r. I. M I 1 t u U l i ' H J i -! I' ! it mS- ! 4' i u s ' I U 4 TO HOLIDAY! jJSPPl Shoes " -i I Don't Neglect your pedal extremeties purchase a pair of GOOD SHOES for yourself in addition to the many other purchases you are making for other people. We've the ideal shoe for this season of the yearsmartly sty lish and exceptionally well-made for the wet weather of the winter. It's Our HAN ON and costs $6.00 Solid Comfort A solid understand ing yet a classy, smart foot covering is that obtained in our Reed Ladies' Shoes Shoes Strong, sturdy manu facture from choice leathers assures you of footwear that will give lasting comfort, wear and shape-holding qualities when you pur chase a ReetLLadies' Shoe--$3 up uy your shoes at the EXCLUSIVE Shoe Store, where every pair is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Alliance Cash Shoe Store RAILVTAND PERSONALS. T. V. Milcliam is a new employe in tlie passenger service. Frank Vaughn 9pcnt a few days in Broken Bow last week. Con. Geotce Hutrii;ht is acting as yardinaster at Crawford. ' Rosa Hall is helping in the express office during the Christmas rush. Fireman Harry Miller of Alliance is working on the east end for a few days. Fireman II. Leachel is relieving one of the Crawford hill firemen for a few days. Mrs. Wcidenhamer came in on 304 Saturday to visit with her husband, Supt. vVeidenhamer. Brakeman Freeman has resigned and gone south. The cold .weather of the last two weeks was too much for him. Conductor Clyde Miller and wife have returned from their visit to Wood ward, Iowa, and Clyde is again on the road. Charley Anspaugh is firing on the local between Seneca and Ravenna. He thinks there is no place like Ne braska. Miss Grace Carlson accompanied her sister, Mrs. Myrtle Wright to Thedford, where she will spend the holidays. Blacksmith Foreman A. A. Ault dropped a heavy piece of iron on his foot last Saturday and was quite lame for several days. George Warner has again entered the train service, after two months spent on his ranch. He will be hind man for Con. Beach. Passenger Con. Zolinger of the east end has traded with Eph. Stuart and will make a trip to Dcadwood Wednes day morning on No. 35. Brakeman S. F. Shane of the freight service has been transfeired to the mechanical department. He is think ing of learning the boilermaker's trade. Con. Dick Burke has gone to Lin coln for a visit with his parents. Dick has been in Alliance seven years and has never disappointed his mother at Christmas. Mrs. Campbell and little son arrived from Horton, Kans., on 41 Thursday morning. Con. and Mrs. Campbell immediately went to housekeeping in the Helpbringer house. Fireman Worley, who .has been on the relief with a sprained shoulder, left Tuesday noon to spend Christmas with his parents in Colorado Springs. He went by way of Denver. Conductor J- S. Ward and crew have been spending a week on the west end making Crawford turn-arounds. This is particularly delightful just at Xmas time when they would like to be at home doing Xmas shopping. Fred Vaughn, an east end flagman, is wearing a smile that certainly will not come off. He received a check from his home for 3500 for a Christ mas present. This is enough to fur nish a nide, fitto, warm cottage. Operator Bennett has beou trans ferred to Deadwood. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett will be greatly missed here by all their friends. Mr. Bennett was particularly well liked by" the con ductors and all the men whom he came in contact with in his work. Jim Daugherty, who was a freight brakeman here about a year ago, passed through Alliance Sunday on his way to the home of his parents in Illinois. Since leaving here he has been brak ing on the D. & R. G. out of Denver but had to quit on account of sickness It was clearly demonstrated last Monday night that Tom Richards is the only engine caller. Tom laid off just one night. The new call boy had the firemen running around each other and some he could not find. Tom had to go to work again and straighten things out. Ed. Miller, who for two years has been in the passenger service out of Alliance, has quit and gone on bis ranch near Thedford, Nebr. He says he is going to batch, but it is not his fault as he tried to convince one of Alliance's fair maidens that ranch life is pretcrable to city life. The three Burchell brothers left on No. 42 Monday morning to spend Christmas with their father and sister in Spaulding, Nebr. Mr. Burchell may well be proud of his three sons. They show what young men can do if they are industrious and have the necessary stick-to-itiveness. They came here in experienced young men only a few years ago- Now Sam is a successful engineer; Tom is a passenger fireman, only about fourth out for an engine; and Abe has only another year to serve until he is a full paid machinist, though he is doing a machinist's work now. All three are members of the K. C. order, and are well liked socially by their fellow workmen. Supper and Entertainment at Baptist Church The Baptist Sunday-school have planned to give the school a supper instead of giving a Christinas tree and entertainment. The supper will be given next Tuesday evening at the church at six o'clock. Immediately after the supper and social that fol lows, all children of the school will be admitted tree to the concert at the opera house to be given by the Trox Elle Male Quartette. Extra seats will be taken from the church to the opera house for the school. It is desited that all members of the school be present next Sunday. Sixty-five cents buys the piano scarf in the Bennett Piano Company's win dow, and 50 cents buys the pillow. Alliance Library Board As a step preliminary to the secur ing 'of the Carnegie donatiou for a li brary building in Alliance, the mayor and city council have appointed a li brary board of directors consisting of nine members, divided into three class es, to serve one, two and three years respectively from "July 1, 1910, as fol lows: One term Mrs. E. C. McCluer, W. L. McNamara and W. D. Rumer Two terms Mrs.' C C Smith, Dr. H. P. V. Bogue and R. J; Lawrence. Three years Mrs. J. A. Rowan, G. L. Griggs and D. W. Hayes. It is not flattery to say that the selections are well made, and will, we believe, meet with general approbation Two quali fications are necessary for one to be fitted for such a position, namely, abil ity and interest. Sometimes interest is lacking more than ability, but we are confident that in the above men tioned board the two qualifications are combined so that the people of Alliance may rest assured that their public li brary interests will be well taken care of. Tough Yes, it's tough to set your family down to a meal of old tough meat when you can have nice young chickens. I have several dozen nice chickens just right for the frying pan or a good juicy roast. They weigh from ztt to 4 lbs. At $4.00 a dozen. Burnetta Emerson, Bingham, Nebr. aTmTsnap I own a quarter section in Sheridan county and want to clean it up. It is lots .3 and 4 and the east half of the southwest 31-27-46. The first person" who gets S800 to my office will get this land. M. F. Harrington, O'Neill. Nebr. Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can Guarantee all work done by him. work to travelling man will be here Don't trust your repair men. This permanently. Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling. HOLIDAY OFFERI NG President Suspenders in holiday boxes 39c Silk lined Mocha Gloves 1-00 Beautiful Caps 50c to 1.50 Beautiful 4-in-hand Neckwear 25c What finer or more desirable Christmas present can be made than one of HART SCHAFFNER & MARX Suits or Overcoats ? One special lot of our finest $80.00 Suits in beaut iful patterns are on sale at Hart SchafTner & Marx's finest models $25 75 fine hand-tailored Worsted Suits, beautiful pat- (t? C terns, fine fitting $20.00 and $18.00 Suits on sale at P Our personal guarantee as to Wear and Quality goes with each suit Boys' Mittens 25c Boys' Suits 1.39 Boys' Knee Pants 39c We have a nice new line of Boys' Long Pants School Suits, Specially Priced at $5, $6, 7.50, $10 Just arrived from New York We have placed on sale a fine lot of broken sizes in our Hart Schaffner Sr Marx fine Suits, all sizes to be had in the different lots, but not in every pattern; Your free choice of any SEE OUR CRAVENETTE RAINCOATS AT $8.85 15 buys one of our New Swell Protector Collar OVERCOATS. All wool and all right. New styles and new patterns witli the Famous guarantee attached. Specially Priced OVERCOATS that sold at $27.f0 and $25.00, one and two of a kind, to close out holiday week at the marvelously low price of $20 An all-wool Saint George Kersey Knee Length Overcoat for men. All sizes in ( j r Blue and Black Special PI.iU 25 Men's Ulsters, Oxford Gray, regular Ji Q rfc E $12.50 values, now PO.y Fine Knickerbocker Pants 75c Boys' School Shoe, Special 1.65 Munsing Union Suits 1-50 to 5.00 Douglas Shoes, All Styles and Leather 3.50 Gifts Which Men Appreciate MANHATTAN SHIRTS HOLEPROOF SOX ... STETSON HATS SMOKING COATS FINE UNDERWEAR FINE PAJAMAS FUR COATS BEAUTIFUL NECKWEAR IMPORTED and DOMESTIC GLOVES FINE HANDKERCHIEFS CROWN SUSPENDERS BEAUTIFUL CAPS ELEGANT HOSIERY FINE SUIT CASES FUR-LINED MITTENS FINE SILK MUFFLERS Daylight Store Alliance, Neb. Daylight Methods Boys' Sweater Coats 98c Boys' Underwear 19c Men's Dress Gloves $1.00 Silk Initial Handkerchiefs 19c Fine Knit Muffers 50c Hoiday Garters 25c Men's Goves from 50c to $7,50 Linen Initia Handkerchiefs 25c 39c a garment for that fine Men's Fleece Underwear That High-Cut Shoe skins them all 50 Discount. Think of it, one half off on J 00 Boys' Suits. See them. It will pay you. "tie.,