The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 09, 1909, SECTION ONE, Image 1

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    Slnln IILlorlcrd Soeloiy
The Alliance Herald.
Pages 1 to 8
Paies 1 to I
COMMUNITY, j & & u
Loans and
Discounts --$522,233.39
Banking House 10,000.00
Cash and
Exchange-- 142,517.30
Bonds 51,000.00
Phelan Opera House
Harry Scott Co.
Announce Their Success
ful Musical Comedy
Drama THE GIRL .
U. S. A.
With its Wealth of
Startling and Realistic
Scenery and Effects.
A Happy Blending of
Pathos, Comedy and
Melody, Skillfully
Handled by a Strong
Company of Dramatic
and Musical Talent,
Embellished by a
Well Trained Chorus
of Kavishingly Beau
tiful Maidens!
Prices: 50c, 75c, $1.00
Seat Sale Opens Monday.
are all of the highest quality e
can get and are all examined crit,
ically after we receive thrm in
stock here before a single one is placed
on s,ale we do everything in our power
to be on the safe side. A good thing
for you to remember.
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Jkreamer& Kennedy!
? dentists. i
f Office in Alliance National Bank H!U X
V Over Fostoffice. 7
'Phone 391, lj.
v V)
Capital, Surplus
and Profits - $119,402.50
Deposits 556,348.19
Circulation - - 50,000.00
For rent Two
rooms reasonable.
nicely furnished
401 Toluca Ave.
WANTED Woman to do washing.
Enquire at 208 E. Railroad St. 51. tf
I will not be responsible for any
debts my wife contracts. A. B- Burkett
VVhv not attend the Grand Island
(Nebraska) Business College this win
ter? You can pay when through and
111 a position, jf you like. Send for
Mexican Hot Tamales
Finest that can be made, for sale by
George Mushi, 111 Sweetwater Ave.
Delivered promptly to any part of the
city. Family trade a specialty. Phone
No. 458
Cement Contractor.
For estimates on cement walks, ce
ment blocks and all kinds of concrete
work, see J. J. Vance, West Lawn,
Alliance, Nebr. 39-tf
FREE, to Boys and Girls, Flexible
Flyer, "The sled that steers." The
best sled in the world. You can easily
secure one within a few days by doing
a little pleasant work. Some have in
a few hours. Be the first in your
town. Write today, stating your age.
A postal card will do. V. I. Davis,
155 East 24th St., New York City.
" " "-
Yes, it's tough to set your family
down to a meal of old tough meat when
you can have nice young chickens. I
have several dozen nice chickens just
light for the frjing pan or a good juipy
roast. They weigh fiom z to 4 lbs.
At $4.00 a dozen. Burnetta Emerson,
Bingham, Nebr.
Repair Work
Sewing Machines and
Have secured the services of a prac
tical mechanic and can guarantee all
work done by him. Don't trust your
work to travelling repair men. This
man will be here permanently. Re
pairs and parts furnished for all ma
chines, t
Phoue 139. Geo. D. Darling.
New Fire Map of Alliance
J. I Sirickler. surveyor for the Sanborn
Map Co , of New York City, began work
the first of the week making a new fire
map of AllinncM. Tins is somethinc that
nan been badly needed, v.e understand,
and will be serviceable in equalizing in
surance rates It will probably take until
abont Christmas for Mr. Strickler to com-
Important Meeting of the Commercial Club
Next Monday evening-, December 13th, is the
regular monthly meeting of the Commercial Club. All
members and others interested in the growth and wel
fare of Alliance are urged tofattend this meeting. The
State Board of Education' will be here January 3rd to
consider Alliance's claims fothe location of the New
Normal School. We musH make arrangements for
their entertainment and edification. Andrew Carnegie
has written that he will donate for a public H-.
brary, if we will furnish a sitq. This will be the most
important meeting of the year. DO NOT FORGET.
MONDAY, DEC. 13th, at $:oo p. m.
Ira E. Tasii, President.
As to Advertising
It is no reflection upon other western
Nebraska newspapers to say that The
Alliance Herald is the best advertising
medium in this part of the state, which
it is without doubt- There are reasons.
Its circulation is probably the largest
of any paper in the state west of Bro
ken Bow. It circulates for the most
part among a class of people who
make good customers. One of the
principal reasons why it is a superior
adveitising medium for local business
men is that it does not publish a. lot of
junk for mail order houses and other
firms in distant citie3, in which people
generally have no confidence, We do
not refuse to accept advertising from a
firm because it is not located in Alli
ancethe postal laws relating'to second
class matter will not permit that we
simply quote our regular advertising
rates to outside parties requesting space
in our columns, and that is usually suf
ficient to keep them out for the reason
that they are so accustomed to getting
cut rates from local papers they are
unwilling to pay a fair price.
One of the very unreasonable things
indulged by many country editors is
the giving to proprietary medicine
and other outside advertiser's rates that
are a mprc fraction of the prices chat ged
home merchants. We are frequently
requested by such people to accept ad
vertising at rates which, with the pres
ent circulation of The Herald, would
scai eel y pay for the paper on which
printed, and when we refuse to make
any low er rates to them than we charge
local advertisers, as we invariably do,
they tell us of local papets in other
towns that charge fietn less than half
what they charge their home mer
chants. But with us that kind of a
deal does not go. We do not consider
it a squaie deal; besides we can't nf
ford to work for nothing fot strangers
who are not supposed to be objects of
charity. Furthermore we prefer not
to publish the outside advertisement,
unless it is of goods sold by home mer
chants or of some business not repre
sented in our own city. ,
We have on our desk a proposition
from one of the principal proprietary
medicine firms in this country, asking
us to 1 tin an advertisement one jear
at less than one-third our regular rates.
The proposition goes into our waste
basket instanter, of course; but we no
tice some country exchanges with so
little gumption that they accept just
such propositions, while their home
merchants pay two or three times as
much for the same space. It isn't fair
and we don't think any good newspa
per man will long continue it.
As to the advertisements appearing
in The Herald, they speak for them
selves, and speak well for the city and
the part of the state they represent, as
well as for the business men and firms
represented in them. We want our
readers to read every word of every one
of them, and then govern themselves
accordingly. Of course, we do not say
there are not good people in business
who do not advertise. There are, also
a lot of good people in the cemetery;
but most 0 us prefer dealing -with the
live ones- We assure our readers that
our advertisers are real live ones, they
have the goods advertised, and we be
lieve they will give you a square deal
evetv time. Try them for Christmas
goods or anything eUe you may 'wish ant looking after the thousand and one
to purchase before holidays, aud we details of the work connected with get
think you will continue to give tbem ting out alive newspaper at this season,
The North Platte
Valley for Alliance
'The North Plutte valley is the
most thickly settled portion of
the territory that will be tribu
tary to the Northwest Nebraska
State Normal, and the wishes of
its people will, no doubt, have a
strong bearing on the location of
the new school. We believe the
following item, from the Scotts
Bluff Republican of December 51,
voices the practically unanimous
sentiment of Scotts Bluff and ad
joining counties:
The location of the normal
school is before the state board
of education and will probably
be settled before the first of the
year. . Alliance, Ohadron, Craw
,prd and Ainsworth are appli
cants1 for it, but Alliance seems
to have the advantage owing to
its railway facilities. We, of
the Platte valley, will 'gladly
congratulate our sister city
should she land the prize.
It's a Beaut
Two numbers of the Alliance High
School monthly periodical, The Spud,
have been issued for October and
November.' It has been well received
by the patrons and friends of the
school, and has received many comple
mentary notices from its exchanges.
The numbers already issued leflect the
ability of the editors and managers,
and are a credit to the school which
they represent; but the December num
ber, now in course of preparation, will
be the best yet. Commencing this
month the paper will be somewhat
larger than heretofore. A specially
prepared Christmas design is being
etched for this month's issue, and wilt
be printed in several appropriate colors.
The Spud for December will not only
be tt credit to the Alliance High School,
but will be a splendid advertisement
for the town, if largely circulated. We
suggest that our readers order some
extra copies of it to send away to
friends elsewhete, a few copies at
least. Orders lor the same may be
phoned to either Fred Carlson, business
manager; Harry Betebenner, assistant
business manager; Miss Emma Tash,
chairman subscription committee; or
may be handed to them or any of the
High School teachers. These orders
should be given before Saturday of
this week to insure being filled.
Begins Second Year
Next Sunday Rev. J. M. Huston will
begin his second year as pastor of the
Alliance Baptist church. The yjar
just closed has been quite prosperous
for the church which he has been serv
ing. During the year he has received
thirty-five new members, countit g
three who were received last eveninr;
fourteen by baptism, eleven by letter,
and ten on Christian experience. Not
Sunday Mr. Huston will preach an an
niversary sermon.
Assistance Appreciated
These are busy days at The Herald
office, aud assistance from our friends
and patrons, in securing news items
i i.s-m,. nnnrpoiatpit Not the least
help rendered within the Inst week or
two by persons not regular employes
of the office is that given by Mrs. L.
C. Thomas. She is a proficient sten
ographer as well as an experienced
bookkeeper, and we do not see how we
could have gotten nlong without the
help she has given us in clerical work.
She has also assisted in securing local
news, of which we nover have too
much, and the improvement to this
department of The Herald the last few
weeks is due largely to her assistance,
Home Talent Concert
There will be a home talent concert
at the First Presbyterian church to
morrow evening, beginning at 8 o'clock.
All are cordially invited to attend, and
are promised h musical treat that will
repay them, Admission, 15c and 25c.
Departs Life at Good Old Age
Mrs. Sarah P. Huston, grandmother
of A. R. Towner, traveling salesman
for the International Harvester com
pany, died of apoplexy at 11:13 a.m.
yesterday, at the tesidenco of her
grandson with whom she had made her
home for several years. She was
born in New Brunswick March 4, 1821,
hence was in her eighty-ninth year at
the time of her demise, and was a
member of the Baptist church since
1832. She was greatly loved, not only
by her relatives, but also by other ac
quaintances. Surely her long life was
a benediction to the world, aud the.
memory of her is as ointment poured
The funeral and burial will be at
Trempealeau, Wis., the remains being
taken on No- 44 today, accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. Towner and Mrs.
Towner's sister, Mrs. Bender, of Trom
pealeau, who has been visitiug in Al
liance since last Saturday.
"The GirnromT S. A,"
A brand new attraction, of a type all
its own. is making a strong appeal to
playgoers this season under the catchy
t t e. "The Gitl from U. S. A." It is
a musical comedy drama of melodram
atic tinge in which a vivacious Ameri
can girl figures piominently in scenes
laid in Paiis, Constantinople and China.
She and her Chicago husband that is
to be strike a merry and strenuous
gait in righting the wrongs of a pair of
ill-fated Parisian lovers and make the
power of the American flag felt in
Tuil.ish seraglio and Chinese palace.
The new piece, which comes highly
commended by the press oi other
cities, will be seen at the Phe)an opera
house Wednesday, Dec 15. A talented
company of singers and actors, assisted
by a beautifully costumed chorus of
fine singing voices arc promised in the
performance here.
A Good Ad Writer
We are indebted to L. C. Thomas
for assistance in getting up some of the
advertisements which appear in tjiis is
sue of The Humid, the two-page ad.
for the Blackfoot Investment company,
in particular, being designed by him,
his recent trip to Idaho boing, of course,
some holp to him in knowing what to
put into it. Our parental modesty for
bids saing anything too flattering
about Lloyd, but wc venture to remark
that his talent as an ad writer, as well
as ad getter, would secure him a good
position any day should he ever hap
pen to be in need of employment. His
success in real estate business has been
due in a large measure to his ability as
an advertiser. Were it not that he
has other business more remunerative
than newspaper work, we would be
glad to have him as a permanent at
tache of The Herald,
Wedded in Alliance
At the residence of ifev. Dr, Bogue,
Wednesday evening, Dec. 8, jgeo, Mr.
Alexander L. Fletcher of Dixon, Nebr.,
and Miss Susie I. Hopkins of Hemingford,
were united by matrimonial ties, Dr.
Bogue doing the tying. Mr. Fletcher, the
groom, is a hardware merchant of Dixon,
and the bride is a highly esteemed Box
Butte county young lady, her parents re
siding on a ranch in the north part of the
county. They will make their home at
The union for life of worthy young peo
ple always makes it a pleasure for us to
offer congratulations, which we extend
most sincerely with an abundance of good
wishes for prosperity and happiness
The Model
Candy Kitchen
Wc will be pleased to
have you call and look
our stock over.
On Tuesday, December 14 '
we will open our largo stock of
Millinery and Ladies Furnish
ings in our new store in the Den
ton Bldg., at 818 Box Butte Ave
nue. You are cordially invited
to call and inspect our fine lino
of goods for the Holiday trade.
N. B. We want the Ladies "to
all see our Hand Made Drawn
..........-. ...............?.!.?.!!! !i--J
Sunday yill bo observed as Anniver
sary Sunday, it being the dale of the
first anniversary of the present pastor
ate. At ii a.m. the pastor will deliver
an anniversary cermon. 7:30 p.m.,
special service preceded by baptism.
Special music at both services. All
The regular services for next Sunday
will be as follows; Falrvicvv at it a.m.
and Borca at 3 p.m.
Unity church will be closed for re
pairs after next Sunday. A Ladles'
Aid was organized at Unity last week
and is now tneetlug regularly each
week. All ladies of the . neighborhood
arc invited to Join.
The services at Valley will be held in
the school house for the remainder of
the winter, owing to inability to heat
the church cninioitably.
Services as usual, both morning aud
evening, At the morning service .1
lesson will he takon Horn Gideon's
In the morning the subject will be,
"Great Drops of Blood." The even
ing theme will be, "A Voyage in an
Old Fashioned Air Ship." All are in
vited to attend Piof. G. H. Williams
will render a trombone solo at the
evening goryice,
Sermon topic for next Sunday"Christ
an Enigma;" evening, "God Desires
the Saivation of All." Sunday-school
aud Christian Endeavor as usual.
Big Price for Cream
The Alliance Creamery is paying 30
cents for cream. 31-tf
We always give
you the Most of
the Best for the
J. A. Berry, Mgr.