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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1910)
NEBRASKA NEWS Normal Board Decides 'to Give Hew School to Gliadron. SIX TOWNS COMPETE FOR SITE After Fourteen Ballots Chadron Re. celves Five Votes and Decision Is Then Made Unanimous ponnteo Eighty Acres of Land and Academy Building to State Location Said to Be an Ideal One. Llncolu, Neb., Jan. 10. Gliadron gets the new normal school. Tho nor mnl board In executive session at the Lincoln hotol selected tho Dawea coun ty town on tho fifteenth ballot. On different ballots each town re ceived threo votes, which "was, tho highest number that town received. Tho votes wero all cast under tho Australian ballot syBtom and each town competing for tho school on va rious ballots received Borne votes. On tho fourteenth ballot Chadron received live votes and' then tho location was undo unanimous. Chadron agreed to donato to the state eighty acres of land adjoining the town end which runs bacJc Into tho buttes, and according to Troasurcr Drjan Is an Ideal location for tho school. In the center of tho tract Is tho Chadron academy, an Institution conducted by tho Congregational church. This building will bo donnted to tho state, though tho board said this was no Inducement to tho selec tion of Chadron for tho school. Chad ron Is on tho Northwestern railroad and Is In tho extreme northwestern county of tho stato. The stato appro priated $35,000 for the school. The faculty will not bo chosen until later, probably not until tho biUIdlng is constructed. The towns which compotod' for tho school wero Chadron, Alliance, Crawford, Itushvlllo, Gordon and Alns- worth. The normal board visited nil of the towns nsklng for tho school. At Its various meetings tho board took no action regarding Principal Crnbtreo. JILTED MAN WANTS $6,000 August Schmidt Sues Tllden Glr for Breach of Promise Madison, Neb., Jan. 10. August Schmidt has filed suit In the district court of Madison county against Miss Anna Whjtwer of Tllden for breach of promiso to marry and asks the court Tor a Judgment against his afflancea' in tho sum of $6,000. Mr. Schmidt eays, so states tho petition, thnt on'or about Dec. 1, 1900, Miss Whltwer promised to marry him and tho date wsb tentatively fixed for Jan. 1, 1010, or within a reasonnblo tlmo there after. Mr. Schmidt further Btates In Ms petition that on Jan. 4 ho called at tho homo of Miss "Whjtwer in Til den nnd offered to marry her and sho refused to do so and still refuses. Vr Schmidt Bays that Miss Whit over's refusal to marry him haB In jured his social standing and by rea son of the shock ho hns suffered' great mortification and mental anguish, be sides being deprived of tho comforts and enjoyment of Miss Whltwcr's so ciety, all of which, ho alleges In hjs -petition, hns caused him to suffer damages in tho sum of $0,000. SUES COUNTY FAIR Nuckolls County Man Suffers Serious Injury From Wild Horse. NelBon, Nob., Jnn. 10. A suit for damngcB ngainBt the Nuckolls Coun ty Agricultural society for 2,C0O was filed in the district court by Ebonezer H. Footo of Superior, Nob. Whllo at tending tho county fair held by that association last fall, he claims to liave Ueon Injured by a wild horse springing upon him with its feet, knocking him unconscious, cutting a deep wound on his leg and otherwise permanently injuring him. This .wjld horse was a part of a wild" west Bhow and while the attempt was being mado to ride it at a public exhibition, It broke through the fenco with Its rider, madly dashing through a dense crowd. It wan at this time, Jt is claimed, the alleged Injury was sustained. May Woman Hold County Office? Valentine, Neb., Jan. 10. E. It. Qulble, county treasurer of Cherry county, has refused to turn, over the office to Miss Gertrude Jordan, -who was elected treasurer at last fall'B election, on the grounds that Miss Jor dan Is not eligible to hold n county offlco. Th9 case will be carried' to tho supreme court of the United States at once, this being tho first test whether a woman jb eligible un der the constitution of the state of Nebraska to hold county office. Laborer Fatally Burned. Seward, Neb., Jan. 10. Krhalm Ekukcele, a Greek laborer employed an a member of a construction gang, was probably fatally burned hero. Ho lighted the fire in the stove in tho founk car wjth kerosene. The can e ploded, scattering burning oil over hjs clothing and tho car. His compan ions rolled him In t,ho snow and extin guished the flames.' The car was de stroyed. Polk County Man Takes Own Life. Osceola, Neb., Jan. 10. John Hult gren, living seven miles northwest of Osceola, committed suicide by shoot ing his head off with a Bhotgun, No runM rn be' assigned for his tak-In- aia life, MULLIN 18 CAUTIONED Judge Admonishes Juror to Speak With Care In Future. Grand Island, Nob., Jan. 8.-Tho closing incident of the Stout trial oc curred when Juror Ed Mullln, who was withdrawn from tne box In tho middle of tho trial on itio affidavit of W. F. Thompson, wns cited to appear nnd show cause why ho should not be punished for contempt. Mullln np penred, represented by counsel, and It wns shown from the court tocord that he had an opinion, qualifying this, on further cxamlnnMau, by the dcclnrn Hon that ho could and He would lay that opinion aside. It was 2ion tht ho had not apparently attempted to concenl anything. The juror himself did not reeall the oxnet conversation sworn to by Thompson, in which he Is alleged to have said hu would like to got on tho Jury as ho would take plensuro In Bonding Stout to li , but declared that ho had no prejudice against Stout upon entering the box. It wns shown that the juror was n man of excellent repute nnd tho court after n sovero admonishment dis charged hjm, tho Juror to pay only tho costs. AUDITOR RULES ON AGENTS State Official Desires to Pass on In surance Solicitors. Lincoln, Nob., Jnn. 8. Hereafter In surance agents will have to make ap plication to tho stato auditor for licenses to do business. Thjs Is n change from tho old way of doing business when the Insurance compa nies simply sent in tho names of tho agonts and the licenses wero granted on their application. Tho agents will bo compelled to an swer certain questions, among them being one telling of tho amount of In surance he has written during the last year nnd also whether he .intends to devote his time exclusively to the in mirnnco business. Tho auditor Is try ing to prevent persons taking out licenses simply in order to write their own insurance. SEVEN PARDONS FOR YEAR Governor Shallenberger Makes Low Record in This Line. Lincoln, Neb., Jnn. 8. During tho yenr ho has been In offlco Governor Shnllenbcrger hns Issued pardons or commutations to seven convIctB in tho state penitentiary. This 1b tho small est number of convlctB thnt has been let out In one yenr by any executive of tho state within ten years at least. Tho governor hns adopted tho pol icy of insisting upon the county attor ney nnd district Judge who tried tho convict Indorsing the application for pardon or commutation, and also that there shall bo some new condition arising which would Justify executive clemency. WOULD RESTRAIN RAILWAYS Injunction Asked to Prevent Roads 8elllng Liquor In Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 7. Attorney General Thompson filed in the su preme court application for an Injunc tion to restrain tho UurUngton and Union Pnclfic railroads from serving liquor In dining cars on through trains. The last legislature passed a law prohibiting this, but evidence of vio lation Is so hard to secure thnt the attorney general adopted this peculiar method of securing an eniorcement of tho net. The wine lists need on din ing cars are submitted in evidence. Pork Sausage Causes Death. Fairbury, Nob., Jan. 10. Mrs. B. P. Kroeger Is dead and nine members of the families of B. P. Kroeger and C. Dnke, farmers near here, are 111 from trjchlna poisoning. More than n week ago the two families ate a quantity ol raw pork sausage. The Illness was supposed -to be tho grippe. Mrs. Kroe ger died and two others, It Is snld, can not recover. Physiclnns say the 111. nesa Is due to trichina. Omaha May Drop Corn Show. Omaha, Jan, 10.i Omaha may not have another National Corn exposj tlon. The Inst exposition did not pny .out because of unfavorable weather conditions, which greatly impaired the gate receipts. At a meeting of tho executlye committee It was de cided to call In stock subscriptions sufficient to pay all debts and then leave It to the people to decide whnt was best for the future. Kills Self on Twenty-fr3t Birthday. Beaver City, Neb., Jan. G. Edward Brouhard, connected with the bank of Beaver City, of which his father js president, committed suicide by shoot ing himself with a rifle. He was twenty-one years old and celebrated the event with a birthday party. A phys ical defect, from which he had suf fered all his llfo, is the only known cause for tho act. Murder Suspect Is Bound Over. AInsworth, Neb., Jan. C George Wilson, charged with tho murder or Jacob Davis, a prominent resident of this city, Dec. 27, was neld to the dis trict court without ball and ,ls now in the county Jail. Helen Lends, who Is believed to be an important witness for the state, was given Into the cus tody of the sheriff, High Record for Hogs. Omaha. Jan. 6. The prlco of hogs at tho South Omaha markot reached another high record when $8.574 per cwt. was paid for one shipment of sovonty-one hogs, averaging 280 lbs. each, from Richfield, Neu. Georgia Representative Dies, Dawson, Ga., Jan. 6. Representative Jamos M. Griggs of the Stioud Geor gia district died sndrionly at his home hero of apoptexy, ZELAYAWFENSE Publishes Plea of Gannon and Groce as Proof of Guilt. REPLIES TO PRESIDENT MADR1Z Deposed Nlcaraguan Dictator Exhib its Telegrams From the Two Amer. leans, In Which Tney Confessed Guilt and Threw Themselves on His Mercy Both Alleged to Have Made Promise of Support for Clemency. Mexjco City, Jan. 10. As Justifica tion of his refusal to pardon Cannon and Groce, and In support of a denial which he mado of Irregularity in the manner of tholr condemnations nnd executions, Jose Santos Zclnya exhib ited for tho first time telegrams which he claimed to have received from the American victims of Nicaragua's mar tial law. Zelaya gavo his denial in reply to charges mado by President Mndriz of Nicaragua that tho executions of Groce and' Cannon wero Illegal and thnt tho United States government was Justified in its resentment over this action. Text of Cannon Plea. Tho telegrams wero as follows: "El Castillo, Nov. 1!, 1909. Com mander in Chief J. Santos Zelaya, Campo do Marte: The confessions mnde by me in my trial are sufficient prcA's of my voluntary guilt, there fore I do not attempt to maintain be fore you tho innocence which does not exist, and I limit myself to nsklng thnt your recognized magnanimity be extended to me, saving my life nnd imprjsoning me Instead for the num ber of years you may designate, prom ising you on my word of honor never again to mix in the political affairs of tho country, and, furthermore, to serve the government over which you preside In all that may bo necessary for the peace of the republic which General Juan J. Estrada, with my humble collaboration, given In an un fortunate moment of excitement nnd madness, haB disturbed. My salva tion, nfter being condemned by the law nnd conscience to die, can only be tho work of big hearts like yours, to which I appeal, and In which I put my trust, for the love of my good mother, who will be made happy by your noble nctlon. LE ROY CANNON." Groce Makes Two Appeals. "Scnor General Don J. Santos Ze laya, Campo do Marte: As you have always been magnanimous towards all, I pray you In the name of God to grant me clemency now that I am in distress. I will remain your grateful servant for life. For God's sake have pity on me. Your servant nnd brother Mason, L W. GROCE." "El Castillo, Nov. 14, 1909 Senor General Don J. Santos Zelaya, Campo de Marto: I rejterate my plea, Mr. President. I nm guilty, as I have con fessed, but I promise yon, General, never again to mix In the political af fairs of this country, which I love ns my own becnuso my adored wife Is a Nlcaraguan. She and my four chil dren will be happy through your mng nnnimlty. Your servant, fraternally, "LEONARDO W, GROCE." WOMAN IN BALLOON TRIP Aeronautic Party Ascends From Pasa dena, Cal. Pasadena, Cal., Jan. 10. The bal loon New York ascended from this city, having as Its passengers Its own er, Clifford B. Harmon or New York, Miss Jean French nnd Mrs. Alvln French of Pnsadena, George Harris of Los Angeles and George BeiiBsler, an expert aeronaut. There was little wind nt the start, and the great gas bag shot almost straight upward to a height of 1,000 fet, moving north ward toward the mountnlns. MURDERER OF PETROSINI New York Police Think They Have Located Him. New York, Jan. 10. A clue to the Identity of the man who murdered Lieutenant Harry PetrosinI In Pal ermo, Sicily, last year, Is In the hands of the central office here, and a police officer said the department has hopes of making nn arrest soon. The man wanted ts said to be working in the mines nt Carbondale, Pa. He followed 1'etrosinl to Sicily. DIES FROM FOOTBALL INJURY Lewlston Boy Develops Baffling Dis ease From Broken Collarbone. Lcwjston, Me., Jan. 10. A disease, the result of an injury received while plnylng football nearly a year ago, which has puzzled physicians for some tlmo, caused the death of Fred erick A. Randall, sixteen years old. During a football game he Injured the collarbone. Following an operation, tuberculosis of the bono developed. Steamer Helpless at sea. Halifax, N. S., Jan. 10.Tho Nor wegian steamer Hlruudo Is tossing holplessly In tho north Atlantic with n broken shaft, according to a wire loss message received hero from Cape Race. Tho steamer registers 1,343 tons. It left St. Johns, N. P., on Jnn 1 for Halifax to load for Cuba. Steam- ors are bolnj despatched to the aid of the disabled vessel. Explosion Kills Eight. Tho Dalian, Ore., Jam 10. Tho acci dental explosion of some dynamite on tfap 1,'ne of t'- Oreo- Trunk railway 1 ra"-. -y V-iit "1 l t - tmd'ia- 'J-. 1 rve-M Ctt"'- . I HOLSTEN'S Headquarters for School Supplies TABLETS NOTE BOOKS COMPOSITION BOOKS NOTE PAPER PENCILS PENS, INKS CHALK CRAYONS COLORED CRAYONS ERASERS and PAIN1S RULERS GIVEN AWAY AT HOLSTEN'S "" iK'"' 'I ""Uli w ) i wSpSC 'I Finding a Leak is sometimes a dangerous and dirty job unless you are a Practical Plumber. If ' there is any trouble in the bath room or heatiog apparatus Send for Us and we will fix it promptly and at reason able charge. We do good work and guar antee it. Fred Brennan House phone, 356. Shop phone, 744 J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer ALLIANCE, Ni:nitSKA Parties out of town should write, as I am out much of the time Charges will not exceed $5.00 and ex penses per day. Best Equipped, Most Upto Date Exclusive Meat Market in Western Nebraska . ui juMwwnwi Shop open from 6:30 a. m. to 7 p. m.; Saturday and pay days, open till 9 p. m.; not open on Sunday during winter Prompt Attention to Phone Orders We purchase good dressed beef and pork in the carcass. at our shop before selling Good Things to Eat AT Phone I - J9 Ljcscn s oea un tne corner EVERYTHING FRESH AND CLEAN On SATURDA Y, we will receive by express a fine line of pbesh: petjit The Old Reliable Hardware, Harness and Implement Firm In order to make room for new goods will make special prices on Buggies, Spring and Farm Wagons Agent for the well known Deering Hay Tools and Harvesters and J. ,1. Case Threshing Machines. In HARNESS My motto: "How Good; Not, How Cheap." Anton Uhrig I EMINGFORD, NEBR. wmmmmmmmmmm fOTi WfiS $$ Good turnouts. Courteous treatment to all. 1W&8s&' Give us a tt3ggS , , Plione 19 west of P. (J. Palace Livery Barn H. P. COURSEY. Prop. (Successor to C. C. Sintth) trial; we will treat you right. C, B. & Q. Watch Inspector Palace meat MARKET I. W. Herman, Prop. Miss Rose C Herman Cashier and Bookkeeper Jos. Skala, - Meat Cutter Jake H. Herman Stock Buyer Louis Skala ) Sausagemakers John Herman ) and Butchers Wm. C Herman Delivery Boy Day Cunningham Delivery Boy Phone 131 Residence Phone, 375 Call 4I , A UUHwmww r " w. -