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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1909)
nmw njismi W iiss 3wr-pi' -jwwi tfvntsjiwjtn; ? j.t I, M i it !i 1 MILLION Lady Cook IV. iiing to Part With , Fortune in Suffragette Cause, TELLS OF PLANS FOR CAMPAIGN. Given Enthusiastic Welcome on Her Arrival In Now York Bays She Has More Faith In President Taft Than In His PredecessorWill Go to Washington and Have It Out With Nation's Chief. Now York, Oct. 19. No moro flnnn olor or politician or oxpioror evor re colvod a welcome that could hold n cmmllo to tho one tho Atnorlcnn suf fragettes got up for I-ndy Cook, form erly Miss Tcnnossoo Cinllln, who was n pnssongor on tho liner Celtic, which nrrlvod horo. It Boomed, indeed, as If overy pas Bongor on tho Celtic wns a suffmgotto sympathizer. Tho crowd on deck got bo excited over "Tho Star Spangled Bnmior" and "Dixie" and "There'll Ho n Hot TJmo In tho Old Town Tonight," Unit thoy encored und tbo crowd on tho dock, who had come down to say how do you do to personal friends, Joined In tho shouts of tho butTrnsottoB. A squad or doputy surveyors aim In spectors escorted Lady Cook down tho nanir nlnnk and a roar ol enthusiasm burst forth. Tho executive committee 1 of tho National Progrosslvo union es corted Lady Cook to a taxicab nnd Btnrted immediately for hoadquarters. Tho rooms of tho union and tho en trance to tho houso had been olnb oratoly decorated with messages of welcomo In rod lmmorteis. Aftor ton minutes of work on tho pnrt of tho cameras, a recoplJon wns hold. Then Lady Cook told n Uttlo nbout her plans for tho coming cam paign. "I linvo moro faith In Presi dent Taft than I hud in his prodocess or," sho said. "He doesn't think that ho is tho only important thing in tho country, and ho hns a bright mind. I think ho will listen to reason and that ho realizes that tho timo has como whon tho women of America must bo rcckonod with. I will not .heat nbout tho bush any longer hut go to Washington and' hnvo It out with hlin. I shall probably take a houso thoro In Docomher, and shall start n campaign similar to tho ono that my Btstor and I carried on in the 70s. I am going to devote my life and my fortune to holpjng women to win the ballot, nnd I am not going to stop nt anything thn.t I think will further my aim. I intend to spend $1,000,000 on tho election of congress." FOUR PERISH IN BARN FIRE Fatal Blaze at Wichita Believed to Have Been Incendiary. Wichita, Knn., Oct. 19. Pour men wore burned to death and ono was fa tally burnod In a food yard fire hero. Tuo dead: W. R. Keppllnger of Olustce, Okln.j Alonzo Verllng of Wichita; Juntos Gilmoro of Wichita; unidentified man. Fatally burned: Fred Georgo of Wichita. The men wero nslcop In tho hay In a bnrn which wob destroyed and' par iBhod there Thirty horses burnod to death, but the property loss was small. The 11 ro Is bolloved to have boon of incendiary origin. SEVEN MEN ARE KILLED Bolter Explosion Resulted In a Bad Disaster. Eldorado, Ark., Oct. 19. Soven men wero hilled and throe other persons wore Injured, two fatally, when a boil er at the plant of tho Grldlu Milling company exploded. Tho steam register, It is Bald, failed to registor tho ovorllow of steam, which made it Impossible for the en glnoor to gauge tho ii:cso.iro properly. Parts of tho mnchjnory woro blown groat distances from tho building. FREIGHT CARS IN RUNAWAY Kill Brakeman and Seriously Injure Conductor Near Sheffield, Mo. Kansas City, Oct. 19. Five loaded freight cars ran awny down tho steop Missouri Pacific grade from Independ ence, Mo., ton mllos east of Kansas City, and crashed Jiito the caboose of n westbound freight train a mllo north of Shofllold. Garnett Moore, a brake man, was killed and John V. Grlffln, conductor, dangerously injured. New Jersey Banker Gets Five Years. Trenton, N. J., Oct. 19. Eugono It. Wiltbank, tho former teller of tho Sec ond National bank of Atlantic City, who Inst week pleaded guilty to tho charge of ombezzling $7,000, was sen tenced to five years' Imprisonment. Ssattle Exposition Closes. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 18. At mid night tho 150,000 electric lights of tho Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc exposition wero put out, closing tho world's fair of J 909. The total attendance was near ly 3,750,000. Dies at Age of Ninety-one. Galesburg, 111., Oct. 19. Mrs. Maria Blake Ringleka. a Daughter of the Revolution, died here, agod ninety-one years. Her father, Francis Blake, fought wjth the continental army. Death Toll Is Nlncty-five. NMhvIlIe, Tonn., Oct. 18. Figures received' show there were ninety-five people killod and 100 injured In the recent cyolono In Tennessee, Alabama nnd Georgia. ILL! LIEUT. SHEAN DISAPPEAR fiurao Connected With Army Post at Fort Crook Also Missing. Omnhn, Oct. 1!! -Lieutenant Daniel Slior.ii of the Sleenth Infantry hns dlBnpponred from Fort Crook, Nebras ka, whero ho wns regularly stationed, leaving behind him a wlfo and' two chlldron. Holon Bucklln. a trained nurso connected wjth the army post, Is nhsent. Lieutenant Shean Is thought to hnvo fled to Moxlco. Lieutenant Shonn wbb regarded as ono of tho host lnwyors in tho nrmy and wbb solcctod by the dopartmont to dofond Corporal Crabtrec, recently coiirt-mnrtlnlod for killing Captain Raymond nt Fort Dos Moines. .TRAGEDY AFTER BANK CRASH Cashier Kills Self and Mother-ln-Law Drops Dead at Sight of Body. Mineral Point, Wis., Oct. 19. F. E. Hansrom, cashier of tho wrcckod First National hank of Mlncrnl Point, shot nnd killed himself. Hnnscom's re mains wero Immediately removed to tho homo of his motner-in-law, Mrs. .John Gray. At tho Bjght of tho bony, Mrs. Gray dropped dead. SInco tho falluro of the bank Hnnscom has boon working night and day and wns very despondont. EVANGELISTS IN TENDERLOIN Gypsy Smith Leads Fifteen Thousand Christian Soldiers. Chicago, Oct. 19. Fifteen thousand men and women praying for Chicago's dollvernnco from sin invaded tho ton dorloln district of this city last night, led by Gypsy Smith, tho cvnngelist. Until long past midnight tho public meetings woro conducted nnd many men nnd women yielded to tho on tronlles of tho exhorters to como for- ward and promise to lend hotter lives JAP BANK FAILS AT FRISCO Ascots Amount Only to 15 Per Cent of Liabilities. Snn Francisco, Oct. 19. Tho Jnpa-neso-Amorlcnn bank, ono of tho larg est bnnka n tho west, with branches In Los Angelos and Ogdon, wns closed by Stnto Banking Superintendent An derson. The bank's assets amount to only nbout 15 per cent of its liabilities. Most of tho depositors nro Japanese. TRAGEDY FOLLOWS SCANDAL Enraged Husband Shoots Wife's De tractor and Kills Himself. Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 19. En ragod becauso his wlfo had been men tioned in a scandal, Josoph NnJmnnJl of Fairfield, said to have been tho youngor son of n Russian nobleman, shot and probably fatally wounded John Ecka and then committed sui cide. Death of Mrs. John Jay. Now York, Oct. 19. Mrs. John Jay, mother of tho Into Colonol Wllllnm Jny, died In this city, whero sho has mndo hor homo for many years with hor daughter, Mrs. William S. Schlef folln, and her granddaughter, Mrs. Theodore M. Taft. Mrs. Jay was in hor ninety-first year. Risk Company Loses Appeal. Washington, Oct. 19. Tho supremo court dented tho petition for n writ of certiorari In the caso of tho Mutual Llfo Insurance company of New York vs. Lucius II. Perkins of Knnsas, In volving a policy or $100,000 on tho llfo or Mr. Perkins, who committed sui cide. Slain by Fist Blow. KniiBns City, Oct. 19. Mark Dunlap, n commission merchant, was killed by n list blow near tho city market hero. Ills unknown nssallant escaped. King Manuel III. Lisbon, Oct. 19. King Manuel b confined to his bed with nn intestinal trouble. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Chicago, Oct. 19. Wheat prices succumbod today to the colossal world's shipments, Docomher closing ilT(tC lower. Othor grains ruled slightly higher nt tho close, although starting with bearish figuros. Pro vls.'onu followed n drop In llvo hog prices and finished weak. Closo: Wheat Doc, $1.05Vi; May, $1.0G& Corn Dec, SOVjc; May, ClVjc. Oats Dec. 4C; May, 42,c. Pork Jan., $1S.30; May, $18.07-. Lard Oct., $12.20; Jan., $10.92'i. Ribs Oct., $11.15; Jan., $9.62V6. " Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 rod wheat, $1.22; No. 2 corn, G0iGlVlc; No. 2 white oats, 4141lic Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Oct. lS.T-Cattlo Receipts, 30,000; 1015c lower; beeves, $4,000 8.70; cows and hedfers, $2.005.60; stockors and feedors, $3.0005.20; west erns. $4.0007.25. Hogs Receipts, 28, 000; mixed and butchers, $7.2507.80; good to choice heavy, $7.4507.85; rough heavy. $7.1507,35; light, $7,000 7.G5; hulk, $7.4007.75; pigs. $5.40 7.00. Sheep Receipts, 45,000; weak to 10c lower; sheep, $2.4004.70; lambs, $6.70(3:7.10. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha. Oct. 18. Cnttlo Re colpts, 9,300; steady; native steers, $4.7508.00; cows and holfors, $3.00 5.00; western stoors, $3.5006.25; stackers and feeders, $2.7505.25; calves, $3.7500.75; bulls and stags, $2.7504.50. Hogs Rocolpts, 2,500; U'c lowr; heavy, $7.37407.45; mixed, $74M?7.!0; light, $7.2537.40; pigs, $6.60f7.Q0; bulk or sales, $7.3507.40. She ?p Receipts, 29,000; steady to lower; yearlings, $4.7005.80; wethers, $3.90G.SO; ewes, $3.7504.25; lambs, $1)26G.S0. PRESIDENTS MEET Taft and Diaz Clasp Hands at El Paso, Tex. CEREMONIES ARE IMPRESSIVE Flare of Trumpets and Boom of Can non Announce Event to People. Mexican Executive is First Man to Speak Taft Begln3 Four Days' Visit With His Brother on Ranch Near Corpus Chrlstl, Tex. Gregory, Tex., Oct. 19. A wildcat hunt, a day'a tarpon fishing, motor boating, Jnckrnbblt chasing nnd golf are u fow of tho diversions In which President Taft is expected to lndulgo In In tho course of his four days' rest at his brother's big ranch hore. Tho president arrived hero at 9:30 lust night and will devote the next four dnys to having a good time. Falls City got tho first presidential baby kiss of tho Taft trip. Tho presi dent hnd managed to cover nbout 8,000 of tho 13,000 mjles of his Jaunt with out kissing a Binglc kid, but nt Falls City ho was cornered. Mrs. E. S. Wol- PRESIDENT DIAZ. soy passed her four-months-old baby up over tho rear platform railing nnd Iho president took it in his arms. Hav ing surrendered to that extent, there was no escape, with all or Falls City cheering, nnd tho president planted a generous kiss on tho child's cheek. Whnt evidence Is needed of Taft's can didacy for re-election? Presidents Meet at El Paso, Tho long-expected mooting between President Taft and President Diaz of Mexico occurred at El Paso, Tex., Sat urday. Outwardly It was attended with a display of soldiery, a flare of trumpots, a boom of cannon and n pomp of ceremony suggostlyo of bu premo authority, but In tho actual hand clasp of tho two executives and In tho oxchnngo of courteous words which pnssod from lip to lip, there was sjinple but cordial inrormality. President Dinz was tho flrst to speak. He assured President Taft of his warm personal regard. President Taft, in simple American fashion, de clared ho wns glad to meet President Diaz. Both dwelt upon tne cordiality of tho relations existing betweon tho United States and Mexico. In tho custom house nt Juarez Pros Jdont Dlnz received n return call from President Taft nnd ngnln lato In tho evening entortalnod tho American president nt a stato banquet. BUCHANAN DIES SUDDENLY Former Minister to Panama Found Dead on Streets of London. London, Oct. IS. Ex-Judgo William I. Buchanan, formerly American min ister to Panama and Inter special en voy to Venezuela, died in this city last night. Near midnight n policomau, who wns patrolling Pnrk Lane, found a man clinging to the railings outsldo of No. 1. Ho was unnblo to apeak and was very .ill. Tho policeman took him to St. George's hospital, where ho died before the doctors could aid him. Death was caused by heart dlsoaso. There Is no suspicion whntover of vio lence. The American embassy Is ranking nrrnnrements for his funeral. Parade of Bible Classes at Pittsburg. Pittsburg, 19. A great parade, fob lowed by a mass meeting of the blblo school clnsses from nearly overy stato In tho union, mnrked tho close of the last day but ono of tho centenary celo bration and convention or tho Disci ples or Chrjst. Gotham Ice Trust on Trial. New York, Oct. 19. The American Ice company, ono or tho largest ico concerns in tho country, which Is said to control hair or the ico trade in New York city and vicinity, went on trial on charges or illegal monopoly. Battonyi Divorce Suit Up. New York, Oct. 19. Tho suit brought by Mrs. Frances Work Bat tonyi for nn absolute divorce from Aurel Battonyi, the whip, Is on trinl before Justice O'Gorman and n jury In tho supreme court. Plague Victims in China. Amoy. China, Oct. 19. It IsofnclalIy reported that there woro sevonty-sovon deaths from the bubonic plague and sixty-four fatal cases of cholorn In Amor during tho last two weeks. JAMES The Leading Dealer in Groceries and Provisions Fresh and Cured Meats iveiytlif Northwest Corner Box Butte Avenue and Montana Street Phone 50 m W 1 This Space Belongs to tie I rift W ; PALACE MEAT Kild I It ill A ill ihe Bes MAh Read the Ad. Next - FSKKmufl Prices Rifbt Week 1 1" i nnnm W S 1 i N