The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 25, 1909, Image 3

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t! : j
from a Reliable House
We have the BEST of everything good to eat
Our Prices are Right
Yours for a square deal,
4. D. Rodger s
Good Things to Eat
; j9 1 Desch's J9
! On the corner west of P. O.
we will receive by express a fine line of
Gem City Cook Stove
(Sold in Alliance 18 years)
It has a very large Oven. Is a
splendid baker, and has the lat
est Patented Grate, that will
not warp or get out of order.
Hardware Company
Early Winter Excursion Rates
TO CHICAGO: Tlie National Farm Land Congress and United States
Land and Irrigation Exposition, also The Great Inter
national Live Stock Exposition the most wonderful exhibition ot farm pro
ducts ever held in this country. Students of modern farming methods and of
improved grades of live stock should attend; rates open to the public.
Tickets sold November 15th, 19th, 28th, 29th, 30th, Dec 6th and 7th,
final limit December 13th.
TO OMAHA! National Corn Exposition, December 6th to 18th. Anew
new Exposition in character apd scope. The future ben
efits of this Exposition should mean increased wealth to every farm.
WINTER TOURIST RATES: Daily from November' :st, to Southern and
Cuban resorts. See the New South and
enjoy its winter climate, the hospitality of its people and the luxury of its
grand hotels.
TO THE PACIFIC COAST: The usual winter tourist rates to California
with return via Puget Sound.
F. L.
L. W.
m MWm. Bmmmm Gives yon the readtpg matter ha
7 il& HOfi& rSlfM&M" which you have the greatest in-
1 1 ' terest the home pews. Its every
issue will prove a welcome visiter to every member of the family, u
should bead your list of newspaper ud periodical subscriptions.
Plmnn I
Skalinder, Agent,
WAKELEY. G. P. A. .Omaha
Great Russian Issues Antl-Mllltary
Message to World.
Ocnevn, Nov. 23 Count Leo Tolstoi,
by way of Switzerland, tins given nh
other mos8nge to tho world. Tolstoi
In it appeals to the good sonso of tho
world's people to refuse to servo .is
soldiers, olthcr voluntarily or under
pressure, ovon If that rufusnl ontnlls
punishment. Killing by soldlors, ho
assorts, is a criminal net.
The message appeals not to govern-
ments, but dirertlj to the people mid
their good sense to stop the growtn or
nrmles ami naMes.
At an nntl military meeting hold nt
Blenne, where luQ SwIsb mid foiolgn
delegates were nssomblcd, Tolstoi's ap
peal to the people was read nmld great
Never Said Big Corporations Ought to
Be Favored.
Washington, Nov. 20. Replying to
charges nuulo by a mngnzlne publica
tion, Secretary It. A. Ualllngor of the
Interior department took occasion to
deny many of tho reports' which re
cently lurve beeii circulated concern
ing the conduct of his department and
to explain others.
"To sny that I lmve ever advlson,
ordered or lent support to any offort
to perpetrate a fraud upon the .govern
ment," he said, " Is not only false, but
Is Intentionally so, If made by anyone
who has taken the trouble to Inquire
Into the facts."
Asked about a statement that he had
said that tho proper course to take
with the public domain was to "divide
It up among the big corporations and
let the people who know how make
money out of It," Mr, Balllnger replied r
"So asinine a statement hardly mer
its n denial. Of course I mado no such
statement. Such a thought could not
be entertained by any normal intelli
gence. "What I really think in regard
to the public domain and the conserva
tion of naturnl resources may be found
In my official reports as commissioner
of the general land office, and In my
present annual report, soon to be pub
lished. I have not only been consist
ently In tho vnnguard of the conserva
tion movement, hut I have sought to
give it permanence along lines reason
ably within the spirit of the present
law and to secure more adequate laws."
Surveyor of New York Port Has Re
signed From Office.
"Washington, Nov. 23. General J. S.
Cllnrkson, surveyor of the port of New
York, formerly of Iowa, will end his
official career In January. Ho has
been surveyor of the port of New York
for seven years.
A close friend of Mr. Clarkson said
that developments would show that
the action taken at Washington could
be associated with the sugar fraud In
vestigation and that there would be
some Interesting disclosures In Mr.
Clarkson's favor.
Financiers Proceed With Plans Despite
Standard Oil Decision.
New York, Nov. 23. The interests
identified with tho plan to bring about
a merger of the large copper proper
ties made It known that the decision
of the federnl court In the Standard
Oil case will not delay the progress
of the merger. The statement was
made that the combination is being
brought about to strengthen the indus
try and encourage competition rather
than discourage it.
Publisher of New York Sun Dies After
an Operation.
New York, Nov. 20. William M.
Lnffan, successor of the late Charles
A. Dana in the management of the
New York Sun and publisher of that
newspaper for the last twenty-five
years, died nt his home In Lawrence,
L. I., following an operation for ap
pendicitis performed on Monday.
Head of Cleveland Iron Workers Dies
From Bullet Wound.
Cleveland, Nov. 22. Frank Krug.
president of the local Iron workers'
union, died from a bullet wound in his
head. He was waylaid and shot out
side n Superior avenue saloon. The
police say they know who shot him.
Haskell pleads Not Guilty.
Chickasaw, Okla., Nov, 22. Govern
or Charles N. Haskell and his five co
defendants dn the Muskogee town lot
conspiracy cases appeared before Fed
ernl Judge Marshall here and entered
?. fcrmal pica o." not guilty.
Omaha Police Commissioners
Preparing lor Hearing,
City Attorney of Lincoln Taking Steps
to Havo Injunction Cases Tried at
Once May Cause Arrest of Driver
of Beer Wagon In Order to Get Judg
ment of Supreme Court on the Mat
ter. Lincoln, Nob., Nov. 23. Jutigo J. J.
Sullivan and J. U. Halt of Omnhn havo
written to Governor Shallonberger
asking for a copy of tho charges filed
by the Anti-Saloon league against
Mayor Dnhlnian and the board of tiro
and police commissioners of Omaha,
charging non-enforcement of tho S
o'clock closing law; This Is taken
heie to moan that this firm will ropro
sent the mayor and the board and that
the latter Intend to ninko a light,
It is probable nothing will be dono
Iicim In the matter until tho hearing of
the hotel men and saloon keepers
charged with violating tho law is held
in tho police court. In case u convic
tion is secured, a hearing probably
will bo hold by tho governor here.
If City Attorney Flnnsberg has his
way about it, Lincoln is going to bo
dry for evoryono if It is dry for any
one. When the town went dry the
Elks, tho Enslcs and one or two other
organizations promptly scoured an in
junction restraining the police from
raiding the lodge rooms and they ue
gnn, or rether continued, to sore
tlrlnka to ths;r members. That Injunc
tion hns been hanging over the heads
ot tho police since last May and nothing
hns been dono to mako It porpotunl or
to try out tho case. Tho city attorney
hns Informed tho district court that
whilo ho would not recommend that
the police violate tho Injunction, but
he did insist upon a heating of the
case. If it can be brought about In
no othor way, then he will cnuso the
arrest of somo driver of a boor wagon
en route to one of tho clubs and gut
tho case tried out in thnt way.
Governor Shallenborger will make
no move to appoint 11 inomboi of the
state normal board to succeed Super
intendent Hays of Alliance for the
piesont. Tho govornor said he likely
would wait until the tlino had passed
for the llling of tho motion for a re
hearing in tho case, nnd when that
was filed and if tho couit decided not
to change its mind, would bo
time enough to name the successor to
Representative Harrington of Brown
county was nt the state house trying
to locnte the new normal school at
Ainsworth. Mr. Harrington tried to
locate the school there lest winter by
u. legislative act, but had to be satis
fied with securing it for the Sixth dis
trict. He spent considerable time
with the governor, giving him to un
derstand that Ainsworth should have
the school.
Tho third annual session of the
blacksmiths, horseshoers and wheel
wrights of the state was concluded
with the election of officers. The fol
lowing officers were elected for the
year: President, M. L. Fogarty of
Greeley; vice president, W. A. Lloyd
of Lincoln; secretary, G. A. Lador of
Wahoo; treasurer, J. W. Edwards of
Hastings; executive committee, J. J.
Depew of Loup City, N. M. Goden of
Yutan nnd Wlllinm Fischer of Kene
saw. The next meeting will be held
In November. 1010, In Grand Island.
Husband Is Charged With Giving His
Wife Poison.
Columbus, Neb., Nov. 23. Following
persistent reports concerning tho con
dition of Mrs. Dora E. Doxey, who,
with her husband, Dr. I 15. Doxoy,
was arrested recently on complaint
of Miss Kate Erder of St. Louts on a
statutory charge, County Attorney
Honsley swore out a complaint cnarg
Ing Dr. Doxey with administering mor
phine and other poisons to Dora E.
Doxey with intent to kill.
The case was called In the county
court and occupied a considerable por
tion of the afternoon. Judge Ratter
man compromised the matter by allow
ing Dr. Doxey to have his freodom
provided he would place his wife un
der the care of a local physician and
administer no more medicine to her
Mennonlte Conference at Henderson.
Henderson, Neb., Nov. 23. The an
nual conference of the Mennonlte
Brethren of the United States Is In ses
sion here in the local church of tho
i ut.'iiominuuon. weany 4uu delegates,
largely from Nebraska, Kansas and
Oklahoma, but with representatives
from all over tho United States, aro
present. A number aro from Canada.
The sessions of tho conference will
continue all week and the program
provides for a number of addresses by
prominent members of the church.
Engineer Pierce Dies of Injuries.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 22. George A.
Tierce, the englneor of ongine 2045,
which blew up qn tho main lino of the
Burlington, killing Firoman C. A. Meo
chan, Thursday, dlod at a locnl hos
pltal. Brakeman Upton was reported
slightly bettor.
Jury Finds Smith Guilty.
Omaha, Nov. 20. Joese Smith waa
convictad of murder in the second de
gree by n jury. He was tried for the
murder of James Rawlins, a negro.
One Thousand Will Attend Conven
tion Next Month.
Omnhn, Nov. 2D. One thousand
men who havo glvon tho world In n
few yoars more knowlodgo of lifted
Ity than all tho libraries contained be
foro the twonttoth century, scientists
from the United Slates, Cnnndn, H.t
wall, South Africa and the S011U
American republics, will participant
in the annual mooting or the Amcilcnu
Breeders' association, which opens in
Omnhn Dec. 8 ami continue founlujs
A dozen ytun ago the subj. t 01
heredity waa not usually taught in col
leges, because not enough waa Kn nvii
of the subject to Justify tsuchlii.; it.
Divhlod Into more than a score of
commlttcoB, tho leaders of tho Amer
lean Breeders' natoclntion have bee?)
making n sweeping Investigation of
tho laws of nnturo as nppllod to lurpd
lty. While 0110 conunltteo Is Investl
gating fish breeding, nnothor oxperl
nionts with rosos; still another com
mlttoe of scientists seel; information
on breeding fur-boarlng animals that
they might be improved, while David
Starr Jordan heads a committee on
eugenics to Investigate and report 0.1
heredity In the human race.
At the meeting to be held in Omnhn
next month those committees will re
port. They will show how heredltv,
like electricity, Is coming rnpldly Into
mnn's hnnd to Incronso production
They soy It Is an energy, which when
hamossed, will give tho United States
two bUllon dollars of new wealth c.vh
year on tho farms of tho country nlonc
Entire Graduating Class to Accom
pany Judging Team to Chicago.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 20. Six students
trom the Unlvorslty,of Nebraska, com
prising the picked Judging team o'
the college of agriculture, leave f r
Chicago, Nov. 28, to attond the lnt
national Live Stock exposition r d
compete for prise3 In judging. Tc
students will be accompanied by t'
ernor Shnllenberger, Chancellor
nnd. Professor II. It. Smith of tin tl
part of animal husbandry of the mil
voralty. Sovonty-flvo students will
alio make the trip.
The ofter of tho Union Stock Yards
compuny of South Omaha to pav the
oxpoiibea of tho Judging team gnve n
great stimulus to the Judging work or
nil atudrnts In tho collogo of ngrlcul
turo this year nnd nil worked to get a
plaio on tho Judging team. But when
six hoys wore selected, that did not
dampen the ardor of tho souh of No
brnskn fnrmors and soVenty-llvo young
men, practically the whole graduating
rlasB, decided to accompany the tenm.
TIiIh means over eighty Nebraska boys
will see the bIiow in Cliicngo nnd take
nn Interest In tho Judging.
Tho stock yards compnny pnld the
expenses of the Judging tenm Inst
yenr and encouraged tho boys In the
work, with tho result thnt tho Ne
brasknns wen first place In hog Judging.
James Morrlsan Given Stiff Sir.ience
for Blowing a Safe si Hadar.
Peirce, Neb., Nov. 22. James Mrr
rl&on, convicted of robbing the
bank nt Hadar on tho night of Jan.
18, waa sentenced to thirty yoars In
the penitentiary In the district court
Harry Joyce, charged with being a
member of tho same gang, is now 1.1
Jail and will be tried at tho Jai. lary
term. A third alleged pal, rumen
Riley, was captured, but escaped, and
Is now at large.
In pronouncing sentence Judv.
Welch declared that Morrison, liavln;
served a penitentiary term at nineteen
years of age in Iowa, had shown him
self Incapable of reforming. T;i
statute provides from twenty years
to llfo Imprisonment, and the Judge
said twenty years was too small, as
that would release Morrison at tho
age of forty-eight, with still twentj.
years left In which to menace society.
So he gave him, thirty years, which,
with good behavior, may be reduced to
Comparison Between This Year and
Year 1907.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 22. The busi
ness done by the railroads lu Nebraska
for the years ending June 30, 1907,
and June 30, 11)09, a year when the
lower freight rates und passenger
rates were not in force and n year
when they were In force shows that
the net earnings of all the railroads
have Increased except the Missouri
Pacific. The Union Pacific has not
yet reported. The Northwestern In
creased Its earnings per mile from
$2,199.74 to J2.384.73; the Burlington
from J2.710.55 to $3,102.49; tho Reck
Island decreased from $1,087.47 to $1,
13S.G2, but Its Increase in operating
expenses was greater than this. The
Missouri Pacific decreased its earn
ings from $455.38 to $451.85.
Precipitation Is General and Inter
feres With Railroads.
Omaha, Nov. 23. From all points in
Nebraska and from the west generally
tcrne reports of a bad storm and snow.
According to telegraphic reports fllea
by station agents over the Burlitigton
route west of Omaha, the snowfall
averages from two to four lucres in
Nebraska and as much as six inches
In Wyoming and Colorado.
Railroad traffic west of Omaha hns
been demoralized. The sticky, slip
pery nature of the snow and sleet
works havoc with tho rails, and nil
trains from tho west are reported
from two to four hours late in thilr
Patronized by
careful and
The one place in
town where you
can buy really
go o d chocolates
moit 1114 M20-24 tAwntuct Dtnvns COLO
F. J. Brennan
Wm. James,
Dealer in
... WOOD
No. 5.
Col. New has had 25 years'
experience and is one of the
most successful auctioneers in
the northwest.
Dates made at this office.
In District Court of llox Iiutte Comity, Nu-
In tlio mutter of tbo application
ot J. F Konno, Uuiirdlau of I lis
estate of William J. Kcane, a
minor for permission to soil real
On reading und Ming tlio petition, duly
verified, of .1. F Keituo, Gtmrdltin of the per
son and estate of Wllllutn J. Keanc, a minor,
for Hct'iiM tw hell tlio following described reul
estate hltuau-d in tlio counties of Hlehurdhon
and ISox llutti'. tlio lutid lu Hlcliardson coun
ty boliijr described an Lot Number Three of
tho Northwest Quarter of Section Threo, und
the Nuilli ten acres of the hou thrust Quarter
of the NorthwxMt Quarter of tatd Section
Three, nil In Township No Three, Kungo Six
teen in mild i(k'hurdon county.
The lund in llox lluttuconoty being describ
ed us the Southeast Quurter of Section Six
teen, Townthlp Twenty-eight. ItaiiKu Fifty.
Ha!, petition asks that said lauds may bo
sold and tho proceeds Invested in other wuys
for the reason that the looking after tho sold
lands and collection of the rents therefrom is
attended with such expense uh to mako tho
said land unprofitable for bald minor, the said
lands being Minuted at so great u distance
upart. that some person must b employed to
look after the same which makes tho expense
of utteudlng to tho collection of routs und
lookinp utter said lands very great.
It Is therefor ordered that the next of kin
of said minor, und all person-, interested In
said estate appear before me at chambora at
tho t'ourt House In the city of itushvllle.
1 heridan tounl) , Nebraska, mi tho lritb day
of December 11011, at U o'clock lu the forenoon
und show cause, if any there be, why tho pray
er of suld petition should not be granted und
license isuod to said J F Keune, Uuurdian,
to sell Mild lands for the purpose set forth.
It Is further ordered that 11 copy ot thia or
der be personally served on all persons Inter
ested in said estate ut least fourteen days
before the date set for the hearing, und pub
lished oncfc each week for three bocceaslro
weeks lu The Alliance Herald, u newspaper
printed, published und circulating In Iiox
ltutte County, .Nebraska.
Dated at Chambers in said Hherldan county
this Quay of Moiemlier. Iwx
W. 11. Wkstovek. Judge of
tho District Court, llox
fp Xov.H-lS-3w Uutto County, Nobruaka.
w-W ER