The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 02, 1909, Image 5

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Havelock Beaten and Sore
On the afternoon of turkey day the
sturdytfootball warriors from "the city
which furnishes consolationlorLiucoln
sought to hand to the Alliance eleven
the small end of the score, but the lat
ter just acted up real stubborn and re
fused to accept it. The Eame was
hotly contested, neither side being abfo
to gain much ground on straight foot
ball and kicking was constantly resort
ed to. Parker kicked, near the close
of the game, to within a few yards of
Havelock's goal. A dispute arose as
to the possession of the ball, but it
was given to Alliance, and Burroughs
waB pushed over for a touchdown,
Parker failed to kick goal. Score:
Alliance, 5; Havelock, nuttin. And
that's why Havelock has used good
space next to pure reading matter in
the Lincoln dailies to air her woes and
tell how mean Alliance is to her com
pany. Another game may be nlayed
soon, probably at Grand Island, and
then Havelock will be glad to get even
the "nuttin."
Fine Apples from Crete
The last car of the season from the Crete
nurseries will be on the track at Alliance,
Dec. 2, 3 and 4. In this car will be found
125 barrels Superior Winter Apples, care
fully picked and packed for winter storage:
also 300 bushels Bulk Janets at 75 to 93
cents per bushel. Bring your sacks.
E. P. Cromer, Gen'l Western Agent.
N. B. Will be at. Bridgeport Dec. 6
and 7; Angora Dec. 8 and 9
Barber Shop Changes Hands
T. R. Kennedy has sold his barber shop
in the basement of the Alliance National
bank to Messrs. W. R. Ashby and M. J.
Gayhart, possession being given on the
first of the month. Mr. Ashby has been
in the employ of Mr. Kennedy for some
time past, and as those of our readers
who are patrons of the shop know, is an
expert tonsorial artist. Mr. Gayhart
comes from Crawford, where he has been
working at his trade as a barber, and is
recommended as a proficient workman.
We bespeak a good patronage for the new
Yes, it's tough to set your family
down to a meal of old tough meat when
you can have nice young chickens. I
have several dozen ;iice chickens just
right for the frying pan or a good juicy
roast. They weigh from zVi to 4 lbs.
At S4.00 a dozen. Buruetta Emerson,
Bingham, Nebr.
Repairing Building
F. Reddish is having the building
formerly occupied by the Mike Vaughn
grocery, commonly known as the Libby
building, repaired and put into good shape
for the use of George Snyder, who will
put in a stock of groceries and also make
that the office for his dray line. Electric
lights will be installed and other improve
ments made.
At C. C. Smith's yards com
mencing at 1 o'clock p.m.
Sixty-five head of Draft Mares
and Geldings, consisting of ten
Mares with Colts by their side,
eight Mares ranging from 0 to 7
years, five 3-year-old Geldings,
twelve head of 2-year-old Mares
and Geldings, balance yearling
Mares and 'Geldings.
4 The above is nil well bred and
heavy stuff-.
M. O. NEW, -Owner.
Col. A. D. New, Auc.
R. M. Hampton, Clerk.
New Sales Barns.
Smith & Wilson have one of their new
sales barnes on Cheyenne avenue nearly
completed and the foundation laid for the
other. These gentlemen are in the im
porting and breeding business right, and
when their new barns are ready for use
will have much better facilities than here
tofore. One of the barns will be 30x80
feet and the other 28x80, both with mows
eight feet at the eaves.
They have had a big business and are
preparing for large increase, which, ac
cording to indications, they will have trie
coming year.
Misses Delia Reed and Fannie McCov
of Alliance were Thanksgiving week guests
at the home of H. C. Atkins. They re
turned home Saturday. Miss Reed is
county superintendent-elect of Box Butte
county. Miss Nellie Allen died at
her home in Alliance of typhoid-pneumonia
on Nov. 18th. Miss Allen is a daughter
of Rev. A. F. Allen, and made many
friends here during her residence at his
home in the Chimney Rock neighborhood.
A petition has been circulated in
the towns along the B.idgeport Guernsey
line, and signed by the leading business
men, asking for better mail and passenger
service in the valley. A request was made
for a morning train west from Denver and
Omaha connecting at Alliance and Bridge
port, and returning to Bridgeport, in
time to connect with 'the Denver train and
reaching Alliance at about 5 p m. Bayard
A Homelike Cotta.
Arranged For One or Two Stories and Basement.
Estimated Cost, 51 CO
Copyright, 1000, by Glenn U Saxton. Minneapolis Minn.
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In this deslgu I present something
which Is in great faror on the coast,
and, though only the first floor Is fin
ished, there Is ample room on .he sec
ond tloor for n couple of small rooms.
Because of its simplicity It should
also prove to be an economical bouse
to bulid. The rooms are all of gen
erous size. The size over all Is 27
feet by 3S feet. The basement Is seven
feet high and the first floor nlno feet
Cither a large or small basement can
be had, at the option of the builder.
The exterior Is sided, though cither
shingles or plaster would look well.
Cost to build, exclusive of heating and
plumbing. $1,700.
GLENN L. SAXTON, Architect
32,000 Farmers and Their Families
Read the Nebraska Farmer Every Week.
But that isn't half enough.
I am determined to put the Nebraska Farmer
into every farm home in Nebraska.
This accounts for the marvelous offer which
I make, herewith.
Read every word of what I say below.
A Few Plain Words About Farm Papers
That class of farm papers which treat reliably of farm topics,
Including social and political problems as thoy affect tho farmer,
are doing more In behalf of the reliable, progressive farmer than
any other one educational factor.
These papers dosorro the support of the farmer and should
be read without stint In ovory rural homo.
On the other hand It must be admitted that the farm news
paper field is flooded with a lot of so-called publications that aro
published with an eye single to the procuring of advertising.
Those papers come unbidden Into your homo, you cannot got
rid of them, thoy carry all kinds of unclean and unreliable adver
tising and thoy pollute tho minds and thoughts of your children.
On behalf of tho NEBRASKA FARMER, I may Say as Its
publisher that we accept no unclean or unreliable advertising
I personally guarantees the reliability of every advertiser who
We carry no patent medicine advertising whatsoever.
The NEBRASKA FARMER Is a real farm paper. It was
established In 1859. It has been doing good ever since. It is
owned and published by real farmers, and should bo read In
every farm home In Nebraska. Sam McKolvIo, president of the
company, Is a Nebraska pioneer and now owns and operates
3,500 acres of Nebraska land. For tho last three years he has
been called to do instructing In tho live stock Judging depart
ment of the University of Nebraska. Leonard S. Herron, editor
of the NEBRASKA FARMER, wbb reared upon a Nebraska farm
and completed a course in tho Nebraska School of Agriculture
as well as the Iowa Agricultural College. Professors and In
structors In tho Nebraska School of Agriculture are regular con
tributors. Dozens of letters every week by our readers constitute
one of the most Interesting features of the NEBRASKA FARMER.
The Nebraska Farmer Always Stops When the Time Is Out
Without a Word From the Subscriber.
A Great Series Of Nebraska Articles
Every true Nebraskan will want to read tho series of articles
on Nebraska farming being, published in tho NEBRASKA
FARMER. As will bo noted below this series ot articles
embraces nil the Important phases ot agriculture, stock
growing, horticulture, and kindred topics as related to Ne
braska conditions. Each article Is written by an eminent
authority. When the articles will have been completed they
will constltuto the most comprehensive, complete, and nuthorlta
the work on tho subject ever published. A book containing
such a compendium ot faultless Information would soil readily
at $2.00. Through tho NEBRASKA FARMER you procure these
articles at a very low cost, indeed,
Following Is a list of tho proposed articles and authors:
"Geography, Climate and Mineral Resources," prof. B. R.
Condra, University ot Nebraska.
"Growing Alfalfa In the Platte Valley' N. O. Dunlap (farmer),
"Growing Alfalfa on Irrigated 8o," F, h. Young (farmor),
"Alfalfa on Dry Lands," Louis Brott (farmer), Sextorp.
"Forestry for Windbreaks and Timber," O. B. Harrison, York.
"Dry Farming on tha High Plains," Erwln Hopt, North Platto
Experiment Sub-Station.
"Corn Growing In Eastern Nebraska," Loo Smith, DcBOto.
"Nebraska Crop Statistics," W. M. Maupln, State Industrial
"Growing and Feeding Sheep In Nebraska," Prof. H. R.
Smith, Animal Husbandry Department University of Nebraska.
"Soils," Prof. C. W. Pugsley, Department ot Farm Manage
ment, University of Nebraska.
"Horticulture In North and Western Nebraska," E. F.
Stephens, Creto.
"Horticulture In Eastern Nebraska," O. G. Marshall, Secre
tary Nebraska Horticultural Society.
"Corn Growing in Western Nebraska," "Grasses for Sand
Hills and Dry Plains," "Beef Cattle on Sand Hllla and Dry Lands,"
H. D. Lute, farmer and correspondent, Paxton.
"Wheat Growing on Dry Lands," "Growing Hogs In Western
Nebraska," Prof. W. P. Snyder, Manager Experimental Station
at North Platto.
"Alfalfa on Eastern Uplands," C. Y. ThompBon (farmer),
West Point.
"Tame Grasses In Eastern Nebraska," Hon. Win. ErnBt,
"Tame Grasses In Central Nebraska," "Nebraska's Swine
Industry," Sam McKclvlo, farmer and president Nebraska Farmer
"Beef Cattle Production," Hon. A. O. Shallenberger, Governor
of Nohraska.
"Dairying In Eastern Nebraska," Morlo Llttlo, Benson.
"Dairying In Western Nebraska," E. R. Harnly, Beaver City.
"What the Nebraska Hen Does," Mrs. W. L. McKennoy, poul
try editor Nebraska Farmer.
"Agricultural Education," Prof. E. A. Burnett, Dean of Agri
culture, University ot Nebraska.
"Spuds," Val KeyBer, manager Nebraska faraera' Institutes.
"Nebraska's Wheat Industry," "Hay," L. S. Horron, editor
Nebraska Farmer.
"Pure Bred 8tock," S. R. McKelvIe, publisher Nohraska
The NEBRASKA FARMER Belongs to the Farmers of Nebraska
i This Is My Remarkable Oiler:
The regular subscription price ot the NEBRASKA FARMER Is $1.00
per year In, advance. But In order to introduce It Into the many hundred
Nebraska homes whore It Is not now read, I will make a trial oiler of
Furthermore, I have on hand, several hundred sots ot "Language of Flowers"
post cards. There are ten cards In a set, all printed In vividly beautiful
natural colors on a gold background, nnd each card contains a verse of the
language ot the flower shown on tho card. You know what post cards
cost you when you buy them at your local store usually two for five
cents. Then figure the valuo ot these on that Bapio basis, and you will
know what a remarkably wonderful offer I really am making when I say
(stamps or silver). I want to emphasise right here that this set ot post
cards Is different from any you ever saw. They are absolutely the latest
and best. Accept this offer today by clipping tho attached coupon and
sendlnc to me tocether with 10 cents In silver or stamps. I will be glad
to send you a sample copy of the NEBRASKA FARMER if you will write
and ask for It
The Club Price of the
S. R. McKELVIE, Publlshor Nebraska Farmor,
Lincoln. Neb.: I encloso herewith 10 cents In (stamps)
(stiver), for which you may send the Nebraska
Farmer ten weeks and the "Language of Flowers"
post cards (10 In the Bet), Send to
P. O State.
lA !' IIAl.DItlDOi:, tlomled Abstracter
v t ..'!";--!-$-v!"-J--J"i- M---5,"5--J---v
r-jurt for two weeks, ending Dec. 1,
Jacob Kridelbaugh to Thos H Barnes, 1(3,
blk2, tst add to Alliance S2000 00
J N Johnston to Chester C John
stoo, lt4, blk2, Johnston's add
to Alliance 15000
J no N Johnston to L I Fowls jr.
lts2-3-io-it, blk3, JohnMou's
add to Alliance 55000
E T Kibble to J no I'ederson, Its34
andnMof.ts, bIk"'V," Sheri
dan add ..... 375 00
Earl Clifford UeecLto Lillie D
White lt8, blk3, fgsc co add . . . 3300 00
Clinton Gillespie toKtM Hamp
ton, ItC, blU25, ongioal town
Alliance CTo 00
Dana M Saville to Geo Carrell
nw4 22-28-49 .... 100
A D Millett to Jas F Whelan. Its
3 4-5-0, bll.7, Hemingford 170000
Willard B Young to Martha Pat
more, n 100 ft of. Jti, lTlk"V,"
Sher add 30000
Jno N Sturgeon to Plinny W Hoy,
It4, blk7, 1st add to Alliance... 1400 00
Alonzo Hague to Mary E Maycock,
si 1(5-6, blkO, sec co add 170000
Jessie Johnson to Elmore D Cur
rier, nw4 1 5-2549 250000
Jno Kohrman to Attie L Snow,
nu4 11-26-48. 200000
F W Hucke to Jo Civlsh, sua 7.
27-50 '..- 1 00
Raymond J Dfetlein to James F
Richards, Its, bhV'E," Sher
add....... , 30000
Elisha D Henry to Lucile H
baiimKardner, Iti, blk''S,"Sher
add. 30000
1 rjest Becker to Francis I Mar-
tsy, lt5-6, blkO, Hitchcock-
Hill's &. Snedeker's add 1000 00
Keith L Pierce to Ida E Greene,
ltsii-12, blk35, Hemmtsford.. . 28600
Montie S Hargraves to Willis E
Spencer. It4, bllc'E," Sher add 30000
Ira L Acheson to George Key. It 3.
blk5, sec co add 150000
Francis T Haryey to Blanche
Becker, s 50 ft, 113. blk"V,"
Sheridan add , 40000
Lincoln Land Co to Henry T
Carey, ItC. blk"L,V Slier add.. 32500
Lincoln Land Co to Oscar O'Ban
non, lts3-4'5, blk'3 and ltst-2,
blk4, Wjo add..... 975 00
Henry Alt to Lizzie Alt, ll4,blkio
1st add to Alliance 130000
George L Taylor to H Sheridan
Keane. ne4 17-28-50 120000
Henry Biehl jr to W Turner Eik
ner, 17-27-50 320000
Mary E McN'itt to John C McCor
kle, nc4 17 25-50 .... 1 00
W Turner Eikner to Benjamin V
Price and Chas L Price, lui to
13. blki8, Hemingford 120000
Keith L Pierce to E M Reynolds,
l3. blk2i, HemiDRiord . 27000
W Turner Eikner to Benjamin F
Price, ltsii-i2, blk'28, Heming-
iorci ...... . 20000
H S Keane to G L Ta)lor, ne4 24
28-51 ',
Nebr Con Ass oof Seventh Day
1 ou
2530 00
1 00
1 00
Adveniists to Wyo Con Ass n of
Seventh Day Adveniists, tej 13
Almanan M Harlpw to Ch.13 I)
llarow, se4 15-27-18
Attie L Snow in Emtlie Kohrman.
nw4 it-i0 48
Jnn B Wlii'e 10 Jas Grail iin. It j,
bll.2. forest Mib-.idd io )un
can's north nida reMdetioeMois. .
Miss Walford visited at home Sunday.
Harry Hall is the new clerk at Gaines'.
Mr. Edgerton moves into his office this
Miss Emma Devault is e'erkiog at C O
W. P. Devault will occupy the Ericson
real estate office this winter.
Mrs. Deputy is enjoying a visit from her
sister, who lives in Mitchell.
Miss McKinney returned Monday from
a visit at her home in Wyoming.
Miss Nellie Carter returned Sunday
from a visit at Alliance and Hemiogford
Mrs C. O. Morrison entertained very
pleasantly the voung people of the M. E.
church last Saturday evening
G. W. Judd returned Saturday from
Wvoming, being accompanied by his
wife. They will reside in the Benton cottage.
The Deputy State Superintendent, Miss
Walford and Mr. Nelson of the Iowa Agri
cultural college made a call at the high
school Wednesday last and discussed do
mestic science and manual training,
Legal Blanks.
1 Iip following h mi uie for sale at
Tile ilerald office:
Farm Lease,
Ual Esute Mortgage,
Chattel Mortgage,,
11 ty Lease,
Warranty Deed,
Agreement for Warranty Deed,
Warranty Deed I orporation,
Bond lwr Deed,
General Bond,
Quit Claim Deed,
Agreement Sale of Real Estate,
Contract for Real Estate,
Exchange Contract,
Articles of Agreement,
Release of Real Estate Mortgage,
Assignment of Mortgage,
. Affidavit of Identification,
Coupon Note,
Mechanic's Lien,
Power of Attorney,
Bill of Sale,
Short Will,
Inventory and Appraisement of Property
Dipping Certificate,
Contest Notice,
Affidavit and Order of Publication of Con
test Notice,
Meat Shipper's Certificate,
Notice to Owners before Delivery of Tax
Promissory Note,
Township Plats,
Map of Box Butte County,
Eight room residence in good town
in western Nebraska for sale or trade
for land. Rents for 20. Phone 58.