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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1909)
it ? County Commissioners' Official Proceedings Alliance, Neb., Nov. 10, 1009. Board of county commtoelonors met pursuant to adjournment. Members present, J. M. Wanek, clinerjiKin, J. P. Jensen aU Sang C. Reek. The foi lowing pWHd&gB wore had &uri don towlt: Cotnmtatonemt furuteftied U II of mines from wlrieh the Jury ta to be drawn for iwt tnu of court AVUnnco, Nb.. Nov. 10, 100f. 13 K known, Hurt on Kite tenth day of November, IDOD, the matter of c&UbbVehltiK n read. No. 40, coming on to be heard bnfore the ooninrU nonie sort wW reach the 'PrttMeml and bo jproved during tiie earning session. etontw upon (Uio petition, report of commteetanoxs, approval of nottoe to jkvI(1 land owner, glotm for dama ges awl appraiser report, nd the board bohig fully ndvleed In e4d prom taw, Ht I Ordered Unvt the .1d raid be eetafb Mehod Mt prayed for in tit petition, that tlm width of t1te khi19 bt no feet; that the sanie be opened as required by m It is the further onlor ot the board that, (Are okiliu for diwungee be allowed ne per appmleors report, and the dark is hereby ordered to draw warranto! for the sanio. Whereupon the board adjourned un til tomorrow momlug at 9 o'oJock. W. C. MOUNTS, Clark. Alliance, Nob,, November 11, 1009 The board of ccaaroty oommtoston- eame members present as yratwdas. The following proceedings wore linul towlt: The fcHuwing claims war al lowed and the clerk ordered to draw vacttuttjs for tiro same. Hammond fc Stephens Co, sup plies.. ,. .. $21.50 P. B. HoMen, glass C.0C Klopp & Bantf-ett, eupplles....l2G.G5 Hammond & Stophens Co. superin tendent suppHcis $lC.lo Unilvorsiby PivUWilng Co, superin tendent euppMas. , .. 12.50 Central Lbr Co, lumber 30.00 C. A. Shlndelnr, .. 11.90 Al WikCff, fees 18.C0 Dlcrks Lbr Co, lumber 100-40 John Duskliv, bridge 2S4.C0 Klupp & Uwrtkilit Co, supplies.. 5.75 True Mlltar, lumber 128.0S J. F, Andrews, primaries 1909.. 1.00 K. Becker, primaries 2.00 John Brqiina'ti, primaries1,. w .. 2.00 Gregory Zurn. primaries.. .... 2.00 W. H. Swan, primaries.. , 2.00 C. R. CCo-pp, primaries 2.00 L. P. SmMi, prlmaiiles 2.00 C. L. Drake, primaries 2.00 T. J. Thrukeld, miimartew 2.00 A. J. Chapman, primaries 2.00 Maggie Wilson, primaries 2.00 Cal Cox, Mnuuri!o4 2.00 Ira Reed, primaries 1.00 W. O. Banifs, primai-iiee 1.00 P. B. O'Connor, primaries 1.01 G. O. Smith, primaries 1.00 We Jamas, prinnarieu 1.00 C. W, Br-Minnn, inquest 1,00 AV. H, Holtz, inquest 1.00 V. M. GraybU'l, inquest 1.00 R. Todd, Inquest 1.00 J. P. WUBon, Inquest 1.00 Tom Jackson, inquest 1.00 Sang C. Keck, innuett 1.00 E, C. Anderson, inquest 1.00 W. S. RhlgtCl, inquest.. .. .... 1.10 W. O. BariJcs, Inquest 1.10 T. ,M. La1r, inquest 1.10 Gregory Zurn, inquest 1.10 G. V, Dunian, Inqueet 1.10 C. R. Clapp, inquEsrt 1.10 Auston Sutton, inquest 1.S0. Whereupon hoard adjourned uat'J to . r. ra'Keraon, inquest 2.00 morrow morn4ng at 9 o'clock John Burue, general eleetflon.. 4.00 Galnfts ClmpmiUH primary ami geneml eioatten. 8 00 John Ttemttn, primery Md general docttoM 8.00 School Diet. No. 20, rent primary and geneniJ tdeoUon 10.00 Clrrte lintieen, primary and geuer- (il (riooUoa '. 12.00 E. P. Abley, prhiiRry ad getieiufl eiecWOR 8-00 Geo. Zmiirntn, get election. . 4.00 C. B. BM, general tiicctlou.. .. 9.40 G. B. Leldy, genenrt oJoctlou.. COO H. J. Wltkton, generNl (Section.. 11.00 W. A. Hood, primary and general olocJou 8.00 Praotk Cib. prhnary and general election 8.00 H. A. TecSmoker. prtnmry and gen oral ekoMon 8.00 School Diet No. S3, rent, prfeimry ami geoenul otettAon S.00 ntek Lbr Co, lumber 30.26 I, A. llohlredge, general election 0.00 Geo. Frotamppfei, roel 10.50 B, P. Gttuum, general eJaoHon. . 0.00 J. P. O'ConiMor, seiHirnl ejection 0.00 SmKh P. Tuttle, gn. eJeetiioii . . COO J. W. Gulurt, gen election., c.00 A. S. Reed, gen election 4.00 H. Frederick, gen etoctiom.. .. 4.00 John Kckraan, gen election.. .. i.00 W. L. Grftb, gen election.. .. 4.00 N. i, Httyee, gon electton. 4.01 W. M. loileHce, .itrlmery athl gener- M eflectfon 12.00 L. A. Bo-fier, prtiiKwrj- ad general election 8 00 John JolAnok, prtniRTj' and general eleoUon s.oo John HorHn, ptimnry nud gener al olecUon , s.oo Geo. Behnar, prhnary atl general j eleotlon , h 00 Jos. Moellor, prlmarj- ami geuwaJ I eroitton 8 00 John Voglo, Jr., gen ejection.. 5.00 A, R. Duon, gon election... .. 2.00 Cal llashniau, gen election.. .. 3.00 1 R. J. Hill, gen election) r 4 00 i Clyde Johnson', gen election.. .. 4.00 P. McCoy, gen election.. .... COO, Barney HaMmr, primary and gon- j oral election.. .. $00 B, E, Johtwon, primary and gen- i em3 oSecWIoiii, l 00 C, B. Marks, primary and general j election 20.00' Clolli Underwood, road 14.501 C. A. Underwood, road 8 00' Klopp & Rartlett, supplies.. ..103.C0 D. Path, road icoo R. A, Rowlaud, road C.50 Wm. Kinsley, road 6.50 Patrick Klnaliey, load 26.00 D, W. Huglus, cu'iivaraing re turns 200 W. S. Ridgell, justice, fees.. .. 4.15 Geo. PiohiiappfoJ, road.. ., ... 8.00 L. M. Kennedy, road n.o? W. S. Rickets, road s.oo Bud Rodgerg, rood io.OO S. D. Rickctt, load s!oO Al. Wlker, fees 48.91 W. L. Butts, road 42.OC C. A. Newberry, supplies C51.90 C. L. Muntz, road 4.75 H. II. Pieice, road 315.00 J. W. Guthrie, canivas3ing -otes 2.00 G. II. Hagermnn, road lj.00 Geo. Frohnappfel, lahor 2.01 Jas. Holl'Inrake, road 14.00 Oron Foskett, road ' C. Klemke, gen election 4.00 T. K. Chrtstcnsen, road 115.10 Nelson Fletcher, Ins. Co., ins. . . . 54.00 Ohas. Davidson, Mvery 1.00 J. P. Hazaid, survey 20.00 J. P. Hazard, primary 4.00 W. D. Zedlzer, plumbing.. .. 3.40 J. P. Jensen, salary 11.40 J. M. Wani'k, salary co.20 Sang C, Reck, salary , .. 22.60 Road iietition of R. M. Hampton, et al, rejected. Official bond of W. L. Griffith, read overseer, elct, examined and approved. Legal Blanks. The following blanks arc for sale at The Herald office: Farm Lease, Real Iistate Mortgage. Chattel Mortgage, Cliy Lease, Warranty Deed, Agreement for Warranty Deed, Warranty Deed Corporation, Bond for Deed, General Bond, Quit Claim Deed, Agreement Sale oi Real Estate, Contract for Real Rstate, Exchange Contract, . Article of Agreement, Release of Real Estate Mortgage, Assignment oi Mortgage, Affidavit of Identification, Coupon Nolo, Mechanic's Lien, ' Power of Attorney, Hill of Sale, Option, Short Will, Inventory and Appraisement of Property Attached, Appraisal. Dipping Certificate. Contest Notice, Affidavit and Order of Publication of Con test Notice, Meat Shipper's Certificate, Notice to Owners before Delivery of Tax Deed, Promissory Nete, Receipts, Township lints, Map of Box Butte County, Bight room residence in good town in wostorn Nebraska for sale or trade for land. Rents for S20. Phone 58. j 45-tf mKKmmKltllltKKKaBIIKSKIia Just Received at J. P. Colburn's 204 BOX BUTTE AVENUE Nice Line of Ladies' and Misses' Up-to-Date C On which we are making a special sale and offering at Remarkably Low Prices, considering quality oats Outing Flannels 12J4C grade selling at nc ioc grade selling at 9c L Zm I OJty 01 AlLtanot, water., ., .. 17.95 -B. Price, appraiser.. ., .. ,,., 3.00 AElence Blj Co, lfslKs 6.45 D. W. Hughes, Ice.. 2.S0 L. A. Bemry, board of health.. S.OO Forest Lbr Co, lumber 154.65 O. E. Philips; primary j.oo Waiter TIce, road 15.00 Alliance Grocery, oil 1,00 G. J. Sutton, eiecUoa 1909 2.00 O. L. Harrte, election o.OO L. E. Piikiwtton, election j.00 D. W. Hughes, election 4.00 It. M. R, roftd COO T. R. Workman, electkxn k 4.00 Wnr. Rust. eieoCon ,00 C, P. WheJan red s.00 Snyder &. Son, drayage 1.2$ W. G. ZedJker, election 7.50 S. C. Boon, oieotion.. c,00 G. W. Jouee. eleeUoo c.OO N. H. Neion, eleotlon s.00 B, L. Fomiw, eiectOon 4. 00 Clark Okie, election 4.00 Isaac Rocky, election 4,00 A. D. MKlett, election 4.00 T. L. Hopkins Jr., election.. .. S.40 School Diet No. GO, rent 5.00 A. II. Mabin, primary and general tdiotlon qq Fred Abley, geneial electloni.. 4.00 II. Mkjhacflsjfn. primary and gener al Qtactfton' soq A. S. Enyeaitr general election S.OO H V Luoas, primary,. ..-., ,. ,4,09 J hn Leazan, geaerol eJectioa.. 4,00 W. C. MOUNTS, Cleirk. Alliance, Neb., Nov. 12, 1909, Board of county comm!staners metj pursuant to adjournjnont. The foJ'Jow-1 ltig proetedings were had and done, towit: ' I It is the. order of the beard chat the surveyor be ordered to make f'nal I survey on rosd No, 40 making sarnie CO feet. ' It te atao the owler of th board1 that the olerk withdmw the ad fi- en I U aewiwpew wliiel1 WRs advert a-i ng a reward for aopek thiovw. j H fc. Uie order of the boaad Uiat tie otork advertaw for btd to fur-i ish surety bod for the fWIowuig crftteets elect: Coun- Clerk, Supartotindeut. Shi r-1 Iff, Deputy Sheriff, md Treasurer. I jmj mumy ireamirer Having cwtx Hed to the boerd of oomiMiJan. u. j that B. F. Look wood has pakl his taxes for tho years 1906, 1U07, 1908, It is tl order of tlie board that tiae claims of the told B. F. Jockwood, that were allowed and held for taxes for said yenTS, be released, and warm-nte drawn on the genera fund for same. Whereupon the bcand adjourned to 9 a. in Dee. S2t ,19Qa. W. C. MOUNTS, Clerk. mmm A . i 32,000 Farmers and Their Families Read the Nebraska Farmer Every Week. But that isn't half enough. I am determined to put the Nebraska Farmer into every farm home in Nebraska. This accounts for the marvelous offer which I make, herewith. Read every word of what I say below. A Few Plain Words About Farm Papers That class of farm papera which treat reliably of farm topics, including social and political problems as they affect the farmer, are doing more in behalf of the reliable, progressive farmer than any other one educational factor. These papers deserve the support of the farmer and should be rend without stint in every rural home. On the other hand it must be admitted that tho farm news paper field is flooded with a lot of so-called publications that are published with an eye single to the procuring of advertising. Those papers come unbidden into your homo, you cannot get rid of them, they carry all kinds of unclean and unreliable adver-' Using and they pollute the minds and thoughts of your children. On behnlf of tho NEBRASKA FARMER, I may say aa Rb publisher that we accept no unclean or unreliable advertising whatsoever. I personally guarantee the reliability of every advertiser who uses the NEBRASKA FARMER. We carry no patent medicine advertising whatsoever. The NEBRASKA FARMER is a real farm paper. It was established in 1859. It has been doing good ever since. It is owned and published by real farmers, and should be read In every farm homo in Nebraska. Sam McKelvle, president of the company, is a Nebraska pioneer and now owns and operates 3,500 acres of Nebraska land. For the. last three years he has been called to do Instructing in the live stock judging depart ment of the University of Nebraska. Leonard S. Herron, editor of the NEBRASKA FARMER, was reared upon a Nebraska farm and completed a course in the Nebraska School of Agriculture as well as tho Iowa Agricultural College. Professors and In structors in tho Nebraska School of Agriculture are regular con tributors. Dozens of letters every week by our readers constitute one of the most Interesting features of the NEBRASKA PARMER. The Nebraska Farmer Always Stops When the Time is Out Without a Word From the Subscriber. A Great Series Of Nebraska Articles Every true Nebraskan will want to rend the series of articles on Nebraska farming being published in the NEBRASKA PARMER. As will be noted below this series of articles embraces all tho Important phases of agriculture, stock growing, horticulture, and kindred topics as related to Ne braska conditions. Each article is written by an eminent authority. When tho articles will have been completed they will constitute tho most comprehensive, complete, and authorita tive work on the subject ever published. A book containing such a compendium of faultless information would sell readily PUBLISHER NEBRASKA FARMER. at $2.00. Through the NEBRASKA FARMER you procure these articles at a very low cost, indeed. Following is a list of tho proposed articles and authors: "Geography, Climate and Mineral Resources," Prof. B. R, Condra, University of Nebraska. "Growing Alfalfa In the Platte Valley," N. C. Dunlap (farmer), Kearney. "Growing Alfalfa on Irrigated Soils," F. L. Young (farmer), Morrill. "Alfalfa on Dry Lands," Louis Brott (farmer), Sextorp. "Forestry for Windbreaks and Timber," C. S. Harrison, York. "Dry Farming on the High Plains," Erwln Hopt, North PJatte Experiment Sub-Station. "Corn Growing In Eastern Nebraska," Lee Smith, Desoto. "Nebraska Crop Statistics," W. M. Maupin, State Industrial Statistician. "Growing and Feeding Sheep In Nebraska," Prof. H. R, Smith, Animal Husbandry Department University of Nebraska. "Soils," Prof. C. W. Pugsley, Department of Farm Manage ment, University of Nebraska. "Horticulture In North and Western Stephens, Crete. "Horticulture in Eastern Nebraska," C, tary Nebraska Horticultural Society. "Corn Growing In Western Nebraska," "Grasses Hills and Dry Plains," "Beef Cattle on Sand Hills and Dry Lands," H. D. Lute, farmer and correspondent, Paxton, "Wheat Growing on Dry Lands," "Growing Hogs in Western Nebraska," Prof. W. P. Snyder, Manager Experimental Station at North Platte. "Alfalfa on Eastern Uplands," C. Y. Thompson (farmer), West Point. "Tame Grasses In Eastern Nebraska," Hon. Wm. Ernst, Tecumseh. "Tame Grasses In Central Nebraska," "Nebraska's Swine Industry," Sam McKelvle, farmer and president Nebraska Farmer Company. "Beef Cattle Production," Hon. A. C. Shallenberger, Governor of Nebraska. "Dairying in Eastern Nebraska," Merle Little, Benson. "Dairying In Western Nebraska," E. R. Harnly, Beaver City. "What the Nebraska Hen Does," Mrs. W. L. McKenney, poul. try editor Nebraska Farmer. "Agricultural Education," Prof. E. A. Burnett, Dean if Agri culture, University of Nebraska. "Spuds," Val Keyser, manager Nebraska faner3' Institutes. "Nebraska's Wheat Industry," "Hay," I s. Herron, editor Nebraska Farmer. "Pure Bred Stock," S. R. McKelvle. publisher Nebraska Farmer. Nebraska," E. P. G. Marshall, Secre- for Sand The NEBRASKA FARMER Belongs to the Farmers of Nebraska jtf This Is My Remarkable Oiler: The regular subscription price of the NEBRASKA FARMER is $1.00 per yoar in advance But in order to introduce it into the many hundred Nebraska homes where it is not now read, I will make a trial offer of TEN WEEKS FOR 10 CENTS, AND I GUARANTEE TO STOP THE PAPER AT THE END OF THAT TIME UNLESS IT IS RENEWED. Furthermore, I have on hand, several hundred sots of "Language of Flowers" post cards. There are ten cards in a set, all printed in vividly beautiful natural colors on a gold background, and each card contains a verse of the language of the flower shown on the card. You know what post cards cost you when you buy them at your local store usually two for Ave cents. Then figure the value or those on that same basis, and you will know what a remarkably wonderful offer I really am making when I say that I will send the NEBRASKA FARMER TEN WEEKS, AND GIVE A SET OF THESE BEAUTIFUL FLOWER POT CARDS ALL for IOC (stamps or silver). I want to emphasize rlgut here that this set of post cards is different from any you ever saw, They are absolutely the latest and best. Accept this offer today by clipping the attached coupon and scndlncr to me toccther with 10 cuts in silver or stamns. I will be glad to send you a sample copy of tho NEBRASKA FARMER if you will write and ask for It The Club Price of the ALLIANCE HERALD and the NEBRASKA FARMER is $2.25 S. R. McKELVIE, Publisher Nebraska Farmer, Lincoln. Neb.: I enclose herewith 10 cents in (stamps) (silver), for which you may send the Nebraska Farmer ten weeks and the "Language of Flowers" post cards (10 in the set). Send to Name P. O state. ,1 v! W -w4k jVteftf JNfiJ -.