The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 20, 1910, Image 1
8lnL niatorlonl Soclet The Alliance Herald. Official Publication of Box Butte county. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. "-'. VOLUME XVII, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, JAN, 20, 1910 NUMBER 6 ft" ,V ', Mfc"- ' s I, v h V : & it. s s4Vif Drafts DRAFTS issued by the First National Bank are used for the same purposes that Post Office and Express Money Orders are, and are available for many other uses. Wo recommend the use of DRAFTS when traveling, when transferring money from place to place and when sending money tq parties at other places as they are cheaper, much more convenient and" absolutely safe. DRAFTS can be carried in lieu of currency and the owner is absolutely protected from loss. DRAFTS can be transferred from one person to another as many times as desired, thus sav ing many extra fees. DRAFTS are available for use in the UNITED STATES, CANADA or MEXICO. The fee charged for our DRAFTS is about one-third less than the fee charged for Post Office or Express Orders. First National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY OUR DRUGS are all of the highest quality we can get and are all examined crit ically after we receive them in stock here before a single one is placed on sale we do everything in our power to be on the safe side. A good thing for you to remember. I h OAiJdtavC " j i JuMMuaiSt' GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. Glaze Marble Works Chas. Glaze, Prop. Hemingford, Nebr. A FULL LINE OF MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES Note the following: By buying of us yon have no extra freight to pay. We buy our stock in car load lots and do the cut ting in our yards at Hemingford. You can examine your work before accepting it. We guarantee satisfaction tflH'lM We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. A. .HH5"5KX',:XX-'.": !.. I KENNEDY BROTHERS DENTISTS. Office io Alliance National Bank Blk Over Postoffice. 'Phone 39X. .t....I,.l....Ii.l.H"I't'W"!"I"I""I"H"I"l" REHEriBER ITliutNew England boiled dinner every Tuesday Tlnvt discount coupon book for busi ness and railroad men TJiokc special parties which we handle any hour of the day or night Whether yon want four or forty plates, see us Cafe Alliance "Whers Ycu Get What You, Order" Al icHliuii Do you know that we are the best equipped establish ment to handle YOUR clean ing and pressing ? If not, ' step in and see some of the work.we turn out actual samples of what you will enjoy if you send your clothing to be pressed and cleaned to JOS. ORCHOWSKI 408 BOX BUTTE AVE. i BUSINESS LOCALS. 20 per cent, off on all head scarts at Loucks' New Store. 6-it 25 per cent, off on silk and wool shawls while they last at Loucks' New Store. 6-it For Sale Uluck Percheron stallion seven years old. Good disposition aud sure breeder. Will trade for cattle if not too thin. J. A. Keegan, Alliance. 7-it For Sale Good piano. Steinhauer, for S150. Columbia discGrapliophoiie and 100 records, $50, 317 East Da kota St. 7-it Feed for Stock Having plenty of range and straw, we have decided totake in stock. Horses preferred. Knafp & Nabb, Phone No., a short on L. fl3t - 4L The Initiative and Referendum As wo Brow older, nnd see more of tho world, nnd letirn more of the workings of govern mental affairs, the more heartily are wo in favor of putting ques tions of government and public policy directly up to the people and letting them decide what they want; and tho more cheer fully are we willing to abide by tho majority's decision when ox-. pressed unbiased by partisan prejudice or confusion of issues, We believe in "Let tho people rule," not because that sentence has been made a party slogan, but because it expresses a prin ciple that ought to bo funda mental with all political parties. One of the most encouraging signs of the times is tho great demand that is being made to let voters express their opinions and wishes in municipal, state and national government; and the yielding to this demand by many leaders of both the great politi cal parties. In our humble opinion, one of the best laws over enacted by a republican legislature of the state of Nebraska is the one per mitting cities to adopt the in itiative and referendum for the settlement of questions relating to municipal government. And by tho same token, the worst thing done by the democratic legislature, that did many good things, was defeating the bill for a law to adopt the initiative and referendum in state govern ment. In the issue of The Herald of December 80th, we called atten- ( tion to themportance of adopt ing the initiative and referendum in Alliance, and cuggstrss: ind requesting the circulation of pe titions for an election to vote on the adoption of the same. Since then petitions have been circu lated and signed by a larger number of voters than was necessary to make the calling of the election legal. So far as we have been able to learn the sentiment in favor of adoption is general, but would probably be more nearly unanimous if the scope of the initiative and refer endum were more fully known. Some seem to think that only one question is to be, or can be, settled thereby. This is a great mistake. Not only may the question of licensing saloons l)e decided by direct vote of tho people, thereby eliminating the ill will that is so often unneces sarily engendered, where the question hinges upon the elec tion of candidates for city offices, and which is so detrimental to a city's growth and business in terests; but other questions of vital importance to a city's wel fare may be voted upon and de cided by direct vote. One of the most important questions com ing up for settlement, as a city increases in size and commercial importance, is that of franchises, such as electric light, telephone, gas, street railways, etc., and the old plan of leaving these im portant matters entirely in the hands of a few men is fast play ing out, and no up-to-date city will want to retain such a sys tem long when an opportunity is offered to adopt a better method. We apprehend that it will not be many years until a city that refuses, or neglects, to adopt the initiative and referendum, when there is opportunity to do so, will be tho laughing stock of the public outside of its corporate limits. " ' v While tho east is crying out in nil its misery about tho worst winter in ninny venrs, wo can't complain. A threshing crew at tho Russell farm last Thursday nnd Friday turned out nioro than 3,000 bushels of grain, nnd tho boys worked in their shirt sleeves, too. Coino to western Nebraska, you storm-swept Iowans and Missourians nud oujoy per petual 8iinshiucaml good health! '' There was considerable business transacted by. the county commission ers at their meeting last week, but it is impossible to publish the proceedings in this issue of The Herald owing to the absence of tho county clcik. The Herald was designated by the county fathers as one of the papers tn do the printing for Box Butte county for the ensuing year. Lieutenants Hcnning and Cooper came down from Fort Robinson to at tend tho dance given by the Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church. 2 DAYS-FRI DAY and SATU RDAY BSe1 LOUCKS' SPECIAL SALE DON'T MISS IT "VB H. A. LOUCKS, Libfey's Old Stand Coal at Reduced Price I am selling Coal from the car, at a saving of $1.00 to $1,50 to customers. Orders will be filled in tho order re ceived. W. F. Knight, 518 W. Da kota. Phone 506 Blue. 2tf Situation Wanted Man with wife and one child want work on ranebc. Can take charge. W. E. Blodgett, 519 Laramie Ave. Phone 120. 6-it Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3-tf Only three days left The past week has bargains and still there are plenty left. Lay Ladies' Coats, IVs per cent Discount Ladies' Suits, 25 per cent Discount Ladies' Shirt Waists, Uva Discount Underwear, Wool Blankets, 15 per cent Discount OVERCOATS 25 per cent Discount S JcrJ ZEE C J. Ja. JLi One line Men's Overcoats, (jjC 7c worth $10. Sale price . . &J.JD One line Overcc $15. Sale price One line Overcoats, worth le price . . . NORTON' McCluer's 3 j An unusual offering in 10 and -12 inch Striped and Checked Wool Suiting, ! former prices $1.25 and $1.50, aro now on sale at Every thing, that is now nnd good is offered in Dress Goods. Particularly can everything in short lengths bo had at .slaughtered prices. Notice All water rent must bo paid by Jan. 18th, tust., or water will bo turned off. 4-3t , H, Carlson, Water Com. For Sale Lot 3, block 8, 612 Toluca Ave. East front. All fenced. Cement sidewalk and curbing. Inquire at Herald office or phone 556. 4tf 20 per cent, off on all hand embroid ered waist patterds at Louck'fl New Store. 6-it to take advantage of been a good one; many 25 per cent Discount (I!a nc . Vr m J E Big Price for Cream The Alliance Creamery is paying 32 cents for cream. Cement Contractor. For estimates on cement walks, ce ment blocks and nil kinds of concrete work, see J. J. Vance, West Lawn, Alliance, Nebr, 3g-tf For Sale or Rent Five-room house in Duncan addition. Inquire of W. E, Spencer. the Discount Sale. people have secured A in your supply now. MEN'S SUITS 10 per cent Discount SPB O X H, One line Hen's Suits, '"7 J CS worth $10. Sale price 3JJD One line Men's Suits, snappy styles, neat patterns, (t A nc worth $15. Special at P I U-D