The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 28, 1909, Image 2

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' Japanese Statesman Killed by
" Bomb Thrown b; Korean.
President of Southern Manchurian
Railroad and Japanese ConBul
General at Harbin Injured Newa
Causes Great Grief and Consternn-
tlon at Toklo Framed Imperial
Toklo, Oct. 26. Nowb has boon re
ceived lioro thnt Prince Ito was as
sassinated nt Harbin. Ho waB killed
by a bomb thrown Uy a Korean. Tho
JnpaneHO consul general nnd tho pres
ident of tho HoutUorn Manrhurlnn rail-
road woro woundod. Tho news htia
caused great grief mid conBtenmt,ton.
Prlnco Ito was porhapB tho greatest
Btntostnnn of now Japan. The achieve
nicut with which his namo has boon
chlolly associated' in tho minds of oc
cidentals was tho framing of the Im
perial constitution, by virtue of which
Jnpnn took her place for tho flrBt tjmo
in tho ranks of modem civilized states,
Prlnco Illr)bumi Ito, wlio waB prOBl
dont of tho privy council of Japan,
loft ToUio Oct. 10 for a tour of Mnn
churia, He was duo to nrrlvo at Har
bin today, whoro ho waB to have mot
M. Kokovsoff, tho Russian minister of
finance, for an .Important conferenco.
Otto Mueller Admits Killing Annie
Luther Over a Year Ago.
Now York, Oct. 20. Otto Muollcr,
who under tho namo of Fred Gebhardt
was arrested at Astoria, L. I., for the
murder of Annta Luther, whoso skele
ton was found a week ago last Sun
day night Jin the woods' near Islip, L.
I., confessed that ho shot Aunlo
Luther in tho woods near Day Shoro
on April l), 1008.
"I told Annie Luther," confessed
Mueller, "out at Bay Shore that I was
married and had a wife and two chil
dren and that I must lenvo bor and go
back to my wife. 1 had taken her
down to Day Shoro to show her some
proporty. She screamed and ran after
me. She kissed mo and pulled mo
back. I shot hor then. I did not look
at hor after that and I don't remem
ber "whether I Bhot hor moro than
onco. I left hor in tho woods after
I shot hor nnd I went over to tho Isllp
station and camo homo. I threw tho
rovolver out of the car window on tho
way home."
Rebel Forces Victorious In First
portant Engagement.
Dlueflelds, Oct. 25. Uy wireless to
Colon. Tho llrst Important battlo of
tho revolution occurred between tho
forces of General Chamorroro nud 1,
000 of Prcsldont Zelaya's troops. Tho
eceno of the engagement was on the
San Juan river, near Boca do San
Carlos. Tho robela won with slight
losses. Tho government forces lost 100
killed and 300 wounded. Tho rebels
captured two Krupp siege guns and
400 rifles.
News has been received from tho
interior to the effect thnt President
Zelaya Is recruiting and mobilizing
troops nt Managua. Apparently nono
of his army Is enrouto to tho Atlantic
coast. General Chamorroro is ad
vancing slowly into tho interior,
strengthening his forces as ho goes.
Officer Claims Congo Natives Are Tor
tured and Killed.
Tlrussels, Oct. 25. Now atrocities in
the Congo independent state have been
revealed by an officer of a rubber com
pany. He charges that between 1907
and 1909 a number of the company's
agents tortured and killed many na
tives, posted armed sentries, chained
and imprisoned tho nntlves for them
to work nrfd burned' villages. The
mlnistor of the colonies has ordered an
Wisconsin Capitol Building Collapses.
Madison, Wis., Oct. 25. Daniel Lo
gan of Chicago met instant death in
the collapse of part of the -new Wis
consin state capital building horo.
Thrw hundred tons of granite foil
soventy feet and Logan was In tho
r- --. l.vtj.::!-n wore slightly
1 1 i !.e laiuaso la $5J,000.
Says Det.olt Physician Accused of
Murder Tbrv Three 8acks In Creek.
Detroit, Oct. V.G.- CliauRour Josoph
Lonrh nt tho oxamlnatlon of Dr.
George A. Frltch on the chargo of man
slaughter In connoctlon with tho myB
terlous dnalh of Miss Maybollo Milk
man lostlflod that ho took tho physi
cian to Kcorso creel; n his automobile
nnd Hint Dr. Frltch throw Into tho
crook three Backs which thoy had
brought from his oflVce.
It was aftor I.each had made a con
fession to the police B3veral woeks
ago that Dr. Frltch wns rearrested In
connection with tho death of Miss
Mlllman. Loach tostlflod thnt on Aug.
27 Dr. Frltch telephoned for him and
ho wont (o see tho doctor. Ho testi
fied the physlcjnu told him he was In
trouble; thnt ho wanted a friend to
help him. Then, said Leach, Dr.
Frltch asked if ho knew of any deep
water readily accessible.
"Have you been killing somebody?"
Leach said ho nsked him.
"You aro not supposed to know,"
was tho answer, Leach said'.
Loach then told tho story of the
rldo to Kcorso creek and how Dr.
Frltch hnd thrown tho body In. Tho
testimony vnrjott only slightly from
loach's confession already made pub
Said to Be Taft's Choice for Supreme
Court Vacancy.
Washington, Oct. 2G. Unless all
BlgnB fall and unless President Tnft
sots asldo nil precedents and appoints
an outsider who has not been men
tioned, Hornco P. Lurton, nt present
circuit J ud go of tho Sixth judicial dis
trict, which includes flio caBlcrn nnd
tho western districts of Michigan,
will bo appointed as tho successor to
tho lata Justico Pcckham to tho Unit
ed States supremo court. Henry F.
Soverns of Kalamazoo b also men
tioned In connection with tho supreme
court judgeship, but It is not believed
thnt President Tnft will select tho
man from Michigan. President Tnft
nnd .1 ud go Lurton served together on
tho Sixth judicial circuit nnd tlUs fact
would' Bccm to lndlcnto that the presi
dent, will select the Tennessee mnn
for tho vacancy In tho high tribunal.
Company Throws Up Risk on Life of
Missouri Mayor Involved In Feud.
St. Louis, Oct. 20.- Mayor Koy C.
Woods of Wcllston, St. Louis county,
received notlco from nn insurance
company that it had cancelled hla ?5,
000 policy.
Mayor WoodB bollovcB tho action
wns caused by two recent political
feud shootings In Wcllston. Tho life
of Mayor Woods is insured for $40,000
nmV hla will provides that in event ho
dies at tho hands of an assassin "Jo
soph W. Folk, former governor, shall
receivo $1,000 nnd flvo other lawyers
$500 each to prosecute his slayers and
thnt tho ofllcer arresting his slayer
shall receive $2,500"
Chicago Physician Faces Charge
Killing His Wife.
Chicago, Oct. 20. Dr. Haldano Clem
iiiBon, charged with tho murder on
May 30 last of his wife, was placed on
trial before Judge McSurely here.
On tho morning of Mrs. Cleminson's
death Dr. Clentfnson telephoned to a
physician that he and his wlfo had
been chloroformed by n burglar; that
Mrs. Clemluson was dying nnd that he
was very sick. Twenty-lour hours aft
er Mrs. Cleminson's death the physi
cian admitted that ho had Invented
the burglar story. Ho said ho had
done so to save IiIb children from tho
stigma of their mother's sulcjde.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chicago, Oct. 25. Bearish weokly
statistics and liberal receipts In this
country had a depressing effect today
on tho wheat market and pricoa de
cUned Oic. Corn and oats were also
weak. Provisions woro tlrm. Close:
Wheat Doc, $1.04; May, $1.04'j.
Corn Dec, 59Vtc; May, Cl'Cl!K,c.
Oats Dec, 40c; May, 42tf042c.
Pork Jan., $18.95; May, $18.07..
Lard Oct., .1Xli, Jan., $11.20.
Ribs Oct., $11.10; Jan., $r.3.
Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard
wheat, $1.08!). 1.13; No. 2 corn, 61 V4
C6PJic; No. 2 oats, -iOVi iff 4094c
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Oct. 25. Cattle Receipts,
26,000; steady to a shade lower;
beeves, $3.858.90; cows and heifers,
$2.00(ff5.75; Texas steers, $3.804.9C;
stockers and fcoders, $3.0006.10;
westerns, $4.OO07.25. Hogs Receipts,
24,000; G10c higher; bulk of sales,
$7.7007.90; light, $7.250S.O5; mixed
and butchers, $7.4508.00; heavy, $7.35
8.00; rough heavy, $7.3507.7&;
yorkors, $7.6507.75; pigs, $5.5007.30.
Sheep Receipts, 40,000; weak; na
tives, $2.4004.80; westerns, $2.75
4.85; yoarungs, $4.40:. 10; lambs,
$4.2507.20; westorns, $4.507.15.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, Oct. 25. Cattle Re
ceipts, 8,300; 10c higher; native
steorst $4.6008.00; cows and heifers.
$3.0005.00; western Btoors, $3.50
6.25; stockers and foedors, $2.8103.10;
cnlvos, $3.50'7.00; bulls and stags,
$2.7504.50. Hogs Rocelpts, 2,300; 5
ClOc higher; hoavy, $7.6607.65; mix
ed, $7.5007.55; light, $7.4507.00; pigs,
$6.5007.25; bulk of sales, $7.5007.60.
Sheep Receipts, 13,000; 10015c high
or; yviirllcst. $4 " V waUitfrg,
Sint.J.fiS. twi. ZVckTc, lambs,
Fifteen Vessels Start From St.
Louis to New Orleans.
Greatest Pageant Ever Pulled Off In
Effort to Force Upon Congress Reali
zation of Need of Deep Waterway to
the Gulf Large Number of Senators
and House Members Included In the
Escort President on Oleander,
St. Louis, OcL 26. President Tnft
Blarled his 1,200-mllo trip down tho
Mississippi river last evening to the
tooting or whistles and the cheers of
thousands. Fifteen big steamboats,
benrlng a noble escort, swung out bo
hlnd tho little Ughthouso louder Ole
ander, on which tho president Is quar
tered. Included In the oscoit are the
vice president of tho United Slates,
two cabinet mombors, n score of Unit
ed SUUoh senators, four representa
tives of foreign nations, tho Bponker of
the house of representatives, with 176
of Ills follow congressmen, and hun
dreds of prominent business men of
tho middle west. It Is the greatest
show thnt was ever pulled off In an
effort to push legislation through con
gross. Tho excursion is running under
tho auspices of tho Lakes to the Gulf
Deep Waterways association and Ib to
end nt tho annual conferenco of the
association In Now Orleans. As Gov
ernor Hndloy of Missouri describes tho
trip, It Is for "exploitation and investi
gation." Taft to Make Eight Speeches.
Mr. Taft himself hardly regards It as
a pleasure trip. Tho president is ac
companied on tho Olennder only by his
secretaries and tho secret Bervico
gunrd. He Is scheduled to mnko eight
speeches on tho trip, hut ho will havo
to Bpnro his voice If ho expects to
speak above n whisper on tho last lap
of his trip.
Somo Idea of tho size of this excur
sion may bo gleaned by the stuff that
had been placed In tho steamer'B lard
ers before It left.
There woro 2,000 pounds of fresh
meat, 120 gallons of oysters, 2,500
pounds of fish, 280 bushels of potatoes,
1,920 dozen of eggs, 2,400 pounds of
butter, 55,000 clgnrB and w.lnes and liq
uors unostlmnted. On tho boats carry
ing tho governors from tho Mississippi
valley states and' tho congressmen
wero n fow peculiar looking tables,
with green cloth covers. Ono of tho
St. Louis pnpers says they nro poker
tables, with "niches for chips, stands
for bottles nnd' n depression in tho
center for tho kitty." It will be a
four days' run down tho river.
Taft Takes Rap at Cannon.
Prcsldont Taft served notlco on
Speaker Cannon that tho old "pork
barrel" method of apportioning the
hnrbor and rlvor appropriations to tho
congressmen with a pull will have to
cease. The speech caused a sensation
nmong tho 177 congressmen nt tho St.
Ixnils meeting, who regarded it as a
direct Blnp at tho speaker.
Somobody wanted to know of
Spcnker Cannon before he sailed what
ho thought of tho fight tho insurgents
wero making ngainst him. "Get out
your pencil and write this down,"
said ho, which was done, as follows;
"Old Paul, you will recollect if you re
fer to his Joumoy, finally Btruck an at
titude and said: 'I havo been impris
oned, punished wjth stripes, met with
robbers on ono hand' nnd have been
shipwrecked and have met tho beast
of Ephesus, hut nono of nil these
could discourage me.' That is nil."
Twelve Hundred Delegates Interested
In Work Arc at Billings, Mont.
Hillings, Mont., Oct. 26. Tho dry
"farming congress opened with nn at
tendance of 1,200 men who aro Inter
ested In tho raising of grain and vege
tables where there js lltlo rainfall.
AH railroads operating in tho coun
try havo their high officials In attend
nnce. Exhibits of products from Colo
rado. Canada, Wyoming, New Mexico.
Utah, Oregon, Washington and other
states show what can be accomplished
under adverse onditlons.
Dies In Attempt to See President.
DallaB, Tex., Oct. 25. Deputy Coun
ty Clerk Louis llqlchenstotn, who was
bayonetted by Sergeant J. D. Manley
of company E, Third regiment, Texas
national guard, during tho crush to
see President Taft, died from his
wound. Manley Is still In Jail, with a
chargo of murder against hjm. He de
clines to talk for publication.
Indian Killed In Battle.
Muskogee. Okln., Oct. 26. Barricad
ed In a school house full of children
near Sleeper, Okla., Jack Willis, a
young Cherokee Indian, fought a bnt
tie with officers, resulting in his death
nnd the probable fatal wounding of
Deputy Constable Tuck Ketcher. Wil
lis resisted arrest for a trivial offense
Two Killed by Street Car.
Canton, O., Oct. 26. Mrs. Hiram
Snyder of this city was struck by a
street car and instantly killed. Mrs.
Mary E. Hortlng, her companion, was
also hit by the car, both legs being
severed. She died about an hour Inter.
Chorus Girl May Recover.
Washington. Oct. 26. Mrs. Evelyn
Short, tho chorus girl shot bore by hor
husband. William H. Short, who after
wni ds committed suicide, is In n seri
ous condition, but has a nshtiu.5
chenrp to recover.
Groceries and Provisions
Fresh and Cured Meats
kytlif tie fe
Northwest Corner Box Butte Avenue
and Montana Street
Best Equipped, Most Upto Date Exclusive
Meat Market in Western Nebraska
Shop open from 6:30 a. m. to 7 p. m.; Saturday and pay .days,
open till 9 p. m.; not open on Sunday during winter
Prompt Attention to Phone Orders
We purchase good dressed beef and pork in the carcass. Gall
at our shop before selling
The Leading Dealer in
Phone 50
Mces Big
1. W. Herman, Prop.
Miss Rose C Herman
Cashier and Bookkeeper
Jos. Skala, - Meat Cutter
Jake H. Herman - Stock Buyer
Louis Skala j Sausagemnkers
Joliu Herman S and Butchers
Win. C. Herman - Delivery Boy
Phone 131
Residence Phone, 375
.' i
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