war T-tTy tt; fltnto UlHtortcnl Society The Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Box Butte county. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, DEC, 2, 1909 NUMBER 51 VOLUME XVI, w ta TL HE REPORT OF THE' FIRST NATIONAL BANK SHOWS THE STRENGTH OF THIS BANK AND THE PROSPERITY OF THIS COMMUNITY. j & WE ARE ESPECIALLY PREPARED TO CARE FOR COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS New Wholesale and Retail Lumber Yard John Vollmer of Spokane, Wash , audi tor of the Prairie Lumber company, is in Alliance personally supervising the instal lation of their yard at this place. We are pleased to learn that this company will make this city headquarters for this part of the west, and will do a wholesale as well as a retail business from here. Their yard and oliice will be located on the south side of west Dakota street, cast of Rowan's new grain elevator, iney now nave a force of men at work and if the weather is favorable will soon have an office and ex tensive sheds completed. They have al ready received quite a number of carloads of stock and, although not out hustling for trade until they have their sheds built and a more complete stock of lumber in, they are ready for business and will take care of it as it comes to them. Will Ride The Goat $15 and $16 Ladies' Cloaks $10. Cold Weather WANTS $7.50, $8 $9 Cloaks $5.00 j Loans and Discounts - - $522,233.39 Banking House 10,000.00 Cash and Exchange-- 142,517.30 Bonds - - r - 51,000.00 Deposits -Circulation - 556,348.19 - 50,000.00 I Exchange - - 142,517.30 circulation . . 50,000.00 I Bonds - - r - 51,000.00 . I $725,750.69 $725,750.69 Capital, Surplus and Profits - $119,402.50 To Introduce this special hand-ground $2.00 Razor we will give free one 50c horsehide strop, all for 98c at H OLSTEN S Working on Loose-Leaf City Directory L. H. Brown and S. Warren Carusi are at work compiling data for the new loose-leaf city directory mentioned in The Herald Inst week. This directory will be, without doubt, the most up-td-date and best thing of the kind ever is sued iu Nebraska. Even- if- nothing' further should be done to if after de livery to subscribers, it still will be a great improvement over any directory ever issued yet for the city of Alliance, but revisions will be made several times during each year that will keep it up to date, these revisions being made without cost to owners of the book1, the expense of the same being provided for by advertisements accom panying them. Alliance Council, K. of C, are prepar ing to initiate a class of candidates into the order on the 19th inst. District Deputy J. D. Kennedy has charge of the initiatory work. About thirty-five candidates will take the three degrees of the order. An elaborate banquet will follow the degree work, which will take place at the Phelan opera house under supervision ot the Daughters of Isabella, The committee on speakers are determined that this feature of the day's doing will be the best that can be secured. Attention, Elks! Sunday, Dec. 5th, memorial services will be held at Elks hall at 2:30 p.m. It is the duty of every Elk to be pres ent. Percy Cogswell, Sec'y. Returns From Illinois. . -.. 17 1 1 H the approach oi the coming coici wave we are thinking of your wants. Are you fully prepared for it? We are displaying an elegant line of cold weather needs. Let us show you our line of Ladies' Flannelette Gowns in Pinks, Blues, Greys, White, in checks, in stripes, with or without collars, each made by the celebrated H. 13. Glover & Co., all extra length and extra full, from 1 50c to $2.00 Ladies', Misses' and Children's FUR S Now is the time while our line is complete let us demonstrate our abil ity to please you in this line Boas, Scarfs, Collarettes, Muffs in a broad range of prices ' from B BUSINESS LOCALS. i For rent Two roomsireasonable. nicely furnished 401 Toluca Ave. W. H. Johnson, the ranchman eight een miles west of this city, arrived in Alliance on Thanksgiving dy,.on his return from Illinois. On October 28th he received a telegram informing him of the death that day of his stepmother at Gardner. 111. He left immediately for his old home state, arriving there in time to attend the funeral, which was held at Minier, III., on Sunday, October 31st. The deceased was greatly beloved by her stepchildren, all of whom were present nt the funeral, Mr. Johnson had intended to be away only about two weeks, but in visiting the scenes of his younger days nearly a month elapsed before he was ready to return home. A Big Blowout of the F. 0. E. We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. nUR DRUGS II are all of the highest quality we can get and are all examined crit ically after we receive them in stock here before a single one is placed on sale we do everything in our power to be on the safe side. A good thing for you to remember- LC4ltotibYV JbUMuai&l GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT -Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. WANTED Woman to do washing. Enquire at 208 E. Railroad St. 51-tf House and lot for sale cheap. 3 room house, and 50 foot lot, cement sidewalk, city water, coal shed. All enclosed with picket fence. Excellent location and in 'good condition. In quire of Phillips-Thomas Land Co. Price S825. 49-tf McCLURE'S MAGAZINE wants a responsible and energetic man or wo man in Alliance and vicinity to attend to its subscription interests. Exper ience unnecessary. There is liberal guaranteed compensation. A profitable permanent business without capital can be-established among friends and acquaintances. Whole or spare time. This is the best time to start. Com plete outfit and instructions free. Write how. McClure's Magazine, 46 East 23d Street, New York City. 5-3t Mexican Hot Tamales Finest that can be made, for sale by George Mushi, in Sweetwater Ave. Delivered promptly to any part of the city. Family trade a specialty. Phone No. 458 Big Price for Cream The Alliance Creamery is paying 30 cents for cream, 3i-tf Cement Contractor. LADIES' and MISSES' CLOAKS $1 to $35 j yon We have on special display this week a lot of only one and two of a kind, can find a bargain out of this lot, all new stuff and new styles One assortment worth $7.50, $8 and $9f to close .out at $5.00 j One assortment worth up to $16.00 to close out at $10.00 NORTON'S Last Friday night was the time set for the annual celebration of Alliance Aerie No. 136, Fraternal Order of Eagles? and a large number of the members and friends of the order re sponded to invitations to attend. The ball and accompanying program were given in the Phelan opera house, and the banquet at the Cafe Alliance. There was a large attendance, and the universal verdict of members and guests, so far as we can learn, was that nothing had been neglected by en tertainment committees in their efforts to make the occasion enjoyable. Cafe Alliance did itself proud spreading a feast fit for a king and retinue. Chef McCartney and corps of assistants heve already quired a reputation for the quality excellence of their cooking, but on occasion they surpassed their own pre vious efforts. There were about 165 guests at supper. Alliance Man Honored. other day, as he staggered along the street, clad in all the trimmings that go to make a bad man, Just then the young "hlood" ran into the 'arms of Marshal Cox, who told him to follow him and he would take him to the head waters of the wild, rapid-running stream. The next day Judge Zurn made it $10 with costs and Powder river blew up. wwwrwwww Growth of Bank Business taken to Ravenna, the home of the parents of Mrs, Carr, for interment. Mr. and Mrs. Carr will have the sympathy of the people of Alliance in this sudden bereavement. New Salesman at Norton's -X KMKH"H' in his his ac- and this -H"KH"H"H"5-K-3-H-H- SKREAMER& KENNEDY j; DENTISTS. 1 Suffice in Alliance National Bank Over Fostomce. 'Phone 391. VH-4-H-5-H-JH-i"WH! Blk t For estimates on cement walks, ce ment blocks and all kinds of concrete work, see J. J. Vance, West Lawn, Alliance, Nebr. 39 tf Tell Us About It. This paper can give all the local news only as our friends lend us their co-operation. If anyone visits you, if you contemplate leaving town, If you see or hear or do anything out of the ordinary day's rouUne, tell us about It, that we may tell the public Gov. Shallenberger has recognized a leading business firm of this city by appointing John W, Guthrie, of the firm of Gray & Guthrie, deputy fire commissioner. This appointment au thorizes him to enter buildings for in spection, order dangerous buildings re paired, and rubbish that might cause a fire to be removed. His authority is not confined to Alliance, and as. he is the only deputy fire commissioner in this part of the state it makes the office all the more important. A Sad Man from Powder River. Last week we had intended to call attention to the quarterly statement of the Alliance National bank, asking a comparison with previous statements and showing the growth of the busi ness of that financial institution. The report compared with the correspond ing report for last year shows an in crease of approximately twenty-five per cent. This is certainly a splendid showing, especially in view of the fact there has beeu no "boom" here, but just simply a solid, steady growth of the city and development of the tribu tary country. The advertisement of the First Na tional bank, appearing in The Herald, shows it to be a tower of strength, also, and that it is doing an immense busi ness. We have not looked up the fig ures to make a comparison of business, but understand there has been a con siderable increase within the last year. Death of an Infant H. S. Felt, formerly with the Town-send-Wyatt Dry Goods company of St. Joe, as general salesman, arrived in Al liance Tuesday to accept a position in the dry goods department at W. W. Norton's store. This addition to the to the sales force of this establishment is made necessary by their large and increasing trade. Mr. Felt has had the experience that qualifies him for the position which he holds, and his genial air and pleasing manner will commend him to customers, as well as the other employes of the store. His family, consisting of wife anc two children, will arrive about January 1st, and will make Alliance their home. We are glad to welcome them to the city. wwv Social Functions. I ANNOUNCEMENTS. xxx:kxx':-X"!"Waw!V!. UAI'TJST CHURCH. Morning topic, "The Power of Ex- ample." Evening topic, '-'The Unpar donable Sin." Special music at both services. There will be a children's meeting at 2:30 o'clock to which all children are cordially invited. "Whoop eh.I'm from Powder river," roared a brave young stranger the At noon on Wednesday occurred the death of the ten mouths' old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cair. The little one had been ill only a few hours, the first symptoms being that of croup which rapidly developed into pneu monia. A funeral service will he held today at u o'clock, conducted by Rev. Val low, after which the, remains will be The Dismer Cafe was the scene of several elaborate dinner parties Thanks giving day. Mr. and Mrs. U, N. Hos kins entertained Mr, and Mrs. L. H Highland, Mrs. Holloway, Miss Vivian Holloway, Miss Minell Highland and Mr. F. A. Stallard. They had a spe cial table reserved. The three course dinner was served in Dismer's unex celled style. Another party was Mr. Win. Hill and his guests, Mr. and Mrs. Swan, Miss Edith Swan and Mr. Wayne Zediker. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace entertained Mrs. Gaddia of Hastings, Altogether there were about 150 people who took dinner at this popular cafe. C. B. Johnston, 318 Montana street, city, is a new subscriber to The aid. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preaching at usual hours, morning and evening, by the pastor, Rev. Dr. H. P. V. Bogue. Morning topic, "The Biography of Enoch," evening, "Paul's Prayer for the Ephesians." In the evening there will be special song ser vice under direction of Mr Welch. UNITED rRESUVTERIAN CHURCH Sabbath school at 10 a. m.; preach ing at 11.00. Evening service at 7:30. The topic will be, "Is Univerpalism True?" METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH The morning topic will be, "The Proper Function of Thought "The Unrecognised God." cordially welcomed. ' Evening, All will be An Exchange. The Ladies of the Maccabees will hold an exchange at Herman's Meat Market next Saturday, Dec. 4th. Everything good to eat. C. G. Pierpont of the Star Invest, ment company, Minatare, came up to Alliance yesterday, returning today. Mr. Pierpont has occasion to visit our city frequently on business for his com. pany. CHRISTMAS PAINTING, Will take orders for hand painted pillows, any design, finished with back and cord. 3.00 each, Lodge pillows a specialty. Mrs. Zehrung, Phone 87.