son. Tho appeal bond, amounting to $500, has been proparod nnd signed by Stato Auditor Barton, prosjd'ont oi the banking bonrd; Attornoy General Thompson and Sam Patterson, who wns nppolntcd secretary undor the new law. Stato Treasurer Brian has refused to sign tho bond, nsscrtiug ho novcr was In favor of tho law nnd does not caro to havo tho case appealed. Sec rotary Royco of tho old board has also refused to Blgn tho "bond. Govornor Shnllonborgor will bo asked to attach his signature to It. LINCOLN AND OMAHA AT WAR. Rats Contest Between Nebraska Cities Gets to Commission. Washington, Jan. 14. A spirited trade contest between Omatm and' Lin coin, Nob., was brought to the ntten tlon of tire Jnterstuto commerce com mission by tho filing of n complaint by the Commercial club of Omahn against the Union Pnclflc rnllroad and ten other railway companies. It lo nlleged that tho defendant rail roadB discriminate In their lumber rates against Omaha and In fu'vor of Lincoln to the great commercial dlfl advantage of Omaha. Tho commission Is requested to Adjust the differences In rntes, so" that ihu two cities may ho plnced on n parity as to freight rates. INSURGENTS MEET JAN. 20 Candidate for Senate to Oppose Burk ett Will Be Named. Lincoln, Nob.-, Jau. 14. Tho Nebras-, Ka insurgents have selected Jnn. 20 as tho date for the state rally and the meeting will be held' nt tho Oliver theater. Resolutions will be passed praising the record of tho Nebraska Insurgents In congress, a candidate will ulso be jndorsed to oppose Sena tor E. J. Burkett for re-election. Nebraska Poultry Show. Hefting. Neb., Jan. 17. Tho 2,500 birds on exhibition in tne stnte poultry show here this week represent one of Nebraska's most extensive and profit able industries and one that has been growing jn tho value of products at the rate or nearly $1,000,000 a yeaf. Tho exposition Is tho twenty-fifth an nual event of Ub kind under the di rection of the state association. Governor Demands Proof. Lincoln, Jnn. 17. Governor Shallen berger notified pcrsonB at Norfolk who have made complaints against Mayor Friday for failure to close up Illegal resorts that evidence must be submit ted In legal form before an Investlga-J tlon will be conducted. Complainants in mi- cubo juiieu iu minion uumciuni evlden:e to bring about convictions. Clay Center Man Attempts Suicide. Clay Center, Neb., Jan. 17. Harry Llghtner, aged thirty, attempted sui cide hero. He placed a revolver un der his right ear and fired, the bullet passing through his head. He is still conscious and gives as the reason for the attempt trouble In his family. His father is a doctor living iu Hastings. Oshkosh Is County Seat. Chnppell, Neb., Jan. 15. Oshkosh wns chosen county seat of the new county of Garden by about 200 ma jority, according to tho count which has been completed hero. The entire Republican ticket was elected with the exception of clerk and judgo. Heavy Loss of Stock on Ranges. Norfolk, Neb., Jan. 14. Another heavy snow covers northern Nebraska, southern South Dakota and northern Wyoming, adding to the suffering of live stock on the range. Thousands of head of cattle and sheep have per Ishod. Quarantine Raised. Lincoln, Jan. 15. Governor Shallen bergor received notice from the sec retary of agriculture that tha quarnn tlno agajnst Boyd, Butlor and Dawson counties against scablos, imposed' by fedeial nuthorltlos, has been raised. Liquor Case Docketed. Lincoln, Jan. 15. The supreme court granted permission to the attor ney general to docket tho case In volving the right of tho Burlington nnd Union Pacific roads to sell liquor on tbelr dining cars In Nebraska. Ireians JrasStore Patronized l?y careful and discriminating buyers The one place ill town where you can buy really go o d chocolates Cement Waiks I make a specialty of ce ment walks and work. Have been constructing same in Al liance more than one year, and invite the most rigid in spection of my work. Use only the best of materials and make prices as low as can be done with honest work. Have had many years experience in cement construction in vari ous cities. Remember poor cement work is dear at the cheapest price and when you have had to replace it is mon ey thrown away. John Pederson FnuTiun FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER and ELECT ROT YPER U20-1 LMMXnct DtKVOI COLO iiiiiiiiiiLiLii llllltilnim Jr L'1-IIM-L-AI -Ml.! FAIR PRICE W m. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ...WOOD 'Phone Alliance, , No. "5. Nebraska. 1 FOK SALE BY F. J. Brennan IB. 2EHL errr's Brown Leghorn Eggs S31 per 15 1-year-old hens, $1.50 each 924 Box Butte Ave. AHIinee, Kb P. J. CLATTERBUCK Farms and Ranches IJOX HITTK AM) DAWES COUNTIES For GOOD INVESTMENTS WRITE ME MAKSIAW). NKI1I. r WE PRINT SALE BILLS AND PRINT THEM RIGHT FREE FROM UCE.