The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 16, 1909, SECTION ONE, Image 5

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    iMoney Savers' Sale
On accqiint of the stormy weather that has prevailed this week the sale at
. t . ,
will continue until Xmas
( ,(
, vv
1 j
The Lines 'are Almost Unbroken in
Underwear, Shoes, Hosiery, Waists
35c Ladies' Vests and Pants 25c
50c Ladies' Vests and Pants 39c
65c Ladies' Vests and Pants, 49c 76c Vests and Pants, 59c
75c Union Suits, 59c ' $1.25 Suits, 98c
$1.00 Union Suits, 83c $1.50 Suits, $1.19
Lace Specials
36 inch Lace Waisting 79c
42 inch Lace Waisting $1.49
$4 Ecru Lace Collars . .$2.89
$2.25 Jet Bodice Ornaments. . .$1.89
$1.75 Jet Bodice Ornaments. .-.$1.45
10c and 12jc Lace ..5c
The Horace Bogue Store
'" Miss Lydia Hoag went,. to Omaluj,
is morning.
A. F, Allen, was, t up lYom Ms claim
, uCar 'Bridgeport this week. "
.1 You will have to hurry up if you do
' your Christmas shoppingi.early.
t Editor Kling of the Dalton Herald
had business in Alliance Tuesday.
. Luke Phillips of Hemingford has
"Wen in the city the past two days.
- -. W. G. Simonson of Denver has been
, in Alliance this week 'looking after
'" property interests.
, r L. E. Sadler of Mitchell is in Al-
liance, having business with the Phil-lips-Thomas
Land Co
A. F. Allen has been spendingjsever
v al days this week in the city, returning
yesterday to his Morrill county claim
I Read and preserve the program of
V. C: T. U. meetings published in
.'another column of The Herald this
week, '
MissLennaBayse visited from Friday
till Mondav with her cousins, Engineer
4Robt- Yarborough and family, at Ster
'ling, Colo.
', The friends of Mrs. Tabor will be
'pleased to learn that she is now on the
road to recovery from her recent ser
ious illness.
-I J. J. Keegan. who is attending the,
Nebraska University, is expected home
Saturday to spend the holiday vacation
-'with his parents. ? -
' Dr. V. T. Eikner of Hemingford
passed through Alliance yesterday,
jenroute for California whert hVwill
,pend several months. ,
' W- R. Ashby, barber, and A. L.
'Joy, musician-and proprietor ,oJ the
Passow billiard and pool hall, are two
new subscribersto The Herald.
Sheriff-elect A. D. Iew of Sheridan
county was in Alliance several days
within the last week, He will soon
move from Ellsworth to Rushville.
Mrs. Clarence Roberts of Chadron,
who has been a patient at the Alliance
Hospital the past few weeks, expects
to leave the last of the week for her
Guy Mart drove in from Orlando
yesterday, remaining in the city till to-
, day. He reports snow all the way, but
' vliot a? deep in his neighborhood as
,?Mrs. M. Cowan of Minatare, Nebr.,
and daughter, Miss Leln, are in Al-
'lifnce. Miss Lela is here for medical
care. They expect to remain about
three weeks
Dave Brings, formerly a C. B., & Q.
conductor out ?f Alliance, Came in,
from the Patmoreranc'li'Monda-jl', ""ris
ing horseback. He reported thq,sjiow
knee deep to his horse nearly 'all the
way. "' T ? ,"1
Ellis Rav of Alliance was in town
yesterday looking for a location for a
plumbing shop. He has recently sold
his shop in Alliance and desires to lo
cate in a growing town in (his ''valley.
Scotts Bluff Heralds i .
Mr, and Mrs. L. H. Gayhart came
down from near Ardmorc last Saturday
to transact business in Alliance, .a. part
of which was to have some work done
by Kennedy Brothers, dentists. ' They
returned home-Tuesday. '
The Ladies' Aid Society of the'-M.
E. church have decided to hold no
more meetings till after the holiday
season. They are a very industrious
society, having averaged tying five
comforts a week for some time.
Judge Zurn sends The Herald to"his
brother, George Zurn, Breda, Iowa.
This is a much easier way 6f furuislijng
the news than trying to write it every
week, and is an example that we yish
many ot our other subscribers would
We find it necessary" to again issue
The Herald in two sections of eight
pages each. We hope our readers will
read every word on each of the sixteen
pages.. Qon't skip the advertisements.
'It to your interest to read them,
as well as the other parts of the paper.
j.B. I. Colerick, having decided that a
residency on the table land of western
Nebraska js preferable to the low land
bordering the Missouri river in the east
end'df the' state,' arrived1 from Nemaha
county lasfSaturday with his family,
consisting of wife' and four children.
He will work in.the round house during
the winter, but may try a homestead
next spring. ' i
Lloyd C. Thomas, a newspaper man
from Alliance, Nebr., is in the city,
and WH probably become a resident of
Binghem county, either locating in
Blockfoot or in the Big Lost River
country. Mr. Thomas is amost affa
ble young man, apparently a hustler
and a man who will be a welcome ad
dition to our population. Blackfoot,
Idaho, Optimist.
Joe Manion was in from the ranch
last Thursday and drooped into The
Herald office long enough to give us a
few items of news, ancllleave the-price
20 Discount
45c Corset Cover
of a year's subscription to this disscm
inator of local and general intelligence.'
joe is very much pleased with the
t ..
horse which he purchased at the ,D'i.
t; , ,, .. - ji
ueeu, (vuueuuau oc ioung sale artew
w.eeks.ago .u.woujd take a sum of'
money considerably ..targeJjan.he
paid to buy the horse jnos' ( .,
Five Stars Concert rCompanv-at,' the'
Phelau tonight. , ,
R. R. Kincaid of Bingham is attend
ing to business matters in this city to-
t . 'I
Mrs.. B. Mewhkter left this morning
for Grand Island, where she will visit
a few daysrwith .triends.- ,, '
"Who will l)e Santa Clause?
01 ine many questions tnat come up
for an answer at IhiMime of year.
H. E, Jones informs us that lie sold
his Hemingford residence to Jerry
Wells who retires from the farm to, try
town life.
J. T. Lucy of Carroll, Iowa, stopped
off in Alliance to 'visit friends Saturday
on his way home from Denver, where
lie had been working, t
The good people of ' this city were
treated to a surprise one day recently
train Nd. 44 was on tune. Later in
formationIt was 43. ,
Lpw Waddiok, some t years since an
emplove of this office, 'blew in from the
weM the fore part of the week, and is
again a member of our 'printing,' force.
K looking through the ads in this
paper you will find many valuable sug
gestions as to Christmas presents. It
will pay you to read the ads in .The
Conrad F. Williams, who assisted
in The Herald office for a few weeks
recently, now has a pleasant situation
as stenographers, in the Burlington
freight office.
Why not make a year's subscription
to The Alliance Herald a present to
one or more of your friends, It would
make a particularly appropriate present
to friends farther east.
Send The Herald to your friends in
the east, or somewhere else. It will
make a very appropriate present for
persons who are interested in the de
velopment of this great country.
F. B. Thomas, one of The Herald's
many Heminglord subscribers, was in
ah:-...... t t.. . .. .
muuiii.c iiicouuy Uilimucimg DUSllieSS,
a part ot which was setting himself
ahead 011 subscription to this paper.
Mr- Frantag, shipping foreman at
the C- B. & Q, storehouse in Alliance,
was taken 'sick with appendicitis re
cently and waa taken to big home at
Knit Goods
Children's Mittens - 9o, llci 17c
Boys' Sweaters - - 39c to 59c
Children's Sweater Coats 98o to 1.59
Knit Skirts 29c
With every
Special Price on Bedding,
Blankets, Comforts,
Spreads, Pillows
New assortment Pillow Tops, ready
for use 19C to 39c
$2.00 Pillow Shams $1.69
1.50 Pillow Shams LI 9
1. 00 Pillow Shams 79
.75 Pillow Shams 59
2.50 Battenberg Scarf. .... 1.95
2.00 Lace Table Scarfs. . . . 1.65
Baby Dresses, Skirts,
Coats, Sacques, Booties,
Hoods, at 75c ?gE dollar
East Burlington for an operation
leavinghere. last Monday;1 he has many
friends here, especially among the
failrpad.boys, who hope for hjjs speedy
mi, - . 11 -., -fn v -trr5M, j
mover,",- -
? 41 , 1. " i "
,i-)ur8m,W" weicn, pftnie, upitoui
Lincoln tkim iXuQiiiay.,;u accompanied
Tty ti&v sdnp,Fat5''taMHfe4,'for Biiigham
'flaainity? ' ShhabeertUe
state capital tabcmt two weety, f
After a temporary absence from The
Herald's ftubscrinbp'n list',, the name of
l"i- .fc.f . Uitrnii in nrrtitrt . nlnnnt All rtllf
Il ' .
Hbooks. Mr. Burns is a member of 'the
'clerical forcfe'at the C. B.& 0- Trefght
The I'ulladian Literary society 'of
tlie Alliance' High School will lender a
Christ maa program in the High'chool
auditorium, tomorrow afternoon, , at two
9 'flock. Programs have been ordered
printed for the same. '
f 1 i i' r
.Before leaving for Idaho, H. E.
Jones ordered his address for The
Herald changed from Hemingford to
Blackfoot, hence we' will 'continue" to
haye the pleasure of keeping him and
Mrs. I ones posted on Box Butte coun
ty happenings.
When you see a copy p the Decem
ber number of the AllianceHigh School
paper, The Spud, yon Will
want one
copy or more to Send tq frieiids.
understand there are stil a few extra
copies that canbedispoaed of for this
purpose. Call up Fred Carlson, bus
iness manager, phone 169, and he
will tell you about it-
Peter? Oskar, concrete contractor and
builder of Dalton, passed through Al
liance last Saturday on his way to
Hamilton county to visit friends. From
thqre he will go farther east, but will
return to Dalton in February or March,
in time to begin spring work, qf which
he will probably have a large amount.
M. Hufton is H. E. Jones' successor
in the real estate business at Heming
ford. By combining h'is own business
with that of Mr. Jones', we expect that
he will sell a big lot of laud the coming
spring and summer, and hope he will
be able to do so, as he is interested in
the development of the country along
lines profitable to the real estate pur
chasers. Pennons who expect to send presents
J,.. ,na, of
express should do' so as
80611 as possible. There is always
such a vast amount of extra stuff sent
within the last few days preceding
Christmas that postofficos and express
offices are congested, causing unavoid
able delay id the delrtery of a part of
suit sold a petticoat free
Bargains in Trunks
$10.50 Wardrobe Trunk ..'. $14.35
18.50 Sliding Tray Trunk 11.95
80 in. Steamer Trunk 11.50
82 or 84 in. Trunk (Canvas) 5.00
Heavy sole leather Suit CaSo, double strap
ped, riveted 7.95
$ 8.50 Russet Case 7.50
10.00 Walrus Hand Bag .' 8.65,
2.50 Fibre Grip 1.95'
8.00 Matting Suit Case 2.25
2.00 Rubberoid Case 1.59
Newest things in Veils and Scarfs in silk, crepo do cheno
and laces, just received for our. holiday
trade at attractive prices
50 Men's hats, worth
1 lot Men's and Boys'
1 lot Men's and Boys'
what the senders wanted delivered
promptly. arejntending to send
away presents, , foilojy the somewhat
hackfjeyedbut timely, advice:,Pfl, jt
noAft" H in, N......M-
"Alter workibg six months ''withduf
losing a day, BrakeTnau Jack Burke left
Saturday morning for a month b 'vaca
.t . ' . . ... 11..; .
tion- from Here He went
"Kansas City where he has relatives1."
He will return ' to "'Friend, Nebr. J ji
time to eat Christmas dinner wi til his
parentB," who reslde'tllere.' Last' month
Jack's car made the highest check for
the brakenien.v M.tVi
W. O. Barnes and F. R. McCor-
mack aretaut today" selling tickets for
the annual ball of ' the Alliance Fire
Department, to bd'h'eld in the Phelan
opera house, New Year's eve, Decem
ber ;i8t. They are meetiug with good
success. T,li,e peope,-of Alliance ap
preciate the work ol the A. V. F. D.,
and may, be depended,, upon to respond
liberally when a call of this kind is
Jf,L. Lamb Bnd' W. J. Frisbie of
Diller, Nebr-, arrived in Alliance Tues-,
day and left yestrdayfor home. They
came, to look at the ,, country w jti, a
view to purchasing land, but, found
this a very unsatisfactory time it'
examine the soil on account of the
snow, wiipe nere Mr. iami) rnne.w eii,
his 'subscription to ,1'he, lieruld, wliih
will try to. keep hfm,, as well as otper
distant readers, posted in regard to the
condition of the weather in Box Biitt
Board and room forHwo. All modern.
Call 713 LaraniiefAve. city.t
Mrs,.' (,: E. Anderson.
, 1
Mrs. Wisner and Miss'Qtta Wisnfer
returned Friday from a ten days' visit
in Scbttsbluff and Mitchell!
Bayard is to have a new bank. -, ""
Miss Hilt left the first of the week
for California to remain some time.
Miss Otta Johnston accompanied
Mrs. Evans to Denver for a week's
W. H. McKelvie is one of the sight
seers at the corn show this week.
Mr. Randall and son, Gerald, left
Monday to visit Omaha.
Miss DeVault is assistant postmis
tress this week.
Born, Sunday, the 12th, to Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Jackson, a son.
Thewedding of Miss Fqrn Comstook
to Thomas Leythaiu occurred at the
sK rr
75c Copyright Books
up to 8.00 for 98c
Caps, 75c value 39c
Caps, 85c and 50c val. . .25c
homo of the bride's parents Wednesday
noon, Dec. 15th,
r Mrs. Irvip Roberts returned Tuesday
from'KetrtuUyi1 wiuWRfie'-'waV failed
by the illness of her rnotqer.
i, J. R; ,. Temple, while tridiafc horw-.
backSanrday evening, had the mis
fortune to be dragged from the hone
iWa'loW phoae wire, inflicting painful
(injury toiWa' spine. l '
t, - in.
' George Severson left Saturday for s
visit in Iowa.
Mr. arid Mrs. Geo. Burke and Miss
Alice Turner are visiting relatives in
Missouri and Iowa.
legal Blanks.
1 .1
iTtie.'following blanks arejfor sale at
rite Herald office:
; Farm Lease,
Real Estate Mortpage,
Chattel Mortgage,
City Lease,
, .Warranty Deed,
Agreement for Warranty Deed,
Warranty Deed Corporation,
, Bond for Deed,
General Bond,
Quit Claim Deed,
Agreement Sale of Real Estate,
j Contract fqr Real Estate,
Exchange Contract.
" Ariides of Agreement,
; flense of Real Eotate Mortgage,
.-!. j- KHMii-lll 'l"'UKO,
.Mil irivn i it -t'i iiicuiion,
b' ' I Olil '111 S(ll.
10 ji tjj iMnlui a -( 1 ten,
Punr 1 ( uincnn .
"J 'V' ""I I 'M0.
,L ,.. ()ni ir.
Shun Will,
Inventory ,anq" Apprdimeui of Property
W' 'Attached. '
Dipping Certificate.
1 Contest Notice,
Affidavit 'and Order of Publication of Con
,(' , test Notice. , j
Meat Shipper's Certificate, ,
Notice to Owners before Delivery of Tax
Deed, ?
Promissory Nete,
Township Plats, 'V'
The news items of the home com
munity. J The things in which you are most
9 The births, weddings, deaths of
the people you know.
J The social affairs of our own and
surrounding towns.
The., vu the kind of fact thU ppr
five, you in arerr itiua. Thor r
carUtnlf worth ihm uUcriptioa pric.