Hlalo Historical Society The Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska.- Official Publication of Box Butte county. ni m-mm VOLUME XVI. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1 THURSDAY, NOV, II, ISI09 NUMBER 48 I In hi 1 HE DEA un is what you owe yourself. You are not doing this when you are not saving" part of your earnings. Your savings represent your labor and really is "STORED LABOR." " STORED LABOR" is a fund which gives you advantages when opportunity' offers. "STORED LABOR" is a fund which will carry you over periods of adversity. Do not draw on your unknown future, but store against it by de positing a part of your earnings with The First National Bank B E LOCAL PARAGRAPHS PI BUSINESS LOCALS. WWAn'W Fall plowing in small tracts and gardens done satisfactorily. Call on Oliver Countryman or phone 154 red. 38-tf- . We bnild you a bouse in 6 days, all complete, first-class, 5-rooin size, 22x30, only $436,000. Call, leave orders, at ii7 Box Butte Ave. Anderson & Donovan. 48-it Eight room residence in good town ip western Nebraska for sale or trade for land Renfs for 20. Phone 58. ' 45-tf IfflL Wfffl3 Wl'i We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. Hotel Alliance will serve dinner to Thanksgiving parties from 1 to 8 n. m. Luncheon 1 1 :30 a. m. to 1 p. m. Kindly order a few days in advance. Phone 388 Menu will appear in this paper next week THOS. V. KELLY j Mgr. Hot Chocolate The kind that is good, pure, rich, delicious and whole some. After an afternoon of shopping or exposure to this raw, fall weather a cup of our hot soda gives re newed energy and strength GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Carriage and Automobile Robes. Plush robes are now on sale at Geo. A. Hills' harness shop. 1 will sell two patterns for the price of one. I want to show you my plush robes, they are the best you ever saw. Don't buy, but come and look. tf I have two second hand pianos for sale at unheard of prices. One of them used but a few months. Crush nr easy payments. T. J. Threlkeld. uv you warn a sewing macmnei' l can sell you one cheaper than anybody, Call and be convinced. T. J. Threlkeld. Wanted Two or three carpenters, thirty cents an hour and board. In quire at Hemingford postoffice. Henry Lovelaud, Hemingford, Nebr. 42-tf LEGAL NOTICE Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. fVV,rTHwHn,,WV',VT,JMrV "' SKREAMER& KENNEDYf DENTISTS. 4-OBice in Alliance National Bank Dlk X Over Postoffice. 'Pboue 3gi, .frM"M'i-M'-M--M"l- In District Court of Uox Butte County. Ne braska. In the matter of the application of J. V. Koano, Guardian of the estate of William J. Keane, a minor for permission to sell real estate. On i reading and flllnjc the petition, duly verified, of J. V, Kcano, Guardian of the per son and estate of William J. Keano, u minor, forliceiiMitMsll thu following described real estate situated in the counties of Richardson mid llox JJutto. the land in Richardson coun ty bolne descried it It Number Three of the Northwest Quarter of Section Three, and the North ten acres of the Southeast Quarter .'.'. u' ,0l'wet Quarter of said Section 'Ihrre, all In Township No. Three, Range Six teen in said Richardson county. Tholaiid In Uox HuttHConnty beliiKdcscril ed us the Southeast Quarter of Section Six teen, lownshlp Twenty-elKlit. Raniro Fifty, bald petition asks that said lamia may he sold and tho proct'eds Invoked In other ways for tho reason that tho looking uftor tho said lands and col taction of tho rents therefrom Is attended with such expense as to make the said land unprofitable fur suld minor, the said lands belnu situated ut so great u distance apart, that some person must b employed to Initio lift.., tlui t.1..... I.I.I..I. .... ' .. i. ""'" ""- mimes 1.110 expense of utteudlnx to the collection of routs und lookini; after said lands very great. It lstliereforo ordered that tho next of kiu of said minor, und all persons Interested In euid estate appear liefore wo at chamber ut tho lourt House In the cltr of Rushvllle. t herldan County, Nebraska, on the loth day of locemler, llwy. ut I) o'clock In the forenoon and slum cause, if any there be, why the pray er of said petition should not bocrnutoJ und license Issued to said J V. Keune, Uuardlun, to sell said limds for the purpose set forth. It is further ordered that a copy of this or der bo personally served on all persons Inter ested In said eattato at least fourteen days before the date set for the hearlug, und pub ilMicd oncb each week for tlireo successive weeks In The Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed, publlsheJ and circulating In Hox Uutte County, Nebraska. . 1 , i1? Ht tinawoerf In said Sheridan county this e day of November, IB09. W. 11. NVestovkh, Judge of . .. . l,le Ulstrict fourt. Uox rp Nov,U-8-3w Uutte County, Nebraska. Mrs. Dr. Hand is unite ill. Another Picture Sale Saturday, thp 13th, nt Darlings. W. C English loft yestsrdny for Chadron on piano business. Fifty cent framed pictures and mottoes for 35 cents at Darling's. C. Bilgen of the .Mounts & Vinsol barber shop is very sick with tonsilitis. Mrs. Ella Hawkins and family aro moving into the J, R Phclan residence. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Libby's address is now Wciscr, Idaho, instead of Boise. Fred Brennan went to Mnrsland this noon to look after plumbing busi ness. Kalph Thomas has accepted a posi tion in the postoffice fls special delivery clerk. Mrs. Brice, mother of our towns man, A. G., is visiting at her sou's home. Thirty-five cents buys a half dollar picture at Darlings next Saturday, the 13th. Mrs Mastrude of Lakeside is in the city making final proof on her .home stead. Dr. Campbell and family are moving into their new modern home near tho academy. Peter Rubeudall made a business trip to Madison, returning on 4: this morning. See the window display of pictures at Darling's. Special Sale Saturday, the 13th, J. C Berry of Reno passed through Alliance Saturday on his way to Crawford. The Daughters of Isabella will meet in regular session at their hall to morrow (Friday) night. Harry Troupe will begin duty at the Spade store, Ellsworth, Nebr., about the 20th of this month. Ernest Young, night clerk at Hotel Alliance, has been ill for a couple of days and is temporarily off duty. Mrs. E. J. Reeve?, who has been bick since nov. isi wiin a complication of ailments, is recovering slowly. Tom Harris and wife of Rapid City, S. D., spent Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. J. A. Hunter, of this city. The Herald makes weekly visits to" the home of Mrs. M. S. Jameson, York, Nebr., since the first of the month. J. H. Brown, having moved to his homestead in the Star ranch neighbor, hood, orders his Herald sent to less, Sheridan county. Mr. and Mrs. A. C Brice welcomed a baby girl to their home last Thurs day. Heretofore the family bad con sisted of two sturdy boys. Frank Brown is another Herald subscriber whoBe name was recently added to our list. Also, the same may be said of Joseph Henricks. Mrs- Dan O'Keefe was called to Kansas City the first of the week in response to a telegram announcing the death of her sister's husband. John Liska of Dorsey precinct was at the land office today to make final proof. He was accompanied by John Kinsella, who was a witness for him. "Mine Host" Brown, proprietor of Brown's hotel, Dalton, and rustling implement dealer of that enterprising young town, was in Alliance Monday. Miss Mayme O'Keefe will entertain a party of young ladies at dinner at 6 o'clock this evening in honor of her cousin, Miss Mae Coleman of Clinton, Iowa. Mr Coates of the Dolan Fruit com pany, Grand Island, is in town today accompanied by H. D. Legget, the former traveling salesman of that com pany for this territory. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Barnes received word yesterday from their son in Los Angeles that a baby was born to them and mother and child were in excellent health. Miss Nellie Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Allen, who has been sick the past three weeks with typhoid fever, is slightly improved at this writing. The names of L. E. Mark, S. Krzyz nowski and Carl KohrmaD, Alliance, and Thos. Tuchek antl Chas. Tuchek, Hemingford, have been added to the Barnes -Mr. Hcr.ikl's subscription list since our last issue. They keep a coming, but wc still have room for more. Now is a good time to subscribe if your name is not already on our lie t. Landlord Drake and Mr. Coats, a traveling salesman, left this morning for a few days' hunting in the lake to gion twenty-five mllos southeast of the City. C. V. Wilticy of Homingfortl tins secured n position with Watson & Wat son, and is moving his family into rooms over tho Palace moat market for the present. Mrs. N. Pedorsoti and little daugh ter, who have been visiting at the home of Judge and Mis.- Bullock, re turned today on No. 44 for their homo ftt Ravenna. The new Rumer building when com pleted will be occupied by F. J. Bren nan, the druggist, and tlio south side by S. V. Bolte, the jeweler, who is now located in the piano store. Miis Hazel Beck spent last week in Lincoln, where she met her sister, Miss Inez, principal of the Vnlley, Nebr., school. . Together they visited old ac quaintances and attended the State Teachers' Association. Mrs. Jerry Rowan maintained her reputation as a clever hostess by en tertaining about a dozen friends at her home Tuesday evening. Light refresh ments were served and tho evening was passed most pleasantly. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Barnes returned Monday from a visit with Mr. mother at Jefferson City, Mo. and Mrs. Barnes and daughter, May, expect to leave in a few days for Los Angeles, Calif., to spend the winter. We are in receipt of an invitation to the fourth annual grand ball of the InternationalAssociation of Machinists, Point ot Rocks lodge No- 602, Alliance, to be held in the Phelan opera house, Thanksgiving eve, Wednesday, Nov. 24th. Mr. and Mrs. C A. Newberry were passengers 00 44 today for Omaha, where Mr. Newberry bad business matter that required his, attention They were accompanied by. .Mrs., John, Rcardon, who will visit in Omaha fpr several days. Dincen, Rubendall & Young sold on the street last Saturday two stallions, as previously advertised, although the prices realized were not considered sat isfactory considering the intrinsic value ot the animals. Jos. Manion purchased one of them for $445.00 and Mr. Snow got the other for 275.00. W- K. St. Helen of Clark county, So. Dak., is in Alliance today. He wishes to secure a homestead in this country, but we think he will have a hard time getting one, unless he can find some one who will relinquish or a claim that can be contested. Land is getting too valuable in this country to lie vacant. The two daughters of Wm. Morris, who were called here to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Dadny Crilley, returned to their homes in North Dakota Sunday. Mrs, A. E, Swanson goes to Barlow and Mrs- Mc Cue to Carrington. The ladies re turned by way of Omaha and Minne apolis, where they expect to visit rela tives. B. C Rapp of Moffitt called at The Herald office today and left a couple of plunks, which Beta him ahead on subscription. Mr. Rapp has engaged in experimental farming to some ex tent, and finds the growing of white beans quite profitable, especially as a sod crop, They do well in his neigh borhood on cultivated land, but are particularly profitable on sod, as that cannot be used for some other crops which can be grown on old ground. Mr. and Mrs. John H, Burnette of Logansport, Ind., came in on 304 Thursday of last week and remained till Monday noon of this week, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don B Waguer. Mr. aud Mrs. Burnett are step-father and mother of Mr, Wagner. From here they went to Fort Collins, Colo., for a visit with Mrs. Nellie War ren, a daughter of Mrs. Burnette. Mr. Burnette is an extensive farmer of Cass county, Ind., and one of the county commissioners, and could not spare the time for a lenghty visit in the west, but expressed himself as being well pleased with Alliance and what he saw ot Box Butte county. FARMERS' INSTITUTE -AT- OPERA HOUSE ALLIANCE, NEB, NOV. 19 AND 2009 W. E. SPENCER, Secretary FRIDAY AFTERNOON SESSION ' 1 :oo Potato Diseases ----- Dr. II. M. Wilcox, University of -Nebraska 2 :oo Field Management for the Potato Crop Mr. C. L. Fitch, Fort Collins, Colo. 3:00 Suggestions to Cooks About Cooking (with Cooking Demonstration) ." ;j Miss Gertrude Rowan, Lincoln EVENING SESSION 7:45 Vocation of Women 1 8:30 Diseases of Field Crops - SATURDAY AFTERNOON SESSION Miss Rowan Dr. E. M. Wilcox 1 530 The Feeding and Handling of Dairy Stock Prof. A. L. Haeckner, University of Nebraska 2:30 Management of Land in Western Nebraska - j Prof. E. W. Hunt, Syracuse EVENING SESSION 7:45 Commercial Dairying ' 8:30 Agricultural Education Prof. Haeckner JVr6f. Hunt i- Following each subject there will be 15 minutes for dis cussion and exchanging of experiences by members of the institute. Every progressive farmer is anxious to get new ideas about the growing of crops and. live stock produced on the farm. The women are equally anxious to become better cooks and household managers. The object of the Farmers' Institute is to create new thoughts along these lines, to promote better agriculture and encourage the upbuilding of more attractive country homes; to increase the production and profits and awake an interest in the important problems of rural life. These meetings are held under the auspices of the University of Nebraska and the Alliance Farmers' Institute Association, and are FREE to all. EVERYBODY INVITED Official Vote of Box Butte County, Nov. 2, 1909 A 1 liance 1 a & Kniest, Dem... Mounts, Rep.., Mollring, D.. Pilkington, R. Berry , D Everett, R . . . . Cox D. . . . . Wiker, R. Reed, D Phillips, R.,.. Hamblin, D.,.. Hazard, R. . . . Mitchell.-D.... Blagle.R 138 108 239 00 213 82 102 112 101 140 207 79 122 174 109 113 107 50 150 57 132 94 143 75 158 55 125 94 00 10 28 11 20 14 20 14 28 12 29 9 19 20 30 20 50 12 49 14 48 10 33 25 37 23 20 35 u PJ o 55 u B c c tf tri 3 c o a 34 81 90 23 00 03 53 05 54 50 45 05 48 50 03 30 GO 32 57 39 51 44 03 27 81 01 11 34 20 25 14 29 13 31 11 32 13 31 13 31 13 13 22 "4 17 19 14 13 13 14 10 10 18 8 14 33 32 15 20 21 24 22 21 20 23 22 24 221 5 11 10 8 7 0 10 7 9 3 13 0 9 14 10 17 0 14 9 18 12 14 11 9 14 11 29 18 30 11 30 10 27 20 27 19 33 12 29 17 403 579 704 208 082 330 015 485 500 472 051 840 472! 547! 110 408 349 180 88 311 75