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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1909)
" qUlrt Ulntotlcnl Sooloty SECTION ONE Pages 1 to 8 SECTION ONE Pat es 1 to I VOLUME XVII.- ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA: THURSDAY, DEC, 16, 1909 NUMBER i The AllUnce Herald. I-,. - - ... .m. m,nm, m i ,,,. -. ., ,.. ...., ,.., . ,.., - - - ... -. . .. .. .- I .1- ....- . . . .- -- rrit ' ' ' ' ! - i,l-ifc .,, . , J. 4. I .11 . - If n 1 vi Vt . it HE REPORT OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK SHOWS THE STRENGTH ;OF THIS BANK.AN.D THE PROSPERITY OF THIS COMMUNITY. WE ARE ESPECIALLY PREPARED TO CARE FOR COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS & Loans and Discounts - - $522,233.39 Banking House 10,000.00 Cash and Exchange - - 142,517.30 Bonds 51,000.00 $725,750.69 OUR DRUGS are all of the highest quality we can get and are aJ examined rit ically after we receive them in stock here before a single one is pjaced on sale we do everything in our power to be on the safe side. A good thing for you to remember. ltlAktiOAA GEO. T. RAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. in. HHH,"fr,H,,H"i"M"l''I"H,fri : KENNEDY BROTHERS! DENTISTS. Office in Alliance National Bank Blk Over PostoKce. Phone iqi. $"M"--f Tough Yes, it's tough to set your family down to a meal of old tough meat when you can have nice young chickens. I have several dozen nice chickens just right for the frying pan or a good juicy roast. They weigh from 2H to 4 lbs. At $4.00 a dozen. Burnetta Emerson, Bingham, Nebr. Mexican Hot Tamales Finest that can be made, for sale" by George Mushi, in Sweetwater Ave.' Delivered promptly to any part of the city. Famil trade a specialty Phone No. 458 Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can Guarantee all work done by him. Don't trust your work to travelling repair men. This -man will be 'here permanently. Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 139. Geo, D. Darling. ' Sixty-five cents buys the piano scarf in the Bennett Piano, Company's. win dow, and 50 cents buys tbe'pillow. ' ' BUSINESS LOCALS. Capital, Surplus and Profits - $119,402.50 Deposits - -Circulation 556,348.19 50,000.00 $725,750.69 New England Boiled Dinner at Cafe Alliance EVERY TUESDAY Investigate our discount proposition to business men THOS. V. KELLY, Mgr. Degree of Honor Elects Officers Latky Lodge No. 162, Degree of Honor, at their regular meeting last Tuesday night elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. Zella Johnson, Chief of Honor; Mrs. Van Nice, Lady of Honor; Mrs. Cox, Chief of Ceremonies; Mrs. Cook, -Inside Guard; Mrs. Carlson, Outside Guard; Mrs. Mackey, Usher; L. Buechenstein, Receiver; Airs. Lunn, Financier; Mrs. Mewhirter, Recorder. Special Notice All children ,who are to take part in the program to be rendered Christmas by the M. E. Sunday School are re quested to meet at the church next Saturday afternoon at 3 p'clock. Death of a Stranger On Sunday, Dec, 12, occurred the death of John Lewis, the funeral be ing held next day at" the Gadsby un dertaking rooms, Rev. J. N. Huston conducting the same. Mr. Lewis' death was sudden, heart failure being the cause, He was a stranger in Alii- ance, a colored man , whose 'home and relatives, if he had them, were in Georgia. Interment was made, in Greenwood cemetery. Paroled Whatever may have been the mis takes or sins of a man's life, we be lieve that when he sincerely desires to lead auhonest life he ought to be given a chance. For this reason we, think that Governor Shallenberger probably did -the proper thing in "paroling Wilson and Welch, who were serving terms in the penitentiary for cattle stealing, as many of our readers know. Their pa role became effective the fore part of this week Exhibit of Students' Fancy Work Next Tuesday and Wednesday, from 1 to 9 o'clock p.m., the Sisters of St. Agues' Academy will give an exhibition of fancy work made by students, the exhibit to be in, the Knights of Columj bus hall. Admission ,will be. freeand all are cordially invited to attend. Sad News from Siattli The sad news reaches us of . the death at Seattle yesterday of Mrs. Kimball, wife of the chief dispatcher at Sheridan. Her two daughters wruj. afe students of St. Agnes' Academy leave today4 on No. 43 to attend the funeral, although tho sad news of their mother's death will not be broken to them until they reach Kdgemont. Opo of them when informed of the serious illness of her mother fainted, and it thought best not to tell her of the fatal ending of the sickness until after she left here. The funeral will be held at Billings next Saturday morning. Our hearts are touched with a feeling of sympathy for the bereaved relatives, and we wish we might utter some words of consolation that would, relieve the anguish of their grief in the sad hour of their great affliction. Judge Berry Ties Matrimonial Knot At the office of the county judge, at 7:30 o'clock last evening, Judge L. A. Berry put the finishing touches to the happiness of two loving hearts by de claring, after the contracting parties had made the sweetest promises known to humanity, that Mr. John P. Sass and Miss Katie Stirkel were husband and wife. The bride is the daughter of Conrad Stirkel, well known in this community, and the groom has been making his home with his parents, fif" . fjt .a.JjBMeMEMMBBiBlsFTBliafflanHBHl fr dSSEt 1 1 i'i'IIIBWb .. jMlir -;- MKmmwBBEmml - ! jyePIIMW8BBW6WBBBWlHHI8M8HH8HHilMWteu " Box Butte county leads the state of Nebraska in the of bushels pxpaucecl. ' 'inepicture. nas lana here wili'be.bnnging several times the price it doesat present. '' ' ' ' : x . ..v .. abput six miles northwest of the city. The Herald wishes the happy couple an uninterrupted continuation of tho joy cf married life. FiriiiiDMtaiOffici Durtegthe noon hour today a fire start d in the office of Kennedy Brothers, den tists, and gsdned considerable headway be fore bejqg discovered. The fire depart ment responded quickly to the alarm and were, not long In extinguishing the blaze &ttt they began playing a stream of water on it, but found it somewhat difficult to reach with the hose on account of being upstairs. The contents of the room were not much burned, but were damaged prob ably to the extent of some 8309, principal ly by water. The fire confined itself mostly to the floor, burninR through and dropping some embers into the postoffico below. The damage to the building, own cd by the Alliance National Bank, is esti mated at $400; thai, as well as the damage to the olSce contents, being covered by insurance. The cause of, the fire is un known. The bnsiness of the Drs. Kennedy was interrupted only a few hours by the fire, , ' Change of Management Commencing tonight, Dec 1G, the Idle Hour theatre will be managed by V. G. Dietlcin and R. R. Rugglcs. Entire change of vaudeville tonight and change of pictures eyery night. Your patronage solicited. Prices: Adults, 15c; children, 10c. i-it BOX BUTTE COUNTY POTATOES SIX TO THE PECK. By LLOYD C. THOMAS. Photo by Grebe, Alliance. The above photo was taken from six potatoes picljed put'of the first of the 100U crop 'by the writer. uqen ysea extensively in- aavemsing the county uotnin newspaper anucjtrcuiar raatter.w j iVrv tatotcr6wers of, this-scountVi keen on.cnvinirtheL attention-ta-.;theiimTrovGiriGn.fc. of theiKlcroiiithatithevhavfisi:.d Wtfie directionand. iwith ''the assistance of Prof. IKnU,ana-.'Pr.Wilcox, 'itiwiiKnotibocK;uhii A Few of Our Leaders for This Week PHFOUCHIw WALNUT FUDGE CREAM ALMOND CA'&E ROSE, MINT and WINTERGREEN WAFERS We will have on sale Saturday a complete line of Xmas Candies PRICES 15c to 60b A POUND It's all fresh and made with sugar Model Candy Kitchen t-------M-M--a--Mtt--fc-- Christmas Goods S7000O00OJX I have just-received a new stock of Imported Goods. Hand-made Cluriy places and centerpieces; dolls; hand-made Mexican work dn, - centerpieces, scarfs, handkerchiefs and collars; silk shawls; hand-scarf specials for men. We have a big assortment of neck-scarfs and mufflers. Come and see them. We Vill save you money. , ''. ESSAY, 15 Box Butte Ave. potato crop, It lcul9 both in k quality of product and number CHOCOLATE FUDGE ,V w . - 4