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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1909)
l-v ts wc .' i lC. IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY YOUR GR0C0RIES from a Reliable House We have the BEST of everything good to eat Our Prices are Right Yours for a square deal, A. D. Rodgeis msss&SKS Good Things to Eat eeeeo AT S Phnnn ? J j9 1 Desch's j9 j e On the corner west of P. O. :,? EVERYTHING FRESH AND CLEAN we will receive by fbbsh: BUY A Gem City Cook Stove (Sold in Alliance 18 years) It has a very large Oven. Is a splendid baker, and has the lat est Patented G-rate, that will, not warp or get out of order. NEWBERRY'S Hardware Company Early Winter Excursion Rates TO CHICAGO: The National Farm Land Congress and United States Land and Irrigation Exposition, also The Great Inter national Live Stock Exposition the moat wonderful exhibition ot farm pro ducts ever lwld in this country. Students of modern fanning methods and of improved grades of live stock should attend; rates open to the public. Tickets sold November 15th, 19th, 28th, 20th, 30th, Dec 6th and 7th, final limit December 13th. TO OMAHA! National Corn Exposition, December 6th to 18th. A new new Exposition in character and scope. The future ben efits of this Exposition should mean increased uealth to every farm. WINTER TOURIST RATES: Daily from November 1st. to Southern and Cuban resorts. Seo the New South and enjoy its winter climate, the hospitality grand hotels. TO THE PACIFIC COAST: The with IiNHMWP lilUiiMSJiUil TfA AfrftffMA Drtnt I.,, m .1 1 in 133UC will fjiuvn wcivaju-b Tisiiwm thoald head your list of newspaper and mMm ooooo PIiaha 9 SATURDA y. express a fine line of petjit of its people and the luxury of its usual inter tourist rates to California return via I'uget Sound. F. L. Skalinder, Agent, Alliance L. V. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha Gives you the reading matter ta Jir uu lilts iiuiug HHIUP, id which you have the greatest in- iciest lucuuiueuciik lusrar 'ot; lUCIilUCI Ul uja MUIUJi m periodical subscriptions. MARTIAL LAW AT CAIRO State Troops Guard Jail and Order la Restored. Cairo, 111., Nov. 13. Thtj arrival of tht state militia apparently cowed the spirit of tho duBpornto men who lnched Will James, 11 negro, find Henry Salinor. No attompt hns boon mailo to storm tho county jail, whore Aitluir Aloxnndor, a nogro Implicated by .Innios In his confession In tho kill ing of Miss Ann,lo Pelloy, Ib confined. Tho Jail Is surrounded by mombors ot company K of Cairo, ami tho differ ent companies of tho militia ns thoy nrrlvo nro liolng stationed along the btreets whore the "mob congregated during the night. Many citizens, whllo cot.uom.nlng the notion ot tho mob, nro satlstiod with tho night's work. Mayor Parson! snld ho did not anticipate nny furthoi trouble, ovon though Alexander is Uo Ing kept hero. Five other companion of tho stnto mllltta arrlvod and it Is expected tho S00 men will bo able to prevent any outbreak. Tho city Is now quiet No effort has boon nmdo to loam the identity of tho lynchors. BOY BANDIT A NOVEL READER Wounded Victims at New Albany In Serious Condition. Louisville, Nov. 13 The condition of John K. Woodwatd, president ol tho Merchants National Hank of New Albnn, and Jumis Tucker, tho nogro chauffeur, who were wounded by Thomas .lefforsou Hal, tho boy bandit of l.oulsIllc, In tho lattor's sonsa tionnl attompt to rob tho bank, is practically unehange-,1. Piosldont Woodward is in a serious condition. The negro In not expoclod to lle. llnll, tho bandit, who will have to answer luMr for the murder of J. Han gury Fawcett, the cnshlor of the bank, takes his arrest coolly. Ills stepmoth er, who Tisited him, was naked what sort of novels the boy read. "Oh, 1 don't know their names," wae the reply, "but he always kupt three or four new ones In tho house. As fn&t ns one -was road ho would trade It for another. Ho was never without thorn." BULLOCK IN SECOND ROBBERY Kansas Boy Bandit Kills Self When Cornered by Mob. Lawrence., Kan., Nor. 15. A curious crowd of people here viewed tho dond body of Earl Uullock, tho boy bandit, who committed suicide following the bold robbery of the State hank at Eu doxn, near here. ' During tho progrosB of tho Inquest William McKay, tho fifteen-year-old Jacksonrlllo (Kin.) lad who took part In the affair, anxiously paced his cell in the county Jail here. McKay spent a restless and penitent night. Ho had uo further desire, he said, to be a "real rohbor like Bullock." Instead, he'lnquired anxiously as to the condition of Frederick Starr, the bank cashier whom Uullock had shot In the Jaw. For this crime, as well as that of bank robbing, McKay probably muKt suffer and ie realized tho fact keenly. McKay was relieved when told Stasr would recover. 'INDICT SUGAR OFFICIAL Officer of Trust Js Held by Federal Grand .Jury. New York, Nov. 13. James Bender nagel, for more than thirty years su perintendent of theHavemeyer & Elder refinery In Williamsburg, tho largest plant oF tho American Sugar Refining company, was arrested on a charge of defrauding tho gorernment by false weighing. The Indictment includes In Its terms also the co called big six Oliver Spltzer, Thomas Kehoe, Ed waid A. Boyle, Jena M. Voelkor, John R. Coyle and Patrick J. Bennsesy, all of whom have been previously Indict ed on similar charges. The six were BendemageP8 associates in the capac ity of agents and boss weighers at the Williamsburg plant. BOY BANDIT KILLS HIMSELF Running Battle Between Officers and the Lad. St. Louis, Nov- 15. For nearly an hour a boy bandit, identified by the police as Andrew Slander, who Is wanted In connection with the robbery of tho bank at Nova Scotia, Ralney River, Ontario, engaged four detec tives in a desperate running battle, which extended over three miles and ended In his suicide. BOLT KILLS FLYING DUCKS Missouri Farmer Picks Up Forty-six Dead Fowls After Storm. Chlllicothe. Mo., Nov. 13. During a heavy rain lightning kjlled a flock of ducks flying over the homo or Jacob Brunor, a few miles south of this city. Brunor walked Into his yard and picked up forty-six. Sentenced for Land Frauds. San Francisco, Nov. 15. Dr. G. W. Dwlnnello, a Republican presidential elector In 1908, convicted of conspir acy to defraud the government of pub lic lands, was sentenced by United States District Judge Do Haven to Im prisonment for one year In tho Ala moda Jail and to pay a flno of $1,000. Peary Gets Captaincy. Washington, Nov. 15. Commander Poary, tho Arctic explorer, will bo pro moted to tho rank of captain Oct. 20, 1910, according to Assistant Secre tary Wiuthrop of tho navy depart ment. On that date Captain U. S. G. White will be retired on account of age. Another Football Player Is Dead. Washington. Nov. 15. Archer Chris tian, tho 'eft halfback on the Univer sity of Virginia football team, who was injured ia the game with Georgetown, died frcn csrebral hemorrhage. NEBRASKA NEWS May Make an Example of De linquent Counties, NINE FAIL TO SEND RETURNS Vote Comas In Slowly Because County Officials Do Not Comply With the Law Railway Commission Will Look Into Giving of Pass to City En glnecr Dobson of Lincoln by Burling ton Railroad. Lincoln, Nob., Nov. 1C The state camnssing lioard may take a notion tp make nn example of ininu at the coun ties In this stute which continually and persistently refuse to sonil In tholr ilectlon returns according to the law. The law specifies Just when these re turns must be made to tho atuto board and thero Is a penalty nttnehod unless that law is complied with. The conntloB which delayed sanding In returns are the following: Boyd, Douglas, Flllmoiu, Furnas, Holt, Hook er, McPheraon, Nance and Scott's Lluff. It was reported unofficially that Jioiiglus had sent down its returns, but tho package failed to got to the 8eietary of state. Of tho othors, six lime sont In the original returns, but failed to send in duplicates, so they wire not oponod until tho stnto can assiug board mot today. Engineer Dobson's Pass. When tho stnto railway commission gets ovor Its present rush of work it may find tlmo to Investigate tho nc ceptnnco of a pass by City Englnoor Adna Dobson of Lincoln from tho Bur lington to make n trip to the wost end of tho Btato. Tho railway commission has Interpreted tho law to mean that porsonB eligible to recolvo a pass must deoto a major portion of tholr tlmo to working for a rallrond company or memberB of their Immediate fnmllloa dependent upon tht in. As Mr. Dobson is city engineer of Lincoln, tho com mission bus not yet been nblo to figure Just how he could ho devoting a major portion of his time to tho business of the Durllngton railroad. Tho fact thnt tho pass was given to Mr. Dobson was shown in tho report of the railroad to the commission. STREET CAR HITS HEARSE Coffin is Thrown Out and Smashed In Accident at Lincoln. Lincoln, Nob., Nov. 15. Whllo tho funeral of Mrs. L. W. Burke, a Lincoln woman, was proceeding to Wyuka cemetery the hearse was run Into by a street car within a short distance of the cemetery. The casket waB thrown out of tho hearse, which was badly smashed, and rolled Into the road. Tho covering over the face of the corpse was broken and the glass fell onto tho face. When the casket fell the corpse was turned onto Its side. When the relatives realized what had happened they became hysterical nnd the body wbb rushed to the receiv ing ault, where Undertaker Roberts rearranged the corpse Tho husbnnd of the dead womnn announced thnt he would prosecute the company for carelessness. Wnlton G. Roberts, the undertaker, hns made several complaints, ns have other un dertakers, of the cnrelessnesB of tho street car company In rushing their cars through funeral processions. FIVE BANDITS FOUND GUILTY Convicted of Robbing Union Pacific Train at Omaha. Omaha, Nov. 12. Tho five men. William Mathews, alias Marvin: D. W. Woods, alias Dan Downer; Fred Tor Benson, Frank Grigware, alias Gordon, and Lawrence J. Gordon, alias Jack Shelton, charged with holding up the Union Pacific passenger train and rob bing the mall car at Mud cut, outBlde of tho HmltB of this city, on the night of May 22 last, were found guilty by the Jury on all counts, The case has been on trial since Oct. 25, during which time tho gov ernment presented more than a hun dred witnesses. The closing nddressos to the Jury were made by Attorney McFarland for the dofense and District Attorney Goss for tho proaecullon, after which Judge T. C. Munger gave his Instructions. May Play Ames and Missouri. . Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 1C The athletic gossip at Nebraska points to a resump tion of games with Ames and Mis souri. Tho Ames gnme was dropped this year for no other reason than that the two managements could not got to gether on a date. Ames has boon play ing Buperb football in recent years and tho Cornhusker studonis nre in Bisting upon a resumption of relations with Ames. Missouri, too, 1b Borjously In prospect. Aged Groom Kills Himself at Lynch. cynen, .eu., .Nov. 15. Ike Pete, fcged eighty five years, commlttod sul ld here because of a "spat' he had with his forty five-year-old bride, whom ho had married in Illinois two weeks ago After the quarrel ho walkod to the back door and shot himself pete hnd been prominent in north Nebraska for thirty years. McGrath Killed by Cars. Grand Island, Neb., Nov. 15. Louis T. McGrath, a prominent employee- of tho Union Pacific and highly esteemed among his fellow craftsmen, was killed in the local yards by be'-? crushed between two cars whllo switching. r AVERY TO HELP MILLERS " Regents Will Send Chancellor to Des Moines Bleached Flour Hearing. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 15. Chancellor Satnuol Avery of the University ot Ne braska will givo export testimony iu tho famous "blenched flour" case at Dob Moines this week. Ho will repro Bout tho Nebraska millors who nre do. fondants In tho cftso. Tho Dos Moines case la that nrlc.n.. from tho o.dnion volcod by Seen tit: Wilson of the of agii-ul ture, In which he declan'd t.te Uit.u 1 lug process Injured the tli laitti ol flour to such an extent as inakf ir unfit for us under the pm food Ihws At his direction a shipment of Nrti.HL ha flour that had h'en iiim bed, aitu his decision, as iseUed b govern mont officials, The Nebraska millers and the jro ernment have agreed to make the D a Moines hearing a test case, each ld having promised to abldo by the do clslou rendered at tho Iowa capital Since the stoppage In lows both sides hne been gathering testimony to glvo nt tho trial and tho Nebraska millers, almost ns soon ns tho Hour was seized, called upon ChamHlor Avory to help them out by rIvIiik tho results of his investigations with tl.3 blenching procoss. Before he accepted tho chair of chancellor, Dr. Avery was head of the department of chemistry nt the state university, and during tho onrly patt of his teaching csroar ho tested the rf fects of bleaching and ctfmo to the con elusion that the process objected to by Secretary Wilson has no lnjurto is effect on (lour. Tho regents regnrd the flour case ns ot greatest Importance to the stnt n a whole and they havo ordered the chancellor to do all ho can to help the millors. Just now the milling buslp'-ss Js one of tho hlg industries of thr stale, employing many people and rorf rosonting much capital. If Secretary Wilson should win tho case at Dca Moines tho whole milling industry In Nebraska would bo practically ruined, for unblonched Nebraska flour cannot stand competition with certnln other brands which nro not grently afftitrd by tho blenching process. . GAINES SLAIN IN HIS HOME This Is View Expressed by Omaha Of ficers at Work on Case. Omaha, Nov. 12. That James Gaines, the negro clubman, was mur doied within his own homo, is the firm belief of tho detectives who nro in vestigating the enso. They attribute this belief to the fact that blood was lound within the door of tho Gaines residonco nnd from recent domestic difficulties in which Gnlncs and his wifo have been involved. It hns now been determined thnt Gnlnes was first shot In front nnd tht remaining shots fired as he lay face downward on the ground. Mrs. Gaines nnd her daughter are still held at police headquarters, but have not been formally charged. Becaime of the maudlin curiosity in the killing Coroner Heafey decided to hold the inquest In the police court, being convinced the morgue would be far from !agc enough to accommodate the crowd thot Is suro to attend. Charles Story, a white man, recently discharged from the Nebraska ponl tentlnry, wob shot and killed by Will Inm Smith, a negro, whllo trying to break Into tho lattor's room. Smith fired through the door. BARTON'S INSURANCE FP3HT 8tate Auditor Opposes Ccipnti .s fcr Sale of Stoc'x. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 12. Stnto Ami Itor Bnrton is opposed to InBiirnccv compunles Belling stock through agents whose pay Is taken out of the money paid for the stock. Along the same lino ho will ask for legislation making It Illegal for any Insurance company to transact business .in Ne braska whose capital stock has not been fully paid up and to prohibit any Insurance company hereafter formed to do business In the state if the cost of Its organization nnd stock spies has exceeded 5 per cent of the totnl sum contributed by the stockholders. FIRST FALL SNOWSTORM Northern Nebracka and Southern South Dakota Covered. Norfolk, Neb, Nov., 13. A driving snowstorm, tho first of tho season, de scended last night. The storm covered northorn Nebraska and southern South Dakota and wbb accompanied by a de cided drop In temperaturo. Reduced Rates for Corn Show. Omaha. Nov. it; special railroad rates will bo given for the National Corn exposition from nil points In the east, noith of the Ohio river. Tho Central Pnssenner association hns an nounced a rate of a fare and one-half lor the round tilp from Its entire terri tory. This rate will arcommoJato a large number of people who expect to attend tho corn show, as excursions are already being worked up from In uiana. Ohio and Illinois. This will 1 .ake the round trip rate from Chicago Ij umana ?15. Ncbraskan Building Flying Machine. isonoiK, .ob.. Nov. 15. David Smith, a farmer from Itevoro. Gar field county, Neb., gave a contract to W. C. Ahlman, a Norfolk mechanic, to build n new style aoroplano, which he has been Inventing four years and has Just patentod. Tho machine Is worked by bicycle pedaling, and tho wings flap up and down. Smith paid Ahlman 100 as evidonce of good faith. Pellagra Victim at Durham, N. C. Durham, N. C. Nov. 13. Miss Mag gie Hutohins died hero of pellagra, mailing the tenth victim of the dlease. Italians DnuiStore Patronized by oareful and discriminating buyers (SKESaSSEailSKlBuSBvSJitfa The one place in town where you can buy really good chocolates sscsBsisSiSasemjssxsawssasss FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPES? (Tinit 1114 I4J0-Z4 imncc ctrmu emu. III 'UllklL! ill FAIR PRICE MDC Hum WE AR FREE FROM LICE. FOR SALE BY P. J. Brennan Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD Alliance, Nebraska. 'Phone No. 5. HAVE YOU PAID YOUR PERSONAL TAX? Taxes are due Nov. 1. Pptcnnni taxes delinquent Dec. 1. Land tax delinquent May 1. Interest 10 per cent from dato of delinquency. Real estate advertised for sale the first week in October and sold for taxes the first Monday in November. In all com munications i dative to taxes, please give description of property. Frbd Mollring. Co. Treasurer. LEGAL, NOTICK In nutrtct Court of Box itutto county, No- In tliu tnutter of the application of J. F Keiuiu, (luaitiliinoftliq tfeUite of Willlura J Koauft, 11 minor for pcrtnUMun to soil roul vniuit). On rt-dillnf ami filing tliu petition, dulv verified, of X 1'. KV.,.10. (HmrdlHij " f l "l c Ve son and eUtt of U llllmu j Koiino. a minor fori ecnwt sell the following drltKWruui ohtatt; sltiiHttA 111 tlib -omitu- 0f Iticlinntan and I ox Jlutte. tho lund In Itlehurdson coun ty lwliiBdfM.-rli.eU br Ijtn NuwlM-r'Ihruo of the NortliHPht Quarter of footlon Thium! .."'i. ',Jav-'rc"0,hl,s,lhBat Quarter r. t"' 1"rtwe,,t,Q',wr ot bald Section 'I hrefl. nil In rowi.ilili) No Thn-o. Itanso Six" twn In wild HlelmruSein county. " ' tho lima In llux Hutte county uolngdoscrlu ed HK the Puuiiiunkt Quarter of tMctlonHl? Snld potlt 011 w,U.s Hint &&! luuds iuiiv Go Mtldaml thu pnicvedK iietllii other ways for tho reai.n that the looMiif; aftw! Uids and collection of tho rents tuororrom Is MtoiidiM with juch oxpoiiM. luiouTuKtno wh laii.1 unprintable for w,IJ uihiurVthesild Uuid!, Uelns: fcltuated nt t,o jrreut it il Ltu ice apart, that kkuu ,erMm in 11. L oim.Iored tS look Hftr mo mo which uiukos tho expense of atu-udlns to too collection of rentaaiid looking afmrmld funds vry t-rout. ?f WW pli.ur. -T,d m fm'S" iff QUALITY 7 S KT27B9 ain w.iuie appear i.oror mo at chawlier. at U.'u A,011'1 ",",e '" tbi- city of Ilughvlllo ' beridun County, Nebraska. , In tho istUdiy of Ihi-enilwr. I'.Mt, at H o'clock In tho forenoon and .how i-auke. if any there bV. w 1, "the p" er of Mild petition should not boKranteaaud IcciiMj IsMiudto MiUJJ K Jeane. UuardUu t0ii Z1!1. lu,lds for ho. PurixJso wt forth. It 1 further ordered that a copy of thu or der ho personally iurri-l 011 all persons lntJl sted in said .ato at lwis ' CurtS' uS before tho dato set for tho hearing a ad ouh! t Val.cJ1 ttt nj,mbers In said Sheridan countv this a day of November, 1009. ,or,uun unty .V W JS8T0VSK. .IUda of fP ov.u.4Mw S&to'Sa 1&X II