V v IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY YOUR groceries, from a Relable House We have the BEST of everything good to eat Our Prices are Right Yours for a square deal, A. D. Rodgeis $XKaHSSZSSXBiQXXSZIuEZEEfiZ2Z2C2iZATCtSLZ3i aisaa?W!K4Swiit Good' Things to Eat eoeeae4a AT A I Plimin ! I9 ! Desch's I9 j eS On the corner west of P. O. seS EVERYTHING FRESH AND CLEAN On SATURDAY, OCT. 16th we will receive by express a fine line of PEESH PEUIT BUY A Gem City Cook Stove (Sold in Alliance 18 years) It has a very large Oven. Is a splendid baker, and has the lat- est Patented Grate, that will not warp or get out of order. NEWBERRY'S Hardware Company YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS MORE SETTLERS And it will be of great benefit to your community if you will send me the names and addresses of your friends and old neighbors back East who may be interested in MONDELL 320 ACRE HOMESTEADS GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED LANDS IRRIGATED CAREY ACT LANDS Just send me their namesand addresses and I will mail them valuable literature about these lands and how to take them up. BH Palace Livery : IT. I?. COURSEY, Prop. (Successor to C. C. Smith) one in . ok wrst oi Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, THF. ,n v ziiiNDEN and courteous treatment to all lias won for us the iil'II.ikn'G. '1'iioiic excellent patronage we enjov. Trv us. ZBZssss&EBEsaea eeaoosaso I Plinnn I D. CLEM DEAVER, GENERAL AGENT Land Seekers Information Bureau, Omaha, Nebr. am COOK TO CLEAR HIMSELF Says He Will Climb to Top of Mount McKlnley Again. Now York, Oct. 18. Dr. Frederick A. Cook, in nccordanco wjth his an nounced policy, did not lonvo town last night, as ho had planned, ngnln to take up his lecturo tour, but re mained at tho Waldorf. Ho announced that ho was going to cancol all tho lctturos ho could nnd fight the detrac tions that have risen against him. lie made a start on tho latter part of this program by appearing boforo n meeting of tho Explorers' club, which has in hand tho question whether or not Dr. Cook really d,td climb Mount McKlnley back in 190(i. Dr. Cook wanted to know whether any charges against him had been (lied at tho club that he had not made the climb. Tho doctor said that ho wanted to nnswer such charges if they had been made. If they haven't bcon regularly filed, ho didn't want to put himself on tho do foiiBive by producing his proofs. He wnB told that no regular charges ban been preforred, hut tho qitostlon hav ing arisen as to his claim through tho recont statomonts of tho guide, Bar rill, nnd others, an investigation was in progress with regard to tlijat ques tion. Dr. Cook said that he was going on with his plans for another expe dition to Mount McKlnley to pruvu tho validity of bin claim. ROOSEVELT TO PEARY Ex-Prcsldent Says He Performed One of Greatest Feats of Ages. Nairobi, Oct. 1(5. Colonel ltooso volt sent a cablegram to Commander Peary at Portland, Mo., saying: "I deeply appreciate your cable and congratulato you from my heart. All Americans, and indeod nil civilized mankind are your dchlora. You per formed one of the groatest feats of tho ages." Tho Roosevolt party arrived horo from north of Guaso Niyro. All are well. Colonel Roosevolt hns killed three more olophants, completing the group intended for tho Smithsonian in Btltution at Washington. Kormlt Itoosovolt killed two olophants nnd an exceptionally large rhlnocoros. JEFFRIES ON WAY TO AMERICA Must Fight Johnson or Admit He Docs Not Intend to Re-enter Ring. Now York-, Oct. 18. Jim Jelfries w,ill bo compelled to make a match with Jack Johnson for tho heavy woight championship of tho world or admit that bo docs not intend to re enter the prizo ring. Jeffries Is on tho Lusitnnin, which will arrive hero Thursday morning, nnd' has promised to make arrangements for tho big fight without further delay. Johnson will be In Chicago probably by tho end of the week and says ho will bo ready to sign articles and post n forfeit to go as a side bet. Johnson's victory over Ketchel, the latter being knocked out in tho twelfth round, has put tho pugilistic situation squarely up to Jeffries. Ketchel did his best, under over whelming odds, but that was about all. Tho fact that he knocked John son down In the twelfth round showed that ho had his punch with him, but that he could not land' It on tho right spot, becnuse of tho negro's clever defensive tactics. The way Johnson cut loose his attack after being floored showed that ho did not have any yellow streak and was a slugger as well as a boxer. CHILDREN RETURN HOME Little Ones Kidnaped In St. Louis Brought Back by Their Fathers. St. Louis, Oct. 18. Grace and To masso Vivlano, who were kidnaped from their homo here Aug. 2, arrived homo in tho company of their fathers. Tho mothers of tho children, who aro cousins, bnd many other relatives and friends were at the Union station to greet them. Tho children wero showered with kisses nnd their mothers held them in their arms en route to their homea. Specinl services of thanks were held in St. Charles Borromeo Catholic church in honor of tho return of tho children. Theichlldren were found wandering aimlessly on tho streets of Chicago by Detectivo Stephen Parody. Tho po IJIco heliovo that the kidnapers had tho children secretr.j 41 a secluded sec tion of the city un.T turned them loose when efforts to extort ransom failed. NICARAGUAN REVOLUTION Chile Falls and, It Is Reported, San Carlos, Also. New Orleans, Oct. 18. A specjal from Blueflelds, via wireless from Colon, said: Tho town of Chile, an important point twenty miles nbovo Nama, Is in tho hands of tho insur gents. There was sharp firing long before the place was taken. Tho lead ers of Zelaya's forces and Estrada's force wero both killed. It is roported that San Carlos, a strategic point on Lake Nicaragua, has been captured by Insurgents. Meat Packers Convene. Chicago, Oct. 18. Tho fourth an nual convention of the American Meat Packers' association was opened hero today. Five hundred delegates from all parts of tho country have ar rived. Governor Deneen welcomed the delegates at the opening of the convention this morning. Pirates Win World's Championship. Detrcdt, Oct. 1C Once more tho National Baseball loague Is triumph ant. Tho Pittsburg Pirates today won tho championship of tho world by boating tho Dotrolt TIgors in tho sev enth and deciding game of tho sories, S to 0. NEBRASKA NEWS Bank Guaranty Law Held In valid by Federal Court, MICTION MADE PERMANENT Judges Vandevcnter and Munger Hold Statute Illegal on Two Points Can not Prohibit Private Banks From Conducting Business Guaranty Fund Contravenes Constitution. Undecided on Extra Session. Lincoln, Nob., Oct. 18. Tho Ne braska hank gunranty law, unacted by tho Inst legislature, is invalid, tho fed oral court decided. Judges Vando ventor nnd T. C. Mungor handed down n decision nlllrmlng tho decision of tho lower court nnd making porma nent the temporary Injunction grunted by tho district court preventing thr law from going Into operation. Tho court holds tho provisions whjolt forbid nn Individual from on gaging in the stnto hanking business without incorporating Is In violation of the fourteenth amendment to tho fedoral constitution and soctlon a, ar ticle 1, of the Nebraska constitution, us i tho entorced contributions to tho guaranty fund. Inasmuch us those two foaturoB of the law wore Inducements to tho pas Hiige of tho act. tho court hold tho cntlro net Is invalid. Tho decree makes tho temporary injunction perpetual nnd tnxes tho costs of tho caso to tho defendants, Governor Shallenborgor and tho mom hers of tho stnto banking board and tho secretary to tho bnnklng hoard appointed by tho governor, Samuel Patterson, who nover sorved. "I shnll not say whethor 1 will call an extra session for tho enactment of another lnw or not until I hnvei road the decision," said Govornor Shnllonhergor when told of tho de cision. "If the decision points out tho weak points of tho lnw, and they appear to he fatal I may call an extra session." Move in Surety Bond Case. Attorney G-onoral Thompson filed an nflldnvlt In tho federal court, signed by John M. Gilchrist, resisting tho application or tho American Sure ty compnny of New York for a tem porary injunction to prevent tho newly created Btato bonding board from regulating tho rates charged by surety companJeB In Nebraska. Mr. Gilchrist is a certified public account ant nnd during tho Inst eight years has spent considerable time auditing and' adjusting accounts of surety com panies. After tho legislature created the board ho was employed by tho bonrd to assist in making up a sched ule of rates to bo charged In Ne braska. SILICA 8AND FOR THE WORLD Furnao County's Big Bed Draws Buy era From East. Bcavor Cjty, Neb., Oct. 16. Tho beds of silica sand near Beaver City, comprising several hundred acres, have been opened and the sand Is be ing shipped In carload lots to Cam bridge, Mass., where it w.. bo used by a largo manufacturing concern, but for what purpose has not been disclosed'. These beds of silica have been known for yenrs. In 1802 op tions wero securod upon them by n largo concern at Cleveland, O., and several carloads wero shipped eaBt, it was claimed, to polish glass. This scheme was abandoned nnd tho op tions expired. Later some of tho silica was sent to Denver, where a soap company, under n flaming name, adver tised it ns a "nntural soap" doposit, accidentally discovered. Tho bods of silica In the enstern part of tho county were purchnBed by the Cudahy Pack ing company and aro now being ac tively worked, tralnlonds of tho stuff going to the company's plants, wnorc it Is used In tho manufacture of a cleaning preparation. If tho product is as valunblo as claimed, Furnas county can supply tho world. SYNOD TAKES UP APPEAL Committee Investigates Location for New Church at North Omaha. Minden, Neb., Oct. 18. Tho commit tee appointed by tho Presbyterian synod to Investigate tho location of a now church in North Omaha will make its report today. This comes up on appoal from tho presbytery by tho church convenant. The commttteo on foreign missions reported progress in its work. Tho report was accepted and tho recommendations adopted. The progress of the synod thus far has developed that tho church gener ally ,1s in fine condition throughout the state. Advance Is made in all branches. It will take up the work of the coming year following this synod and make still greater progress. Grain Growers Interested. Hastings, Neb., Oct. 19. President Nelson of the grain growers' depart ment of the American Society of Equity, who rocently issued a call for a national conference of grain grow ers In Indianapolis on Nov. 15, said that letters ho has received from many points in tho western states In dicate that the attendanco will be large. Tho proposition to enlist farm ers and cooperative elovatora In a concerted movement has attracted much attontlon in the local unions, and definite proposals to bring tho in stitutions together nro expected to be ndvancod at the national conference. JOHN80N HELD FOR MURDER Such lc Recommendation of Coroner's Jury In Frankland Case. Omaha, OcL 10. Tho coroner's Jury in tho caso of Houry H. Frnnklaml or Chicago, who was murdorod nnd robbed in tho railroad yards nt the Union station Wcdticadny night, rec ommended tho holding of Thomas Johnson, tho negro now under arrest. Johnson is a veteran of tho Spanisn war and draws a pension for disabil ity. Tho testimony against Johnson as introduced was entirely clrcunnstnn tinl. Wltnossos appeared who ic. i fled that within nn hour after Frank laud was killed Johnson was wiping blood stains from IiIb coat at tho Hum boldt hotel, at 1411) Dodge street, whore ho spent tho night ufter the killing. The knife with which tho killing is RUpposcd to havo boon done was introduced in evidence nnd iden tified by Dolley Walker, a negro worn nn, who declared thnt Johnson ban stolen it from her 'at hor homo on Tuesdny boforo tho killing. Johnson maintains his sumo atti tdt nnd stands on his original Btory to tho olllcer, denying tho murder abso lately. Tho prisoner was returned to tho city jail. Tho (into of bin arraignment hns not been determined upon. CLUB WOMEN TALK OF HOME Miss Bouton of State University Gives a Lecture on Her Work. Lincoln, Nob., OcL 16. Tho Fedi-r ntlon of Women's clubs spent a goid deal of Its tlmo discussing tho makin, of tho home. MJtoH Ilosn Bouton of the department of domestic science of the Stnto university gave a lecturo on hor work, which was of intonso interest to tho ylsltors. Miss Bouton explained what 1h being done to ndvnnco tho young women of tho state in tho af fairs of home making nnd hor work was given tho Indorsement of many of tho women. A. L. Mains, stnto food commission er, gavo a lecturo on his work, in which ho told tho women how ho was trying to moko it possible for thorn to secure puro food for tholr husbands. A feature of the session was tho disciiBBlon ovor tho proposi tion to take Into tho federation tho auxiliary organizations of tho farm ers' inBtittltCB. C. H. SMITH PLEADS GUILTY Plattsmouth Postmaster Acknowledges Making False Voucher, Omnhn, Oct. 19. Chcstor II. Smith, postmaster nt Plattsmouth, appeared before Jud'go T. C. Munger In the United States district court and en tered n plea of guilty to an indictment chnrglng him with submitting a fnlso and erroneous account nnd voucher to tho auditor of tho postofllco depart ment. He was fined $1,000. Tho flno wnB paid boforo Mr. Smith nnd tils at torney left tho bujldlng and Smith was discharged' from custody, Mr. Smith had been postmaster of Plattsmouth for about twelve years. The specific chargo on which ho wns Indicted was of pretending to havo paid to Mb assistant postmnstor, Mnbol C. Truessler, tho sum of $250 for the quarter ending Sept. 30, 190G, securing hor receipt for that amount, when, in fact, ho paid her but $1C0. NO 8ALOON3 OR PREACHERS Warfare at Pender Results In Banish ing Both From the Town. Pender, Neb., Oct. 15. Tho keeper of tho Pender Liberty club was ar rested and tho goodB seized by the sheriff. Tho Pendor Llhorty club came Jnto existence Boveral months ngo, after the saloons wore closed. It3 membership consisted of about 15.) people. James Maloy was tho keeper or dispenser for tho convenience of Its pntrons. Itov. C. S. Hughes 1b the complaining witness and is crertlte with closing nil tho salootiB. HIb iw vi field of operation, ho says, is tho bott loggers. Ponder prenchers and saloons nre : tho same boat, In that there are uoii here at tho present Umo. Ths c . HIct hns eudod In tho disposal of-hot LIGGETT SUED FOR $1D,C0O Held Responsible for Death of John '.'. Campbell by the Widow. Omaha, Oct. 14. Guy H. UgRnV has been sued for $15,000 in tho dis trict court' by tho wjdow of tho man killed in an automobllo nccldent when Liggett wnB driving the cnr. Mrs. Mary Campbell, who was the wife of John M. Campbell, Is suing as tho administratrix of his estate. Her petition avcra that her husband met death through Uggett's careless ness last August. It recites that Lig gett was an inexperienced driver, thnt ho caused his car, an electric, to trail a street car and that he not only knocked Cnmpboll down when tho lat ter got off tho street car, but that Ug gett's car Btruck him a second blow, which was tho cause of death. FARMERS SLOW TO HUSK CORN No Accurate Estimate of Crop Can Be Made as Yet. Omaha, Oct. 16. Nobraskn farmers do not seem to bo In a hurry to husk their corn, being engaged in other work and no further estimate can bo made of tho crop, although what has been gathered shows good condition. Rainfall has been gonoral over the state, putting the sojl in oxcc-lleut con dition for fall plowing. Thero is no complaint anywhero concerning tho condition of tho winter wheat crop. Seeding began in earnest attor tho rains and that which was sown before the rain is in fine shape. I IHWIIWW l.iLJUl J U..U ton nan's Patronized by careful and discriminating buyers The one place in town where you can buy really good chocolates t&zsnzmmzmttmsemv&ssaa i'HrMl'yfiilyAu mi FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER rm)r 1114 1420-24 LffWPfRCt DtNVtD COIO n j iliUHils ji FAIR PRICE P:LJSE nu. MARK ,WE ARE FREE FROM LICE. FOR SALE UY F. J. Brennan Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ...WOOD 'Phone Alliance, No. 5. Nebraska. Z Al Wiker AGENT FOR 1 Graud Island Granite! 5 11(11 II T 1 I ,e ( All kinds of Granite and Marble Tombstones and Monuments. Lower prices and less freight than from firms farther east HAVE YOU PAID YOUR PERSONAL TAX? Taxes are due Nov. i. Personal taxes delinquent Dec. i. Land tax delinquent May i. Interest xo per cent from date of delinquency. Real estate advertised for sale the first week in October and sold for taxes the first Monday in November. In all com munications relative to taxes, please give description of property, Fred Molliung. Co. Treasurer. Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can guarantee all work done by him. Don't trust your work to travelling repair men. This man will be hero permanently. Re. pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling. FIRST Hill M8M " 'rlOHr &2 aoe Mr v te ii it mhkiwii- works