The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 06, 1910, Image 1

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    fnlo tllatorlonl Socloty
i , fa. mm mmtm
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska
4 -
Official Publication
of Box ButfeVcounty
imp GONE 41909
How did you close your book?
Resolve for the New Year. Limit
your spending and save the balance.
That is a better way to get a financial
start than to limit your saving and
spend the balance.
With capital reserve funds
you are ready for business opportun
ities which will surely come to you.
Remember, it is not your sav
ing alone that will make- you inde
pendent. Your money must be in
a safe place and must work for you.
I 1
I The First National Bank I
mm H nr 1 1 m mm m i wuhwihm i mimhii mi iiTiWTiiiwwiTinmTirn
are all of the highest quality we
can get and are all examined crit
ically after we receive them in
stock heie hefore a single one is placed
on sale we do everything in our power
to be on the safe side. A good thing
for you to remember.
M J .
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Glaze Marbia Works
Chas. Glaze, Prop.
Hemingford, Nebr.
Note the following: By buying of us you
have no extra freight to pay. We buy
our stock in car load lots and do the cut
ting in bur yards at Hemingford.
You enn examine your work before
accepting it.
We guarantee satisfaction
We always give
you the Most of
the Best for the
J. A. Berry, Mgr.
Office in Alliance National Bank BIk T
Over Postoflice, 7 A
'Phone 391.
. Money to loan on real estate. F. E.
Reddish. 3"f-
Wanted Work
washing at home,
ephone 485.
by dav, or take
Katie Gerald. Tel.
Sixty-five cents buys the piano scarf
in the Dennett Piano Company's win
dow, and 50 cents buys the pillow.
For Sale or Rent
Five-room house in Duncan addition.
Inquire of W. E. Spencer.
Big Price for Cream
The Alliance Creamery is paying 32
cents for cream. 3i-tf
Cement Contractor.
For estimates on cement walks, ce
ment blocks and all kinds of concrete
work, see J. J. Vance, West Lawn,
Alliance, Nebr. 39-tf
Mexican Hot Tamales
Finest that can he made, for sale by
George Mushi, in Sweetwater Aye.
Delivered promptly to any part of the
city. Family trade a specialty. Phone
No. 458
Coal at Reduced Price
I am selling Coal from the car, at a
saving of Si, 00 to $1.50 to customers.
Orders will be filled in the order re
ceived. W. F. Knight 518 W.' Da
kota. Phone "joG Blue. ' 2tf
All water rent must ho paid by Jan.
i8th, inst., or water will be turned off.
4-3t J. H. Carlson, Water Com.
Repair Work
Sewing Machines and
Have secured the services of a prac
tical mechanic and can guarantee all
work done by him. Don't trust your
work to travelling repair men. This
man will be here permanently. Re
pairs and parts furnished for all ma
chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling.
Brown Leghorn Eggs
1 per 15
i-year-old hens, $1.50 taeb
S24 Bex Butte Am. Alllinct, Ktb.
State Board of Education on Trip of Inspection Stops
First at Alliance, the Only Centrally Located
Town Applying for the School.
Lust Monday, the duy selected
by the State Board of Education
to begin their trip of inspection
of proposed sites for the new
state normal school, chanced to
be one of the worst of the season
in this part of Nebraska. Forty
three, the train on which they
came, was somewhat late but ar
rived in time for thera to viow
before dark the four eighty-acre
tracts, the choice of which is
offered to the state as a site for
the normal school. Dinner was
served at Hotel Alliance at 0:30
p.m. All members of the board
were here, as follows: Hon. II.
M. Childs, York, president of
the board; Dr. BartL. Shellhorn,
Peru, vice pros.; Rev. Luther P.
Ludden, Lincoln, sec; Hon. L.
G. Brian, Lincoln, treas.; Prof.
E. C. Bishop, Lincoln, state
supt.; Hon. N. P. McDonald,
Kearney, and Hon. J. J. Tooley,
Anselmo, members. They were
accompanied by Prof. A. O.
Thomas, president of the Kear
ney State Normal school. Others
from abroad were in attendance,
as follows: Senator L. L. Ray
mond, Scottsbluff; G. E. Mark,
editor of Mitchell Index; Prof.
W. R. Tate, supt. of city schools,
Sidney; Mr. Cross, Mitchell, a
Scotts Bluff county teacher; J.
L. Johnson and Mark Spanogle,
Bridgeport; Keith L
Hemingford; Miss Edith Morri
son, county supt. of Cheyenne
county, Sidney.
The comfort of the visitors
was properly looked after by the
entertainment committee, com
posed of the following members:
P. W. Harris, mayor; Ira E.
Tash, pres. of Commercial Club;
D. W. Hayes, supt. of city
schools; S. K. Warrick, F. E.
Reddish, W. W. Norton, Geo. L.
Griggs and C. A. Newberry.
The banquet committee, con
sisting of E. C. McCluer, Dr. F.
M. Knight and R. J. Lawrence,
had ordered the following menu,
which was served in epicurean
style, after invocation by Rev.
John L. Vallow, pastor of Alii-'
ance M. E. church:. I
Oyster Cocktail
Stuffed Olives Celery Chips
Sweet Midgets
Consomme Princessc
Saratoga Wafers
Breaded Fillet ol Halibut
Graham Bread Sliced DilH'icklcs
' Sherbet
Roast Turkey Home Baked Ham
Turkey Dressing
Home Baked Potatoes
' Cranberry Sauce Rolls
Maple Parfait Fresh Fruits
Swiss Cheese
-Cafe Noir
. We congratulate Manager Kel
ly and his corps of assistants on
their success in serving a menu
that called forth so
pressiohs of praise.
many ex
The music
furnished by the Alliance High
School orchestra, under direction
of Prof. G. H. Williams, added
much to the enjoyment of the
dinner hour, and that it was
highly appreciated was shown
by repeated applause from the
assembled guests. And yet the
orchestra was not at its best,
their work being made difficult
by the absence of several mem
bers. After dinner came the most
important part of the day's pro
ceedings, the presentation of Al
liance's claims for the location
of the now state normal school;
nd if ever a clear enso of merit
jvas made out before a locating
committee, it certainly was on
this occasion. Right hero wo
lavish to remark that, while com
peting towns may rely upon
j 'playing a trump card at the
psychological moment," Alliance
depends wholly upon the fact
that it is the only logical location
for this school, and relying on
this fact we are as confident of
securing it as it is possible to be
hf anything that is not absolutely
ettled.N 0111013 may, if they
will, try wire pulling to secure
the location of the school on the
edge of the territory to be serv
ed, but we have too good an
opion 01 tne JNeorasica &iate
Board or. JUaucation to tinnic lor
a moment that they will be in
fluenced in their decision by any
thing of the kind. In regard to
wire-pulling and political schem
ing it is a notorious fact that
Alliance is sadly deficient; but in
this instance it is not needed.
We are relying upon the fact
that a state normal school at
Alliance can serve the people of
the patronizing territory to bet
ter advantage than it could at
any other place in the district;
and pending upon this fact,
without any expression of pref-
Pierceyerence yet from any member of
the board, we are sure that an
unbiased decision from them will
unanimously give Alliance the
We cannot give the speeches
in full, or even a synopsis of
them in this issue of The Herald,
but will say that they were all
excellent. First on the after
dinner program was a timely and
well-received introductory ad
dress by President Tash of the
Commercial c 1 u)j ; following
which R. M. Hampton spoke on
the subject, "Western Nebraska,
Its Future Development." Mr.
Hampton knows Nebraska west
0f tjie
one hundredth meridian
"from A to Z," and his address
showed that he knew just what
he was talking about.
While this city bases its claims
to the new school upon its be
ing by far the best location, a
very important matter was pre
sented by Father W. L. McNa
mara in an able address on "Al
liance, Its "Moral and Religious
A general impression prevails,
properly, we think, that an opin
ion from a disinterested party
has more weight than one from
interested persons. In his ad
dress on "Tributary Territory,"
Senator L. L. Raymond of Scotts
bluff spoke as one who is not in
terested in Alliance, except in a
general way as he is interested
in the prosperity, of all Nebraska
cities, but made a strong plea
for the location of the school
where it will be accessible to the
most densely populated portion
of the territory to be served by
it, namely Scotts Bluff and Mor
rill counties. Following the
Senator's address, no little en
thusiasm was created by Chair
man Tash reading a telegram,
just received from the North
Platto Valley Water Users' as
sociation in session at Scottsbluff
that day, and representing, if
wo remember correctly, 1,200
families, requesting that the
normal school bo located at Al
liance. Supt. D. W. Hayes presented
in "Educational Data" an array
of facts that added strength, if
such a thing were possible, to
the arguments already prosontcd.
Owing to some throat troublo,
which is unusual for him, Mr.
Hayes did not speak with his ac
customed clearance and volume
of voice, but ho spoko with de
liberation, his data were pre
sented in logical order, and wo
think most, if not all, in the largo
room hoard him.
Prof. W. R. Pate, superintend
dent of the Sidney city schools,
was present as a guest. His
name was not on the program,
but he was requested to say
something, which ho did to tho
delight of his listeners. Every
speech of the evening was re
plete with unanswerable argu
ments for the location of the
state normal school at Alliance,
and Mr. Pate's impromptu ad
dross was the clincher.
After sufficient arguments had
been presented, and more than
sufficient, it seems to us, the
members of the state board wore
requested to make some remarks,
each responding in a happy vein,
but refraining, of course, from
giving any expression of pref
erence as yet. President Thomas
of tho Kearney State Normal
was also requested to favor' the
assemblage with a speech, which
he did, much to tho gratification
of all present. His kindly spirit
and his deep interest in the cause
of education in this part of tho
state were especially appreciated
by Alliance citizens and other
western Nebraska people who
were present.
Installation of Officers
Alliance Council Knights of Columbus
Have Imposing Ceremony.
Public installation of the newly
elected officers of Alliance council, K.
of C, took placo Tuesday night nt the
council chambers of the order. Grand
Knight Dr. Copsey, on retiring to be
succeeded by Dr. Weber, was present,
cd with a handsome sectional book
case which so surprised the retiring
official that he hardly felt able to ex
press nts tceljug toward ins uromer
Knights. Dr. Weber, in a few well
chosen words, thanked the council for
the honor conferred on him and hoped
to merit it in his official acts. W. J.
Poole was succeeded as deputy grand
knight by W. J. Hamilton, who by the
way is a fourth degreo member of
order- Other officers were also
stalled, the same being mostly
elected to their old positions.
District Deputy J. B. Kennedy
sided at the installation-
After tho official actions were dis
posed of the Knights nud visitors
jojed a social hop.
New Year's Resolutions.
Be it resolved: Fhst, That tho An
nual Ball, given by tlw Alliance Fire
Dept. on New Ycui's ove, was beyond
all question the greatost success in its
line, of this season, and the said Al
liance Fire Dept. wishes very specially
to thank every one who so kindly and
effectually assisted iu making it so.
Second, That the music, which was
furnished for this ball by Nelson's or
chestra, was, according to all unpreju
diced decisions, the very best that has
ever been produced by Alliance musi
The annual meeting- of the
stockholders of the Box Butte
County. Fair Association is
called for Friday evening, Jan.
7, at 8 o'clock, in the Com
mercial Club rooms.
(jEO. A. Mollring,
. ( President.
Annual Meeting of
Board of Directors
The second annual meeting of tho
board of directors of the AUIanco
Creamery & Produce company was
held yesterday, and the showing made
in the reports of tho officers of tho
company must hnvo been very satis
factory to tho stockholders. Wo arc
sure that every person interested In a
"Greater Allianco" and n greater
western Nebraska will be highly pleas
cd to Icar 'of the growth of this insti
tution and its business.
Notwithstanding tho extra running
expenses incident to getting a new
creamery established, the Bccond year's
business was profitable to the stock
holders. A ten per cent, dividend was
declared, tho same to be paid Feb. ist
Tho butter and egg business for tho
year 1909 amounted to nearly $100,000,
the most of which sum wns paid to
farmers for cream. Tho number of
pounds of butter manufactured duriifg:
the year was 320,000, an increase' of
thirty-six per cent, over igoS, tho first
year of business.
Having become convinced that tho
uec of silos iu this country will bo of
immonse value to farm and dairy in
terests, tho board of directors decided
to take up the sale cf the same and
will make nn effort., to introduce them
into this country.
The proposition to issue moro stock
and build a largo cold Btorago and ar
tificial ice plant was also taken up.
While the directors seemed favorable
to the proposition, definite action was
deferred to a special meeting to bo
held some time in the near future.
Alliance Has New Store
Some rare bargains in Ladies' Nov
elty Goods, such as Silk Head Scarfs,
Shawls and Kimonas. Also, an elab
orate display of Cluny, Battenburg,
Teneriffe and Mexican Drawn Work on
fine linen, from 7c Doilies to Bed
Spreads and Table Cloths.
Special sales this week.
LocationOld Libby Store.
Preaching by the ' pastor, Rev. Dr.
Bogue- Morning topic. "The place
prepared for Christ's followers;" even
ing, "The Publican's. Prayer."
Next Sunday morning's subject, will
be, "Put on thy strength, O Zion."
There will bo the usual evening service
with special music.
Pleaching by the pastor next Sunday.
Morning theme, The whitened har
vest;" evening,
'A fatal lament.""
Regular services next Sunday at
Fuirview at n a.m. and at Berea at 3
3 p.m.
Following ate announcements of
subjects by Rev. J. H. White, who is
assisting iu special services:
Thnrs. eve, Jan. 6, "Seeing Jesus."
Fri. eve, Juu. 7, "Jehosaphat an
Sat. eve, Jan. 8, "Obedience to
Heavenly visions."
Sabbath morn, Jau. 9, "People God
cau use," t
Sabbath eye, Jan.' 9,. "The Wonder
ful Jesus."
Mon. eve., Jan. ro. "Starting anew
in tho service of God."
'Services for Sunday, Jan. 9th, will
be as follows: Holy Communion, 8
a.m.; morning prayer with sermon, it
a m,r evening prayer with sermon, 7:30
p.m.; Suuday-school, xo a.m. The
subject of the sermon in the morning
will be, "Little things." H. Harris,
D. D.; Ph. D., rector,
Lot 3, block 8, 612 Toluca Ave.
East front. All fenced. Cement
sidewalk and curbing. Inquire at
I Herald office or phone 556, 4-tf