The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 25, 1909, Image 7

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ZAcheson Bcos.s
Acorn Hard Coal
King Bee Hot
Hartford Klro Insurance Company.
North American of Philadelphia.
Phoenix of Ulooklyn. Now York.
Continental of New York City.
Niagara Vlre Insurance Company.
Connectlcutt Fire
ommerclnl Union Ansurimco Co., London
3eriimnlu Flro Ins. Co.
Statu of Omaha
Graduate Nurses in Attendance
HOSPITAL STAFF Dr. Bcllwood, Dr. Cowman, Dr. Hand, Dr. Copsey
Open to All Reputable Physicians.
Address all communications to
Alliance, Nebraska.
I mmmmi I la
IvfeZJaTSN-. l. try
Headquarters for
Shoe Repairing
All Work Strictly First-Class
fl. D. Nichols
Base Burners
Blast Stoves
Liverpool. London nnd Globe Ins. Co.
German American Ins. Co., New York.
New Hampshire
Columbia Fire Insurance Company.
Philadelphia Underwriters.
Phoenix Ins. Jo.. Hartford, Conn
riremans I'und Insurance Co.
Itochestcr German In. Co
Offlco tD-Stnlrs.llctelicr IMocW.
Transfer Line
Household goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
solicited. Phone i
Frank Wallace, Prop'r.
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Dierks Lumber 6Coal Co.
Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr.
f"j C, B. & Q. Watch Inspector
Palace Livery Barn
H. P. COURSEY. Prop.
(Successor to :. C. Smith)
Good turnouts. Courteous treatment to all.
Give us a trial; we will treatyou right.
When a Plumber is Needed
send for us. We have pleuty of time
now to attend to all classes of work
This is not our busy season and it will
pav you to have your
etc., attended to now before the rush
of work begins. We are thoroughly
posted in our business and an order
from you will promptly put all our
knowledge and skill at your service.
The cost will not be great.
Fred Bren nan
Farms and Ranches
iiox iirrrr. and davi:s cointiks
.MAUsi.AM), m:iiii.
l'iiitj,ht ui"j . American I'icss Asso
ciation.! Till' way li began IIiuiiuili was
cmss (hut iluy. For one thing,
slit' had it big Thntiksglvlug
baking Id tin in an old fashioned
house whole pies mill enkos wore made
by the quantity.
TliL'ii. 'while she was out of the kltch.
i'ii u minute. Mnrgery In a frolic with
puss had upset the churn with Its load
of eronm nil over the suow whlto floor.
That made plenty of extra work, but
i he frowning disaster was to Had
wIhmi she went to the pantry for thu
bentis she Intended to bake that n bot
tle nt brandy that she had kept last
summer to bathe her ankle. wVJeh she
had sprained In falling down the cel
lar stali-s. had been upset
ll stood far out of tho way oil the
top shelf, but unfortunately the dish
of beans was directly under It. and the
brandy had dripped over them, soak
ing them m tinii(Mi;:hly that It was not
possible In two I hem
But the wnrt mi yet to eoine. On
finding tin beans ruiuetl she simply
emptied them Into the pall which stood
nt the kitchen door ami. washing her
hands, set i work to knead her big
pan of puffy dough.
Now, the kitchen dour opened Into n
woodshed, and the ash pall, with the
beans on top, was supposed to be safe
enough, but unfortunately on this spe
cial afternoon the outside dour was
The bcaus bad not been there long
before the turkeys came around to bo
fed, as usual, and one of them, of a
prying disposition, noticed the open
door nnd. probably remembering the
good things that cumo out of the door,
quietly hopped on to the step and walk
ed In.
Nothing to be seen but piles of wood
for the season, now getting severe, and
yes a pall with something In It
"Ah. that looks good! I'll try It,"
thought the curious turkey (no doubt).
She did try it. and. not being sensi
tive in either taste or smell, she never
stopped trying It until she had swal
lowed all the top ones, soaked In bran
dy, nnd then turned to go.
The effect wns sad.
Her head whirled around, It is sup
posed. At any
rate, her legs re
fused to bold, her
up. and she fell
to the ground in
sensible. Half nu hour
later II n u n a h
wentout for more
wood to replen
ish her lire and
in the gathering
darkness s t u in
bled over the tur
key, still lying
A glance at the
fowl to see that
she was not out
wardly hurt and
another ut the
pull told the
shameful story.
"Here's a tine
bit o' work!" ex
claimed Uuuuah,
over. "The
kuiii, self en-
turning th
Idiot has - ,v i. U
tlrely w-. mos Vauw. . like to
know wj eft vpen thf jr! Well,
well, 1 .am a xtixkey for thanksgiv
ing, nr i this one died hy accident, and
its m .t will be vn goou ns though I'd
wrur t her neck"
.uitteilug anfl (. ' jji,Ung to her
Hit Using lr 0 8U0 nttnckeii
,:,'J" or U,jr she wns some-
cn-ss. sm wa UWny8 PConom-
nu. sh kit- v f ,,uestion8 W0Uj
. us t u ,t came to Its end,
pioviueu ' -..'
. c and was roasted
In a few mlnuic-s sho had the feath
ers off, except those on thu wings and
tail, and she laid the picked turkey on
u bench to cool, shutting the door to
keep out the cnt while she Mulshed
some other work.
Meantime tea time arrived. The fam
ily cnuic home and were nil at the ta
ble when the door burst open and Han
nah rushed in. evidently frightened out
of her wits,
"Oh. Mr. Wlnslow." she cried,
"there's something In the woodshed,
all in white, and It ran after me when
1 went for some wood, and I daren't
go out there. If you plnze!"
Mr. Wlnslow. supposing some animal
had got in. left the table and. arming
himself with the poker as he passed
through the kitchen, threw open the
Silence nntl darkness only.
Yet In u moment came an audible
rustllyg on the wood pile and mi Indis
tinct glimpse of something white.
"Bring the light. Hannah:" called
Mr. Wluslnw. and. taking n caudle
from Jier trembling hand, he led the
way to the strange object.
"It's n white-why, no. It isn't:" he
Interrupted himself ns he drew nearer
to the fluttering, frlghtoned thing.
"It's-1 declare. It's a picked turkey!
Where on earth"
"A picked turkey:" screnmed Uau-
Bf a
uah. "Sure, and can it be the one I
picked myself this evening has come to
"How did you kill it?" asked Mr.
"I didn't kill it nt nil. The bothertn'
crater killed Itself ntlq' beans that
got soaked in my brandy, nnd 1 had
to stop my work nnd dress it before It
"Well, it evidently wns not dead,"
said Mr. Wlnslow. "But now It's
dressed you better cut off its head "
"Oh, no. papal"
cried Margery,
who stood on
the steps. "Don't
kill the poor
thing: I'll take
care of It some
how." "But It'll freeze,
dear." said papa,
going back Into
the kitchen.
"No; I'll fix It
up. I'll make It
something to
wear. Please let
me." pleaded
Margery earnest
ly. "Well. I don't
care, child." said
"Do ns you
like and dress It
up. 1 want n
fat gobbler and
not a five pound
hen turkey for Thanksgiving."
After Homo trouble the shivering,
naked turkey was caught nnd carried
Into the warm kitchen. It was care
fully wrnppeil In an old skirt for tho
night nnd tied Into n basket.
The astonished creature rebelled and
fought against the Indignity of wear
ing a flannel skirt, but cold conquered
It. and nt last It cuddled down quietly
In Its strange new bed.
Through the long Siindny that fol
lowed the turkey was kept u close
prisoner, and by the next morning
ninny plans had been thought out for
Its comfort.
That was u great day for Margery,
who was confined to I he house by del
icate lungs and who longed for some
thing to pass away the hours when
lessons were over and the dally sow
ing "si bit" finished.
Here was something to do! The new
pet was fed and thu lessons and sew
ing hurried through, so that by noon
she was free to carry out her plans
isy mis tune ine
turkey hail found
out thai Margery
wouldn't hurt It
and was not so
frightened us It
had been last
night, so when
the little girl
took it In her
arms It made lit
tle objection.
'Now you must
have a name."
said Margery
soflly. carrying
her new piny
thing nff Into
her especial cor
ner of the big
kin hen. where
wurk and Han
nah never came
I.i'i me see,"
si! w e n t on
1IAH..MIV ikii iir.n ..,- Imm, vou
after m. lotclj dull thai gut broken
lvrlsilue and I must make you some
clothes so you can walk around and
not be hobbled up so"
With the l(H of mamma the busy
little girl contrived n wirt of coat for
Krlstine It was mnde of an old shawl
and was bright scarlet, with black nnd
while plaid.
it came pretty well up on the neck
nnd of course covered the naked legs
The wings wore left Inside. It was
fastuned together nt the breast nrd
H B.
wns really a pretty good lit consid
ering. As ornament Margery sewed some of
thu fringe of the shawl around the
neck llku a riKT. nt the edges where
tho wings ought to bo nnd around the
legs. So when dressed the unfortu
nate, or, rather, naughty, turkey look
ed like n new plaid variety of the scar
let llnmingo, with side pockets nnd
fringed drawers.
Tho appearance of Krlstlno stalking
nround In her new suit was very fun
ny. How the boys did laugh! And
even papa bad to wipe away the laugh
ing tears.
In this dress tho next morning, nftcr
she had been fed daintily. Margery In
troduced her to her old friends of tho
poultry yard by opening tho kitchen
door nnd letting her wnlk out whero
tho turkeys wcro taking their break
fast. Margery thought they would be glnd
to sec her: but, alas, this distinguished
stranger In gay attire wns not recog
nized. They stnrcd nnd scolded at her,
nnd tho old gobbler milled up his
feathers and dragged his wings on tho
ground nnd enmo up to her, saying
"Gobble, gobble, gobble!"
Krlstlno seemed to be disheartened
at this coolness on tho part of her fam
ily nnd slunk Into n corner, ns though
ashamed of her flno dress. Then tho
family crowded nround her to punish
her Impcrtlucnco In coming among
them nnd actually began to peck nt
Margery, who wns watching from
tho window, could hardly believe her
oyps nt first; but, yes, they wcro actu
ally pecking nt the poor outenst, who
Anally fled screaming across tho ynrd.
Margery flow to the door, nnd Krlstlno
hurried in just In tlmo to escape tho
whole family, who were close upon her.
"You poor, denr Krlstine!" she mur
mured over her when she had her snfe
ly In her nrms. "Did they peck you 7
The naughty things! Vou shan't go
With them nny more! You shall stny
with me In the bouse."
So It came to e nt Inst. Hannah
tgrumbled n little; but, after nil. she
couldu't sny much, for It wns by her
own fault that the poor thing lost Its
own winter coat Before long the
family grew qulto nttnehed to Mar
gery's pet. whoso name they shortened
to Kris.
On her pnrt Kris was a very bright
bird. She would come when cnlled by
nnmo. nnd she never failed to be on
hand at mealtimes, when sho would
walk nround the table nnd receive del
icate bits from every one.
While her little mistress wns study
ing or sewing Kris would stand mid
look nt her. turning her knowing head
lirst one side ami
then l he Other
u u d sometimes
say lug In u reflec
tive way:
As soon as books
nnd work were
put u way she was
ready for play,
in fact, she on
Joyul hei strange
life very much
and gicw fat un
der It, hi i that
pretty soon the
boys begun to
tease Margery by
suggesting that
her pet was ready
to take her place
ou the table.
The only lime
she seemed to
be uncomfortable having in a nr.n
was when the uv. w,n. "qi it:
cheerful kllclieu was wrubbed.
No sooner did Hannah iippcm m il-e
scene with Miubblng brush ami ''
down on her knees to polish the llinr
ihnu Kris would hop by a sort of lad
der which one of the bo.s had made
for ier up to a corner of the high
mantel over the llrcplnce. and there
she would sli, ill humped up mid mis
erable, till the work was done or till
her little mistress came and took her
Into the sitting room.
The place where Kris was Intended
to spend the time of her banishment
from I he ynrd was a large chamber
over the woedshed, which wits kepi
wnrm by the kitchen chimney, nnd
there's where her bed. or most, was
prepared for her and where she wns
shut up every night. But she was s
lonely nnd unhnppy nnd tried so hard
to get out mid Margery was so fond
of her for n playmate that she gener
ally got down before break fnst nntl
did not go back until bedtime, which
Is at dusk in the turkey family, you
Well, the winter passed away, nnd
spring enme. Kris grew n new sort of
feathers under her plaid dress, and
when the weather became warm mam
ma said sh must leave off her dress
and go out of doors wllh the rest. So
the first really warm day Margery
took off the red dress and drove her
Kris had not forgotten her cool ro
ceptlon In the winter, so she nt first
was careful not to go too near the tur
keys, though they did not object to her
now in her feather dress. After n few
days she stayed most of the time with
them, only coming when railed ncd
generally making n islt to tho tnblw
for her usual treats.
Sho lind not been out very long when
one morning Mnrgery went out to sen
her mid she wns gone. No one had
seen hor since breakfast. Mnrgery felt
very bad nnd nftur looking nil about
en mo to the sad conclusion that sho
hnd strayed nwny mid got lost, for tho
whole Hock wnndend far olf to focd.
But tho next morning nt breakfast
time Kris walked In, ns usual, nnd be
gnu to beg for food. Mnrgery hugged
her nnd fed her, nnd she ate ns though
she wns starved.
When she hnd finished her mcnl she
went out again, and about noon her
little mistress sought her again, and
again she wns missing.
This now beenme tho regulnr thing
with Kris. Every morning she wns ou
hand for her breakfast, nnd In spite of
watching she would slip nwny nnd
hide so that no one could find her
roor Margery was nlmost heartbro
ken at this tendency to vngrnncy in
her pot, but Ilnnnnh only smiled nnd
"Wnlt n bit nnd you'll see something
But, though Ilnnnnh hnd her suspi
cions, she wns not prepared for what
rcnlly occurred ono day.
After this strange conduct had been
going on for n fow weeks there enme a
mr Jmmmme
dny when Ilnnnnh had another scare.
Sho declared that .tramps or thieves
wcro up in tho woodshed chnmber.
Sho heard them, nnd sho dared not go
Whllo sho stood In the woodshed tell
ing Margery In n whisper about It the
child benrd a step thnt she knew.
Kris hopped down on to the top step
of the stairs which led to the room
overhead. After n moment she hopped
to the next, mid after her came, one by
one, twelvo baby turkeys.
Mnrgery screamed with delight and
ran to caich Kris nnd pet the whole
family, while Hannah rushed upstairs
in dismay und snw u sight thnt shock
ed her more than tho fear of tramps.
In that room trunks nnd things, not
In use were stored, mid n month or
more ngo Hnnunh had carried up there
n large square "squaw basket" with n
cover, a basket such its the Oneida In
dians of New York sintu make for
various household uses of (heir whllo
This basket was nearly full of tho
whiter supply of woolen stockings, nil
neatly mended and laid nwny till fall.
In this basket, ou these soft stockings,
had Madam Krlstine made her nest
und hatched out her Interesting fam
ily She must have found the door
and inaiiaged to pry off the cover,
which lay on one side, mid here she
had hidden all these weeks.
The room was put In order and thu
door closed, und Krlstine-wits provid
ed with a place in the nnl. Kvery
day she wandered off with her babies,
but she never started until she
visited the breakfast table with her
whole brood lo get her regular morn
lug meal.
At llrst It was funny to see ihem run
moiiud and plci; up ciumlw, hut as
they It begin to lie tronblesoititf
fi- i flock ot tuikeys so much
-in- House. So mamma made
t Krlstine mid her fn Hi
nt the door.
..... III... . !.
I 'lit! vnn iiii.' in. li in
t ,. nly she knew her
,u .ie when called and
m '
Am! '
dinners H.
gery '' .
for hei i mil
mi io Margery
t i
il.'ced nway
Ides Willi
led Mar
,-et tnouey
ThankcB'uiria Day.
Now tlie i.nM-y rooming low
Finds Jil spirit full of oe;
Noit-s thai (Hipumrlty
Js.pot all 'tie aid lo be;
Wlslten Ihut ne Had been wise
til hlH coin red paradise.
He'd ii lar the wiser been
Hull he rested monKKt the lean;
Hail lie dieted a bit.
Keeping all Ma muscles lit.
'Stead of, like a prldeful flat,
Uorglnt: until plump and fat.
See! In state at last he lies.
Flanked about by pumpkin pies.
Flanked with fresh cut celery,
Ulblet sauce and cranberry:
Coveted with n pall of crisp.
Here ii nd itiere n parsley wisp
Lying t-uftly on his breast:
Stuffed with tiptce and nuts ot chest.
I'oor old turkey! Victim he
Of his cobbling vanity. '
Gladsome duy for young and old,
Whether Aitidu be soft or cold;
Day that gives a nation pause
For Us Kruteful "Deo Laus:"
Day thut brings us face to face
With tho fount of love and grace
It were blessing past compare
That wo have a day so rare;
Duy fioin others all apart
CSIven over to the heart.
To a tealizing sense
Ot the great beneiicence
Of the hand dlvUio above
That hull) ruled us but through love.
-John Kendrlclc Canes in Harper