The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 06, 1910, Image 3

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John PHkington's
Meat Market
221 Box Butte Ave.
All kinds Fresh and Cured Meats,
Fish, Poultry, and everything else
sold in a first-class 'meat market
See me for car loads of
Potatoes, Flour, Corn and Feed
Groceries and Provisions
A full line of fresh goods to order from
Our prices are right
Telephone orders filled promptly
. Phone 55
S. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Dakota St. ; one block
north of Burlington station, on west side of street
The New Lumber Yard
Is Now Doing Business
H v
1 Did You Get Our Prices?
I have several new and slightly used
typewriters, also five cash registers,
which I will sell cheap to close out at
once. Cash or easy terms.
Phone 340
Lloyd C. Thomas
Omaha Breweries Shut Down
While Litigation is Pending,
Hearing to Determine Result of Li
cense Fight Is Resumed Before
Judge Estelle Case Will Go to Fin
Ish Before Adjournment Between
Six Hundred and Seven Hundred
Workers Are Idle for Present.
Omahit, Jnn. 3. Honrjng on tho
question of brewers' Hcennos began
beroro Judge Estello at 2 o'clock this
afternoon. The court announced that
the hearing will go to a ilnlsh before
No brewery In Omaha la manufact
uring beer or will until the litigation
affecting lta rights to a license Is ile
termlned, and that Is Jiulcflnlto. Some
COO or 700 brewery employees, most of
them married men, are temporarily
out of work as a result of this litiga
tion and will have to seek new em
ployment If the enso stands against
the breweries.
"Wo have too much beer on hand to
make any more while our rjghts are
In jeopardy," snld ono of tho browors.
Latest Proposition to Be Worked Is
Texas Town Lot Swindle.
Tecumseh, Neb., Jan. 3. Grafters
seem to bo unusually numerous jn
this section of Nebraska this winter.
The lntest proposition to bo worked is
as follows: A smooth looking fellow
appears nt tho places of business of
the professional men and merchants
in the smaller towns. He Bays ho Is
selling lots in a certain town In Tex
as, and that he will give tho man ap
proached one of tho lots with no other
expense than $4.50, which js to pay
for an abstract. Tho grafter explnlns
that he wants to interest as many
people in the town as he can In tho
lots and by having his list of lot pur
chasers headed by some of tho most
influential citizens he will bo better
able to Interest others. Three or
four men In each town are "given" the
lots. It develops that the strnnger
is not a real estate man, has no lots,
but has the money of the easy ones.
Accidentally Shot by Discharge of
Shotgun In Hands of Brother.
Osceola, Neb., Jan. 1. Francis, the
ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
S. Steever, was killed by the acci
dental dlschargo of a shotgun in the
hand's of his brother, George, aged
fourteen years, while out hunting rab
bits on his father's farm, near Stroms
burg. There woro three boys in tho
crowd and tho accident happened
when tho boy who was killed had
leaned forward to pick up nn animal
that ho had Just shot. Tho father
and mother were away Trom homo
when the accident happened.
Deficiency Is Likely In Only One Nor
mal School Fund.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 3. Secretary
Ludden of the Btnte normal board filed
his annual report of tho finances of
the two normal schools and of tho
board wjth the governor. Tho report
cays that unless something unfore
seen occurs the board will bo able to
complete the blennlum within the ap
propriations mndo by tho legislature,
with tho possiblo exception of the em
ployees' wage fund at Peru. The ap
propriation for this purpose was $,
000 less, tho report says, than tho
actual payroll.
Nebraska Prisoner Drank Liquor Ho
Had Stolen From Factory.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 3. Simoon Hud
con, a convict stole a pint of wood al
cohol In the , Nebraska prison broom
factory, drank It, and is now suffer
ing from pnralyzod optic nerves. Ho
is totally blind and the condition may
be permanent Hudson Had about a
year yet to sorve of a Ave and a halt
years sentence.
Primary Lav In Doubt. '
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 1. Owing, to tho
doubt of tho Ollis primary eloctlon
law, including the nomination of a
candidate for the United States sen
ate to be voted on at the primary elec
tion next August, Governor Slinllen
bergor probably will ask tho attor
ney general for an opinion on tho
matter before ho Issues his olectlon
Sixteen Bananas Fatal to Boy.
Bladon, Neb., Jan. 3. After eating
sixteen bananas John Claussen, ten
years of age, became 111 and died at
his homo at this place. WJth a num
ber of companions, hd entered a res
taurant. For a cash payment of 5
cents tho proprietor offered tho boyB
all the bananas they could eat. It Is
claimed that the fruit bad been
Kansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska Ex
ecutives to Consider Banking Law.
Lincoln, Nob., Dec. 30. Governor
Shnllcnbergor sent n letter to Gov
ernor Haskell of Oklahoma acquiescing
In tho suggestion of tho latter that
u conference of tho governors of Ne
braska, Oklahoma and Kansas be hold
to adopt u policy concerning the bank
deposit guaranty laws In view of the
tu'llim of the courts jleclnrlng .Illegal
the enactments of Nebraska and Kan
sas. Govornor Shnllcnborgor an
nounced hi willingness to coopernte,
and suggoslod Jnn. 18 at Washington,
when there Is to bo a meeting of ninny
governors, ns tho tlmo and place.
Poultry Show at Hastings.
Hastings, Neb., Jnn. 4. The forth
coining Nobrnskn poultry show, wlilen
will mark tho silver anniversary of
tho State Poultry association, Is ex
pected to be tho largest ami most
successful exhibition over hold by the
orgnnlzntlon. It will take place In tho
Auditorium, beginning Jnn. 17 and
continuing one week. Socretnry 1 P.
Ludden of Lincoln, who will bo tho
genornl puporvlsor, will establish
houdqunrtors here, Jan. 14. The asso
ciation will hold a brief business ses
sion Jnn. 18 nnd' on Jan. 20 there will
be a genernl session for tho eloctlon
of ofllcera nnd the consideration or
various matters pertaining to tho poul
try Industry,
Btxby Heads Poultry Men.
Omaha, Jan. 1. Tho Trnnsmlssls
slppl Poultry association elected tho
following oITlcors: P. A. Blxby of
Council Bluffs, president; P. S. Ivlng
of Omaha, first vice president; H. E.
Smith, of Lincoln, second vjco presi
dent; W. R. Prewltt of Onawa, third
vice president; Anton Lundstrom of
Omaha, secretary; L. C. Faublo ,pf
Council Bluffs, treasurer; bonrd of
managers, S. S. Nevins of South Oma
ha, John B. Keellno of Council Bluffs,
Max R. Nlppell of Benson, Frank C
Ahlqulst of Omaha nnd A. D. Rlegcl or
" """
Long Distance Now to Alliance.
Alliance, Jnn. 2. Tho Wehn Tele
phone company, which has just com
pleted a line down tho right of way
of the new Union Pacific lino from
Bridgeport to Ogallnla announced thnt
It has opened up tho first long dis
tance telephone circuit for Alllnnco,
giving this city connection with North
Platte, Grand Island, Fremont, Lin
coln and Omaha. When the Uno Is
completed In detail a similar connec
tion will be made with Denver and
other Colorado points.
Man Drops Dead in Depot.
Omaha, Jan. 3. A man forty years
of age, supposed to be William D. Mil
ler of 4452 North Market street, St.
Louis, dropped dead In tho waiting
room of the Union depot. It If be
lieved death resulted from heart fail
ure. An Inquest will be held. The
dend man's pockets contained a ticket
from Hot Springs, S. D., to Danville, 111.
Agricultural Meetings Soon.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 2. The meetings
of "orgnnlzed agriculture" will be
held in Lincoln, Jnn. 17 to 21, 1910.
Sixteen state associations plan to
hold their nnnunl sessions nt this
time, a farmers' Instltuto conference
nnd dniry, horticultural and llvo stock
association gatherings.
Former Governor Has Rally.
Osceola, Neb., Jan. 3. The slight
Improvement reportod In tho condition
of ox-Governor Mickey has continued
and apparently ho Is gaining some
strength. Ho is npparently brlghtor
and makes himself understood moro
readily by members of his family.
Bcrtuca Case on Trial.
Beatrice, Web., Dec. 31. The case
of the stato ngnlnst Farlno Bcrtuca,
charged with murdering John Prenhs,
a boy, nt Vymoro Inst summer, was
called for trial in tho district court.
Many witnesses from Wymoro are In
Half Million In State's Banks.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 3. Tho pay
ment of $52,000 into tho stato treas
ury by Douglas county swelled the
funds In tho hands of Treasurer Brian
bb shown by the December statement
Receipts for tho month wero $605,
404. Tho total balances in the various
banl.s of tho ate is $405,287,
Ncbraskan Seeks to Extend Pan-American
Guatemala City, Jan. 1. David E.
Thompson, the retiring American am
bassndor to Mexico, who resigned Ws
post to devote his attention exclusive
ly to tho Pan-American railroad, pur
chased by him, Is now hore. Presidont
Cabrera gave n banquet In his honor,
nt which tho speeches wero highly
complimentary to tho United' States.
The object of Mr. Thompson's visit
is to arrange for tho continuation of
the Pan-Amrrjcan road Into Guate
mala, although the right of construe
tjon to tho border has already boon
grantod to tho Central railroad, a
Guatemalan and Amorlcan enterprise.
Mr. Thompson will return to Mexico
next Wednosdny.
Celluloid Ornaments Get Afire and
Woman's Death Is Sad Result.
Lancaster. Pa., Jan. 3. Mrs. Mnzle
McLano, wJfo of Deputy Recorder Mc
Lane, was fatally burned. She aroso
at 3 a. m. to take medicine, and uftor
lighting tho gas throw tiio match into
a tray. The burning match caused tho
celluloid combs to oxpiodo and the
flames ignited Mrs. McLnno's night
dross and she died several hours Inter.
Many Reported Drowned and
Damage Is Heavy.
Phlllppopolls, Bulgaria, Jan. 3.
Eastern Rouinolla has boon swept by
the most disastrous flood in fifty years
and tho whole plajn resembles a vast
lake. Many persons are reported
drowned, while tho lossos In crops
and live stock will bo extremely heavy.
The old story
of love is told
in a new way in
that interesting story
' published
in these columns
One Way
of Love
IT is entirely unlike the love
story of your imagination
It is a story that will grip
the heart of every reader that
has experienced the meaning,
of the word "love." In other
words, if a really GOOD tory
One Way 6 Love
-ft Hh alt - . ? itHr & M .tlr rUr rifi Ht- M it- Mr Mi Mi M At fllfc- Mi -J; i-ii
-W W W -w Wi Ifl WW W 'W -W W W 'W w w w w w w w -w w
F -
Groceries, lresli and Cured
Meats, Fruits, 'Vegetables,
Nuts, Candies, and every
thing else good to eat
Phone 50
N. W Cor. Box Butte Ave.
and Montana St.
MfiG HOttlG "SBpGt which you have the greatest ln-
terest the home news. It-eve
issue will prove a welcome visitor to every member of tho family, a.
should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions.
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t'hoeiilx of Hlooklyo. New York.
Continental of New York Olty.
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Counccttcutt Firo PhoenU Ins .Jo.. Hartford. f!oun
rvmoarRlRi Union Assurance Co., LondonKiremuns Fund Insurance Co,
uormaniu nra uis. uu. iiuuui-sierueruian. ini.ta
State of Omaha Office Uo-Stoirs.Fletcher Block.
Liverpool. London and Olobo Ins. Co.
German American Ins. Co., New York.
New UamtMhlre
Columbia Fire Insurance Company.
iiiwuuiuui. uuuDrnMWft.