M!nlo Illflloilcftl SocMy The Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Box Butte county. VOLUME XVI. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA J THURSDAY, NOV, 25, 1909 NUMBER 50 El ODE TO A GOBBLER ' V AS ABE IA U D is what you owe yourself. You arc not doing1 this when you are not saving part of your earnings. Your savings represent your labor and really is "STORED LABOR." " STORED LABOR" is a fund which gives you advantages when opportunity offers. "STORED LABOR " is a , fund which will carry you over periods of adversity. Do not draw on your unknown future, but store against it by de positing a part of your earnings with The First National Bank b n To Introduce ' this special hand-ground $2.00 Razor we will give . free-one 50c horse-hide strop, all for 98c at H OLSTEN S I BUSINESS LOCALS. I iTlifjuL- We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. Thanksgiving in Alliance 1909 This is the day to feast and pay Our homage to the Maker; We might first see if the proper fee Has gone to the "butch" and baker. And next to feel with gratitude real, That life is worth the living; We're blessed with health not bur dened with wealth Nor worried about the giving. If debts are paid, a living made, And we know just where we're stand ing, Ged pity the rest we've done our best, No fear about the lauding. Misfortunes will come, and we've had some They might have been still greater And then the thought that we know not The blessings they'll bring us later. By voices raised, the Lord be praised, Nor a single note of defiance, By the people all both great and - small In the city of Alliance, Hazard Miss Kate Haggerty left for Bridge port Tuesday, but will return today in time to eat Thanksgiving dinner in AN liance. f,'WWWWW'W''WWWW' House and lot for sale cheap. 3 room house, and 50 foot lot, cement sidewalk, city water, coal shed. Alt enclosed with picket fence. Excellent location and in good condition. In quire of Phillips-Thomas Land Co. Price S825. . 49-tf Mexican Hot Tamales Finest that can be wade, for sale by George Mushi, in Sweetwater Ave. Delivered promptly to any part of the city. Family trade a specialty. Phone No. 458 , Cement Contractor. For estimates on cement walks, ce ment blocks and all kinds of concrete work, see J. J. Vance, West Lawn, Alliance, Nebr. 39-tf Big Price for Cream The Alliance Creamery is paying 27 cents for cream. 31-tf McCLUKE'S MAGAZINE wants n responsible and energetic man or wo man in Alliance and vicinity to attend to its subscription interests. Exper ience unnecessary. There is liberal guaranteed compensation. A profitable permanent business without capital can be established among friends and acquaintances. Whole or spare time. This is the best time to start. Com plete outfit and instructions free. Write now. McClure's Magazine, 46 East 23d Street, New York City. sot FREE, to Boys and Girls, Flexible Flyer, "The sled that steers." The best sled iu the world. You can easily secure one within a few days by doing a little pleasant work. Some have iu a few hours. Be the tirst in your town. Write today, stating vour age. A postal card will do. W. I. Davis, 155 East 24th St., New York City. 1 5o-3t Handy Cars For Stockmen. from The Omaha Heo: Stockmen shipping to the South Om aha market are manifesting pleasure over the fact that the new street car line is being built and will soon be in operation, which will take them from the city direct to the Exchange build ing, where the offices of commission men are locatedjto the South Omaha horse market and the cattle sales divi sion. In the past, shippers have had to walk across the viaduct and several blocks to reach these places, where al most everyone selling on the South Omaha market has to go. The ar rangment for the service and extension was made by the Union Stock Yards company with the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway company, and at some expense to the stockyards people, who arranged it in the interest of shippers. By R. K. taunkittrick 0 r 4- J2 ALL hail! All hail! Oh, rare and antique bird uk That lately on the venerable tree . m n-lloJ in n tioll nt til nan !in ntiill ttrtnris riflftTfl Moaning In mournful gusts thine elegy! No more the sun will gild thy red oravat Or ripple on thy wing, For time hath caught thee, even "as the cat Catches the gray and agile whiskered rat, And now thy praise we sing, Gathered about the board, serene and gay, Upon Thanksgiving day. i E With io7 we see thee fry5xr on thy back, Thy chaste, lush drumsticks stickingin the air; Thy wings in sweet peace folded and, alack, The incense of lHy stuffing, pungent rare, Filling our souls with heavenly melody, The while with fork, and lame Thy dark meat and thy whitejmeat fondly we Suffuse with gravy in our revelry And then, with pleasure rife, Each dainty morsel neatly ttfck away Upon Thanksgiving day. Thou'rt nobler than the canvwbaok or goose, The lordly shanghai or theitortolan Or any other minstrel that inloose From Tuscaloosa to Cape Mary Ann. Compared with thee the woodcock is a mere Delusion all in all; 'j The upland plover ne'er can thy peer, Beside thee to the epicure aad seer The prairie hen is small; Thou art the bird of freedom "anyway Upon Thanksgiving day. -New York Fies. X 'f. ( PRISCILLA PREACHES. ,. On the Noble Art of Being Thankful Gracefully. Every girl wishes she was charming. Some girls wish It so fervently that they actually do something to bring around tlit Irippy result. Others Just build nlr rustles on such foundations and n full pot-ketlionk. which gles tin limited -prMli'M'- In -J ho mutter u euoosing rroi-Ks nun inns. More nils than ,vou can count on your two bunds go to make up Unit composite gift, personal charm One of them Is appropriate (o the season the art of giving thanks gracefully. Have you eer practiced It? If not. Tlmiiksghing Is the appointed time to begin It make men adore you., old people speak beautiful words of you and young wimen envy you. Perhaps you are going to Thanksgiv ing service If you are the klud of girl who lives up to the good old Neto Eng land custom. Ferlmps you belong to the new Idea elnss with whom football has risen superior even to the turkey dinner at midday, Perhaps you are going for a long day's outing In the frosty country. No matter where. It Is pretty sure that he Is going, too. and It ought to lie written ''He." Armed with a chrysanthemum and a purely mascu line sense of gratitude for a day away from the grinding cares of olllce or shop, he will i,,l for you early with n blithe "Well. Imi'i this n day to be thankful for?" And what reply will you have ready for him? If mother could not nfford to give you n new froek for the day or If your slender salary forbade quite ns stunning a costume as your mind's eyo pictured, will you say In cold, care less fashion. "Well, 1 don't know that I have much to be thankful for," or, "Please do not spring that chestnut on nn vm know Thanksgiving day Is a ni' form In this money making age?" Girls do say such absurd things when something goes wrong with their clothes! Can't you see how you will quench that young man's enthusiasm nnd his HBl'OKT 01' Till: CONDITION OP The Alliance National Bank OHAKTKU NO. 57, At Alliance. In the Suite of Nobniska, at lliocIoMjof business. Nov. 10, liw. JiESouiicr.s: Loans and (llnconnts ... ..SS.Vs.Ht.lflJ Overrii lifts, secured una unseen rod 2.872.5: U.S. Winds tOM-cnroclraulutlon..,. CO.OOO.00 I'remluniHoii U.S. lxnils i7.so Nlnnklng house, furniture and, itx- , "--! ,,, 2U.UUU.UM Oihur llrnl Ustuto owned l.SSO.00 Duo from national bunks (not resorvu ncnts) S 1,400.55 Duo from Stiito nnd Pri vate Hanks and Hunkers, Trust Companies, nnd Having Hanks..... 7.481 lis Duu from approved reserve agents 871W17.7,J Checks and othercash Items JW.77 Notes of other national bunks USO.OO Fractional paper Currency, nickels and cents 2t3t" Lawful Money Hkhkiive in Hank, viz: Hpoclo $11,203.40 l.ek'al. lender notes. 510.U 11,775.10 Kedumptton fund with U. .treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) , S 500 00 112,55153 Total .. 1415,737.30 r.iAinr.iTiEs: M BeeT r w" B A WAY TO UE THANKFUL FOIU faith III jour good temper at the same moment? One night at a dinner some clever men were asked why they had not married their Urst love. Oue man said because she had uot spoken to him all the way to the theater, lie l"'1 Capital stool; paid In $ RO.OOOOO Surplus fund 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less expense and taxespald , 0.6J3.4J National bank notes outstanding. . .'huwO.ou Duo to other National Hunks I0.M7.37 Duu to Statu and I'rlruin Hanks and Hankers 7,K20.3I Individual deposits sub ject to check 214,512.69 Demand certificates of de- ,Poslt 0.0'.G21 Time certificates of deposit 71.312.40 3IM13.M Total , 445,73t!30 KTA'l'E flP N'l'.ltltACiK'A I COUNTV OF llOX 1IUTTK. f SH I. f. IV. Harris, cashier of thoj above named bunk, do solemnly swear (hat the ulmvu statement U truo to the bstofmy knowledge, and belief. J V. W. IlAltltlrt, Cashier. CouneoT Attest: l M. ickioiit I ; V. K. IlotATFN Directors. UeunabuF. Hettkmieim I Subscrlbed'uud sworn to beforo 1110 this 20lh day of November, HKW. Lseai. II. r, a 11 juan. Notary Public, My commission expires Dcccmber27, 1011. Watch for Opening of Model Candy Kitchen FIRST DOOR SOUTH of CHARTERS HOTEL Saturday, Nov. 27th The most complete line of candy ever shown in Alliance. Candy is all home made and is absolutely pure. Carnations given away to each lady on day of Opening. BIG REDUCTION Ladies' Suits and Coats j mm OUR DRUGS are all of the highest quality we can get nnd are all examined crit ically after we receive them in stock here before a single one is placed on sale we do everything in our power to he on the safe side: A good thing for you to remember. if SPECIAL SALE WATCHES AND JEWELRY On FRIDAY and SATURDAY af this week L. W. BOLTE will have tho largest stock of. Jewelry and Watches ever displayed In Alliance. These high-class goods will bo offered at Special iSale on these two days. ,f Persons wishing to secure Holiday presents should not fail to see these .goods at this time; -QtYing-to'therftictt that prices on watches have recently advanced 10,per cent, good mpney can be saved at this 'sale, as they will be sold at or below former nrices. J ten minutes Into nnd the curtain Inul rlsi'ti. Ilo thought how awful it wmtlil ht to live twenty years or loss with u woman who turned silent nnd morose over ovory tilth. To he thankful In u Kntc;tftil wnv I porn to look down lustoml of, up w'uii IIkuHiik on your blessing's Do imt look nt Alice May's Koldcif linir mill then worry about your own palp brown tresses. Look at Mary Ann's freckles nnd he thankful for your own olive skin. Ileal cratltude eonslsis of roak Inp the bst of things, and It Is not set forth in any church ritual. Wash Ington Star. The Saturday night dances of the Swastika Club at the opera house are well patronized. They are open to the public and all persons who wish to "trip the light fantastic" are invited to attend. Sam Albro, the Woodward Candy Company's traveling salesman for this part of the west, came iu from Cody Sunday. f 1 - ' " fl ii &&enMCCbv tfdUAOidL KREAMER& KENNEDY DENTISTS. Oince in Alliance National Bank 13IU t uver i'ostotnee. ? 'Phoue 391. t .W"!,M"!.;"";.""'.."..!X.."K';.ji. GEO. T. HAND, ( M. D, EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested anil Glasses Fitted. H. N. GAMBLE Proprietor New York l1 iMe U (Formerly C. F. Kroll) 219 Box Butte Avenue Phone 261 We give penny change you don't pay 25c for 23c worth of meat. We use th6 Toledo springless scale, honest to our customers and to ourselves. Fresh Baltimore Oysters Standards, 50c Selects, 65c FRESH FISH White Fish, 18c Trout, 18c Salmon, 18c riWI yL